DO August 2012_1 24/07/2012 14:13 Page 1 dispensingoptics Dispensing Optics PO Box 233, Crowborough TN6 9BD Telephone: 01892 667626 Fax: 01892 667626 Email:
[email protected] August 2012 Website: DO August 2012_1 24/07/2012 14:13 Page 2 DO August 2012_1 25/07/2012 14:50 Page 3 3 dispensingoptics CONTENTS August 2012 3 Cover point 4 Continuing Education and Training Common technical enquiries Cover point by David Jones 14 Patient and practice management Calling in the creatives by Antonia Chitty 16 Membership matters Supporting members locally and nationally 18 Frequently asked questions by Kim Devlin 20 ABDO Conference and New Articles of Association being held in Stratford-upon-Avon on Exhibition By now, all full members who are Saturday 29 September 2012. Conference agenda entitled to vote should have received, by post, all the documentation for the Future conference plans 22 Member musings ballots that will take place regarding As from 2013 the Association’s annual Here come the men in white coats the new Articles of Association and meeting will move to the spring, as will by Dave Wright the proposed name change. Anyone the conference, which will take place entitled to vote and not in receipt of on alternate years to Optrafair. 24 Newsbrief the appropriate mailing is urged to 25 The President’s diary contact Katie Docker in the Next year we will hold our annual by Jennifer Brower membership department (01227 meeting at Optrafair 2013 along with 733912) as soon as possible. an ABDO CET event, which will 37 Optician Index highlight innovations in optics.