Saunags Village – Kolka DAY 15

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Saunags Village – Kolka DAY 15 DAY 15 COASTALHIKING.EU Saunags village – Kolka The Heart Of Europe: Cape Kolka The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route winds through small country and forest roads from Saunags village to Vaide village where it returns to the seacoast again. Wide sandy beaches stretch up to Cape Kolka turning into low sparse foredunes; wooded seaside dunes continue behind them. For around 2 km, there are washed away dunes followed by the Dumbrkalni Hills. Cape Kolka, the point where the Great Sea meets the Little Sea, is one of the most popular bird-watching sites on the Baltic seacoast. 7 5 USEFUL INFORMATION 13 km Gravel roads, sandy beach. The itinerary goes through Slītere National Park. 5–7 h Easy The distance between Saunags village and Vaide village can The center of Saunags Village You can wade across the be covered via the beach. You Vecročupe River during low can go from Vaide village to Cape Kolka, opposite the water. Kolka via a forest trail (marked Kolkasrags Information and on the trees with yellow paint or with cycle route markings Visitors center None. No 558). Experienced walkers can combine this section with Saunags – Vaide – Cape Kolka the one of the previous day and start in Sīkrags village. I 34 I Gulf of Finland POLAND 3 3 WORTH SEEING! SERVICES 1 The Horn collection in Vaide Accommodations village. More than 550 horns. 1. Holiday home Zemeņlauki, T: +371 29395624; T: +371 26376974; GPS: 57.72684, 22.45993 GPS: 57.72026, 22.43500 2 The Pine Nature Trail. The trail is 2. Campsite Purvziedi, T: +371 29395624, exceptionally beautiful in the spring 63200179; GPS: 57.72686, 22.45994 and at the beginning of summer when the pine trees bloom: the pines with 3. Campsite Saules mājas, low set, prostrate branches form T: +371 28368830, 26322972; unusual flowering carpets. You can GPS: 57.75852, 22.60015 see the “Mother of pines” which could 4. Holiday home Ūši, T: +371 29475692, possibly be one of the oldest coastal 63276507; GPS: 57.74822, 22.59502 pines deeply covered in sand. According to biologists, it could be around 200- 5. Holiday home Mežlauki, 300 years old. GPS: 57.75708, 22.59076 T: +371 26536887; GPS: 57.74794, 22.58908 3 The Bird observation tower. 20 m high. GPS: 57.75742, 22.59194 6. Guest house Vītoli, T: +371 29135764; GPS: 57.74003, 22.58265 4 The Old Kolka Lighthouse. The only remains of the lighthouse are its ruins, 7. Hotel Zītari, T: +371 29808111, reaffirming the mightiness of the sea, 20019608; GPS: 57.73810, 22.58163 wind and currents at Cape Kolka. 8. Tent area Pūpoli, GPS: 57.75891, 22.60471 T: +371 28311813, 29163592; 5 The Kolka Lighthouse. The only GPS: 57.72784, 22.58058 lighthouse in Latvia built on an island 9. Holiday home Kolka, that was artificially created 5,14 km T: +371 26404053; from the shore. GPS: 57.7476401, 22.5880225 GPS: 57.80238, 22.63398 6 A Monument to the ones taken by the Catering sea. A symbolic gate through which 1. Divjūriņas, T: +371 28658791; you can see the Kolka lighthouse. GPS: 57.75635, 22.60022 GPS: 57.75829, 22.60278 2. Ūši, T: +371 29475692; Kolka 7 Cape . Cape Kolka is the GPS: 57.74836, 22.59503 Northernmost point of the Kurzeme (Gericht Sklandrausis, livländische TOURIST INFORMATION (Courland) peninsula. The shelf of Gerichte, nach vorheriger Buchung) Cape Kolka stretches into the sea for Kolkasrags Information and Visitors 6 km and it is bathed by the sea at a 3. Zītari, T: +371 20019608, 29808111; center, Cape Kolka, Kolka, depth of 0,5-3 km. The waves of the GPS: 57.73797, 22.58171 T: +371 29149105, Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga meet; on its shelf. During storms waves can Shops GPS: 57.75650, 22.59991 reach a height of 7 m. In Kolka, GPS: 57.74371, 22.58672; Dundaga District TIC, Pils iela 14, GPS: 57.75847, 22.60447 GPS: 57.73784, 22.58172 Dundaga, T: +371 63232293, T: +371 29444395; 8 The Liv center Kūolka. Here you can see a movie about the Livs, listen to Public transport; a recording of the Liv language and Bus transport connects Saunaga and GPS: 57.51061, 22.35566 become acquainted with Liv culture Kolka (~ 2-4 times per day). and customs. T: +371 29198596; Rest areas GPS: 57.74306, 22.58509 Next to the Kolkasrags Information and 9 The Kolka Sea Star Virgin Roman Visitors center, GPS: 57.75650, 22.60046 Catholic Church. T: +371 29644609; GPS: 57.73849, 22.58289 I 35 I.
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