AWARENESS: 2021 EDITION National and Space Administration  PLAN Featured On Cover: The SpaceX and NASA Crew 1 after the final dress rehearsal. (Source: SpaceX) 2021 SPACE FLIGHT AWARENESS PROGRAM PLAN

NASA’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals 5

Associate Administrator’s Message 6

History of Space Flight Awareness 8 Program Goals, Objectives, and Teams

SFA Activities, Visits, and Products 9

SFA Awards 10

2021 Events 11

FY 2020 Metrics 12

SFA Working Group Members 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE


THE VISION To discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

THE MISSION Lead an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the system and bring new knowledge and opportunities to . Support growth of the nation’s economy in space and aeronautics, increase understanding of the universe and our place in it, work with industry to improve America’s , and advance American leadership.

FOUR STRATEGIC THEMES • Discover • Develop • Explore • Enable Steve Jurczyk, Acting Administrator STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Expand human knowledge through new scientific 3. Address national challenges and catalyze economic discoveries. growth.

2. Extend human presence deeper into space and to 4. Optimize capabilities and operations. the for sustainable long-term exploration and utilization.


NASA established the Space Flight Awareness (SFA) Motivation and Recognition Program in 1963 during the and Gemini period to infuse the space program with a renewed and strengthened consciousness of quality and flight safety. As NASA’s human programs continued and developed, the NASA centers increased the assistance they provided to the employees’ motivation programs of their contractors and other government agencies. SFA soon became the watchword of the American space program.

The SFA Program played an and increasingly forceful safety role in the , and Apollo- projects. By the time the first flew, the program had expanded to include subcontractors providing critical hardware, software and services. As regular Space Shuttle missions grew in complexity and the International became a reality, the SFA Program evolved into one of the single successful motivational initiatives within all federal and contractor departments and agencies.

The future of spaceflight brings new opportunities and challenges for the SFA Program. To continue to be effective, the program must keep pace with an ever-changing environment of people, systems and processes that design, build, fly and support .

For that reason, the SFA Working Group work diligently to ensure an effective and valuable program. SFA continues to focus on excellence in quality and safety – for the of the , for mission success and for the success of America’s space program. 5 ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR’S MESSAGE

Not many of us have ever ex- test, the SLS core stage will to Kennedy Space perienced a time filled with so Center for integration with the spacecraft. many unique societal hard- and challenges. We con- This spring, following the initial design phase, tinue to adapt to a new routine, NASA is expected to announce whether Blue Or- finding ways to connect with igin, and/or SpaceX are moving forward one another and go about our with their proposed human systems. By fall, daily lives. Despite the uncertainty, the solidarity of I, the first integrated, uncrewed flight test the NASA-Industry-Partner team through these hard of SLS and Orion, will be on track to launch on its times led to another exciting, historic year for NASA’s month-long mission thousands of beyond the human spaceflight programs. Moon. NASA will also begin joining the core stage components for the SLS to launch Artemis In 2020, access to low-Earth and the Interna- II and is in the process of manufacturing the Ar- tional Space Station (ISS) expanded to more peo- temis III core stage, Interim Cryogenic ple, , and commercial opportunities. For the Stages, and stage adapters that connect the parts first time since 2011, NASA astronauts launched of the rocket. is on deck to conduct a sec- from American soil to the ISS in a commercially built ond uncrewed flight test for the Commercial Crew and operated American crew spacecraft. Astronauts Program before flying a crewed flight test to meet Behnken and Hurley lifted off in a SpaceX Crew program certification requirements. Dragon atop a SpaceX rocket for NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission, a successful 64- test Thanks to our committed NASA government and flight that paved the way for NASA to certify the com- contractor workforce, the future of human space- mercial space system. flight remains bright. Thank you to the NASA Space Flight Awareness (SFA) Program for recognizing our The return of crewed launches to U.S. shores arrived workforce for their exemplary human spaceflight during the 20th year of a continuous human presence contributions. The SFA Program plays a vital role aboard humanity’s home in microgravity, enabling in the continued recognition and motivation of our more critical science to prepare for future Artemis civil servant and contractor workforce to focus on missions to the Moon and beyond. A new class of safety and mission success across the array of hu- astronauts graduated with over 12,000 applications man spaceflight programs. submitted for the class of Artemis-Generation explorers. I am excited about our future and grateful to work with you in support of our nation’s space program. We’re looking forward to accomplishing more explo- I look forward to working with you to achieve our ration firsts. As part of the , we are goal to place the first woman and next man on the working to send the first woman and next man to Moon. the Moon to establish long-term lunar exploration in preparation for human exploration of .

