INGLÉS Primer Grado de Secundaria - LEVEL A Mariella Alvarado Carranza Semana del 25 de marzo al 01 de abril


COMPETENCIA CAPACIDAD DESEMPEÑO PRECISADO Identifica información explícita, relevante y complementaria Obtiene informaciòn del integrando datos que se encuentran en pequeños textos texto escrito sobre especulaciones, utilizando vocabulario pertinente. Deduce informaciòn relevante y especìfica sobre las acciones Lee diversos tipos Infiere informaciòn del que harìan un pequeño grupo de personajes para cambiar el de texto en inglès texto mundo, con recursos ortogràficos y gramaticales como lengua pertinentes a las situaciones que describen. extranjera Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido y el Opina en inglés sobre acciones que realizarìa de manera contexto del texto escrito personal para cambiar el mundo.

ACCIONES CONCRETAS A EVALUAR 2.Utiliza recursos gramaticales de forma 1.Identifica vocabulario. 3.Opina de manera escrita. pertinente. Let’s sing a song: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

1. Read the texts and do the exercises. Underline new words and look at the dictionary for their meaning.

Allan, 17 If I ruled the world, I would erase the borders! We would live in a world without countries. If we don’t have any countries, we won’t have any wars. If I had enough money, I would spend it on education and new technologies. People would live in a better world if every child could go to university and learn about other cultures and traditions. I would also finance new scientific projects like a journey to Mars! Finally, the most important thing: if I ruled the world, I would forbid Justin Bieber!

Bob, 41

I would do a lot of great things if I ruled the world! I would forbid men to cut down trees. If we don’t respect the environment, we will have a lot of problems in the future! I would also give 1000€ per month to every family in the world because poverty is the enemy number one of mankind. Finally, I would start great economic projects to help the African continent.

Clair, 29

If I ruled the world, I would get rid of the nuclear weapons! Those weapons are a major danger for all peoples in the world. If I could, I would also protect more animals. Some of them will disappear if we don’t do anything to help them. I would also try to find a cure for every illness!

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Reading: If I ruled the world

What would the different persons do if they could rule the world? Fill in the table!

People Projects

Your turn! What would you do if you could rule the world?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………______…………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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IF I ______: Hypothetical situations

COMPETENCIA CAPACIDAD DESEMPEÑO PRECISADO Emplea convenciones del lenguaje escrito como recursos Escribe diversos tipos de Utiliza convenciones ortográficos y gramaticales complejos que le dan claridad y textos en inglès como del lenguaje escrito de sentido al texto. Como son: Second conditional en situaciones lengua extranjera manera pertinente. hipotéticas ordenando palabras en una oración y completando oraciones hipotéticas.

ACCIONES CONCRETAS A EVALUAR 1.ordena palabras para formar 2.Secuencia eventos de forma coherente 3.Emplea recursos ortogàficos. oraciones hipoteticas utilizando el Segundo condicional. Watch the video before working Second conditional: 1. Look at the pictures. Use the words below to complete the second conditional sentences.

1. If I were ( the Browns / I / let / the dog / sit / at the table ) 2. If it was/were ( sunny / John / stay / at home ) 3. Sarah would buy ( that dress / if / she / be / thinner ) 4. Kate could ( go / to the cinema / if / Sam / invite / her ) 5. If Jake had ( more courage / he / go / to the dentist )

2. Complete the second conditional questions with the verbs in brackets.

1. What age (you / be) if you (can) be any age right now?

2. If you (be) an animal, what animal (you / be)?

3. Which year (you / go) to if you (can) travel backwards in time?

4. If you (find) a purse full of money in the street, what (you / do)?

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5. How much money (you /give) to charity if you (win) 1 million pounds?

6. If you (stop) studying English, your life (change)?

7. (you / cheat) if you (not know) the answer in an exam and nobody was looking?


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Primer Grado de Secundaria - LEVEL B Rosa Emperatriz Castro Luzquiños Semana del 25 de marzo al 01 de abril


Competencia Capacidad Desempeño precisado Identifica información explicita, relevante y complementaria integrando datos que se encuentran en distintas partes de un texto Obtiene información sobre los 14 pasatiempos más inusuales alrededor del mundo, que de textos escritos contiene varios elementos complejos en su estructura y vocabulario variado sobre hobbies raros.. Deduce las ideas principales y complementarias en el texto sobre Lee diversos pasatiempos inusuales en el mundo a partir de información explicita tipos de textos Infiere e interpreta e implícita, señalando las características del hobby y del lugar donde en inglés como información de textos se desarrollan y el significado de palabras o frases en contexto que lengua extranjera escritos desconoce. Deduce que expresión utilizar para decir NO en forma positiva en oraciones propuestas. Reflexiona y evalúa la Opina sobre el contenido y organización del texto sobre Unusual forma, el contenido y pastimes, así como sobre el propósito comunicativo del texto y la el contexto del texto intención del autor a partir de su experiencia y contexto. escrito Acciones concretas de evaluación Identify new vocabulary, Infer the principal idea in each hobby and the Reflect about the text and underline it and look at the characteristics of the hobby, how is it done and what is the purpose of the dictionary for their meaning. where. aithor with this information. Deduce what expression to use to say NO in a positive way. Watch these videos before working 10 Strange British Pastimes: Unusual Hobbies to Try (Or Not): Top 10 Strangest Hobbies In The World:

