Ing Uncovered

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Ing Uncovered Wednosday, May 3, 2000 Ul- ,11_1 fl, Volume 44, Issue 14 . VI)J.• ,j.j nCI. 1,·j , ••: f :•. : iO t.Q I;:" t·j .. ·· ,- j ,l.1I i. 1 \ I "J ,. / .. , I: '-~ I ! (:1"1 }I.:I! Opinion ..•..........•......•...... ,......•....•. ~.A8 Sports ...•..... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 81 Entertainment ................................ C1 Calendar ......................................... C4 Comics ............................................ C9 \ Dimensions ....... ~ ..... ,...... ,... ~ ............ D1 :t SHIFTING TRENDS SAILING THE SEAS ~ I, I' Wildcats softball is buck on Science, technology majors Music,ll "Anything Goes" CalHumia State University, Chico .. attmeting mOl'C stullcllts :1 track embarks this wcek-in Chico c. ! ~ SPORTS~ B2 DIMENSIONS ~ D2 ENTERTAINMENT ~ C1 ~'1 Possible h ing uncovered ... Debris' found along . defines 'hazing as "any activity which the rituill changes iI little bit every time. On a local level. thc fraternity will go ,causes or is likely to cause bodily dan­ . "Therc's always duct tape," he s'lid.' through u probationary period if they ure Sac River may indicate ger, physical harm, or personal degradn­ "This year's was a little different in caught, and for a more major offense, tion or disgrace." that it had the cggs and the flour und the results can be part-time suspension :The goldon ticket Greek involvement . Richard McGaugh. stule pnrk ranger. the I'aW meat." or permanent expUlsion from the IFC. Jason Kamp swayed uncom­ stumbled upon food and some clothing President of thc Interfraternity "On 'il nalional level, u minor offense fortably in the lobby of Chambers JESSICA JONES remnants Friday morning. while looking Council. John Smith, said he has no will result ill probation for the frat, (I step Cable's Chico office on Friday as Staff'lVrilor into putting a new acccs~ trail- down to knowledge of any hazing going on in up from that will be reorganization .md the single-file line in which he the beach from the parking lot urca ,IllY of the fraternities on campus; und National I-leadqumters will go .und was stunding inched toward cus­ ,Rolls of duct tape. bugs of flour, car­ because last year's trail had been that he becomes quickly aware or uny decide who thc bad und good seeds 'ure tomer service desk in the front of tons of eggs, packages of raw ground beef washed out. hazing occurrences. and get rid of the bad one·s." Smith suid. the room. and Greek paraphernalia were found As he looked down the bank and onto ''In order tn be a member of thc IFC, In previous years. McGaugh has Kamp endured the wait con­ spread (Ilong the Sacramento River's ~he Gravel Bar, he 110til:cd piles of there is 110 hazing allowed. If a fraterni­ found empty Jack Daniels bottles, cigar tentedly, however, for he knew the Griwel Bur ilfter what looked like a haz­ garbage. and went: to take. a clOSCI~ look. ty is caught hazing, their pUllishmel1l butts. and duct tape with single-edged payoff would be worth his time. ing ritual, a state .park official said. McGllllgh said this SOlt of thing hap­ depcnds on the degrce of what hus been His mission: to order the April The Clilifornia Education Code pens about the same timc caeh yeai', but <lolle:' he s,lid. HAZING~A2 29 Heavyweight Championship fight on. Pay-Per-View between Lennox Lewis and Michael Grant. But the mission was bound by failure. Once' he reached the front of thc line, Kamp, an exercise physi­ ology major at Chico State, was informed by a Chambers employ­ ee that Pay-Per-View events could be viewed only by customers who subscrib~ to the company'" digi­ tal-cable plan. And.: as a non-digital cable subscrib~r, Kamp was not eligible to receivb the fight in his hOlTIe pn East Eighth Street. Chico grad "The first thing that popped in .. my mind that pissed me off '... :. about that was that people who hiking for are paying for cable and can't afford digital have no other' . \'-, , . 'choice:"» Kalnp .. ~stiia:-·""If .. there' rainforest was another cable company in .town. I would have gone there REBECCA DEUEL and ordered' the fight in an Sellior Writer instant. But there's not, so we're screwed." With Earth Month wrapping up. the I In addition to charging about many events. activi tic, and forums pro­ I $43 per month for digital cable, moting environmental awareness huve Chambers' also requires a $36 probably left mnny pcoplc wondering installation fee be paid in advance what thcy can do to help. Not to for digital service. worry-it's rcnlly quite easy. Colleel n The'reason behind Chambers' few cans, pick up some trash, hike from transition to digital cable can be Mexico to Canuda. linked to the improved technology That's right. Mexico to Cannda. of new television sets, said Sean While most people nre contcnt to Hogue, Califomia regional man­ suve the planet through recycling, for ager for Chambers Cable. one former Chico State University Hogue said newer televisions stude'1t, environmcnt,li awarcness arc being built with a scrambling means a 2,658-mile' trek nlong the device that helps decode signals Pacific Coast Trail that will raise , that are intended for Pay-Per­ money to preserve acres of Brazilian View audiences. rainforest. Further, he said, the converter Brinn Henry graduatcd' frolll Chico L1"-< boxes that had been used in the State with a degree in earth science :.. ~ past proved to cost more money and a minor in business administra­ ..:~ than they were worth and were tion. Together with his friend Eric removed in November 1999. Hanson, ,I University of California, . Meanwhile, cable subscribers Santa Barbara graduate, Henry started like Kamp, who would pay to the Earth Dog Foundation, a non-prof­ see two men beat the hell out of it organization with a goal of saving .' one another (or any other PPV endangered ecosystems. event, for that matter), are given "This is like our first mission for but two choices: go digital or go,home. pcn·A7 . t,,:,: . ~:~ Ralldy Striegel Catl be reached at: [email protected]! 