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EECS 451 LECTURE NOTES BASIC SYSTEM PROPERTIES What: Input X[N] → |SYSTEM| → Y[N] Output EECS 451 LECTURE NOTES BASIC SYSTEM PROPERTIES What: Input x[n] → |SYSTEM| → y[n] output. Why: Design the system to filter input x[n]. DEF: A system is LINEAR if these two properties hold: 1. Scaling: If x[n] → |SYS| → y[n], then ax[n] → |SYS| → ay[n] for: any constant a. NOT true if a varies with time (i.e., a[n]). 2. Superposition: If x1[n] → |SYS| → y1[n] and x2[n] → |SYS| → y2[n], Then: (ax1[n]+ bx2[n]) → |SYS| → (ay1[n]+ by2[n]) for: any constants a, b. NOT true if a or b vary with time (i.e., a[n], b[n]). EX: y[n]=3x[n−2]; y[n]= x[n+1]−nx[n]+2x[n−1]; y[n] = sin(n)x[n]. NOT: y[n]= x2[n]; y[n] = sin(x[n]); y[n]= |x[n]|; y[n]= x[n]/x[n − 1]. NOT: y[n]= x[n] + 1 (try it). This is called an affine system. HOW: If any nonlinear function of x[n], not linear. Nonlinear of just n OK. DEF: A system is TIME-INVARIANT if this property holds: If x[n] → |SYS| → y[n], then x[n − N] → |SYS| → y[n − N] for: any integer time delay N. NOT true if N varies with time (e.g., N(n)). EX: y[n]=3x[n − 2]; y[n] = sin(x[n]); y[n]= x[n]/x[n − 1]. NOT: y[n]= nx[n]; y[n]= x[n2]; y[n]= x[2n]; y[n]= x[−n]. HOW: If n appears anywhere other than in x[n], not time-invariant. Else OK. DEF: A system is CAUSAL if it has this form for some function F (·): y[n]= F (x[n], x[n − 1], x[n − 2] . .) (present and past input only). Note: Physical systems must be causal. But DSP filters need not be causal! DEF: A system is MEMORYLESS if y[n]= F (x[n]) (present input only). DEF: A system is (BIBO) STABLE iff: Let x[n] → |SYSTEM| → y[n]. If |x[n]| <M for some constant M, then |y[n]| < N for some N. i.e.: “Every bounded input (BI) produces a bounded output (BO).” HOW: BIBO stable ⇔ ∞ |h[n]| < L for some constant L Pn=−∞ where: Impulse δ[n] → |SYS| → h[n]=impulse response. EX: A time-invariant system is observed to have these two responses: {0, 0, 3}→ |SYS| →{0, 1, 0, 2} and {0, 0, 0, 1}→ |SYS| →{1, 2, 1}. Prove: The system is nonlinear. Proof: By contradiction. Suppose the system is linear. But then: {0, 0, 0, 1}→ |SYS| →{1, 2, 1} implies {0, 0, 3}→ |SYS| →{3, 6, 3} since we know it is time-invariant. Then {0, 0, 3} produces two outputs! EECS 451 LECTURE NOTES CONVOLUTION AND IMPULSE RESPONSE x[n]= {3, 1, 4, 6}⇔ x[n]=3δ[n +1]+1δ[n]+4δ[n − 1]+6δ[n − 2]. Note: x[n]= x[i]δ[n − i]= x[n] ∗ δ[n] (sifting property of impulse). Pi Delay: x[n − D] is x[n] shifted right (later) if D > 0; left (earlier) if D < 0. Fold: x[−n] is x[n] flipped/folded/reversed around n = 0. Both: x[N − n] is x[−n] shifted right if N > 0 (since x[0] is now at n = N). FOR LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT (LTI) SYSTEMS: 1. δ[n] → |LT I| → h[n] Definition of Impulse response h[n]. 2. δ[n − i] → |LT I| → h[n − i] Time invariant: delay by i. 3. x[i]δ[n − i] → |LT I| → x[i]h[n − i] Linear: scale by x[i]. 4. x[i]δ[n − i] → |LT I| → x[i]h[n − i] Linear: superposition. Pi Pi 5. x[n] → |LT I| → y[n]= i x[i]h[n − i]= h[n] ∗ x[n] Convolution. Input x[n] into LTI systemP with no initial stored energy→output y[n]. PROPERTIES OF DISCRETE CONVOLUTION 1. y[n]= h[n] ∗ x[n]= x[n] ∗ h[n]= i h[i]x[n − i]= h[n − i]x[i]. 2. h[n], x[n] both causal (h[n]=0 forPn< 0 and x[n]=0P for n< 0) → y[n]= n h[i]x[n − i]= n h[n − i]x[i] also causal. Pi=0 Pi=0 3. Suppose h[n] 6=0 only for 0 ≤ n ≤ L (h[n] has length L + 1). Suppose x[n] 6=0 only for 0 ≤ n ≤ M (x[n] has length M + 1). Then y[n] 6=0 only for 0 ≤ n ≤ L + M (y[n] has length L + M + 1). Note: Length[y[n]]=Length[h[n]]+Length[x[n]]-1. Note: y[0] = h[0]x[0]; y[L + M]= h[L]x[M]; x[n] ∗ δ[n − D]= x[n − D]. 