New England Plant Conservation Program Conservation and Research Plan Neobeckia aquatica Eaton (Greene) North American Lake Cress Prepared by: John D. Gabel and Donald H. Les University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut For: New England Wild Flower Society 180 Hemenway Road Framingham, MA 01701 508/877-7630 e-mail:
[email protected] ! website: Approved, Regional Advisory Council, 2000 SUMMARY The North American lake cress, Neobeckia aquatica (Eaton) Greene (Brassicaceae), is listed as S1 in Vermont, SH in Massachusetts, and “SH?” in Maine. Lake cress likely requires clear, slow-moving water. A requirement of sites is that they have regular fluctuations in water level. Sites are typically located in gently flowing riverine systems and have little or no shoreline development. Special threats include invasive plant species, eutrophication, and development of habitat. All extant New England element occurrences of lake cress are located in Vermont at four sites. VT.002, Orwell is characterized by small population numbers (two to five plants). The site is highly eutrophic and threatened by invasive aquatic plants (Butomus umbellatus, Lythrum salicaria, and Trapa natans). VT.006, Orwell is characterized by a relatively large population (100-500 plants). The site is threatened by invasive aquatic plants (Butomus umbellatus , Lythrum salicaria, and Trapa natans.) VT.009, Shoreham is a highly eutrophic site with 500-1000 plants in the population. VT.010, Isle La Motte represents a population located in a pristine habitat with around 500 plants. The conservation objectives for Neobeckia aquatica in New England are to: C remove the threat of invasive plants from extant lake cress populations.