'Butterfly' lands in Chico BMU theft ~~ , 'I'" "Butterfly". Hill, Is it to promote "The Legacy of ~ Julia Hill shares her 24. Her book, luna," the book? experience of two-year "The Legacy' of No, The book and everything else I thwarted Lun,I," was do is to promote a message about per­ tree sit released in April sonal responsibility and personal NJESKA GATES and is an empowerment, how we, through ollr StajJIVriter JULIA SPIESS "extremely per­ choices, change thc world. What kind of Senior Writer ·sonal" depiction difference we can make lies within us. Rodney Baker and Chico State' 'of her life for University student James Fairlee broke She perched on a 6-by-8 platform two years ncar With this tree sitting, what was into the A.S. Bookstore Friday morning for 738 days in a t~ee sh$! calls "Luna," Julia Hill Stafford, Calif. it the basic .legislative or preser-' and were caught with handfuls of con- . as a statement for letting trees live and describes the vation aim? doms, candy and books, police said. , die as trees, without the interruption emotional, physical <lnd spiritual trans- When I climbed up Dec, 10, 1997, I Bakcr, 26, and Fairlee, 20, were· ';, . of the corporations, consumers or gov­ formntions that occurred . 180 feet thought I was going to be there three caught burglarizing the b?okstore at :'!:~ . ) ernments. above the earth in her tree home. weeks to a month . 2: 17 'I.m. by University Police Officer' /, t:: ; f Pacific Lumber tried to drag her Hill came to Chico State' Tuesday During th(lt time, I realized thut our Laura Linstadt-Denney while she was 9;~ f:; down with a twin propeller heli­ and spoke nbout her experience. forests and our world is in critical condi­ in.v~stigating an intrusion alarm that hUdJ': :....:.~i copter, so did El Nino with its driving tion and that I had to try to put my own activated. '. .' winds. Are you on a college campus life to that same position in an effort to She saw Baker and Fairlee fleeing the '. :~: But she perscvered for the preserva­ tour? help people understand how vital it is that building, one armed with a knife,~:,::/il tion of Luna 'and almost three acres sur- No, 1'111 just on an outreach, educa­ we get involved. according to a police repOIt. ' ':. ·1,:; rounding her. ' tion and networking campaign that· At that time I.gave my word that my Baker and Fai.rlce were held at gun':/ .' i:~\ . Other tree sitt6rs have lived in trees does include college campuses but ________________ •• ,- ;'. I.; '.' ;':,.\ for days but. none so long as Julia other things as well. HILL~ AS BMU"-A7 " ;'{!)' I, f,," "..t" ,~ ~~ ~ .... " , , . hl·1F \.;. .. ) \ \ . ~, I A2 The Orion' May 3, 2000 FROM~ Ai Bedlam itAZING:Animal Greek Week· springs into Chico for weekend of camaraderie parts~ razor blades:~~~~ fo"und on beach ' ::~:!~ .; ...... razor blades stuck to the tape. Most of thq ~:: duct tupe' found with razor blades also had::: clumps of body hair. ' : ::; : ~: "1 don't know what they were doing witl;1;:;:. ,.;.., the razor blades," McGaugh said. "There: ~ ; were some still stuck to the tape and some ' ~ .' scattered throughout the gravel. Real niqe;! ~ for people walking nround." ':: ~ ~ ~ . The group had a bonfir~this ye~r b1,l~ ~ !~ McGaugh wasn't sure what lts purpose wa);.:.:: 1\\'0 years ago MCG;lugh found a paddle:::: Me with Greek.letters and a person's nicknan1~ ~ :: carved into it, but McGaugh recently dis:: =: posed of it. : _~:: en , He said he tried to trace the orgariizatioq : :; through the university, but the university haq : :: z no knowledge of .
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    Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 5-30-2000 Columbia Chronicle (05/30/2000) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (05/30/2000)" (May 30, 2000). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Tuesday, May 30, 2000 ... Campus RIMBEIVED jam-Molly Finally: f\IIA¥ i8 qti28CJO BackP a~OLUMBIA COLJ....D;E LIBUARY College releases plan Jammin' at the Block Party for its new structure By Amber Holst Assistant Editor Plans were unveiled last , .. cck for a nc:'' struc­ ture for Columbia that will group together ccnuin depanmcnts that share both educational phi lnso­ ph ies and equipment. According to Dr. Samuel Floyd. provost Jnd interim vice president fo r Academic Atl1tirs. the plan is an enhanced structure for the college that will increase depanmental enicicncy. , For example. the Journalism. l'e lcvision. Marketing Communications, Management and Radio Depanments will be grouped togeJher under the title of Media and Management Arts. Meanwhile, Film. Interacti ve N\ltltimcdia. Academic Computing and the Souno Dc ~anmcnts will be grouped together under a Filrn Technologies banner.
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