JULY/AUGUST 2011 ISSUE • VOLUME 45, NO. 4 • COURTEOUS VIGILANCE DPS Officers begin training with new state-of-the-art patrol rifles See story on page 22 >> the loss of the two DPS communication tow- ers located on Signal Peak Page 2 July/August 2011 The Digest Vantage Point Robert C. Halliday, Director ive and a ment agency, DPS half years employees, both The Digest is published bi-monthly by ago, our sworn and civilian, the DPS Community Outreach and Fagency celebrated a have a special re- Education Program for DPS employees landmark milestone sponsibility to the and retirees. - the 75th Anniver- Arizona popula- sary of the establish- tion everyday they ment of the Arizona come to work. Employees and retirees are invited to Highway Patrol. Entering its submit story ideas or stories for publica- While the agen- 100th year as a tion. Stories or story ideas may be cy has grown ex- state, the Arizona submitted to The Digest by mail (mail ponentially since Centennial celebra- drop 3350), e-mail (
[email protected]) those early days, especially with tion will span many months lead- or telephone (602-223-2545). the official creation of DPS in ing up to and through February 1969, 2006 was a special time of of next year honoring everything Robert C. Halliday, Director remembrance and tribute to those Arizona has come to stand for in who helped lay the foundation for its existence. At the site, www.az100years. Jim Jertson, Publications Editor everything this Department has become. org, there is an extensive compi-
[email protected] In February of next year, on lation of state facts as well as a Valentine’s Day more specifically, comprehensive calendar that de- Kellen Chavez Arizona will celebrate a milestone tails every special event that will Publications Support Specialist of 100 years as a state.