House of Representatives
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10212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE OCTOBER 31 1286. Also, petition eontaining the signa Grant Thy guidance, 0 Lord, upon this gress in their campaign for election tures of 60 citizens of t~e Thirty-first Con Legislature. May all petty spirit and all promised to do something to improve the gressional District, St ate of New York, pro sectional division be lost in the larger pension conditions for the aged, the testing against the enactment by the Con blind, and the disabled of our country. gress of prohibition legislation; to the Com vision of the common welfare of man mittee on the Judiciary. kind. This .we ask in the name of the I ask that this bill come to the floor of 1287. By Mr. PLUMLEY: Memorial of Saviour of men, even Jesus Christ our the Congress and come soon. I am not Orleans Post, No. 23, American Legion Aux Lord. Amen. asking for a gag rule. Put all the iliary, Orleans, Vt., in opposition to the amendments on it you want, but let us establishment of national cemeteries in the The Journal of the proceedings of yes see that we do something for these peo various States; to the Committee on Military terday was read and approved. ple and do it now. Affairs. "LET US GET TO WORK!" 1288. Also, memorial of Orleans Post, No. WAGE INCREASES 23, American Legion, Orleans, Vt., in opposi Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mrs. DOUGLAS of California. Mr. tion to the establishment of national ceme unanimous consent to address the House Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad teries in the various States; to the Com for 1 minute and tc revise and extend dress the House for 1 minute and to mittee on Military Affairs. my remarks. revise and extend my remarks. 1289. By Mr. WHITTINGTON: Petition of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Rev. R. G. Lord, J. M. Quinn, and C. L. Rogers, the request of the gentleman from Mis The SPEAKER. Is there objection to committee, minist erial association, Methodist. sissippi? the request of the gentlewoman. from Church, Greenwood, Mississippi, district, for California? release of young ministers and candidates for There was no objection. There was no objection. the ministry from the armed forces; to the Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I have just finished reading one of the greatest [Mrs. DouGLAS of California addressed Committee on Military Affairs. the House. Her remarks appear in the 1290. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the speeches of its length ever delivered. Appendix.] . Vermont State Industrial Union Council, pe Yesterday, when President Jose Lin titioning consideration of their resolution hares, former Chief Justice of the Su COAL-MINING INDUSTRY with reference to endorsement of the Mur preme Court of Brazil, succeeded to the r ay-Patman full employment bill; to the Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, I ask Committee on Ways and Means. Presidency of that Republic, he was unanimous consent to address the House 1291. Also, petition of the executive com greeted by one of the largest throngs for 1 minute and to revise and extend mittee of the New Orleans Bar Association, ever assembled in Rio de Janeiro. my remarks. petitioning consideration of their resolution He simply stepped forward, and in one The SPEAKER. Is there objection to with reference to their endorsement of H. R. of the shortest addresses ever delivered the request of the gentleman from Penn 2181 and S. 920, to the Committee on the by any President of any country-con sylvania? Judiciary. sisting of only five words of one syllable 1292. Also, petition of the Board of Super There was no objection. visors of the County of Los Angeles, State each-he uttered this profound and [Mr. FLooD addressed the House. His of California, petitioning consideration of patriotic admonition: "Let us get to remarks appear in the Appendix.] their resolution with reference to their en work!'' He then retired to assume his burden DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO dorsement of the campaign of the Ifearst VETERANS newspapers to save the U. S. S. Enterprise some duties as Acting President of Brazil. as a national monument; to the Committee PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Mr. ROONEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask on Naval Affairs. unanimous consent to address the House Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania. Mr. for 1 minute and revise and extend my Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that remarks. tomorrow, at the conclusion of the legis The SPEAKER. Is there objection to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lative program of the day and following the request of the gentleman from New any special orders heretofore entered, I York? WEDNESDAY, OcTOBER 31, 1945 be permitted to address the House for 30 There was no objection. minutes. The House met at 12 o'clock n'oon. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. ROONEY. Mr. Speaker, when Rev. E. 0. Clark, pastor, Chevy Chase the request of the gentleman from Penn this House decreed that returning war Baptist Church, Washington, D. C., sylvania? veterans were entitled to preference in offered the following prayer: the purchase of surplus Government There was no objection. property, it was not merely rendering lip 0 Lord our God, Thou in whom we live Mr. BIEMILLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask service to the veterans. We meant what and I . .a.ove and have our being, we come unanimous consent that tomorrow, fol we said. The day before yesterday I seeking Thy favor in this hour, for we lowing any special orders heretofore visited the office of the Smaller War know that unless the Lord build the entered, I be permitted to address the Plants Corporation in Brooklyn and house they labor in vain that build it. House for 20 minutes. found that, while since July 1 they had We lift our hearts in gratitude unto The SPEAKER. Is there objection to received almost 25,000 applications from Thee for the blessings that abound unto the request of the gentleman from Wis discharged war veterans seeking to buy us as a nation. We thank Thee for the consin? surplus Government property-at the sunshine of this day; may it be prophetic There was no objection. rate of 250 a day-only 200 of these vet of that bright new day for the world to EXTENSION OF REMARKS erans have been successful in purchasing which by faith we look and for which we Mr. COX asked and was given permis any property. I found that only 200 would earnestly strive. As we are con sion to extend his remarks in the RECORD items of surplus property have been sold scious of such abundant blessings of ma and include a letter from a young soldier to Brooklyn veterans during that period. terial things, of freedom, of opportunitY, friend. I mean to get to the bottom of this dis may we also realize that unto whom Mr. BIEMILLER asked and was given graceful situation and ascertain why it much is given much also will be required. permission to extend his remarks in the is that the veterans all over the ~ountry, May we as a nation be a worthy leader RECORD and include a newspaper article. and if not all over the country, then why among the nations of the world to bind the veterans in Brooklyn, a community up the wounds of our war-torn world OLD-AGE PENSIONS which gave more men and women to the and to help heal the hurt of suffering Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, I armed forces than 38 of the States of the humanity. ask unanimous consent to address the Union, are being discriminated against We yearn for peace, 0 God-for real House for 1 minute. in this regard. and lasting peace that springs from good The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Why is it that the Surplus Property will and trustfulness among men. In the request of the gentleman from Min Administration distributes tons of press this strategic day, help us to see that we nesota? releases, statements, and booklets paint must match the might of our physical There was no objection. ing in glowing terms the dubious rights power by the might of Thy eternal spirit, Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, there of veterans in the acquisition of surplus for it is not by might, nor by power, but is in committee a bill by Representative property when a veteran in New Yerk by Thy spirit that the better day of good CANNON dealing with old-age pensions. City is unable to purchase even at the will comes among men. A majority of the Members of the Con- Government's price practically a single 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 10213 item-no automobiles, no trucks, no o'clock and did nof get through until a great job in trying to bring forth a biil medical or dental equipment, no photo half past 5 last night. They will prob such as the people of this country would graphic supplies, no building materials, ably do the same today; they were hold be glad to receive. I think the House no typewriters; only, as' Janice Pollack ing hearings all morning. They have should grant them the permission, be said in yesterday's Daily Mirror, crushed been giving as much time to the legis cause of the unjust criticism they re chicken-feather pillows, camouflage lation that has been requested to be ceived last night on the radio. shrimp nets, airport boundary markers, brought to the floor as any committee I Mr. HOFFMAN. Reserving the right and prison style sinks that no one wants? know of since I have been associated to object, Mr.