From the Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield …

So often in the past year grace and truth seem to have been in short supply in some parts of our public and political life. The language we use toward one another and about one another has been bitter, vindictive and hurtful. ‘Fake news’ has been promoted, and fake allegations of fake news have been common. On social media in particular, the cloak of anonymity has meant that people seem to lose all restraint in attacking those with whom they disagree. 2017 was in many ways the Year of the Troll.

But at the same time as I have travelled around the I have come across so many places where people treat one another with kindness and care. For example, in Wolverhampton alone there are fifteen “Places of Welcome”, where people can drop into a church or community centre or mosque for a cup of tea and a friendly conversation. In North and beyond , a network of over sixty churches have trained to be ‘dementia friendly’, carefully listening to and caring for those struggling with that debilitating condition. In Stoke, a partnership of school and church is providing language support, counselling, debt management advice and good food to people struggling with many pressures in their family lives.

We have a choice. We can treat one another as a threat, abuse those who are different from us, misrepresent people’s motives and spread lies about them; or we can follow a better way, reaching out to others with care, attention and service. If that sounds simple, it is; and it is the simple message at the heart of the Christmas festival. As a Christian, I believe that God really has come to us, and still comes to us, to share our life and give us a better way of living. The Gospel of John says: ‘Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ’. May you know that grace and truth this year.

+ Michael




DATE EDGMOND KYNNERSLEY PRESTON Thursday 1st 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 4th 7.45 am 9.00 am 2nd before Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion Thursday 8th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 11th 7.45 am 10.30 am 10.15 am Next before Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service 10.30 am Sung Eucharist 4.30 pm Healing Service Wednesday 14th 9.30 am Ash Wednesday Holy Communion 7.00 pm Holy Communion Thursday 15th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 18th 7.45 am 9.00 am Lent 1 Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist Thursday 21st 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 25th 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am Lent 2 Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist





SUNDAY 4th 10 . 30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am 2nd before Lent Family Service Morning Prayer Holy Communion

Thursday 8th

SUNDAY 11th 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Next before Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion Said Communion

Wednesday 14th Ash Wednesday

Thursday 15th

SUNDAY 18th 10 . 30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Lent 1 Morning Prayer Holy Communion Holy Communion

Thursday 21st

SUNDAY 25th 9 . 00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Lent 2 Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion


FUNERALS 26th October at St Michael’s, Waters Upton – George Yardley. 10th November at St Michael’s, Waters Upton – Eva Ludlam. 15th November at All Saints, Tibberton – Freda Woolley. 7th December at St Chad’s, Kynnersley – Lawrence (Lol) Rowley. The service was followed by interment in the churchyard. 22nd December at St Chad’s, Kynnersley – Sir Bryan Baker. The service was followed by cremation at .

CREMATIONS 22nd December at Telford Crematorium – Sir Bryan Baker. 22nd December at Telford Crematorium – Sylvia Harris.

MEMORIAL SERVICES 16th December at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Pam Delvecchio (nee Gwilliam). 22nd December at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Sylvia Harris. The service was preceded by cremation at Telford.

BURIAL OF ASHES 13th November at All Saints, Tibberton – George Yardley. 28th December at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Sylvia Harris.


On the left side of this month’s cover are three lovely photos taken at the Advent Children’s Workshop held at St Peter’s, Edgmond on 9th December. Although it was a very snowy weekend the Workshop was well attended – you can read about it on page 5. The picture on the right shows the industrious group making the Christingles for the service on Christmas Eve which was as usual full to the rafters!

The next edition of the Parish Magazine and Village News will be for the month of March 2018 and the deadline for contributions is Sunday, 4th February. Please let me have them in good time – they can be delivered to me at the address on the inside front cover, or preferably emailed to me at [email protected]. Photos of all the activities going on in our villages are also very welcome.

Don’t forget that you can also read this magazine online on both the village and church websites (addresses on the front cover).



Just to remind you all that the next monthly Healing Service at St Peter’s, Edgmond will be held on February 11th at 4.30 pm (please note the earlier time during the winter months). Everyone is welcome at a Healing Service. It is not a curing service, but a healing service, and is a short, quiet, contemplative service.


The next Thursday Coffee Morning at St Peter’s Church will be on February 15th following the 9.30 am Holy Communion Service. You don’t have to attend the service to be able to have a cup of coffee. Just turn up at the church at about 10.00 am or thereabouts, and join us for coffee (or tea) and a chat. We shall look forward to seeing you.