We started the New Year with the handover of the Orion Spacecraft to the Exploration Ground Systems team to process for the Artemis I launch. The first System (SLS) hot of the @NASA_ SLS core stage has been tested. Following the final




NASA established the Space Flight Awareness (SFA) program in 1963. It was established as a formal program during the Mercury and Gemini program, to infuse the space program with a renewed and strengthened consciousness of quality and flight safety. Since its inception, SFA’s mission has been to ensure that all employees involved in human spaceflight are aware of the impact their actions can have on astronaut safety and mission success. During this time, thousands of individuals were recognized for their contributions to the safety and success of NASA’s programs. The key to SFA’s longevity is its two-pronged approach to meeting its goal – awareness and recognition

2021 Space Flight Awareness Space Flight Awareness Program Goals Objectives

1. Sponsor employee recognition and motivation 1. Improve employee awareness on the importance events utilizing our astronaut corps and senior of their role in promoting safety, quality, and management. mission success.

2. Sponsor milestone events. 2. Conduct events that motivate and recognize the workforce and improve employee morale. 3. Promote current and future human spaceflight missions. Recognize significant accomplishments. 3. Function as an internal communications team to disseminate key program safety, quality, 4. Promote awareness of future programs by and mission messages. developing awareness and safety products, and recognize significant program milestones. 4. Increase awareness of the spaceflight program with a focus on safety and mission success.

5. Maintain supplier motivational and recognition programs.

Space Flight Awareness Program Teams

Products: Produce products that highlight safety and awareness of human spaceflight programs.

Awareness: Increase awareness of the SFA Program. Develops key messages related to astronaut and mission success for human spaceflight.

Supplier: Promote awareness and provide recognition to crit- ical suppliers who provide outstanding products and services in support of the human spaceflight programs and mission.

Artemis Program Patch


SFA Activities SFA Products

SFA activities include employee recognition, SFA uses a variety of products to focus on key motivational visits and the development, display aspects of human spaceflight requirements and and distribution of awareness tools and educational mission activities: materials. • Printed products – safety, quality, reliability, mission, astronauts, significant milestones SFA Visits • Decals – mission and program decals

SFA works to arrange executive and astronaut visits • Lapel Pins – , mission, milestones to help remotely located employees feel that they are • Safety Day activities part of the human spaceflight team, and to give them an to get to know those who will use the products they design and build.

Team Announcements Montage Artwork Ref

Expedition Posters and Artemis Astronauts 9 SPACE FLIGHT AWARENESS PROGRAM AWARDS

Silver Award Supplier Award

This is the astronauts’ personal award. To qualify This annual award honors outstanding for this award, eligible candidates will have made performance by hardware, software, or service contributions toward enhancing the probability suppliers who support NASA human spaceflight of mission success or improvements in design, programs. Awardees are chosen based on their administrative/technical/production techniques, production of high-quality products, excellent business systems, flight and/or systems safety, or technical and cost performance and adherence identification and correction or preventive actions to schedules. for errors. This award is generally not intended for management. Only one Silver Snoopy award per individual is permitted. Management Award

This award is intended for recognition of proactive Honoree Award mid-level managers who consistently demonstrate loyalty, empowerment, accountability, diversity, This award is one of the highest presented to NASA excellence, respect, sharing, honesty, and integrity. and industry and is for first-level management and below. This award is presented to employees for their dedication to quality work and flight safety. To qualify, Award the individual must have contributed beyond his or her normal work requirements to achieve significant This award is used to recognize employees who impact on attaining a particular human spaceflight are in the early stages of their career. Awardees program goal; contributed to a major cost savings; must demonstrate strong work ethic and creative, been instrumental in developing modification to innovative thinking in support of human spaceflight. hardware, software, or materials that increase reliability, efficiency, or performance; assisted in operational improvements; or been a key player in developing Special Local Award a beneficial process improvement. An honoree may only receive this award once. The SFA Special Local Award is presented to local employees for their dedication to quality work and flight safety and mission success. Awardees will Flight Safety Award have the opportunity to be recognized at an award program, participate in a special program milestone This award recognizes significant, outstanding event, as appropriate, and meet with top NASA and individual or team contributions related to industry officials. The SFA Special Local Award should the prevention of anything that could lead to not be used as recognition for an individual’s longevity, a catastrophic mishap to the vehicle, crew retirement, or separation from service. or mission. The approval process for this award includes the SFA National Panel, the Flight Safety Panel, and the NASA Associate Administrator for Safety and Mission Assurance.

