Talismans Descriptions & How To Work With Them

Please download and print these powerful Archangel Talismans, or high frequency activation symbols that relate to each of the Heavenly Messengers. By using these symbols, they will activate within you the attributes of each particular along with the significant intention listed at the bottom of each power symbol.

To use the talismans, place one under your pillow when you sleep at night, or post one on your headboard above your head. Or place one between your mattress and box spring of your bed to allow the powerful attributes and intention to infuse your body, mind and soul while you sleep. You may also want to place one on your altar or in your car. The intention and attributes of each Archangel will infuse your body, mind and soul with their powerful message.


The Hebrew name of this Divine Messenger is “Geber," meaning strong man, and “el” meaning ‘of God’. Gabriel, whose color is shimmering white, is the Divine Messenger who brings inspiration to assist with transition and change, inspiring us to receive anointing directly from the Divine. Gabriel assists in bringing your body into balance with his inspiration, blessings and grace. Invoke and use Archangel Gabriel’s shimmering pure white talisman when you require strength to overcome a difficult situation.


The Hebrew name for Michael is ‘Mikha' which translates to ‘who is like’ and ‘el’ which means God. Archangel Michael, whose color is vibrant cobalt blue, is considered the great leader and protector of humanity. Michael leads us in the redemption and atonement of karma, all sense of self-doubt, and self-inflicted negative emotions, whereby we are resurrected to our divine inheritance. As the cosmic leader of the , Michael assists us in molding our lives to cleanse all negativity. His energy moves us to expand our horizons through transmutation, patience, and the I Am Presence. Invoke and use Archangel Michael’s fiery blue talisman when you require personal bravery and protection.


Her name means ‘the beauty of God’. Her color is yellow. Not only does Jophiel provide ideas for creating something beautiful, she also helps us appreciate the beauty around us. As the holy liberator, Jophiel frees us to experience detachment and stillness. Her profound quality releases us from conflicting feelings and erroneous thoughts, whereby forgiveness, liberation, and ultimate joy become the attributes of our lives. Use Archangel Jophiel’s transmutational yellow symbol when you require more beauty and freedom on your spiritual path.

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This angel's name translates as 'The Light of God' and is known as the eternal companion. Her color is purple. As the eternal companion, Uriel acts as a compass for the pure manifestation of unconditional love through friendship, trust, and freedom. Through this love Uriel became the Angel of Destiny helping humanity achieve companionship by lighting our paths, particularly when we feel we are stumbling in the dark. Invoke and use Archangel Uriel’s pure violet energy symbol when you require alchemy and wisdom in your life circumstances and relationships.

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamael’s name means ‘The Divine Guide’. Her color is pink. Chamuel guards us in moments of great challenge. This great Archangel's love instills within us a ray of hope that overshadows our burden, transforming us to live the fullness of our beauty. Invoke and use Archangel Chamuel’s stimulating pink power symbol when you need courage and strength under distress.


Raphael’s name is derived from the Hebrew word “Rafa," which means “to heal” and “el," which means “God”. Therefore, the name Raphael translates as “divine healer” or “God heals”. Raphael's emanating emerald rays provide healing for our return to wholeness, helping us to heal not only our physical bodies and weary minds, but also our broken relationships. Invoke and use Archangel Raphael’s powerful emerald talisman to resuscitate vibrant health in your physical and emotional bodies and relationships.


Zadkiel, whose color is violet, is the Divine Comforter who showers us with benevolent wisdom, allowing clear vision to eliminate obstacles that preserve self-limiting beliefs and keep us from flourishing spiritually. Zadkiel not only shows us what needs to be brought to light, but also how to intuitively heal it. Invoke and use Archangel Zadkiel’s powerful talisman with his transmutational violet Light when you need help forgiving yourself or another, and to release negative thoughts, self-doubt or weakened faith.


Though considered an Archangel, Metatron is actually in a class by himself, ringing the shimmering force of a celestial teacher concerning the past, present, and future. Metatron speaks from Divine intelligence, miraculous power, refined wisdom and great mercy, awakening us to take action on that which helps us remember our wholeness. Invoke and use Metatron’s powerful winged symbol when making radical vibrational shifts in your awakening process, and to raise your vibrational energy to meet the demands that you encounter.

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