The Children's Advent Workshop took place on the afternoon of Saturday 9th December 2017. The church was still beautifully decorated with nearly all the trees from the Christmas Tree Festival still in place, which made it feel very festive!

Despite the cold and snowy conditions, 31 children were able to take part and enjoyed making a lovely variety of craft work, including Christmas cards, calendars, bookmarks and decorations. They decorated Christmas tree ginger biscuits and the older children (and some mums and dads) also enjoyed learning to play the church's hand bells (picture right). The workshop began and ended with prayers and carol singing.

A very big thank you to everyone who took part and especially to all those who helped. It was a very happy and successful afternoon!


SUNDAY SERVICES 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Service (as announced) 6.30 pm Healing Service (2nd Sundays)

10.30 am SUNDAY SERVICES AND BIBLE READINGS FEBRUARY 2018 February 4th Family Communion 2nd before Lent Gospel: John 1: 1-14 February 11th Sung Eucharist Next before Lent O T Lesson: 2 Kings 2: 1-12 Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 Gospel: Mark 9: 2-9 February 18th Sung Eucharist Lent 1 O T Lesson: Genesis 9: 8-17 Epistle: 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Gospel: Mark 1: 9-15 February 25th Sung Eucharist Lent 2 O T Lesson: Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 Epistle: Romans 4: 13-25 Gospel: Mark 8: 31-38


Robert and Dorothy Perry would like to thank all the many people from whom they have received cards and greetings for Christmas and good wishes for the New Year. They hope that you will understand that it is not possible just now to reply to each one separately, but they wish to let you know how much your messages are appreciated. Thank You!


Volunteer numbers to serve teas and coffees after the 10.30 am Sunday service have dwindled considerably over the past 12 months, so that some people on the rota find they are scheduled to do them twice over the three-month period. If there is anyone (male or female) in the congregation – or any member of the choir – who feels able to help, PLEASE let me know. Thank you. Penny Westgate (812920) 6 CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL

Many thanks to all who contributed to the success of the Christmas Tree Festival at St Peter’s, Edgmond.

It took the hard work of many people, those on the stewarding rota, those who provided refreshments and made cakes and those who provided extension leads. Without all this support, it would not have been possible for the festival to go ahead.

All this on top of our very strong and enthusiastic Flower Guild who spent many hours making many craft and gift items to sell at the event.

There were also the 'unseen' husbands who brought the trees into church and made the boards to support some of the trees.

A very big thank you to all.

We raised in excess of £1,000 for St Peter’s Church which is much more than we had hoped for. Our grateful thanks to all. Phyllis Coats St Peter's Flower Guild


The Christmas Eve Christingle Service, conducted by our Archdeacon Paul Thomas, went off very well. It was very different from recent tradition and included an adult nativity. Thanks to all who helped assembling the Christingles and to all the children who took part with placing the baby Jesus in the crib, reading the lesson and saying the prayers. Also, all who helped putting chairs out, removing pew seat cushions, then after the service removing the chairs, sweeping up, cleaning the pews and replacing the pew cushions. Anne Furniss

The total raised was a brilliant £837 for The Children's Society. Many thanks to Anne and Zoe for all their hard work in organising the service.


The Snowdrop Walks at Caynton House Farm begin at the end of January continuing through February. Phone Anne Furniss on 01952 550216 to book your walk. Tea or coffee and cakes in “The Stables” kitchen after your walk, if you have time! Donations to “The Friends of St Peter’s Church”. For the less able there is a 5 minute walk, the longer walk takes about 30 minutes. No dogs please.

On Thursday 8th February we will be holding our Annual General Meeting in Edgmond Church at 2.15 pm, followed by the Wave of Prayer Service.

Everyone is welcome. For further information and/or help with transport please contact Margaret Matthews on 825976.


After about 30 years as Tower Captain at St Peter’s, a few months ago I decided that it was time to give someone else a chance to hone their leadership skills, so at the Tower AGM on 6 December Mark Adams was elected to succeed me. Mark has been a member of the band for nearly as long as me and has been deputy Tower Captain for many years so he is well versed in the ways of the tower, and I’m sure he will do an excellent job. Mark lives in Newport. I have no plans to give up ringing or even cut down my activity, and I was elected as Deputy Tower Captain. Other officers are Paul Lewis, Secretary and Rob Herbert, Steeple Keeper. I have thoroughly enjoyed leading the tower and it is with very mixed feelings that I retire. I have been very fortunate that over the years a number of very good bellringers have settled in the area and chosen to join the band, which has made my job very easy. With some help from other leading Shropshire ringers we have been able to keep pushing the boundaries of eight bell ringing.

