Number of Players and Ideal Pitch Sizes in Children's and Youth Football
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A SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football Undertaken by the Danish Football Association and its regions – fra leg til landshold THE DANISH FA Publisher Content The Danish FA Layout DBU Communications Bettina Emcken 3 Introduction Lise Fabricius Henrik Vick 5 Method Photo Per Kjærbye Morten Nielsen 8 Quantitative Results Committee U8 Boys Danish FA grassroots U10 Boys A-level department U10 Boys C-level Morten Nielsen U13 Boys A-level Anders Rørtoft-Madsen DBU Jutland 13 Boys C-level David Kiær Nielsen DBU Zealand Michael Juul 13 Qualitative Results DBU Copenhagen U10 Boys A-level Brian Molberg U10 Boys C-level DBU Funen U13 Boys A-level Mogens Jørgensen Danish FA national U13 Boys C-level teams department Other age groups and levels Steen Gleie Boys vs. Girls – should they changeover to a Danish FA - group of national coaches new game type at the same age? Peter Bonde Conclusion 16 Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football A supplementary study 2 Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football Introduction THE DANISH FA Introduction This research is based on a total of 100 children’s and Danish FA national teams department: youth matches, which were recorded, analysed, and re- Steen Gleie, Talent Coordinator/Boys. viewed. In total, around 600 U8 to U14 players participat- ed in the study (including both boys and girls). Individual Danish FA - group of national coaches: observations of 310 players were also carried out in the Peter Bonde, 1st. Assistant Coach/ DBU’s A-National Team. spring of 2013. The qualitative analysis of different game types was a vital In the first section of the study on the number of players factor for the initial studies with respect to experiment- and pitch size study, we learned a great deal about pitch ing with other game types and pitch sizes in the second sizes. It became clear that small pitches encourage more part of the study. As an example: Based on background player related actions even though the ball is more often knowledge, we noted that although there were many ball out of play, and that larger pitches result in less player possession per player in the 9v9 game (mainly passes and related actions, but greater rates of success. These find- receiving the ball), most passes occurred across the field - ings has enabled us to be able to make a series of empiri- a type of passes which cannot be considered as particular- cal suggestions as to how large an ideal pitch should be ly challenging for the players. Thus, based on this knowl- (e.g. for a 3v3 or 5v5 game). It is also clear that there are edge, and an awareness that 7v7 games are often played differences in relation to age and ability level when sizing on a half-sized full pitch, we decided to test an 8v8 game an ideal pitch. However with a few adjustments, we have on a half-sized ful pitch (52.5 x 68m). managed to develop a series of practical pitch sizes for all matches. In this supplementary report U8 boys, U10 boys, U11 boys and girls, and U13 boys and girls were filmed and analysed. It was decided that the committee behind the Number of In relation to the final recommendations of this report, we players study should also be involved in the supplementa- have chosen to operate with individual age groups that ry studies. The committee behind the initial autumn 2012 we categorise as ‘the challenging age groups’. This specifi- study of the Number of players consisted solely of repre- cally relates to the U10 and U13 age groups, where there sentatives from the Danish grassroot football community, are differences in the number of players allowed across as well as staff from the DBU grassroots department and the country. This results in quite a few discussions about DBU’s regions. To ensure the best possible representation, the number of players allowed and the pitch sizes. Hence it was decided that the committee should be expanded this report has a more intensified focus on these age to include two representatives with a background in elite groups, thereby providing as much information as pos- football. Hence, the final committee behind the study was sible, and allowing us to develop concrete recommenda- organised as follows: tions for the preferred number of players allowed on the pitch. Danish FA grassroots department: Morten Nielsen, Project Leader Children’s football. Anders Rørtoft-Madsen, Project Leader Youth football. Danish FA regions: David Kiær Nielsen, DBU Jutland. Michael Juul, DBU Zealand. Brian Molberg, DBU Copenhagen. Mogens Jør¬gensen, DBU Funen. Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football A supplementary study 4 Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football Method THE DANISH FA Method The conclusion from the first report of Autumn 2012 has each individual age group, thereby ensuring the greatest formed the basis for what this supplementary study aims amount of involvement per player, and the best develop- to clarify. As highlighted in the introduction, we learned a ment possible for players. lot about pitch sizes in the first report, so this time around we have not tested the same game types on differently The selection of age group, game type, and pitch size sized pitches, as we feel confident that we have already chosen for this study are based on the results of the first covered this in previous studies. This second part of the study. In the first study, we confirmed that 3v3 was the study on number of players allowed and pitch size focuses most challenging game type for the youngest players. The more on comparing the ideal pitch size in one game type following table shows which age groups, game types, and against the ideal pitch size of another game type. In do- pitch sizes are included in this supplementary study: ing so, we aim to ensure that we achieve accurate recom- mendations for the correct game type and pitch size for Year Group Level Number of Players per Team U-8 Boys A 5v5 U-8 Boys C 5v5 U-11 Boys A 8v8 U-11 Boys B 8v8 U-13 Girls B 7v7+8v8 U-11 Girls B 7v7+8v8 U-10 Boys A 5v5+8v8 U-10 Boys C 5v5+8v8 U-13 Boys A 8v8+11v11 U-13 Boys C 8v8+11v11 Number of Players and ideal Pitch Sizes in Children’s and Youth Football A supplementary study 6 THE DANISH FA One challenge we encountered was that the recommend- development, as well as the recommendations outlined in ed ideal 5v5 pitch size (24 x 30m) for the most talented the Danish FA’s Age Related Training Manuals. The same U10 players was too small. Hence we have examined a applies for which goal size fits best with an 8v8 game. larger 5v5 field of 30 x 40m for U10 Boys at A and C levels. Here, the committee concluded that 7v7 goals would fit We have used the same pitch size for the age group U8 at best to this pitch size, as well as the players’ technical and A and C level to ensure that it is the correct pitch size for physical skill levels. The 2012 study highlighted that larger U8, U9, and U10. U10 Boys were also tested on an 8v8 – goal sizes do not necessarily mean that more goals are 52.5m x 68m pitch for comparison with the 5v5 30 x 40m scored. In general, focusing on specific rules was deliber- pitch. ately avoided. This was done in order to ensure the clear- est results for which game type and pitch sizes can involve The premise for this study has been to test whether 8v8 and develop the individual player as much as possible. is the correct game type for age groups between U11 and U13. Hence we investigated U13 Boys 8v8 and compared All matches were conducted on artificial grass. The com- with 11v11 on a normal pitch size. U11 were also tested on mittee are well aware that there are differences when an 8v8 52.5m x 68m field. playing football on artificial grass and normal grass, how- ever this does not have a large impact on the game in- The second part of the study supplements the results we volvement of individual players. gained from the first part of the study, and arrives at a combined recommendation of what game types should To ensure the best possible results for the study, the total be offered to players in Danish children’s and youth foot- number of matches and players were carefully selected in ball. collaboration with the Centre for Team Sports and Health at the University of Copenhagen. In doing so, we can be Another aim of this study was to simplify the recommen- confident that our results have an adequate and valid dations for game types and pitch sizes, to ensure optimal base, and are statistically significant. The Centre for Team player development as well as provide greater clarity for Sports and Health also measured pulse rates and con- all parties including clubs, coaches, parents, and players. ducted GPS tracking on specific age groups. The results of these measurements are not included in this report, but There are almost unlimited options for what one can are expected to form a part of the dissemination of study choose to investigate in a study. Hence it was critical to results.