Annex E.8.26 Public

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Annex E.8.26 Public ICC-01/15-4-AnxE.8.26 14-10-2015 1/3 EO PT Annex E.8.26 Public ICC-01/15-4-AnxE.8.26 14-10-2015 2/3 EO PT 4122/2015 Today.Az- Vasili lstratov: "Russian passports were issued to South Ossetian residents based on Russian legislation" 22.04.2015 13:59 HOBOCTM Ha pyCCKOM anrbayca n dilinde Facebook Twitter Google+ RSS Business Soc1etv Sports Arts & E'rot">rta1rment AzerneW! Phot•J Ga!l,,nes V01•:>; ofD1aspc0ra Your Corner TODAY.AZ I Politics Most Popular Vasili lstratov: "Russian passports were issued to South Ossetian residents President llham Aliyev reviawed the Baku Sport based on Russian legislation" Palace after major overhaul (UPDATE) , 3 AUGUST zooe 113:30)- TODAYAZ K\W 10 travel apps to download 80% residents of South Ossetia are Russian citizens and Russian citizenship was ~ to your new Apple Watch issued to them on the basis d Russia's legislation, said Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasili Istratov, speaking on the international legal basis of issuance of the Russian citizenship IX> South Ossetian residents. Europe meets Elnur! He said the legislation of Russia have allowed to issue Russian citizenship to persons, m who reside in the territories of former Soviet Republics, for many years. Istratov noted tnat a greater part of Azerbaijani residents also received this citizenship on the basis of this law. Kazakhstan seek to be ma in New Silk Road transit He noted at the same time that there are also Russian citizens in Nagorno Karabakh country but It Is Impossible to speak of their exact number. /Day.Az/ Finance minister says 2015- stat.e budget to remain URL. http:/MMIW."Pol ltlc&/46930.html unchanged Review of9 world oll prices • for Aprll 13-17 ~ =>rlnt versrcr Views: 3174 1 Reason for dtci.ast In ceoneet with cs. Get latest news and updatls. Georgia's Import ol Azerblllpnlg:i s reveoled Recommend news to frie11d See Also Your name 22 April 2015 113.501 AzerbaijaniMP to attend OSCE PA Bureau Meeting in Denmark 22 April 2015 113·21] Friend's name Azerbaijani MPs to attend 4th World TurkishForum Friend's e-rnM J 22 Apnl 2015 113.07] Armeniana rmy f3ces serious losses in wake of recent Send skirmishes 21 April 2015 1F57] Occupier Armenia has norighttospeak in PACE-Azerbaijani MP 21 April 2015 117:54] Nagorn0oKarabakhco nflictin focus of Council of Europe sub• committee 21 April 2015 117:30] EU allocat.s huge grantto Georgia 21 April 2015 116:10) PresidentAliyev to join Victory Day events in Moscow ;11 April :IU1t· po·40J EU turns blind eye towards pr0oEuropea n aspirations of Azerbaijan,expertsays 112 GEO-OTP-0003-17 49 ICC-01/15-4-AnxE.8.26 14-10-2015 3/3 EO PT 4122/2015 Today.Az- Vasili lstratov: "Russian passports were issued to South Ossetian residents based on Russian legislation" 21April2015 l14:16Jsub-eommittee on conflicts created at PACE 21 April 2015 (13:57) Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains a major roadblOck l.oot::lici1~· P.dtor@tr:d~y A7 Copyright© 2COS-2014 Today.Az Advertising 212 GEO-OTP-0003-1750 .
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