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JHG 05/2011 Biology and Control of Currant Lettuce Aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri Gemma Louise Hough A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of: Doctor of Philosophy in Plant and Environmental Sciences School of Life Sciences, The University of Warwick March 2013 Table of Contents List of Tables .............................................................................................................iv List of Figures............................................................................................................ix Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................xix Declaration................................................................................................................xx Summary.....................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................2 Aphids as pests ........................................................................................................2 Biology and behaviour ............................................................................................3 Current control strategies ......................................................................................12 Chapter 2: General techniques ...............................................................................15 Chapter 3: The effect of temperature and photoperiod on the development of N. ribisnigri ....................................................................................................................19 Introduction ...........................................................................................................19 Materials and Methods ..........................................................................................26 3.1 Effects of temperature on the development of WT and Rb N. ribisnigri reared on susceptible and resistant lettuce cultivars .......................................26 3.2 Effects of temperature on WT N. ribisnigri ................................................30 3.3 Effects of aphid biotype on the propensity to become alate .......................30 3.4 Effects of photoperiod on the development of different aphid biotypes......31 Statistical analysis .................................................................................................32 3.1 Effects of temperature on the development of WT and Rb N. ribisnigri reared on susceptible and resistant lettuce cultivars .......................................32 3.2 Effects of temperature on WT N. ribisnigri ................................................34 3.3 Effects of aphid biotype on the propensity to become alate .......................35 3.4 Effects of photoperiod on the development of different aphid biotypes......35 Results ...................................................................................................................35 3.1 Effects of temperature on the development of WT and Rb N. ribisnigri reared on susceptible and resistant lettuce cultivars .......................................35 3.2 Effects of temperature on WT N. ribisnigri ................................................51 3.3 Effects of aphid biotype on the propensity to become alate .......................54 3.4 Effect of photoperiod on the development of different aphid biotypes .......54 Discussion .............................................................................................................59 Conclusion.............................................................................................................67
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