1933 Brown and Gold Vol 15 No 11 April 1, 1933

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1933 Brown and Gold Vol 15 No 11 April 1, 1933 Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 4-1-1933 1933 Brown and Gold Vol 15 No 11 April 1, 1933 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Education Commons, and the Religion Commons Recommended Citation "1933 Brown and Gold Vol 15 No 11 April 1, 1933" (1933). Brown and Gold. 147. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/147 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact epublications@regis.edu. Attend Big Smoker Support Prep Parade To Be Held April 7 Remember Last Year? On College Campus GOI!D Keep Old Spirit Up !! Vol. XV, No. 11 REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLO. April 1, 1933 Magpie Becomes Great Pet On Orators Ready Campus s~=i~OM~~~:::f Regis Ramblers Regis possesses if not a famous Of Faculty Down Chubby's For Finals In at least a unique pet. It is a mag­ pie. Large gatherings on the cam­ pus of late are usually found to HERE SIX DAYS On n)J·amond be centering on this bird. He is Optimistic Over Prospect of I; K. C. Elocution fearless and at times takes on a Institution Overcoming Fi- pugnastic nature, pecking at the nancial Stress. ankles of anyone who happens to Johnny Wilson and Tierney Pitch Well for· Five Men Have Qualified to be nearby. He is a friendly scaven- The Very Rev. Samuel H, Horine, Collegians, Permitting Only Six Hits ger, and Lou Weber doesn't like S. J., Provincial Superior of the Participate in Contest for him. Missouri province, left for the BOX SCORE "Maggie" turned up at Regis dur- Dakota Jesuit Indian Missions last +~---------------~-~., CHUBBY'S CAFE ing the last zero spell. He was Tuesday after paying a brief visit ~ A.B. R. H. P.O. A. Gold-Medal Awarded in June found down in the grotto almost at Regis. The visit is an annual PRESIDENT'S Burns, cf. .......... .4 1 0 3 0 frozen and was taken and kept. He one and is for the purpose of in­ MESSAGE Dyer, 2b ...............4 1 1 1 3 recuperated rapidly, what with spection. His assistant Rev. W. J. Long, 3b. ............. 3 0 0 0 3 Little Theatre to Be Scene of good food and a warm place to live Fitzgerald S. J., went directly to -0- Lucetta, lb........... 3 1 0 9 0 Competition. Great Crowd in. Now that warmer weather is his headquarters at St. Louis Uni­ IMy dear students: Cochran, rf. ...... .4 1 1 1 0 Dean Joseph Ryan Is here he has been turned loose, but versity. Expected to See Efforts of We are in the last quarter of La: Guardia, If.... .4 0 0 2 0 it seems he has decided to stay. Father Horine was very optimis- Elocutionists on Monday, Confined to Hospital the school year and much Paulino, ss. ........ .4 1 1 1 2 He has a bad habit of stealing tic concerning the future of Regis. April 3. work remains to be done be­ Ricotta, c. .......... .4 0 1 9 0 every glittering article he sees. He declared that the Jesuits never - On Wednesday afternoon Dean fore you will bid farewell to Hitler, p ............... 0 0 0 0 0 The annual elocution contest in Locker keys and wrist-watches ap- give up a college where there is Father Joseph Ryan turned over the class of 1933. Several ac­ Lucci, p ................. 3 0 1 0 0 the College will be held on Monday peal especially to him. It is expect- hope for the future. Denver is his duties to Father William Ryan tivities in the school deserve Venetta, p . .......... 1 0 0 0 0 evening, April 3, in the Little and entered St. Joseph's hospital as 1 your wholehearted support Totals .............. 34 5 6 26 8 a 1 Theatre. The Knights of Columbus a patient. His general run-down :~t:e ~~~e b~;s:n~~~e~:I d;:a~~; :~~ai~~h~ni;::I :~::: f~~ :h:o::;:~ and your willing cooperation. REGIGS gold medal will be presented to the condition prompted his physician to after sitting day after day on the Father Horine admitted that the Work faithfully so that all of Raedel, ss. .......... .4 2 1 2 9 tops of standing autos and listening financial situation of Regis was ex­ 1 winner on commencement day. send him to the hospital for a com- you may be satisfied that you Domencio, cf. ..... 5 2 2 2 0 to the boys prepare for their quiz- tremely grave but stated that the Those who have weathered two plete physical examination and a have done your beat for all Siems, c. ............ .4 0 2 4 0 matter was a local one and ex­ preliminary contests and are ellgl- complete rest. Father Mahoney zes. the endeavors of this present Dolan, lb............ .4 1 0 12 0 pressed confidence that the people ble for the medal are Walter An- drove him to the hospital in his year. We are hoping that the' Chilero, 3b. .. ........ 5 0 2 2 2 of Denver and of Colorado would gerer, Emmett Harrington, Max car. The Brown and Gold wishes public spealting contests will Wilson, p ............. 3 0 2' 0 1 rally behind Regis with their finan­ Jonke, Edward Sanchez and Ed- the dean a speedy recovery. Novena Is ·Plan Of be the beat that we have ever Tierney, p. .. ........ 1 1 1 0 0 cial support and prevent its doors round Pigeon. Musical numbers by had, that the baseball teams Manian, lf. ......... 3 0 0 1 0 Student Council from being closed. the orchestra under the direction will bring only victories to us, McHugh, 2b. ...... .4 0 0 4 2 Coffee ·Drinkers Father Horine declared that in of Father Dlmichino wlll add to that the Little Theatre tour­ Lammerman, rf. 2 A schedule of student activities, his travels through the Missouri 0 0 0 0 the entertainment of the occasion. Discuss Work of nament prize will remain with designed to spread over the balance Province which is the second larg­ McGraw, rf......... 2 0 1 0 0 The judges who have accepted an us for another year, that Regia Michael Williams of the school year, is being formu- est in this country he has noted Totals .............. 37 6 11 27 14 invitation to serve are Rev. R. J. students will win prizes in the lated by the student council. that the Catholic schools are pro- Score by Innings O'Nelll, U. S. A. chaplain at Fitz­ h~tercollegiate English and The prime consideration of the Included in this prospective plan ducing mere l}.nd more Catholic Chubby's Cafe simons Hospital, Mr. John P. Latin contests, that the Col­ Coffee Drinkers the two weeks past are such events as a novena to the leaders. He also said that the de­ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE Akolt, attorney, and Mr. M. J. Me- le.ge play will be very well has been the life and work of Jesuit martyrs to alleviate the pression has proved his faith in 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 6 1 Enery, clothier. M' ·1 · produced. High hopes? May­ Score by Innings 1chael W1 hams, the present edi- present financial strain of the Col- modern youth as they . are taking be. You can do it. It baa The contest will be open to the tor of Commonweal. Mr. Williams lege, a smoker, the Prep Parade, the hard knocks of the depression Regis been done in the past. Beat public. Friends of the College are ' was born in Halifax, 1876, and at the annual speaking tour, and the without a whimper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE 1 wishes. especially invited to attend. The an early age began his literary year book. 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 11 3 competition is a traditional affair 1 works. During his youth he was The smoker, which promises to Lent ia slipping away. Have you done something for God? Coming from behind in thE!' last and is intended to demonstrate the : a reporter and hack-writer, and at provide a very good card at a low half of the ninth inning Regis nosed oratorical tal,ent of the students I one time, the sole contributor to a admission price, will be staged for Annual Prep Very sincerely youn, out Chubby's Cafe last Tuesday and stimulate interest in the art magazine which he had founded. the purpose of raising funds for the J. A. Herbers, S. J. afternoon. Hack Wilson and Sarge 1 of dramatic expression. It is the The conversion of Mr. Williams to Prep Parade. Tierney toiled on the mound for first of several which are held every Ithe Catholic faith was a genuine The purpose of the annual speak­ 1 ·--+ Parade Nears · .. "--·---·-.... Regis and held the opposition to year. The oratorical contest, in conversion for although he had been ing tour will be to convince the NEWSHAWKS TAX six hits. While the Ramblers snap­ which original speeches are deliv- 1baptized he had ceased to practice high school senior that Catholic ped out of their hitting slump and ered, will be held at the College on his religion at an early age. It is education is not only most condu­ Social Function Is MEMBERS FOR raked Hitler (No relation to the April 25.
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