(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-06-04
onlest .. > - - swill uid aron ind hUIo! lrtullity I'\,., elp Notice to Subscribers ~ -'lVe,! The Weather is for aft "'iJ!n.r If you have not received your Partly cloudy today with show tOUrna copy of The Daily Iowan by 7:30 ers or thunderstorms tomorrow. I"uyvev,.'•. " olher a.m" please call 4191 before a~ tnfft at oman High today 83; low 55. Yester 10:30_a.m. and the Iowan will day's high 85; low 60. be deli'vered to your home, Est. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, June 4. 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 158 Found'er of Bank·of AmericI, Amadeo Giannin,i, Qies al79 Chambers Adm'its SAN MAT1W, 'ALIF (AP)-Amad!'o Peter ("A.P.") Gi· annini, who rose fl'om a boy produce peddler to head the world's rlehest bank, dird in his slee p yesterday morning. Hl' was 7f1 . Foundpr and chail'man of th!' Big Bank of America, Oiannini lying ' Under Oath died nt liis Ran Matf'O hOI11l' , "~even Oaks." He bel bee n ill for nenrly a mOllth with il. cold. Doctors said the illness put too mud1 atrain on a weak ned h nrt. Tells of 'Pasl' GlanDlnl retired In 1945 trom 'Coed' Graduates-After SO Years ehail1hanahlp of the bank, a six Exam Changes GRINNELL (A") - MI Pearl Tyer of Boise, Idaho, will re blllloa dollar corporation. He ceive. her bachelor of art. del'ree tomorrow 'rom Grinnell col. wu prolllPtly named "founder Chanres In the examination lere - Just 5.
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