Over the years we have taught quite a few ringers. Many teenagers joined in my early years, but sadly I think none of them is still ringing. We hope they will come back to it in later years. We taught several students over the years, including Jenny Bell who went on to be ordained, and more recently we taught local residents Rob Herbert and Annette Bailey. One of my regrets is that we have not managed to recruit and retain more young ringers.

As to the future, I hope the band will continue to retain its close links with the congregation and the church. Much as I enjoy the physical and mental challenge of ringing and the camaraderie, ringing for church services and for the service of the church gives ringing, for me, that extra edge of fulfilment.

The other significant recent event was Bill Deason’s 80th birthday. Bill retired to Newport from Lapley about 15 years ago and joined the Edgmond band. He has been a ‘tower of strength’ and very rarely misses a ringing session, and is an excellent example of commitment to bellringing. Bill retains his contact with Lapley, travelling there each Sunday to ring for the 9.00 am service before coming back to ring for the 10.30 am service at Edgmond. To celebrate his birthday, the local band, including Bill, rang a full peal of a method called ‘80th Birthday Surprise Major’ at Lapley on 25 November.

The attempt to ring a peal for the Christmas Tree Festival (and to mark my retirement) on 2 December unfortunately failed, but we did manage a good quarter peal of London Surprise Major. Edric Broom Retired Tower Captain 9 SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE

As the church path was very slippery due to compacted snow and ice, St Peter's School "Carol Service" took place outdoors in the school grounds, with everyone wrapped up warmly in their coats and hats, and the PTA serving hot drinks and mince pies! It was a very memorable and happy occasion!


I am advised by P.C. Lee Thomas that the following reports were received by the Police during November and December (i.e. since the last magazine).

A dumper truck was stolen from a building site in Newport Road at approximately 2330 on 16th November. A resident called the Police and the dumper was found soon after on the B5062 a short distance away.

At around 2100 on 21st November, there was a report of possible poaching or hare coursing on a field between Edgmond and .

On 14th December, a resident complained of his horses being worried by off lead dogs in his field. Readers are reminded that dogs should always be kept on their leads whenever near livestock. They should also remember that they can be held liable for any harm caused by their animal(s), and that the landowner is perfectly within his rights to shoot any dog worrying livestock. John Keeping (813125) 10


Happy New Year!

This is our first Parish Magazine newsletter this year so can I wish a happy new year to everyone from the Parish Council. Many thanks to Lee Bowers and Ray Marriot both of whom had to retire as councillors last year and we are very happy to welcome Keith Arbuthnot.

Hi. My name is Cath Edwards. My family and I have lived in Robin Lane for 17 years and love living here and being part of our friendly community. I have been a Parish Councillor for two years and have found it a varied and interesting role. I am vice-chair of the environment subcommittee which reflects my interest in the environment and trying to live as sustainably as I can, which is not easy when you live in a village and have to drive most places. I also now represent the parish at the Newport Regeneration Partnership meetings which is a great opportunity to find out what is going on in our neighbouring town and around Telford & Wrekin Borough.

Edgmond Tree Project My main role has been managing the Edgmond Tree Project. This started in 2010 when a parishioner wanted to replace the trees that had been lost from our hedgerows. He donated 1000 baby trees including Oak, Ash, Field Maple and Black Poplar. These were grown on in a nursery site on a patch of land kindly donated by Neil Furniss. The initial planting was a fantastic day with nearly 100 families involved in planting. As the trees have got to the size that they were big enough to put into the hedgerows (and not be cut back by hedge cutting), they have gradually been planted out by a small, dedicated team of volunteers and student members of Harper Adams Conservation Society. There have been some challenges along the way from planting in the pouring rain to having to deal with Ash Die Back, but there has also been lots of laughter, coffee and cake. There are still some Field Maples left at the nursery site that are now too big to move, sadly, and Ashes which legally we cannot move.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been involved over the years, the landowners who have allowed us onto their land, to Tim Edwards of Bonningale Nursery for donating the trees, to Neil Furniss for stepping in to help with a digger when Tim was ill, Harper Adams for donating the rabbit proof fencing, the brilliant students who were great fun to have working with us, all the volunteers, Council for the grant money and above all to my long suffering husband, Simon, whose help has been invaluable. The project is unique in the country and something the parish can be very proud of and is a fantastic legacy for future generations. I get enormous pleasure when I walk around the parish to see what has been achieved.


