Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3

Volume 6 Number 6 November-December, 1957 Article 6


Insect pests and their control - Stored-Grain pests

C. F. H. Jenkins

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TORED foodstuffs such as grain, dried fruits and flour are constantly liable to the S attacks of insect pests, with the result that the farmer, grain merchant, miller and grocer have a continual war to wage in order to keep their products in a whole­ some condition. During the 1914-18 World War, millions of bushels of bagged wheat were stored in Australia on account of the lack of shipping space, and incalculable damage was done by mice and "" attack. When there is a possibility that stocks of grain are to be stored, precautions must be taken to protect it from rodent and insect damage. Before dealing with the methods which There is a belief prevalent even in these may be adopted to safeguard the grain, it times that "" appear spontaneously will be well to know the names of the in grain just as toads were believed by the with which we are concerned, how ancients to be the product of mud and they may be recognised and the way in slime, and flies an inevitable sequel to which they affect the wheat. filth. That there is absolutely no founda­ Grain insects may be divided into two tion for this will be seen from the life main groups which can be listed as history details which follow. Clean wheat follows:— will remain free from insect attack indefinitely if no outside infection is Primary Insects.—Those capable of permitted. Every "weevil" is derived from affecting sound grain— an egg laid by a female and there is (Calandra oryzae L.). definitely nothing spontaneous or mys­ Granary weevil (C. granaria L.). terious about an outbreak, however obscure Lesser grain borer (Rhizopertha domi- the source of infestation may be. nica Fabr.). Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga PRIMARY PESTS cerealella Oliv.). Rice Weevil Secondary Insects.—Those incapable of (Calandra oryzae L.). attacking sound grain— Sometimes known as the black weevil, Confused flour (Tribolium con­ this insect varies considerably in size, but fusion Jacq.-Duv.). seldom exceeds one-eighth of an inch in Rust-red flour beetle (T. castaneum length. The size is readily gauged from a Herbst.). comparison with a wheat grain in the Saw toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus accompanying illustration. surinamensis L.). Being a true weevil the head is produced Flat grain beetle (Laemophloeus into a long snout at the end of which the spp.). mouth parts are borne. The colour varies 665

Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 Fig. 1.—Llle stages of rice weevil In wheat. 1.—Grain dissected to show egg; 2.—Well grown larva; 3.—Pupa: 4.—Adult feeding upon kernel. Note In 4 the hole In lower portion of kernel made by the adult on leaving the seed. The other shal­ lower holes were made by the adult In feeding after emergence (Prom VS. Dept. Agric.h

from reddish brown to almost black and conditions cannot be regarded as a serious usually four light-coloured spots are dis­ check upon the pest. tinguishable on the back. The thorax is Granary Weevil densely pitted with round punctures. (Calandra granaria L.). Beneath the wing covers are a pair of The granary weevil is reddish brown to fully developed wings and although the black in colour, and about the same size insect is seldom seen in flight, it is quite as the rice weevil from which it may be capable of adopting this method of pro­ distinguished by the lack of the light spots gression. on the wing covers and the presence of In some countries indeed these weevils elongated instead of circular punctures on fly from the barns into the fields and the thorax. Another important difference attack standing grain, but careful observa­ is the absence of flight wings. tions have failed to reveal any such As in the case of the rice weevil, the tendencies in this State and it is considered adults and grubs feed voraciously on grain, that summer conditions are unsuitable for and the life history and habits of the two the field activity of this insect. are so similar as to require little further The adult weevil can live for a consider­ comment. able period, published figures varying from The grain weevil, although usually four to eight months, and during this time associated with the rice weevil, prefers 300 to 1,000 eggs may be laid. a temperate climate and considerable damage is not experienced locally from Before laying her eggs, the female bores this species with the possible exception of a small hole with her mandibles into the some of the extreme southern regions. wheat grain and therein deposits an egg. This is then covered with a gelatinous fluid The Lesser Grain Borer which entirely plugs the hole. The fat, (Rhizopertha dominica Fabr.). legless grub which emerges after three or four days feeds in the grain for about a The lesser grain borer is not a true fortnight and then pupates to emerge as weevil, but belongs to the same group as an adult weevil at the end of about a week. many of the timber borers (Bostrichidae). It will be seen, therefore, that from egg to It is one of the smallest grain pests, but adult occupies from three weeks to a one of the most serious in this country. month. This time varies greatly according During World War I, many shipments of to temperature and humidity, and under Australian wheat were heavily infested by cool conditions would be greatly increased. this beetle and it became known abroad Below an average temperature of 50°F. as the Australian wheat weevil, although weevil activity is considerably checked, but its native home is probably India. It is in this State the mean monthly tempera­ cylindrical in shape, dark brown or black, ture falls below 50°F. in but a few districts and about one-eighth of an inch in length. and then for only a short period. Weevils Both the adults and the larvae are when working in wheat themselves tend responsible for serious damage to a variety to raise its temperature so that our winter of grains. The may live for a period 666 Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 Fig. 2.—Life stages of granary weevil In wheat. a.—Well-grown larva; b.— Pupa; c.—Adult. (From U.S. Dept. Agric).