4. x[n] → |h1[n]| → |h2[n]| → y[n] (cascade connection) Equivalent to: x[n] → |h1[n] ∗ h2[n]| → y[n]. →|h1[n]|→ 5. x[n] → ր ց → y[n] (parallel connection) ց →|h2[n]|→ ր L Equivalent to: x[n] → |h1[n]+ h2[n]| → y[n]. MA: y[n]= b0x[n]+ b1x[n − 1] + . + bqx[n − q] (Moving Average) Huh? Present output=weighted average of q most recent inputs. Note: Equivalent to y[n]= b[n] ∗ x[n] where b[k]= bk, 0 ≤ k ≤ q. FIR: Finite Impulse Response ⇔ h[n] has finite duration. EX: Any MA system is also an FIR system, and vice-versa. IIR: Infinite Impulse Response ⇔ h[n] not finite duration. EX: h[n]= anu[n]= an for n ≥ 0 and |a| < 1 is stable and IIR. EECS 451 LECTURE NOTES RECURSIVE COMPUTATION OF IMPULSE RESPONSE 1 Goal: Compute impulse response h[n] of system y[n] − 2 y[n − 1]=3x[n]. 1 Sol’n: Compute recursively h[n] − 2 h[n − 1]=3δ[n]=0if n> 0. 1 1 n=0: h[0] − 2 h[−1]=3δ[0] → h[0] − 2 (0) = 3(1) → h[0] = 3. 1 1 3 n=1: h[1] − 2 h[0] = 3δ[1] → h[1] − 2 (3) = 3(0) → h[0] = 2 . 1 1 3 3 n=2: h[2] − 2 h[1] = 3δ[2] → h[2] − 2 ( 2 ) = 3(0) → h[0] = 4 . 1 1 3 3 n=3: h[3] − 2 h[2] = 3δ[3] → h[3] − 2 ( 4 ) = 3(0) → h[0] = 8 . 1 n 1 n h[n]=3( 2 ) u[n]=3( 2 ) for n ≥ 0. Geometric signal. BIBO (BOUNDED INPUT→BOUNDED OUTPUT) STABILITY Goal: Determine whether an LTI system is BIBO stable from its h[n]. EX #1: h[n]= {2, 3, −4}→ |h[n]| = |2| + |3| + |− 4| =9 < ∞→ BIBO . P stable 1 n 1 n 1 BIBO EX #2: h[n] = (− 2 ) u[n] → |h[n]| = |− 2 | = 1−0.5 < ∞→ stable . n P P (−1) 1 EX #3: h[n]= n+1 u[n] → |h[n]| = n+1 u[n] →∞→ NOT BIBO stable. n P Pn Note: (−1) u[n] = log 2 but | (−1) |u[n]= 1 u[n] →∞ P n+1 P n+1 P n+1 so absolute summability vs. summability matters for BIBO stability! CONVOLUTION OF TWO FINITE SIGNALS Goal: Compute {1, 2, 3}∗{4, 5, 6, 7} = {4, 13, 28, 34, 32, 21}. y[0] = h[0]x[0] = (1)(4) = 04. y[1] = h[1]x[0] + h[0]x[1] = (2)(4) + (1)(5) = 13. y[2] = h[2]x[0] + h[1]x[1] + h[0]x[2] = (3)(4) + (2)(5) + (1)(6) = 28. y[3] = h[2]x[1] + h[1]x[2] + h[0]x[3] = (3)(5) + (2)(6) + (1)(7) = 34. y[4] = h[2]x[2] + h[1]x[3] = (3)(6) + (2)(7) = 32. y[5] = h[2]x[3] = (3)(7) = 21. Note: Length y[n]=Length h[n]+Length x[n] − 1=3+4 − 1=6. CONVOLUTION OF FINITE AND INFINITE SIGNALS 1 n 1 n−2 Goal: Compute {2, −1, 3}∗ ( 2 ) u[n]=2δ[n]+3( 2 ) u[n − 2]. 1 n 1 n Sol’n: {2, −1, 3}∗ ( 2 ) u[n]=(2δ[n] − 1δ[n − 1]+3δ[n − 2]) ∗ ( 2 ) u[n]= 1 n 1 n−1 1 n−2 1 n−2 2( 2 ) u[n]−1( 2 ) u[n−1]+3( 2 ) u[n−2]=2δ[n]+3( 2 ) u[n−2]. 1 n 1 n Note: {2, −1}∗ ( 2 ) u[n]=2δ[n]. So x[n] → |( 2 ) u[n]| → |{2, −1}| → 2x[n]. EECS 451 DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS MA: y(n)= b0x(n)+ b1x(n − 1) + . + bqx(n − q) (Moving Average) Huh? Present output=weighted average of q most recent inputs. Note: Equivalent to y(n)= b(n) ∗ x(n) where b(k)= bk, 0 ≤ k ≤ q. Why? So why bother? Because now can have initial conditions. AR: y(n)+ a1y(n − 1) + . + apy(n − p)= x(n) (AutoRegression) Huh? Present output=weighted sum of p most recent outputs. Note: Compute y(n) recursively from its p most recent values. p q ARMA: a y(n − i) = b x(n − i) (Combine AR and MA→ARMA). X i X i i=0 i=0 AUTOREGRESSIVE| {z } MOVING| {z AVERAGE} PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 1. Clearly represent LTI system. Now allow initial conditions. 2. MA model⇔FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter: For MA model, h(n) has finite length q + 1. 3. AR model⇔IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter: For AR model, h(n) does not have finite length. But can implement using finite set of coefficients ai. 4. Analogous to differential equation in continuous time: dp dp−1 dq dq−1 dtp + a1 dtp−1 + .
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