FLOOD, PAGE 2 PAGELS, PAGE 5 SENATE, PAGE 8 Students forced to Columnist takes adventure Preview of candidates move cars in fear of around town for April 4 and 5 fl ooding election TUDENT OICE AprilS 1, 2011 www.uwrfvoice.com V Volume 97, Issue 20 Faculty votes strongly to approve union Jordan Langer percentage of union supporters, behind UW- Sally King/Student Voice
[email protected] Superior that had 94 percent. Even though a bill that abolishes the right The eight other campuses in the UW Sys- Debbie Gehris, a rep- for most state employees to unionize was tem are also in the process of unionizing, resentative from the passed by the state legislature, signed by said an AFT representative speaking on Wisconsin Employment Gov. Scott Walker and published by the Leg- background. Relations Commission, islative Reference Bureau, UW-River Falls Some campuses are further along in the administered the vote for faculty members have voted in favor of union process, which include UW-Stevens Point the UWRF faculty to gain representation through AFT-Wisconsin. that held an election Wednesday and Thurs- representation through Of the faculty who turned out to vote for day and UW-Green Bay that recently fi led AFT-Wisconsin. union representation on March 23 and 24, 90 for an election. percent voted in favor. Academic staff at UW-Superior fi led for Jim Madsen, professor, UWRF is the fi fth campus in the system an election recently as well, the representa- waits to receive his ballot. that has had faculty vote in favor of union tive said.