of up to four months and during that many other districts have reported the period lay 300 to 500 eggs. The eggs are pest. laid singly or in clusters in the loose grain, and the young lavae feed upon any floury The Angoumois Grain Moth material present or bore into grain dam­ (Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.). aged by the attack of the parents. They The Angoumois grain moth is buff or are generally incapable of entering a sound yellowish brown in colour with a wing grain. From egg to adult is said to occupy spread of about half an inch. It is some­ about a month under favourable condi­ times found infesting old hay stacks and tions, but may be extended to several is parasitised by the hay itch mite (Pedi- months. culoides ventricosus) which sometimes This pest is now widely distributed in produces an annoying irritation during Western Australia, having been first the process of chaff cutting. recorded at Fremantle in about 1916. The Like the rice weevil, this moth is known Geraldton zone was the first country area in some countries to fly into the field to to be widely affected, but in recent years infest the standing grain, but so far no

Fig. 3.—Life stages of the lesser grain borer, a.— Well-grown larva; b.— Pupa; c.—Two adults (From VS. Dept. Agric.).


Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 Like the other storage pests mentioned it is not native to Australia but has been widely distributed by commerce and may be found attacking farinaceous materials in all parts of the world. It is principally a pest in flour mills, being incapable of feeding upon sound grain, but it will attack broken grains and kernels damaged by weevils and consequently helps in the final destruction of stored wheat. The average life of a beetle is said to be 12 months or more, and females may lay over 400 eggs. These are deposited loosely, and being covered with a sticky secretion become covered with flour or grain dust and readily cling to the sides of bags and other receptacles so that clean material placed in them can rapidly be infested. In five to 12 days the eggs hatch into small grubs about 3/16ths of an inch long and resembling tiny wireworms. These pupate Pig. 4.—1.—Grain of wheat attacked by the lesser as naked yellowish-white pupse and about grain borer. 2.—The lesser grain borer six weeks after the egg was laid the adult (From Ag. Gaz., N.S.W.) beetle emerges. As with the other insects mentioned, this life cycle may be greatly proof of this habit has been received prolonged by adverse conditions. locally, and we can confine our attentions to the insect as a pest in store. Rust-Red Flour Beetle An average of 40 or 50 eggs are laid by (T. castaneum (Herbst)). the female, but sometimes as many as The rust-red flour beetle cannot be 250-300 may be deposited. They are laid distinguished from the foregoing species on or near the grain and the tiny grub on without a magnifying glass, but whereas hatching bores into the kernel, often the antennae of the confused flour beetle spinning a small cocoon at the entrance. increase gradually in size towards the tip, When fully fed it eats out a channel to the those of the rust-red species increase seed coat, but leaves a small portion intact abruptly at the tip, giving them a clubbed which is later pushed off as a lid when, appearance. In addition, as can be seen after the pupal stage spent in a silken from the accompanying illustrations, the cocoon within the grain, the adult moth sides of the head of the confused flour finally emerges. From egg to adult occupies beetle are expanded and notched at the about five weeks but again development is eyes whereas in this species the sides of greatly slowed down under cold conditions, the head are nearly continuous at the although the moth is said to be capable of eyes. working at lower temperatures than the weevils. The habits and life history of this species resemble very closely those of the confused beetle and so need not be further detailed. SECONDARY PESTS Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum Jacq. Duv.). The Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle The confused flour beetle is a rather (Oryzcephilus surinamensis L.). elongated shiny reddish brown beetle about The saw-toothed grain beetle is smaller one-seventh of an inch in length. The than the flour beetles and of rather a head and thorax are densely pitted and darker brown colour. It may also be the wing covers ridged lengthwise with recognised by the six saw-toothed pro­ punctures sparsely distributed between the jections on each side of the thorax from ridges. which the popular name is derived.

Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 Fig. 5.—The Angoumols grain moth. 1.—Adult moth (a), egg (b), wheat grain (c); 2.—Section of wheat grain showing egg and en­ trance channel of young larva; 3.—Pull-grown larva; i.—Pupa; 5.—Adult moth after leaving by emergence hole as shown (From U.S. Dept. Agric).

It is one of the commonest insects found Mill Floss, Flour Bugs, and Bran Bugs. in stored grain in this State, and also The beetles described under the heading attacks many other foodstuffs such as of "Secondary Insects" are variously dried fruits, nuts, etc. known as flour bugs, bran bugs, and mill The female beetles live from six to 10 floss. They are often to be found swarm­ months and may lay from 50 to 250 eggs ing on bags and in wheat bins and their which may be deposited loosely or in the presence is undesirable, especially in flour crease of a wheat grain. After three or mills, but to the farmer or wheat merchant four days the larvae appear and two weeks they are not of much consequence and so elapse before they spin a thin covering in it is important to be able to distinguish which to pupate. From egg to adult between the primary pests which are able occupies about four weeks under suitable to destroy sound grain and the secondaries conditions. which follow in their wake. This knowledge may save unnecessary Like the flour beetles, this insect in its anxiety and expenditure in control adult and larval stage feeds upon flour and measures. damaged grain and assists materially in furthering the damage commenced by the PREVENTIVE MEASURES weevils and grain borers. Moisture Content. Flat Grain Beetles It is generally known that wheat with a (Lcemophlceus spp.). high moisture content is more prone to insect attack than that which is very dry, The flat grain beetles are amongst the consequently the climatic conditions in smallest of beetles found in stored grain, Western Australia themselves afford one being only about one-sixteenth of an inch of the greatest protections to stored grain. in length. The colour is reddish brown Wheat when harvested may contain up to and the antennae are relatively much 12 per cent, moisture, but if stored in longer than in any other beetles men­ inland districts the figure may drop in the tioned. summer months to as low as eight per cent. The eggs are laid loosely or in grain or nine per cent, and the scarcity of crevices and the tiny larvae form gelatinous summer rains favours the safe keeping of cocoons, covered with food particles in the crop. When, as in times of war, grain which to pupate. From egg to adult may have to be stored over one or two occupies about eight or nine weeks. winters it is essential to see that no water 669 Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 enough weevils to cause trouble the following year. When finished with, bags should be turned inside out, thoroughly shaken and brushed, and hung away from any grain. They will then be quite clean and safe when needed later. If there is any reason to suspect that bags have contained weevily wheat, they should be given special treatment and, if possible, placed in boiling water for five or ten minutes as this will kill all stages of insects that may be present and cause only the slightest shrinkage of the bag. Store houses and sheds should be thoroughly swept of all old grain and refuse and treated with some suitable insecticide, and new wheat should never be stacked near that of another season. Where possible wheat should be stored on a sound grain-proof floor, so that seed Pig. 6.—The confused flour beetle cannot trickle through on to the ground (From U.S. Dept. Agrlc.) beneath and so be out of reach of the broom. is allowed to leak in, as damp wheat is one Conveyances, such as railway trucks and of the most favourable media for the rapid lorries should not be overlooked as sources multiplication of weevils. of trouble, as wheat and insects harboured Much has been written about the figure in cracks and runners can easily be at which weevil activity ceases on account responsible for infesting fresh consign­ of the lack of moisture in wheat, and about ments, or even during their passage about 10 per cent, is the figure usually quoted. the countryside, bringing contamination There is much more work to be done on to clean storage sites. this matter before this can be taken as To carry out the above instructions may final, but it is certainly a guide to the seem irksome and fiddling, but if clean degree of liability to attack, and wheat wheat is put into a clean container and no which can be kept in this dry condition is infested material is allowed to contaminate certaintly less liable to damage than that it, there will be no trouble from weevils. with a higher moisture content. Never was the saying "Prevention is better Sanitation. than cure" more worthy of observation This is undoubtedly the most important than in the case of combating storage factor in insect control and scrupulous pests, for once a serious outbreak occurs, sanitation should be observed right from its control cannot be obtained without the harvester box to the bakehouse door. great expense, labour and loss. All wheat should be cleared out of the A few weevils in the bottom of a bag may harvester before it is put away and this be enough to infest a whole bin or even a ensures that when it is taken out next shipment, and so every farmer should season clean wheat will not be contami­ strive to see that his carelessness is not the nated before it enters the bags. cause of a widespread loss. Second Hand Bags. Storage Methods. The mention of bags brings us to another The bulk storage of grain has much to extremely important point. In districts recommend it for the prevention of insect where bulk installations are present the attack, especially if the bins or silos are same bags may be used year after year to of a type that can be readily fumigated or cart to the siding. A little grain may be cleaned. On this account steel or concrete left in the bags when they are put away bins are desirable, for the walls and floor and this may be sufficient to harbour can be made practically insect-proof and

