I T WORDS of TRUTH," Eccl, Xii
i t WORDS OF TRUTH," Eccl, xii. 10. "THE ENTRANCE OF THY WORDS GIVETH LIGHT; ITGIVETH UNDERSTANDING UNTO THE SIMPLE."—PS, CXIX. 130. VOL. VI. LONDON: ROBERT L. ALLAN, 15 PATERNOSTER ROW; AND 73 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, GLASGOW. EDINBURGH : J. S. ROBERTSON, 52 CYOCKBURN STREET. DUBLIN TRACT DEPOT, 13 WESTLAND HOW. BOSTON, U.S.: P. G. BROWN, 3 TREMOXT ROW. MELBOURNE : J. VANCE, 51 POST OFFICE PLACE. 1871. CONTENTS. PAGE Colossians compared with Romans and Ephesians, 1 The Way we now know Christ, -------10 Notes of a Beading on the Psalms, - - - - - - 13, 36, 52 Canaan first; then the Lessons of the Wilderness, 21 Scripture Biography : Timothy, -------25 Thoughts on Sacrifices : No. 9, -------30 Thoughts on Sacrifices : No. 10, ------- 47 Occupation with Self, ----- . ... 35 The "Bunch of Hyssop," --------41 2 Cor. xii., - -----46 The Family Vault, ----------51 Hebrews x., -----------60 Matthew xiii., -----------60 Redemption, ---------- -61 " The Potter's House," -------- 66, 86 The Kohathites, ---------- 72 Righteousness and Peace, --------79 The Nail, ---- - - 79 What Characterises the Christian, and Secures his Blessing, - 81,112 Notes on 1 John iii. 4, ------- 90, 190, 206 The Preserving Power of the Word, ------ 95 "My Delights were with the Sous of Men," ----- 101 "Do the Work of an Evangelist," ------- 116 Positional and Moral Perfection, ------- 120 "What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name"? - - - 121 God's "Good Pleasure,"- - - - 127 Christian Position, Service, and Worship, ----- 133 How do you Worship ?--------- 136 Reformation is not Cure, -------- 137 David: 1 Chron. xvii.,--------- 141 David: 1 Chron. xxi., --------- Igl A Lecture on the Sprinkling of Blood, ------ 146 Faith, Hope, and Love.
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