Sacred Heart Catholic Church
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SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, March 8, 2020 2nd Sunday of Lent HAPPENINGS AT THE HEART Sunday, March 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins Intercessory Prayer 10:00am Right to Life Baby Shower Monday, March 9 Religious Ed. 6:00pm Thursday, March 12 Letter to a Suffering 10:00am Church Program & 7:00pm AA Meeting 12 Noon Finance Meeting 6:15pm Parish Council Meeting 7:00pm Friday, March 13 K of C Fish Dinner 4:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Women's Bible Study Saturday, March 14 Men's Bible Study 7:30am AA Meeting 8:00am Protecting God's 12:30 – Children Program 3:30pm SVDP Easter Food Collection Sunday, March 15 SVDP Easter Food Collection KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LENTEN SACRED HEART This weekend the Christian Service ANNUAL Commission in conjunction with Right to Life – Lifespan will be hosting its annual baby shower to support the Friday’s, March 13 – April 3 women and babies that need our help through Oxford Pregnancy Center. 4:00pm-7:00pm | Fr. Kreft Hall Please drop off your generous gifts in $8.00 each | carry-out and an the baby playpen at the back of Church. all-you-can-eat option are available Thank you for your generous gifts that Baked or Pub Style Cod, Baked Potato or help moms and their babies that have Pub Style Chips, Broccoli with or without no place else to turn for the basics in childcare. Thank you for assisting these cheese, Mac and Cheese, Coleslaw, courageous women and please keep them in your prayers because the support Desserts, Beverages, and more. you give them is all they have. All proceeds will benefit the charities Christian Service Commission of the Knights of Columbus. Page 2 Sacred Heart Catholic Church EVERY FRIDAY IN LENT HEARTS ON FIRE AT 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart MARCH 13 Where Faith is Known, Mary’s Way of the Cross Lived, & Shared Women’s Bible Study I have come to set the earth on fire, and how MARCH 20 I wish it were already blazing. (Luke 12:49) Everyone’s Way of the Cross LISTEN to the Archbishop: GUIDEPOST St. Vincent DePaul Society 10—CALLING UPON THE ADVOCATE: Marker 10.3: Victory Over Spiritual Oppo- MARCH 27 sition—The faithful need help in understand- The Way of the Cross ing how to resist the evil one, exercising the for Young Christians authority they have in Christ. We must use all Religious Education Students the weapons the Church has given us: prayer, especially the rosary, Scripture, the sacraments, APRIL 3 Sacred Heart and sacramentals such as holy water. “Resist the Stations of the Cross – devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to Stations of the A Scriptural Version God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8). Cross Men’s Scripture Reflection UNLEASH THE GOSPEL, pg 49 St. Luigi Orione PRAY: Tear or cut off this prayer and keep March 12 it where you’ll remember to pray it through- out the week On March 12, it is the feast day of. Luigi Come, Holy Spirit, to your people at Sacred Heart Orione was born in Church. Help us to “resist the evil one.” Show us Pontecurone, Italy, on 23 June 1872. At thirteen years how to “exercise the authority we have in Christ.” of age he entered the Franciscan Friary of Voghera, Guide us to choose the “weapons” the Church but he left after one year owing to poor health. From has given us in prayer, Scripture, all the sacra- 1886 to 1889 he was a pupil of Saint John Bosco at the Valdocco Ora- ments, and sacramentals. Then strengthen us to tory in Turin. On 16 October 1889, he joined the diocesan seminary have the will and persistence to use those weap- of Tortona. As a young seminarian he devoted himself to the care of ons in resisting the devil”so that he will “flee from others by becoming a member of both the San Marziano Society for us.” Draw us near to God so “He will draw near Mutual Help and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. On 15 October to us.” Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your 1893, Luigi Orione, then a seminarian of twenty-one, started a boarding faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love school for poor boys, in the Saint Bernardine estate. On 13 April 1895, to understand how to resist the evil one. Amen! Luigi Orione was ordained priest, and, on that occasion, the Bishop gave the clerical habit to six pupils of the boarding school. ACT: What is this letter saying to you? Pick one of the “weapons” suggested by Archbishop Vi- Inspired by a profound love for the Church and for the salvation of gneron above and use it this week, intending Souls, he was actively interested in the new problems of his time, such to “exercise the authority you have in Christ" as the freedom and unity of the Church, the Roman question, modern- against the evil one: e.g. pray the above prayer ism, socialism and the Christian evangelization of industrial workers. every day; pray a Rosary an extra time this He rushed to assist the victims of the earthquakes of Reggio and Messi- week; meditate on the above Scripture from na (1908) and the Marsica region (1915). By appointment of Saint Pius James or another for protection; receive the X, he was made Vicar General of the diocese of Messina for three years. Sacrament of Reconciliation; attend Mass an On 29 June 1915, twenty years after the foundation of the Sons of extra time this week; pray before the Blessed Divine Providence, he added to the "single tree of many branches" Sacrament; or pray any prayer that commands the Congregation of the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity who are the devil to leave. inspired by the same founding charism. Alongside them, he placed the To read the entire letter, “Unleash the Gospel” go to Blind Sisters, Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament. For lay people he set up the associations of the "Ladies of Divine Providence," the "Former Pupils," and the "Friends." Following the First World War (1914-1918), he set up the "Little Cotto- lengos," for the care of the suffering and abandoned, which were usually built in the outskirts of large cities to act as "new pulpits" from which to speak of Christ and of the Church - "true beacons of faith and of civili- zation." He was canonized on 16 May 2004. Page 3 ST VINCENT DE PAUL THE PARABLE PROJECT EASTER DINNER March 25, 2020 | 7:00 pm | Fr. Kreft Hall FOOD DRIVE Jesus knew the power of a good story. Magic Carpet Theatre uses their unique As we consider style of theatre to tell the stories Jesus told. People of all ages will respond to what we are God’s lessons that shape human hearts. doing this Lent IT WILL BE ENTERTAINING. Christ’s parables are brought to life using drama to draw closer and humor. This is a fun and creative way to be engaged in scripture while gath- to the Lord by ering the resounding messages of goodness. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. serving our neighbor; please IT WILL BE INTERACTIVE. By using consider helping audience participation and improvisation those who are the stories are experienced in a fresh way. having financial Prayer and dialogue help to foster the difficulties and can’t feed their families. lessons of love. This Easter, the Sacred Heart SVDP ABOVE ALL, IT WILL BE HOLY. The society and our Eight Grade Confir- stories are written by God the Father, as mation students will be conducting told by Jesus the Son, brought to you by a food drive to help those in need. the Holy Spirit. Please pick up a blue bag next week- end and help bring the hope of Easter Please join us to experience this to our clients. special performance for all ages. St Vincent de Paul SACRED HEART In this stirring manifesto, Bishop SIMON OF CYRENE’S Robert Barron, founder of Word on We all need each other’s help and Lenten Mission MissionFire Catholic Ministries explains why prayers. We also need to be like Simon this is not the time to leave, but the of Cyrene and help carry each other’s LETTER TO A time to stay and fight. Reading the crosses. This Lent the Sacred Heart current crisis through the lenses of Community will carry each other’s SUFFERING CHURCH Scripture and Church history, Bishop crosses. Write down your petitions and Thursdays - 12th & 19th Barron shows that we have faced such prayers for intercession on the little 10–11:30 am or 7–8:30 pm egregious scandals before; that the pieces of paper in the back of Church spiritual treasures of the Church were by the Cross and put them in the bas- Please join us as we delve into Bishop preserved by holy men and women kets at either side of the Cross. These Barron’s Letter to a Suffering Church. who recommitted themselves to fight- prayers of intercession will be hung on The sexual abuse scandal has gripped ing evil; and that there is a clear path the Cross for Lent. Then pray for the the Catholic Church for the past thirty forward for us today. needs of our fellow parishioners that years, and continues to wreak havoc even today. It's been a diabolical mas- For Catholics questioning their faith, are already on the cross.