Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, May 9, 2017 Photos Courtesy Michael Shapiro

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Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, May 9, 2017 Photos Courtesy Michael Shapiro Vol. 39, No. 11 July 2017 / 5777 Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, May 9, 2017 Photos courtesy Michael Shapiro Jewish War Veterans - Victor Paul Tuchman Post 400 Federation Co-president Rozzi Osterman with Vice Commander Robert Ruberto and Commander Harvey Charter Jeremy Dictor, FGCU Hillel Director, Leadership Award recipients Larry and Terri Eisenfeld received Honorable Menschen Awards from Rozzi Osterman reported on a successful first year Jerry Snyderman, retiring board member, with wife Barbara Former board member Guy Whitesman installed the 2017- New board member Keith Grossman and Rozzi Osterman 2018 board, and Federation Executive Director Alan Isaacs and incoming Federation Co-president Brian Simon Honorable Menschen Award recipient Judith Yevick Harvey Cohen, Volunteer of the Year Award Honorable Menschen Award Sherri Zucker, board member and Senior Outreach and Rozzi Osterman recipient recipient Robbie Mitnick Chair, presented the Volunter of the Year Awards A volunteer-driven organization This phenomenon is almost none of us here in our com- we address it if it’s in our power. Ad- FROM THE exemplified by two indi- munity have heard of. His name was dressing those challenges means find- EXECUTIVE viduals who were hon- Lonny Kaplan and, amongst many ing the right volunteer on short notice. ored at this year’s Annual other Jewish community responsibili- A driver here, a shopper there, a visitor DIRECTOR Meeting. Terri and Larry ties, he was a former national president somewhere else. A lawyer, a doctor, an Alan Isaacs Eisenfeld have dedicated of the American Israel Public Affairs accountant, a dentist. Our volunteers their volunteerism for Committee (AIPAC). Lonny embodied often lead us to the best resources at a am always eager to remind our many years to ensuring that our com- what Jewish community and pro-Israel moment’s notice. community that the Jewish Federa- munity becomes and remains vibrant. leadership should reflect: warmth, gen- Our volunteers are ambassadors I tion is a volunteer-driven organiza- They have personified the mission of erosity, authenticity, expertise, open- for the Federation, often without real- tion. These opportunities most often the Jewish Federation: To strengthen mindedness and commitment. izing it. They talk about what they do arise when I am explaining why we do and enrich the Jewish community by Volunteerism in our community and see. They invite, they refer and what we do. I think that we understand providing and supporting philanthrop- comes in many forms: from familiar they endorse. They fuel our mission that decisions related to service to our ic, educational and social service pro- faces and diverse skills to “specialists” and fulfill our vision: A Jewish com- community – arts, education, culture grams locally, in Israel and throughout – those who have a favorite interest munity that is based on Jewish values andsocial services – are made and over- the world. and can be counted on in that capac- such as Tzedakah (benevolence), Tik- seen by a board of volunteers. What I Yesterday I returned from an un- ity; from daily, weekly, monthly or kun Olam (repairing the world) and don’t get to explain often enough is timely memorial service in New Jer- several times a year to “whenever you K’lal Yisrael (taking responsibility for the personal dedication to community- sey. It marked the passing of a pro- need me.” Much of our volunteerism is one another). building that inspires this service. Israel giant that, I am sure, ironically, ad hoc. We see or hear of a need and 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR L'CHAYIM JULY 2017 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes In this issue: mentioned in last month’s column that Carolyn to come to your community and we won’t know for a Gora and I would be attending the Jewish Book while if our requests will be approved. But I can tell 5 Our Community Council Network Conference in New York City at you that if we are approved, we have some exciting 6 Jewish Interest theI end of May. What I didn’t mention was that Sara author events lined up for the coming year. I will defi- Krivisky, who was in the city during the same time nitely keep you posted! 12 Israel & the Jewish World as the conference, would also Work has also begun for the Film Festival Com- be joining us for all the author mittee. If you have heard of any films that you 14 Marketplace events. think would be good for us to consider for our 2018 The three-day conference Jewish Film Festival of Southwest Florida, please let 16 Commentary included sessions on planning, me know. The committee has already watched several 18 From the Bimah promoting and enhancing book films, a couple of which are definite festival contend- festivals and programs. Best ers. We expect our film festival to start on Thursday, 19 Focus on Youth of all, the conference included January 11, 2018, and run through Tuesday, February author events where we got to 13. Now is a good time to mark your calendars. 