Team Award

This award is used to recognize groups of employees that have demonstrated exemplary teamwork while accomplishing a particular task or goal in support of the human spaceflight program.


Trailblazer Award Ceremonies: 2

Team Award Ceremonies: 8

Management Award Ceremonies: 1

Flight Safety Award Ceremonies: 3


Boeing Starliner Crewed Flight Test , . September 2021


Fiscal Silver Honoree Flight Team Total # Supplier Management Local Trailblazer Astronaut Year Snoopy Awards Safety Awards of Team Awards Awards Recognition Awards Visits Awards Awards Members 2014 227 28 6 45 2731 0 19 28 0 28 2015 175 166 1 38 618 2 22 0 20 42 2016 190 109 8 44 1469 7 33 6 22 42 2017 157 130 1 39 631 5 23 0 29 37 2018 149 127 0 43 1709 3 35 12 36 18 2019 142 84 4 35 830 5 19 0 22 21 2020 10 46 0 36 912 5 6 0 10 11


Silver Snoopy Awards 10 Flight Safety Awards 0 Headquarters 0 0 Research Center 0 Team Awards 36 0 Headquarters 1 Space Flight Center 0 Glenn Research Center 1 5 Johnson Space Center 19 Kennedy Space Center 1 Kennedy Space Center 5 Research Center 0 Marshall Space Flight Center 4 Marshall Space Flight Center 0 Boeing 1 NESC 0 5 NSSC 0 0 DCMA 0 Team Members Awarded 912 Aerojet 3 Headquarters 75 Boeing 1 Glenn Research Center 62 Lockheed Martin 0 Johnson Space Center 261 Northrop 0 Kennedy Space Center 98 Marshall Space Flight Center 215 Boeing 172 Honoree Awards 46 Lockheed Martin 29 Headquarters 3 Ames Research Center 0 Armstrong Research Center 1 Supplier Awards 5 Glenn Research Center 2 Johnson Space Center 5 Goddard Space Flight Center 3 Johnson Space Center 3 Kennedy Space Center 6 1 Management Awards 6 Johnson Space Center 5 Marshall Space Flight Center 6 Aerojet Rocketdyne 1 NESC 0 NSSC 1 Stennis Space Center 3 DCMA 1 Local Recognition Awards 0 Aerojet Rocketdyne 6 Boeing 6 Lockheed Martin 4 0 FY 2020 METRICS (Cont....)

Trailblazer Awards 10 Glenn Research Center 2 Johnson Space Center 5 Aerojet Rocketdyne 2 Boeing 1

Astronaut Visits 11 Johnson Space Center 1 Marshall Space Flight Center 1 Aerojet Rocketdyne 1 Boeing 8


Artemis Day at Michoud Assembly Facility


NASA Marshall Space Flight Center award recipient Nick Case, left, presented by NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, right.


The SFA Working Group strives to ensure an effective program, one of value to the human spaceflight workforce. The focus of the program continues to be excellence in quality, safety and mission success.

Dr. Alotta Taylor Office of Human Exploration and Operations NASA Headquarters, Program Manager

Shera McNeill* NASA Headquarters

Susan NASA Johnson Space Center

Jane Mosconi NASA Kennedy Space Center

Amanda Dobbs** NASA Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Michoud Assembly Facility

Tessa Keating*** NASA Stennis Space Center

Briana Horton NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Julie Zingerman Aerojet Rocketdyne

Megan Donaldson The Boeing Company

Kara Denny Lockheed Martin

Stephanie Williams Northrop Grumman

* SFA Working Group member also represents: Glenn Research Center, Langley Research Center, and NASA & Safety Center

** SFA Working Group member also represents: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, and NASA Michoud Assembly Facility

*** SFA Working Group member also represents: Ames Research Center, Armstrong Flight Research Center, Defense Contract Management Agency, and NASA Shared Services 15 Astronaut Victor Glover prepares ISS for solar array upgrades.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA Headquarters 300 E. Street, SW Washington, DC 20546
