Travel and Transport: Island Plan 2011
8 Travel and Transport States of Jersey Island Plan 2011 293 8 Travel and Transport 8 Travel and Transport TT: Introduction 8.1 The States Strategic Plan 2009-2014 sets out a vision for a thriving Island community that is underpinned by sustainable economic growth. The ability to travel to, from and around Jersey, and the availability of efficient transport is critical to the economic success of the Island. But the way that people travel has an effect on the environment, people's health and the overall quality of life. 8.2 The Strategic Plan 2009-2014 recognises that, if the economy is to be maintained and grown, without adversely affecting the quality of life, there is a need to adopt more sustainable ways of travelling. Specifically, the Strategic Plan 2009-2014(1) seeks to shift attitudes towards the ownership and use of the private car. The Island Plan can assist with this, as evidenced by Policy SP 1 'Spatial strategy' and Policy SP 6 'Reducing dependence on the car', in accord with the principles of 'Reduce, manage, invest'. In this respect, it can seek to promote and apply polices which have a direct impact on reducing travel demand, enabling and encouraging travel by more sustainable modes and assisting the objectives of traffic management by influencing matters such as levels of car parking availability and infrastructure to support other travel modes and fuels (e.g. the provision of cycle paths, cycle parking and electric charging facilities). 8.3 It is, however, important to recognise that the Island Plan is but one part of a comprehensive policy regime affecting travel and transport to, from and around Jersey: air and sea transport policies, developed by the Economic Development Department, and travel and transport policy, developed by the Transport and Technical Services Department, will provide much of the strategic and operational policy framework for this sphere of activity.
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