The land shown un-hatched and shaded yellow on the attached maps has already been declared a National Nature Reserve in the Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve No.01 Declaration 1990, No.02 Declaration 1991, No.03 Declaration 1992, No.04 Declaration 1994 and No.OS Declaration 1996. Natural now wishes to extend this National Nature Reserve.

In accordance with section 19(3) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (as amended), and all other powers enabling them in that behalf, Natural England hereby declare that:

The land having a total area of 0.50 hectares or thereabouts and shown cross hatched and shaded yellow on the attached maps 5 & 6, and the land having a total area of 1.33 hectares or thereabouts and shown cross hatched and unshaded on the attached maps 6 & 8, situated in the Parishes of Thorganby and North Duffield in the County of North (which land was included in the Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve No.01 Declaration made by the Nature Conservancy Council on the 19th day of April 1990) has ceased to be held and managed by Natural England as a nature reserve.

The land having a total area of 47.20 hectares or thereabouts, situated in the Parishes of Thornton, Melbourne, Thorganby, Cottingwith, North Duffield and Bubwith in the Counties of and Humberside and shown single hatched and shaded yellow on the attached maps has been acquired and is held by Natural England and is being managed as a nature reserve.

The land having a total area of 96.30 hectares or thereabouts, situated in the Parishes of Catton, Sutton upon Derwent, Wheldrake, Thornton, Allerthorpe, Bielby, Melbourne, Thorganby, Cottingwith, North Duffield and Ellerton in the Counties of North Yorkshire and Humberside and shown single hatched or cross hatched and shaded yellow on the attached maps is held by Carstairs Countryside Trust, a body approved by Natural England, and is being managed as a nature reserve.

Natural England is satisfied that the said land is of national importance.

And in pursuance of section 19(1) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 and section 35(1) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and all other powers enabling them in that behalf, Natural England hereby declare the land referred to herein and more particularly shown on the maps attached hereto, a National Nature Reserve.

This Declaration may be referred to as the Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve No.06 Declaration 2021.

The Common Seal of Natural England affixed to this Deed is authenticated by:­

...... (signature)

Authorised Member/Officer of Natural England

this.. ~.... day of... ~~~ ...... 2021 69 70 71 72 52 52

;i:. .::t:scoreby WoQ

Track ---­

• • 13m I oO • I II II" ,... II I \! KEXBY CP(,,) I I Traci<____ _ ' I

\~-'h1 -­ ------­ \ ••-... ' Mill k ~--!~';,~-~~\\,' iHouse 1 ,, ~:;t I tl I ft I 'r------­ }' /l ----­ ---­

I jI / I I I I I I 51

Low Catton Common


Poor's Land

Newton Common .1

Kitching lantation

Map Index Blrker Fields rn

~,, l ,,1i :, I 1 The I The Plain Mask I r i. 12m ...,, •~· I " Newton Area of NNR de-declared & re-dedared Theme ID: National Nature Reserve 1006095 Map 1 of9 Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land as CCT land Grid Ref: Lower Derwent Valley 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 o 200 400 soom North Yorkshire, Humberside ve, sion. ;------;5:l:oo;--....L-----:,:roo::o--_..:.;::...__1_5,...00-ft­. ---~ Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Dedaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotte d: ·············~··········· 1W1/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behatt of HMSO Note: © Crown copyright and database right 2021. 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares All nghts reserved . Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021 . behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from lar~e seal~ Ordnance Survey Mastermap, © Natu ral England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this mc1p. Defini~ve .maps at larger scales are available on request. 77 78

Green Land

Che nels



. •'//,;t


I I ' rn

Hall Flat ~ ! Haver Land SE I I National Nature Reserve Area of NNR de-declared &re-declared Map 2 of 9 Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension • CCT Land as CCTland Gnd Ref: Lower Derwent Valley 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 f-----...,...-20....._o___,,____40.._D_~_____:60::;0m North Yorkshire, Humberside Version; 500 1000 15001.. Area of NE land de..(leclared Area of NNR Extension · NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plo11ed: ·············~ ······················· 14101/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behelf of HMSO. Note: © Crown copyright and database right 2021 . 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021. behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from large scale Ordnance Survey Mastermap, © Nalural England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps al larger scales are available on request 73 74 75 76 SE E ------­