Edgmond Neighbourhood Plan The independent examiner completed his examination of the Edgmond Neighbourhood Plan just before Christmas. His report is 13 pages long and it is clear that he has considered all the representations made throughout the consultation period. His conclusion and recommendations state:

“I can see that the Parish Council and its volunteers have put a great deal of hard work into the submission of the Plan and supporting documents. The Plan is well presented and clear, and seeks to represent the local community’s aspirations, which it does well.”

“From my examination of the submitted ENP, together with the supporting documents, including having regard to all the representations made, I have concluded that the making of the Plan will meet the Basic Conditions, if modified as I recommend.”

“I also conclude that the legal requirements are met”

“I recommend that ENP should proceed to referendum”

I hope you agree that this is very encouraging and reflects the hard work that has gone into this document. We will soon be having a referendum on our Plan and I strongly urge you to have a look at it and support what we believe is an excellent piece of work that reflects the wishes of the people of Edgmond and how they would like to see the village develop into the future.

Due to the future publication of the Edgmond Neighbourhood Plan we have a new logo which some of our councillors have been working on.

Our next full council meeting is Monday March 12th, 7.00 pm in the committee room at the village hall. The first part of the meeting is for anyone in the parish to come along and share any information on matters of interest and concern from around the village. You can also contact us via the website at or leave a message with the clerk on 541939. Additionally there are also our two Borough Councillors: Stephen Bentley and Stephen Burrell, who can be contacted via the Telford & Wrekin website or ring 380000 if you need their assistance with anything.

You can contact the Parish Council via the Clerk to the Council, Katrina Baker MBE, The Oaklands, Waters Upton, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6NP, tel: 01952 541939 (home) 07813 788094 (mobile), email: [email protected].


For some time your Parish Council has been supporting a Telford & Wrekin campaign called ‘We’re Watching You’. This has been attempting to encourage dog walkers to clean up after their dogs. The campaign is still on-going and there are notices on lamp posts around the village.

It appears that most dog walkers have responded positively to this campaign, but some have not and there is still dog excrement in and around Edgmond.

12 Recently, it has been brought to our notice that a parasite, called Neospora, can be found in dog excrement. Unfortunately, this parasite can be picked up by cattle and can result in cows aborting their calves on multiple occasions. The cow never recovers and is usually destroyed.

To minimise the risk of this happening in Edgmond, dog walkers are again being reminded to clear up after their dogs, especially in the open countryside and on land where cattle have been or could be grazing, or where grass or other crops will be used for winter feeding.

If a dog leaves the line of the public footpath, it may be possible that excrement can be deposited on areas other than the footpath. Owners can be unaware of this and will not, therefore, be in a position to clear it up.

Please be vigilant and pick up and dispose of your dog’s mess. Thank you for your understanding, Councillor Robert Higginson (Chairman) On behalf of Edgmond Parish Council


The February 2018 meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th February. Kathleen Turner will present "Wonderful Music Boxes, Past and Present". Kathleen will bring along 6 different types of "Music Box" and talk about the history of mechanical music from AD 900 through the 18th Century, the Victorian period and early 20th Century through to the present day. She will play the boxes as she progresses through her talk and finish with a 20 note 31 pipe Raffin Street Organ playing a piece of classical music, followed by a couple of songs people can join in with if they wish. The presentation will finish with a Radetzky March to clap along to.

All meetings take place in The Royal British Legion Club, Audley Road, Newport commencing at 2.00 pm; admission is still only £1.00, refreshments available. Visitors are most welcome and there are ample parking facilities available.

The next Table Top Sale will be on Saturday, February 3rd at Edgmond Village Hall from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Lots of stalls + delicious breakfast sandwiches + tea, coffee and cold drinks Contact Janis on 01952 820572



Our November profit was £382; the December Table Top Sale profit was £255 - thank you everyone! Our Christmas Fair profit was £739 - thank you very much for supporting this popular event.

Planned Events for 2018

January 17th - Quiz Night, 7.00 pm. Contact Denise for tickets on 01952 812850.

February 3rd - sees the return of the Table Top Sale, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm. Contact Janis on 01952 820572.

10th February 2018 - Contra Band will be performing for us - check our website for more details.

March 3rd - Table Top Sale

The table top sales are very popular so do come and join us for breakfast and bag a bargain.

If you would like to book the Village Hall for your special event please contact Janis on 01952 820572.

