1 Full, Edited Transcript of Joe Morse's Oral History Interview, “Minnesota
1 Full, Edited Transcript of Joe Morse’s Oral History Interview, “Minnesota to Mississippi: Civil Rights Organizing, 1964-1966” Date of the Interview: March 5th, 2016 Interviewer and Principal Investigator: Dr. Amanda Nagel, History Department, Winona State University Interviewee: Joe Morse Research and support: Dr. Tomas Tolvaisas, History Department, Winona State University Transcriber: Hayley Johnston, Winona State University Please note: the actual visual and textual sources (77 in total, all in .pdf format, which are illustrations provided by Joe Morse), are located in a separate file (entitled “Sources”) on this CD disc. The number assigned to each source in the edited interview transcript, below, matches the number of a textual source, a visual source, or a source that contains both kinds of information, in that separate file. AN: It is March 5th, 2016. My name is Amanda Nagel. I am here with Joe Morse to talk with him about his time in the Civil Rights Movement. I have had the pleasure of being able to work with both Tomas Tolvaisas and John Campbell from the Winona State University History Department to compile questions to ask Joe. Amanda Nagel (AN): We’ll talk a little about your background first. Can you please state for the record your full name, date and location of your birth, where you grew up, size of your family, and your education? Joe Morse (JM): My name is Joe Morse. Full name is Joseph. I was born in Duluth, Minnesota, in 1943, in Saint Mary’s hospital, same hospital Bob Dylan was born in. AN: Really? JM: Yeah.
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