Eighteenth Century Labrador Inuit in England Marianne P
ARCTIC VOL. 62, NO. 1 (MARCH 2009) P. 45–64 Eighteenth Century Labrador Inuit in England MARIANNE P. STOpp1 (Received 1 November 2007; accepted in revised form 24 June 2008) ABSTRACT. In the late 18th century, a number of Labrador Inuit were at different times taken to England. Their lives, journeys, and likenesses were unusually well documented through writings and portraiture. Presented here are the histories of Mikak and her son Tutauk, brought to England by Francis Lucas in 1767, and of Attuiock, Ickongoque, Ickeuna, Tooklavinia, and Caubvick, who traveled to England in 1772 with Captain George Cartwright. These individuals, especially Mikak, played a part in Britain’s expansion along the northeastern seaboard of Canada. Although the story is relatively well known to students of northern history, this retelling details source material and also clarifies discrepancies found in earlier publications. The portraits, which include two previously unknown depictions of Labrador Inuit, are particularly striking for their ethnographic content. Key words: Labrador Inuit, voyages to England, portraits, Mikak, Tutauk, Karpik, Attuiock, Ickongoque, Ickeuna, Tooklavinia, Caubvick, Nooziliack, George Cartwright, Moravians RÉSUMÉ. Vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle, des Inuits du Labrador ont été amenés en Angleterre à différents moments. Grâce à de nombreux écrits et portraits, la vie, le voyage et la ressemblance de ces Inuits ont été inhabituellement bien consignés. Cette communication relate l’histoire de Mikak et de son fils Tutauk, qui ont été amenés en Angleterre par Francis Lucas en 1767, ainsi que les histoires de Attuiock, Ickongoque, Ickeuna, Tooklavinia et Caubvick qui ont accompagné le commandant George Cartwright en Angleterre en 1772.
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