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Please mention the "Journal of Agriculture, W.A.," when writing to advertisers Journal of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 if thoroughly cleaned before being filled, no account should new grain be added to clean wheat can only be contaminated old stock. After carefully sweeping out from the top. The infestation will not the bin and disposing of old infested grain penetrate to any great distance, as the the walls and floor should be thoroughly weevil is said*to be unable to penetrate sprayed or dusted with an insecticide. If further than about five feet, and the Grain the structure can be reasonably sealed Moth could only work in a very superficial then "Gammexane" smoke bombs or layer. fogging treatments would give a satis­ Wooden silos are sometimes bored into factory kill of the insects still remaining by various insects; e.g. the Grain Borer, in the cracks and crevices. and cracks also offer a suitable harbour If bagged wheat is being stored the from which it is difficult to dislodge pests exterior of the bags may be sprayed or by any other means than fumigation, dusted as each layer is added. Additional hence as little woodwork as possible protection may also be obtained by dipping should be employed in constructing grain wheat bags in 5% DDT and allowing them receptacles. to dry before filling. Pickling. A liberal sprinkling of DDT or B.H.C. The pickling of wheat for the control of dust (Gammexane or Benzenehexachloride fungus diseases has been found to also dust) around the base of the completed constitute a very effective safeguard stack will act as a further protection from against "weevils." Copper carbonate dust crawling weevils. used at 2 ounces to the bushel and the various mercurial pickling agents have Surface Treatment of Bulk Wheat. proved effective insecticides. This method Before filling a silo the walls and floor of control is, of course, only practical for should be thoroughly dusted or sprayed so seed wheat, as pickled wheat is not suitable that cracks and crevices will contain for milling or for stock. insecticide. The surface layers of wheat may also be protected by a light dusting PROTECTION OF BAGGED AND BULK with DDT or B.H.C. or by raking the WHEAT ON THE FARM insecticide into the top few inches of grain. Bins and sheds used for grain storage Insecticides Recommended. should be thoroughly cleaned before new The dusts recommended are 10% DDT seasons wheat or oats are introduced. On or 10% B.H.C. For the surface treatment of bulk wheat a rate of about 1 oz. to every 17 sq. ft. is recommended. Where spray materials are used 2% water mixture of DDT or Chlordane 0.5% Lindane or Dieldrin should be satisfactory.