I I I I I I I I I f:;i ,~ I I I I I I I I Townend Field I I --­ - ,,

I Hall NTON CP I Flat

Hall Garth

Hall Garth

c,)O !--­----,,-~~Traok M ill House Lan'e Plantation ,_ Mill lfi"l.. House t:5j

Church Field

m r Ing Garthend Fiel d Angram Field ~

Area of NNR de-declared &re-declared Theme ID National Nature Reserve 1(]()6095 Scale 1: 10,000 at A3 Map 3 of 9 Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension - CCT Land as CCT land Gri d Ref: Lower Derwent Valley 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 1------r--200'----r­ -­ •..._oo_-r_____:.aso 0m North Yorkshire, Humberside Ver si on: 500 1000 15001t Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plollod: 14101/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by perrrussion of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. Note: © Crown copyright a,d dalabasa right 2021 . 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares All rights reserved Ordnance Survey l.Jcence number 100022021 . behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from large scale Ordnance Survey Mastermap, © Nalu r~ England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request 70 72 Butterb ump Bottom tf ,, ,=.-~ l ! i OxC1 o !

12m ~agghill Leas lngs

Newton Fi el

~ "~/

LComm6n~ ~

Map Index m

Area of NNR de-declared & re-declared Theme ID: National Nature Reserve 1006095 Scale 1:10,000 at A3 Map 4 of 9 It\ Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land asCCTland Grid GndRef: North Lower Derwent Valley 1------,--2_,o,_o___--r­___•_,o,_o_~----...:s:.,oom 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 I North Yorkshire, Humberside Version: 500 1000 1500ft. Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotted: ·········~······················ 14/01/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO Note: © C1own copynght and da1abase ngh12021 . 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares All rights reserved Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021 . behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from large scale Ordnance Survey Mastermap, (c) Natural England 2021 and may not match the backgroun~ detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request. 68 69 70 71 E

Suss Carrs

The Park


Scarnflat Field

7m+ ~ 11111111,i~'C I


Westhow Field West Field

0 ;;, ;;·

------­ m

42 42 THORGANBY CP r SE Area of NNR de-declared & re-declared Theme ID: National Nature Reserve 1006095 Scale 1: 10,000 at A3 Map 5 of 9 Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land as CCT land Grid Ref: Lower Derwent Valley 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 !-----~;--=20:.::.o__--::=--:•o:'.o'._-,------'6;_JOOm North Yorkshire, Humberside Version: 500 1000 1500ft. Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension - NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotted: 14101/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Re pro duced by pennission of Ordnana, Survey on behalf of HMSO. Note: © Crown cop-,right anddalabase right 2021 . 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares AUrig hts reserved . Ordnanc:e S1J1Vey Licence number 100022021. behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from lar~e seal~ Ordnance Survey Mastenmap, © Nalur~ England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request 68 69 SE

Mickleland Field

~----c~. I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Ellerton \ Common \ \ \ \ \

I ( I (

Far Woods ,,..

1-j I,le m OJ I I I I I I I I Lawns I I I I I I I I g ----·I r SE Area of NNR de-declared &re-declared Theme ID: National Nature Reserve 1006095 Scale 1:10,000 atA3 Map 6 of9 A\ Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land as CCTland Grid Grid Ref: North Lower Derwent Valley SE703436 o 200 400 600m 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares I North Yorkshire, Humberside Version: 1;------;s:J:o:;'o__:c'-'---1::ocoo:---_.:.;::__1sToo-ft---~ Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotted: 14/0112021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO Note: © Crown copyright and database right 2021 . · 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from large scale Ordnance Survey Mastermap, AH ri!li!$ ntserved Ordnance Survey LK:ence number 100022021 . © Natural England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request. 68 69 70 71 SE



Crain Drain


I' I ' ,' II ' ' / The Island ' \ 9) ~g ~ l ' II ------~ II Hugh Reid Drain ---...~­ Aughton lngs // II II ' II '::;4 , g ~\--~~_,: ·~ I 'I I ' I •II I Dra in I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I \ I I ii I I I I North\Duffield .1 \ I I \ \ I \ I \ ,, \ f-=-'-~--' ~ \ ,,,, \ ,,,, \-<>,;~ ,,,, ~,\,, Map Index ,,,, ~ [I] )i 37

SE Area of NNR de-declared &re-declared Theme ID : National Nature Reserve 1006095 Scale 1:10,000 atA3 Map 7 of9 A\ Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land as CCT land Grid Lower Derwent Valley GridRet North 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE70J436 J;------:T.:-2.:..0.:.0__---,--,c:--_ __:•:x:oo:_-,-----~soom I ~ North Yorkshire. Humberside Version: 500 1000 1500ft Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotted: ~-----·------·-·---­ 14101/2021 Authorised signatory for and on Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by pem,isslon of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. Note: © Crown copyright .-id database right 2021. 143.00 Hectares 609.38 Hectares All riij,ts reserved . Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021 behalf of Natural England The boundary shown is derived from lar~e seal~ Ordnance Survey Mastermap, © Natural England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request. 68 69 71