Monies raised from 2017/2018 will help purchase vertical blinds for the New Extension, plus further improvements planned:-

Install level pavement from car park to new extension

Level Car Park

Install fire door between new extension and existing hall

Refurbish Gents

Refurbish old Ladies Toilets as a store room.

(If you can help in anyway with the above please get in touch).

Our next committee meeting will be Tuesday 23rd January at 19.30 pm. If you would like to discuss anything with the committee, you’re more than welcome to come along.

200 Club Draw Results for December

GRAND DRAW winning numbers:

No 99 won £100 No 17 won £50 No 2 won £50 No 8 won £25 No 107 won £25

December monthly draw winning numbers:

No 49 won £10 No 181 won £10 No 184 won £5 No 65 won £5 No 152 won £5 No 89 won £5

Congratulations everyone and thank you for your continued support. We still have a few numbers left if you would like to purchase another number for £10 per year. Contact Denise Bishop 01952 812850 if interested. During December we welcomed 7 additional new members.


The community of Edgmond was saddened by the news of Veronica's death at the relatively young age of 61. Although she moved away from Edgmond a few years ago many of us will remember how involved Veronica was in village life.

Veronica and her two older brothers were brought up in Nottingham and Hertfordshire. Veronica flourished academically at school, and also enjoyed sport and amateur dramatics. She read history at the University of Essex, where she met Richard. They were married in 1977 and after university lived and worked in Malta and Germany. When they returned to the UK in the 1980s Richard joined Beacon Radio and Veronica worked for Wolverhampton Polytechnic as Publicity Officer. They then moved to Worfield and set up their PR business, Red House Associates. In 1988 their daughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) was born, and in 1992 the family moved into the Old Rectory in Edgmond. There they lived until 2009 when they left Shropshire for Lawkland, near Settle, in North Yorkshire.

For 17 years Veronica was very much part of community and church life here in Edgmond. She was the type of person who was full of enthusiasm herself and could also motivate others.

Having trained as a Walking for Health leader she led weekly walks around the village. She founded Edgmond Poetry Group which still continues to meet every month. With Barbara Hemmings she helped produce the millennium video "From the Edge" about village life. Not forgetting all her wonderful photography projects! At St Peter's Church Veronica served on the PCC, helped organise Children's Workshops, led Teddy Bear services, published Pete's Post for the primary school children, and contributed in many other ways. She was also a fundraiser for Christian Aid, hosting Winter Warmer evenings and Lent Lunches at the Old Rectory. Veronica loved cricket, always following the big matches on TV, and herself played for Forton Cricket Club, sometimes captained by Lizzie.

After moving up north, being Veronica, she soon became immersed in local activities: setting up the North Craven Strollers, leading photo walks, learning to play the ukulele, joining in with amateur dramatics, serving as Parish Clerk, helping to bring fibre optic internet to her area.

Veronica lived her life to the full and, apart from her family, the things perhaps most important to Veronica were writing, photography, travelling and walking (not forgetting the cricket!)

Veronica had a real way with words, winning her first prize for writing when she was about 8 years old. She joined a poetry study group at Keele University and emerged as a poet herself, going on to publish and perform her own humorous and poignant work. Veronica was one half of the comedy-drama duo Lippy Logic (remember them performing in Edgmond Village Hall?), and with Richard she wrote and produced comedies for the Austwick Community Players.

15 Always keen to learn new skills, Veronica qualified as a Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society and became an experienced camerawoman, holding exhibitions of her work around the UK. She was equally talented whether photographing people or places, families or landscapes. One of her best remembered photos shows Comet Hale-Bopp hanging in the sky above St Peter's Church.

The explorer in Veronica loved travelling, both near and far. With Richard and/or Lizzie she crossed Europe, including Montenegro, Bosnia and Sicily, had camper van holidays in the USA and did Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. With Jane Wood she walked the Coast to Coast route from St. Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay. She regularly climbed the Yorkshire Three Peaks and had scaled many of the Cumbrian mountains and fells. For her contribution to the Walking for Health scheme she won an award from the Ramblers Association, having trained dozens of volunteers to become walk leaders for groups in the Yorkshire area.