I. Read the text and underline new words. Then look at the dictionary for their meaning. STRANGE HOBBIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD We all have our own ways of passing the time. A lot of us have the conventional hobbies like reading, playing video games, or going jogging. Others may be into more specific things like fly-fishing or salsa dancing. However, do a quick inventory of all the hobbies among your friends and family and you are unlikely to come across a pastime as weird as the ones listed below. So your Dad's interested in antique stamp collecting? I doubt it can beat faking your own death as a hobby!

How about doing some ironing in mid-air in the middle of a skydive? If you think you know what a bizarre hobby looks like, you have not come across these people before. Taking up an interest in your spare time and sticking to it takes passion and dedication, but to read about some of the following pursuits it would seem that insanity is also a vital ingredient to maintaining a hobby. What makes someone suddenly decide that they want to start collecting their own belly fluff and keep it in a jar? Gross.

In some ways, these weird past times from around the globe involve a lot of the same elements as your average ones – collecting, being outdoors, crafting, etc. But this is most definitely, where the similarities end. Each of these so-called "hobbies" has put a strange twist on everyday pursuits and the results are equally hilarious and gross. Here is a collection of 15 insanely weird hobbies from around the world...

EXTREME IRONING (UK): For those of you out there who aren’t exactly bowled over by regular ironing, maybe you’d like to take up extreme ironing? This takes the boring household chore and puts a slightly death-defying spin on it. The

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hobby that began in the UK has gained appreciation worldwide and has seen dedicated followers posting pictures of themselves ironing on mountain tops, on kayaks and even while skydiving. Eat your heart out, Evel Knievel!

The sport of extreme ironing apparently began back in 1997 in the UK when a guy named Phil Shaw from the West Midlands had plans to go rock-climbing with some friends but also had a mountain of ironing to do that day. His solution? Take the mountain of creased clothes to the mountain itself! Well, not quite a mountain, but a tall rock formation. From that day forth, a hobby was born. When the view from your kitchen window is not enough...

MOOING (USA): This is about as minimal as a hobby can get. The activity of mooing pretty much just involves...that is right, mooing. However, professional mooers (or is that mooists?) didn’t think it was enough just to imitate a cow with their voice, so they built an entire community around it and that, of course, involves dressing up as cows and holding state fairs and competitions around the country to celebrate the wonders of mooing together. How utterly ridiculous.

The hobby of mooing originated in the dairy state of Wisconsin where the official mooing competition known as "Moo- la-palooza" is held in order to try and find the best cow impersonator ever. The most recent winner of the Moo-la- palooza grand prize was 10-year-old Austin Siok who delivered a "Moo" so fantastic, he won $1000, a golden cowbell and a year’s supply of sub sandwiches. (If any of them contain beef, is not that a bit cannibalistic for a dedicated cow impersonator?)

POLISHING DIRT (JAPAN): They say you cannot polish a turd, well some people of the world like to polish something pretty similar – bits of dirt and mud. The Japanese art of polishing up mud balls is known locally as Hikaru Dorodango and it involves rolling bits of mud into a ball and coating it in fine grains of soil to create a smoother surface. After repeating this process several times, the moisture is drawn out of the mud balls, allowing the person to polish them until they are left with a shiny ornamental ball (and very smelly hands).

How and why this ever became a thing is unknown, but the hobby of refining and polishing balls of dirt is said to have been a traditional game among children. Looking at the finished product, you’d think they were expensive ornaments from Pottery Barn, but we know the truth and it's pretty gross.

TOY VOYAGING (WORLDWIDE): Buzz and Woody went on their own little adventures in Toy Story, so who’s to say real- life toys can’t experience the same fun? The hobby known as "toy voyaging" has gained momentum on social media in recent years and it involves sending your favorite toy out into the world for a vacation. The odd part is, you won’t be there with it. A company called ToyVoyagers actually arranges for your toy to be sent to a temporary accommodation anywhere in the world and then sends you photo updates of your little stuffed pal.

Once someone across the world has your beloved toy, you can even give them instructions and missions as to where you’d like to see them go. This sounds really cute and inventive and all, but what if your toy got lost or stolen by its temporary owners? No good can come of this! Plus, it’s a bit of a kick in the teeth to come home from a lousy day at the office only to find photos of your teddy bear drinking wine under the Eiffel Tower.

EXTREME DOG GROOMING (CHINA): Competition among dog owners is nothing new, but some have taken one aspect of dog care to the extreme. If you have ever wasted hours on funny YouTube videos of animals looking stupid (who has not, right?) you’ll have probably come across some poor dog dressed up to look like a superhero – but this is amateur hour. Fanatical dog groomers are not content with dressing their dog up for fun at home; they make it their mission to transform their poor pooch until they are pretty much unrecognizable.