20 Organizations Leni Sack hear from some of the finest Don’t forget our food pantry over the summer. Jewish writers about their new All donations are greatly appreciated. Enjoy your 22 Temple News books. We also had the opportunity to meet them at summer. 22 Community Directory receptions held after their talks. Over the course of the three days we heard from over 200 authors. During the conference and the days since, we have spent a lot of time discussing the authors and their various books. We are now reading some of those books, along with other members of our community who have volun- teered to read and give their feedback. There is a very detailed process of requesting authors Sara Krivisky, Carolyn Gora and Leni Sack at the Jewish Book Council Conference in New York City Building community with food and song By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach Coordinator f the seniors got together once a month to see each other and visit, dayenu (it would have been Jewish news published monthly by enough). If the seniors just got together to see Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties I 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 each other and have a delicious lunch, dayenu. (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 Well, the 60+ people who attended the Jewish Online at Family Services Senior Lunch Bunch in May at The July 2017 • Volume 39, Number 11 Community Free Synagogue had a chance to not only catch up with friends and eat pizza, but they also got Co-Presidents: Rozzi Osterman • Brian Simon Board: Paul Bartrop • Herb Fried • Carolyn Gora to sing some of their favorite songs, including, “Tum- Jerry Greenfield • Keith Grossman • Andi Horowitz balalaika,” “Hava Nagila,” and “Hine Ma Tov.” As Charles Idelson • Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler always, when people sing together, the joy became Sara Krivisky • Michele Laboda • JoAnn Lewin Barbara Siegel • Sylvia Simko • Sherri Zucker palpable, our voices melded into one, and we were all Executive Director: Alan Isaacs bopping and hopping in our seats. Rabbi Bruce Dia- Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach Coordinator, with Helene Glocer, Program Director: Leni Sack Volunteer of the Year Award recipient at the Annual Meeting Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos mond led the spirited sing-a-long, told a couple of sto- Jewish Family Services: Jodi Cohen ries, and began the event by asking people to “please Sherri Zucker and the 20+ volunteers involved take their seats so we can see where we stand.” with the Senior Lunch Program provide a welcoming Editor/Designer: Ted Epstein (239) 249-0699 Advertising: Jim Lewin (239) 634-6923 This was my first “official” visit to the ever-grow- and nourishing experience for each and every person ing Senior Lunch Program in my capacity as the new who walks in the door. We were delighted to welcome L’CHAYIM invites correspondence on subjects of interest to Senior Outreach Coordinator at the Jewish Federation several first-timers in May. Jewish people. Partisan political opinions will not be published, of Lee and Charlotte Counties. I’ve been involved The Senior Lunch Program is a chance for seniors but opinions on subjects affecting the Jewish community are welcome. All inquiries regarding copy for L’CHAYIM should be with the program since it began over 16 months ago to connect, fress (eat), participate in a short program, directed to the editor. All news material must be very clearly and did some improvisation with the group in 2016. and be in community with funny, kind-hearted, smart printed or typed (not in all-capital letters) and double-spaced. Electronic submissions encouraged. The editor reserves the and interesting people. right to edit for space and content. Upcoming lunches: Tuesday, July 18 at noon at Photographs should be clear, black-and-white or color Temple Beth Shalom in Cape Coral; Thursday, Au- prints. If you wish a photograph returned, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope of appropriate size. gust 17 at noon at Temple Judea in Fort Myers. The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties disclaims If you know of anyone who would be interest- responsibility or endorsement of the views expressed by the ed in attending future lunches, please contact me at writers and claims by advertisers. 239.481.4449 x6 or [email protected]. AUGUST ISSUE EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday, July 6 Grow your business with L’CHAYIM.
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