Veronica was warm, funny and talented: always positive, energetic, looking for the next adventure. She sadly fell ill about two years ago and fought hard and with exceptional bravery to manage her health. Her battle came to an end just before Christmas. She will be greatly missed, and we offer our deepest sympathy to her family, especially to Richard and Lizzie, at this very sad time. Jane Ryan


PCC Secretary: Mrs Georgina Edge 01952 603648

SERVICES in FEBRUARY 2018 Sunday February 11th Epistle 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 Maria Simpson Next before Lent (Green) Gospel Mark 9: 2-9 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday February 25th – Lent 2 (Purple) Stephanie Dobson 10.30 am – Family Service


The guest speaker at our meeting on the 13th February is Ken Gilks who will entertain us with ‘Odes of Laughter and Life’. We meet in Kynnersley Village Hall. Visitors £4. New members are very welcome. For further information contact Pat on 01952 603612 or Carole on 01952 603291.


W.I. Christmas Party 2017


On behalf of Kynnersley Parish Council, can I wish you all a very Happy New Year. We have had a busy and successful year whilst representing the local residents on a number of important local issues.

The Parish Council hosted a meeting in the Village Hall to gather views regarding the proposed closure of Horton Lane. This was an opportunity for everyone to have their say on the proposal and officers of Telford & Wrekin Council attended to hear the views so that they could make an informed decision – it was eventually agreed that Horton Lane will remain open.

The Highways Officer has walked around the Parish with the Clerk and Councillor Dobson and we were able to point out the concerns of many local people regarding the condition of the roads and footpaths, drainage issues, and other matters of concern that have been brought to our attention.

Local people have attended our meetings and the members are always pleased to see them and to hear their ideas and concerns. At the last meeting, we heard that the road sweeper had not been able to undertake the entire area due to parked cars – please, if at all possible, park your vehicles off the highway and footpath.

Members will be considering whether or not we should embark on the production of a Neighbourhood Plan – if you are interested in hearing more about this project and how it can offer support to the community or if you have time to be involved in the consultation process that will be necessary, please do contact the Clerk or one of your local councillors.

Alternatively, you will be most welcome at the Parish Council meetings. These take place in the Village Hall. The next meeting will be on 27th March at 8.00 pm.

Katrina Baker, Clerk – 01952 541939 or email [email protected]


Churchwardens: Mr D Brown, The Conifers 676671 Dr T Goode, 32a Moorhead 670242 PCC Secretary: Mrs P Jones, The Rockery, Wheat Leasowes 603612

SERVICES IN FEBRUARY 2018 Sunday February 4th Epistle Colossians 1: 15 - 20 Dr T Goode 2nd before Lent (Green) Gospel John 1: 1-14 Mrs A Smith 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mr D Brown Sunday February 11th – Next before Lent 10.15 am – Family Service Sunday February 18th Epistle 1 Peter 3: 18 - end Mrs B Vickers Lent 1 (Purple) Gospel Mark 1: 9-15 Mrs P Jones 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mr P Gale Sunday February 25th Epistle Romans 4: 13 - end Mr D Brown Lent 2 (Purple) Gospel Mark 8: 31-end Dr T Goode 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mrs B Vickers


You are invited to join us for ‘soup and a roll’ on Friday 9th February from 12 noon till 2.00 pm in church. There will be a variety of soups on offer, a little something sweet to follow and of course tea or coffee. All this for a reasonable donation.

This follows our first venture when the first snowfall for a few years decided to fall on the day we chose to have ‘cake and coffee’ in church. Surprisingly, it turned out to be a very enjoyable afternoon, raising £60 for Church Funds.

Coffee and Cake

18 AND FINALLY … the last word on Christmas


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Home visits Post Office opening hours Evenings & weekends possible Mon to Fri 9am to 5.30pm Saturday 9am to 12.30pm

Tel: 01785 823151 Telephone 01952 811951 Fax 01952 811428

Mobile: 07966549709 See us on uk

Julie Highfield Interior Painting and Decorating Emulsion Woodwork Playrooms Murals Children’s bedrooms Special Finishes Feature walls Curtains * Blinds * Alterations

Contact 01952 670275 [email protected]


The Shropshire Sweep

Chimney Sweep and Vacuum Service

Jon Prosser Mobile: 07946 134783 Email: [email protected]

J.R. Williams

Funeral Director Ltd



 Complete 24 hour service

 Private Chapel of Rest Gleaming Services  The personalised funeral our loved one deserves

One off cleans or regular domestic cleans.  All types of funeral arranged  Prepaid funeral plans available Call Anna today to discuss your needs and a package that suits you.

Call Anna on Kynnersley 01952 952115 Please contact John Williams

or 07792 486 005 01952 811140 (24 hours)

Putting the gleam back into your home Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors