PREFACE 1. for an Analysis of Machine Metaphors and the Impact of Technology in Imperial Settings See Michael P. Adas, Machines
Notes PREFACE 1. For an analysis of machine metaphors and the impact of technology in imperial settings see Michael P. Adas, Machines as the Measure of Man (Ithaca, NY, 1990). See also Anson Rabinbach, The Human Motor (New York, 1990). 2. Les Jeux Olympiques, 776 av. J.C.-1896 (Paris, 1896) 108. 3. Ideal Health and How to Obtain It by Physical Culture, by 'M.D/ (Lon don, 1909) 1. 4. The problems with studying the body in the context of private life in this period have already been cogently laid out by Michelle Perrot (ed.), A History of Private Life: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War (Cambridge, MA, 1990) 1-5. Even most sociologists, who are typically less tradition bound than historians, would admit that there is as yet no sociology of the body, only a diffuse and cautious effort to begin collecting bodily related data. As Anthony Synnott argues in The Body Social: Symbolism, Self and Society (New York, 1993), psy chologists and philosophers as well as historians have tended to ignore the body. Groundbreaking work by historians of gender and sexuality such as Judith Walkowitz, Peter Brown and Thomas Laqeuer are notable exceptions in this regard. 5. See David Landes, Prometheus Unbound: Technological Change and Indus trial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present (Cambridge, 1969) 357. 6. Ibid. 7. Like the geographical nation, biological categories such as gender often implicitly finesse questions about their specificity and substance. These are taken for granted as the visible which denotes the under lying truth of differences.
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