+ Nativity Middle SchoolBuffalo St. Augustine Campus for Moys(716) 836a5188 St. Monica Campus for Girls (716) 852-6854 Hastings Ave near Bailey & Kensington Wrighr Ave off East Delovan near Eggert Email:
[email protected] cc:cc:
[email protected] IvanIvan J. Hurwitz, Vice President Bank Applications Function Federal Reserve Bank of New York 33 LibertyLiberty Street New York, NY 1004510045-0001-0001 April 7, 2021 Subject: M&T Bank merger with PeopPeople'sle’s United Dear Mr.Mr. HurwitzHurwitz:: Since September 2004, the NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo hashas been providing our students with the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty through educationeducation.. We are an intentionally small, faithfaith-based-based middle school in the centcenterer of ononee of the poorest cities in the United States. We transform the liveslives of underserved students inin a secure, nurturing environment on singlesingle-gender-gender campuses: the St. Monica Campus for girls and the St. Augustine Campus for boys. Working in partnership with oourur students’students' families, we deliver a uniquely effective education that includes an extended school day and school year, dedicated and caring teachers, personal mentoring, and continuing support through high school graduation. To have the greatest impact, we target lowlow-income-income students who come from innerinner-city-city neighborhoods, are performing below gradegrade-level-level inin school, and are willing to embrace an extended school day and year to work toward the goal of high school and college graduation.graduation. We ask each family to contribute to the cost of their child’schild's education through tuition payments, which because of their financial situations, covers only about 5% of our operating costs each year.