The pastime of competitive dog grooming originated in China and has since spread to other parts of the world – particularly in the US, where obsessive dog owners enter their insane creations in the National Dog Groomers Association of America. Some owners disguise their poor four-legged friends as tigers and pandas; others decide to turn them into popular TV and film characters. We appreciate the creativity on display here, but I bet the dog does not.

TATTOOING VEHICLES (TAIWAN): A Taiwanese man likes to practice something most of us would get arrested for in a heartbeat – decorating cars with ink. Except, 71-year-old pensioner Li Zongxiong is not vandalizing the vehicles, he is tattooing them in intricate works of art. In his own unique form of graffiti, Zongxiong covers entire vehicles – from the

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wheels to the rear view mirrors – in inspirational words from Buddhist texts. Hey, we could think of far worse things to be tattooed onto cars!

The artistic 71-year-old apparently makes his family nervous with his hobby. They fear that any new vehicle he buys will only end up covered in tattooed Buddhist writing – no matter how pricey the car. Zongxiong currently has cars, motorbikes and pickup trucks covered in his own intricate handiwork, but he has his eyes set on bigger things. His grandson has sweetly promised to buy him a big bus so that his hobby can last him a little longer.

TRAIN SURFING (): The incredibly stupid and dangerous hobby of surfing is pretty self-explanatory – daredevils looking for a final adventure hitch a ride on the outside of a passenger train and cling on for dear life. Long before people were "planking" and "dabbing" on railway tracks, some idiots started the far more death-defying craze of simply jumping onto and keeping their balance on a moving train. This hobby apparently started in Germany back in 1980 and has been growing in popularity ever since.

Despite the alarming fact that at least 40 young men died in 2008 alone as a result of train surfing in Germany, this reckless pastime still has its fans. Even if people manage to cling on to the while "surfing" them, they also risk death from colliding with tunnel entrances, not to mention the risk of electrocution from overhead pylons. The craze has even swept to underground train surfing, with several incidents reported in . Insane.

FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH (USA): If the name Chuck Lamb rings a bell with you, congratulations – you are a hardcore horror film geek. Chuck Lamb from Ohio is also known as the "Dead Body Guy" and has made appearances in several horror films – all thanks to his bizarre hobby of faking his own death. Chuck originally had dreams of being an actor, but after deciding that he didn’t feel confident enough in a speaking role, he changed his focus to a more silent kind of role...make that very silent.

Lamb’s oddball hobby of playing dead has gained the attention and admiration of horror fans around the world and it has even helped him earn a modest career as a corpse in a few horror movies. Some of Chuck’s movie credits include things like "Corpse #3" and "Dead Guy" in the TV series What I Like About You. Chuck was dying to be an actor and he looks like he finally got his wish (sorry).

II. Infer what is the principal idea of each hobby. Explain with your own words.

Unusual hobby characteristic Unusual hobby characteristic

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III. Reflect about the unusual hobbies around the world.Discuss: 1. What was your impression when reading about these hobbies?


2. In your opinion, which is the most bizarre hobby?


3. Why do you think these people chose these kind of hobbies? Choose 2 cases to talk about.

______4. Would you like to have any of these hobbies? Which? Why?



It’s time to work with your books: UNUSUAL PASTIMES Student book: 1B Unusual pastimes: pg. 6 activities Grammar negative and questions (1) and (2) Workbook pg 93: 1B Unusual pastimes activities (1) and (2)

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II. SAYING NO How to say “NO”:

Alternative Ways of Saying NO 1. Nah 20. I wish I could but… 39. I wish I could make it work 2. Nope 21. I’m taking sometime 40. I wish there were two of me 3. No way 22. Maybe another time 41. I find the idea undesirable 4. Sorry 23. I’m not interested 42. Apologies, but I can’t make it. 5. Not now 24. If only I could! 43. I’m not able to make that time 6. Certainly not 25. If only it worked 44. I’m booked into something else 7. By no means 26. I’ll need to bow out 45. Sadly I have something else 8. I shall not 27. I’m afraid I can’t 46. Sounds great, but I can’t 9. Not likely 28. I have something else commit. 10. No thanks! 29. I don’t think I want to 47. No thank you, but it sounds 11. I think not. 30. Thanks, but no thanks lovely 12. Unfortunately not 31. Rats! Would’ve loved to 48. We appreciate the offer, 13. I’m slammed 32. Not now, but another time however… 14. Not possible 33. I’m honored, but I can’t 49. Unfortunately, it’s not a good 15. Not this time 34. I wish I were able to time 16. Not for me, thanks 35. Damn! Not able to fit it in 50. No thanks, I won’t be able to 17. It’s not my thing 36. I won’t be able to help make it 18. I think I’ll pass. 37. I’d love to – but can’t 19. Not today, thanks 38. I’d rather not, thanks

It’s time to work with your books: SAYING NO Student book: 1B Functional language: Saying NO: pg. 7 activities (1) and (2) Workbook pg 93: 1B Saying No . activities (1) and (2) Any questions please call me at 968538408 or e mail me: [email protected]

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