CONTROL Probably the most universal control treatment for grain pests is fumigation, but other treatments such as heat and insecticides have their place. Many other methods, including electricity and sifting, have been attempted, but without en­ couraging results. The latter may free the wheat from adults, but does not deal with the eggs and other stages in the grain; hence reinfestation soon follows. Fumigation. For this method to be effective the container to be treated must be more or Fig. 7.—The rust-red flour beetle less gas tight. Carbon bisulphide and (Prom U.S. Dept. Agrlc.) hydrocyanic acid gas are the two most I al of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 Hydrocyanic Acid Gas. This is chiefly used in this country for fumigating flour mills as the fire hazard is too great when carbon bisulphide is used. Cyanide, however, is very tdxic to humans and must be used with great care. The gas mav be generated by what is known as the "pot method" or from a number of proprietary preparations. The standard formula for preparing the gas is as follows:— Sodium cyanide, 1 ounce. Commercial Sulphuric Acid, 14 fluid ounces (3 tablespoonsful). 8.—The saw-toothed grain beetle, a.—Adult; b.— Water, 2 fluid ounces. Pupa; c.—Larva (From U.S. Dept. Agrlc.) In the case of a mill each storey is treated as a separate unit and made as common gases used. The latter, being airtight as possible, but as the gas tends lighter than air, has poor penetrating to rise the dosage on the bottom floor properties and is more suitable for fumi­ should be somewhat increased and the gating containers and mills than quantities upper ones somewhat decreased. The of bulk wheat. Temperature is an import­ dosage may be worked out on the basis of ant factor in fumigation, and a tempera­ 1 lb. of cyanide to 1,000 cubic feet of space ture of at least 70° to 75° is desirable for for the ground floor. good results, as anything lower tends to In preparing the mixture the sulphuric reduce the efficiency of many fumigants. acid should be poured into the water and The volatilisation of fumigants may be not vice versa, and the cyanide should be increased either by spraying them into the suspended over the earthenware crock, fumigation chamber or by vaporizing the containing the liquid, in a paper bag and liquid by the application of heat in an lowered in as the door is being closed. apparatus called a vaporizer. A granular form of cyanide known as Carbon Bisulphide. Cyanogas G is recommended for mixing This gas which is heavier than air is very with wheat when entering silos at the rate inflammable and explosive and hence of 1% by weight, and other preparations requires considerable care in its use. The method of application is to pour the desired amount of liquid into shallow pans or pieces of sacking and place them on the top of the grain. If the depth of grain \ is greater than five feet, it is desirable to introduce the fluid by means of a pipe with outlets at suitable distances and in this way the gas which is given off will pene­ trate to all parts. Moist grain' may be injured in its germination properties by this gas, and the baking quality of flour is said to be sometimes injured by the vapours, but this may be prevented by airing the flour before baking. Carbon bisulphide should be applied at the rate of 1 lb. per 25 bushels of grain, or 4 lb. per thousand cubic feet of space to be fumigated. The wheat should remain sealed for 48 hours. If any leakage of gas is likely to occur the amount of fumigant Fig. 9.—The flat beetle should be increased. (From U.S. Dept. Agrlc.) of agriculture Vol. 6 1957 such as Zyklon B and liquid Hydrocyanic Fumigant Tablets. Acid may be used as sources of this Various proprietary tablets, as for in­ fumigant. stance "Phostoxin" pellets, have been Grain or buildings treated with Hydro­ recommended for the fumigation of weevil- cyanic Acid should be sealed for at least infested grain. These preparations should 12 hours and from 24-36 hours if possible. be used in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers. Ghloropicrin or "Larvacide." In the case of "Phostoxin" (Aluminium phosphide) the poison gas phosphine is This gas is also known as tear gas and slowly liberated when the chemical is has given considerable promise as a exposed to the air. The residue left by fumigant. It is non-inflammable and the tablets is quite harmless. heavier than air. Unsatisfactory points about "larvacide" are that it is detri­ mental to the baking qualities of flour and GENERAL RULES TO BE OBSERVED has an adverse effect upon seed germina­ WHEN FUMIGATING tion. Also it does not disperse rapidly and 1. See that the container is as airtight as as it is highly irritant to the eyes and lungs possible. material and premises must have a lengthy 2. Do not fumigate wet or immature grain airing after treatment. if it is desired for seed purposes. Larvacide should be used at the rate of 3. Air foodstuffs or buildings as much as 1 lb. per 1,000 cubic feet of space in air­ possible after treatment. tight bins, the dosage being increased if 4. Take all necessary precautions with leakages are unavoidable. inflammable or highly toxic fumigants.

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