A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences" Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 05 March 2021 Version 1.35 Title word cross-reference + [Cla07a]. = = [Nic13]. $19.95 [Tur18]. $25 [Oka03]. $27.95 [Har13a]. 3 [Bra11b]. $39.95 [DiM18]. $40.00 [Ayl18]. $45.00 [Ren15]. $58.99 [Tor13]. 1 [Fis15]. -dimensions [Bra11b]. -I [Ste08]. -no [Ste08]. 0 [Dea10, Oka03, Ren15, Tor13, Whi04]. 0-14-017309-9 [Whi04]. 0-19-508820-4 [Sar98]. 0-19-508821-2 [Sar98]. 0-226-20791-9 [Dea10]. 0-226-90134-3 [Oka03]. 0-262-01167-0 [Aga01]. 0-521-49544-X [Gur98]. 0-7619-5425-2 [Mur01]. 0-7619-5426-0 [Mur01]. 0-7914-1260-1 [Wil98]. 1 2 1 [Alt07, Cob15]. 17.99 [Mur01]. 1840s [BL07]. 1859-1914 [Coh17]. 1875-1944 [FM07]. 1876 [FS15]. 19.95 [Sar98]. 1920s [Erl09]. 1930s [OG14]. 1940s [Tur20]. 1950s [L¨ow12, Mor14, Qui05, Iid20]. 1960s [Hag01, Kel11b, Qui05, SD14]. 1970s [Fay12]. 1980s [Ser11, WL08, Wyl10]. 1990s [WL08, Wyl10]. 19th [Gis20]. 1The [Hag01]. 2 [Alt08b, DiM18, Hal18, Qui04, TB16]. 2-7071-3607-7 [Qui04]. 2005 [Sha14]. 2006 [Ano07a]. 2009 [Ano09a]. 2019 [Ano19a, Ano19b, Ano19i]. 2020 [Ano20a, Ano20b, Ano20c, Ano20j, Ano20k]. 20th [BP15, Gis20, Sko11].