Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 2-19-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 19, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 78 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Southern Illinois Univenty at Carbondale FridaV, Februruy 19, 1993, Vol. 78, Chec ers club I put up for sale Checker nightr tub, 706 E. It was being sponsored by Ii,, Gr,m<I Ave .. announ«:d Thursday Grnduate and Professiooal Student that the club i. for sale and CoonciI and Black Affairs Council. represent8!i .... es win not be -In light of our decision, anending a student forum today. Checkers officials will not be Checkers reopened Wednesday 8lIeIlding the student forum. - Kuar. night but had been closed for a said. week and • half following the Feb. Kuan said Checkers conducted 5 death of SIUC student Jose an in.trnal investigation of WaighL Waight' s death and deIennined tho! WaighL a 24-year-old freshman the employees of the nightclub trom South Holland. died from were not at faulL asphyxiation. according to a -I would like to categorically coroner's Tepor;. after Slate that in no way was Mr. confronlation at Checkers. Wright's death caused by any David Kuan. a management misconduct or indiscretioo by any spokesman. said tbe decision was of the staff at Checkers." made this week bul it "'US I'lOI an o charges have .,..", fiIcd.