The Dyon

'll• •\\ u '' •' '' Far Field '• .• •\\ .• \

\ Farfield \ ~'. __ 1, \ ,~·: ~.--:~ 0,,1 Derwent Cottage H­ ::;.. y' Fa rm \~~·;·:. \ 36

The Parks

Longland Field


Gunbywood Ro3d lTr.Kk) ------~--~-----='""',-...~­

Menthorpe lngs

Drai n


Map Index [IJ

, ' rg __,... __ Midsummer Dike 0 SE Area of NNR de-declared &re-declared Theme 10 Scale 1:10,000 atA3 National Nature Reserve 1006095 Map 8 of9 A\ Already/remains declared Area of NNR Extension - CCT Land Grid as CCT land GndRef: Lower Derwent Valley 465.88 Hectares 95.80 Hectares North 0.50 Hectares SE7D34J6 J;-----:r::--=20:.i.:..o__-::.-----•::io:.:::o_""T"____~•oom I North Yorkshire, Humberside Version. SOO 1000 1500ft. Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension - NE Land 20201117 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47 .20 Hectares Plotted: - ~·················· 14/01/2011 Reproduced by permission of Ora\ance Survey on behalf ol HMSO. Authorised signatory for and on Note: Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes 143.00 Hectares © Crown copyright and database right 2021 . The boundary shown is derived from lar~e seal~ Ordnance Survey Mastermap, 609.38 Hectares All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021 behalf of Natural England © Natural England 2011 and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request. 69 70 71 Camp Sito Longland Field ------­--- (disused) SE

Patt> Or,>4 11 34 Drain 34

Oyon Drain

I I I ______--':.·~ I / Lund Closes I I I -­ I ---­--­ I I I I I I I I I I Track___ _ I I I I I

Ha I Moors

Oralt\ ----­ I ,,,, ~t , estEnds / / i ' /w ,,/ Sou1h Duffield Jngs till Drain ! Orair, ; j Map Index

7m...______OJ d l..~ ...... r,oek •I 32 32 Path 7m Hagg Lan crossing "' ~ ..,,.'iJClc____~ o,.in "" "" r SE~­ ."" se National Nature Reserve Area of NNR de-declared & re-declared Theme ID: Scale 1:10,000 atA3 Already/remains"" declared 1006095 Area of NNR Extension ­ CCT Land as CCT land Lower Derwent Valley GridRet 465.88 Hectares 95 .80 Hectares 0.50 Hectares SE703436 t-----;::;:-.:;2:...oo=---,--,----::•oC'.o_-r-____.3000m North Yorkshire, Humberside D Versio n: SOO 1000 1500ft. Area of NE land de-declared Area of NNR Extension ­ NE Land 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 1.33 Hectares 47.20 Hectares Plotted: ~ 14/0112021 Total area of NNR extension Total area after all changes Reproduced by permission of Orcilance Survey on behalf of HMSO. Authorised signatory for and on Note: © Crown copyright and database right 202 1. 143.00 Hectares The boundary shown is derived from lar~e seal~ Ordnance Survey Mastermap, 609.38 Hectares All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey L1Cence nulmer 100022021 . behalf of Natural England :i) Natur~ England 2021 and may not match the background detail on this map . Definitive maps at larger scales are available on request. National Nature Reserve Theme ID: 1006095 Lower Derwent Valley GndRef: 6km . SE703436 >----~__,._-~---'-~-- North Yorkshire, Humberside D: Vetsion: 0 5000 10000 15000ft. 20201217 Declaration number 06, 2021 - Location map -···· ·· ········· ················ Plotted: 14101 21 /20 Authorised signatory for and on Note: Reproduced by permission of Ordnillce Survey on behalf of HMSO. The boundary shown is derived from large scale Ordnance Survey Mastermap, © Crown copyright l!lld database rig hi 2021. ._b_eh_al_fo_f_Na_tu_ra_l_En__g_lan_d_ _. and may not match the background detail on this map. Definitive maps at larger All ri~ts reserved . Ordnance Survey licence Nimber 100022021. scales are available on request © Nalllfal England 2021