Fred- Kelman ' the Day, And.Came Home Hagganl and with ·A .- Splitting Headache

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Fred- Kelman ' the Day, And.Came Home Hagganl and with ·A .- Splitting Headache to the visitor. Chtlsto,Phor is as non, Irving I. Coke.n and Paul E. ~ mixed up in the story of the in­ Friedenn Chosen Goldstein, board of. directors. "One Man's Opinion" fant 1n the basket on the shores By Touro Fraternal of the .Nile, a:11 he js about t,he Benjamin· frled·enn was elected Christ~phor Cohen Babe In the -manger in. Bethlehell\, president of Touro Fraternal As­ ,PAUL'S and _ He knows _even less the songs of sociation at a, meeting h"eld on Sabbath than he knows the carols Deceinber 17. Other offlc£,rs cho-' - ~ Christmas Carols of . Christmas. ' ·He Is buiay with sen include Simon Chorney, -vlce­ ---- By BERN~D SEGAL-. -_ ---- music lessons, and art class!lS, and presldent; Benjamin I. Sass, trea­ Featul'lng Bostonian and elocution, · and imply ~nnot be Mansfield Shoes For Men Christophor Cohen had his pic­ well to judge 'by the size of the surer; Charles .Coken, secretary; overJoaded with Hebrew. The poor 119 Mathewson Street ture in the papers this Christmas elliptical balloon in the picture. Joseph Engle, Edward I. Fried­ season. His picture and a long Fame came to Chrlstophor be­ child must have his fun, you know. man, Harry Horovitz, Harold Ver- story with it. Two columns at cause of something he did not do, Besides he has three mo1e years least. rather than for what he did do. to hls Bai-Mltzvali. What ls the ~------ There he stood, little Chrlsto­ Christophor Cohen refused to rush? phor, grinning at the camera, with sing Christmas Carols. In the meantime, Chrisf'lphor . Day and Night Your Dependable Spot a huge bubble gum balloon dan­ The .. caption over .his picture can name you all the majcr ano gling from his mouth. This detail puts it very cleverly, "Christmas minor football teams, but be will must have been the's Carols Not for Him", it says in think · it's a big_ joke if you ask THE SILVER-TOP ide'a, so as to make the picture big solid type. him to name the ten tribes of Is­ • . Sparkling Cleanliness ''homey". Another touch of "horn­ And the story underneath the rael.• iness" was the boy's tassled nair, picture gives the details. He knows the real names and ·• Quality Foods Only the nick-names and the scores of • which the cameraman left un­ Chrlstophor . Cohen, a pupil of. • Home of Finer Pastries all the great pitchers, but he will combed, allowing some to fall grade 6, created a hubbub and dis. stare at you blankly 1! you ask ~ acro!!S his forehead- and into· hill turbecf the Christmas sphit in > him to name at least one prophet eyes. Miss Durldn's ]'.()Om of P.S. .No. 18, SILVER TOP DINER z What did Christopher do to get when he refused to stand up and ana ·his !!core. Junction of "Harris_ Opposite Brown l;;: amf Kinsley Avenues And Sharpe ~ on the front page? Join the claBs in the sing!.ng of. No; Christoph_or knows n9thing Open frqm Sunday night at 9 P. M.-2, hours daily- -< No, he 1s not a child prodigy. Christmas Cuols. of .Jewish learning or Jewish llv. 1,ng. He doe!! not even know why Till Saturday Afternoon at 3 io'clock t ~e ;s not the youngeSt student Miss Durkin, after talking to the his mother objects to the Christ­ «>... a a e. boy and getting nowhere, lost hei .... He did not )Vin the Junior Mar-. 1patience an!l slapped him thrice on mas • carols. Seu-ch him if he 00 ble Championship. · both cheeks. A boy in the next knows why he was put ri_ght there He did not even come out the seat pushed Chrlstoplior and call­ on the front page. Consult Us About Your -Investments Victor· in a bubble gum blowing ed him "names". A fight ensued · Oh, well. Let us tun to the contest, though he ls doing rather between the two boys, to the great funny page. delight of the pupils and ui.e .ho"t- MIZRACm BOARD MICHAEL INVESTMENT, CO., INC. ror of the teacher who ran for 16 MM SOUND & SILENT The board ·members of the the principal. Fil.MS and Providence Women's Chapter of STOCKS and BONDS At the prlncipal's office, the fol­ Mlzrachl met _on Thursday, Dec­ PROVIDENCE PROJECTORS lowing conv:ersation took placl!: 17 EXCHANGE STR-EET ember 11, at the home of Mrs. DExter 0688 FOR RENT PRINCIPAL: Why don't fOU David Weisman. Mrs. Morris Lecht BY DAY, WEEK OR SEASON sing the caN>ls? presided. Mrs. Eisenstadt · and Ideal for Homes, CHRISTOPHO,R: Because. !4rs. v:., Cutler, ·chalr~en of the M. M·.- ,soFQRENKO Clubs, Organizations, etc. PRINCIPAL: Don't you like Sh11kel- - Driye, distributed the Complete Sound Film $ .50 )fember of the National Association of Security Dealers singing? . !;3h11~el_ bQoks. -lbs.' Clara Green­ 3 ' '- Program. Feature CHRISTOPUOR: No. berg was .introduced as the · new Establlsii~-·1932· ' · · , · and Shorts ...... ·-·~·--·· ~ up .:- PRINCIPAL:- The carols are. membership .SAMSON'S TI~'t:~. M. nice. 85 PORTLAND ST. COR. CHRISTOPHOR: No, they are PINE ST. not. GA 4846 PRINCIPAL: All the children like them. CHRISTOPHOR: I don't like them. My mother told me "Wedding sing, because lam Jewish. The principal then ·sent Chrls-­ lnformals" tophor back t<i h"ls room and he. sat down t_o dictate· a note !O the ICohens. · · ~ But the matter. did not· end here. :Miss Durkin ~as upset the rest· of Fred- Kelman ' the day, and.came home hagganl and with ·a .- splitting headache.. Where There's aHome-- -W15402 She t~Id ~er -mother . what had h~ppened, who told it to her awtt, who told it to her neighbor, whose husband worked on the news. There's the Herald! paper, who knew a good story when he heard one. RHODf ISLAND And this is how our Chrlsto­ Home is the way of saying cus­ phor appeared on the front page. The newspaperman and the photo­ tomers. And today the Jewish fURNITURf HOSPITAL grapher got their ·story ·and did Herald leads with four out of not probe any further. Probing Rhode Island's Largest and is not their job. But an inquisi­ five homes recei~ing the Herald tive person, digging below the sur­ weekly. ' face of things, would have been Finest~Equipped puzzled by the behavior of the With a firm foundation of read~ Refinishing Room b,oY and his parent11 and by their crusade against the. Chrlstmaa ers, with strong reader con fi - carols. .KJ:Cl'A.IBING and Father Cohen is a­ cence, coupled with the most year Jew, as far as rellgion is REFINISHING of FINE modern newspaper plant, th e For more than 20 concerned. His last encounter years, the Herald has FUBNITURf with a rellgious observauce t9ok Herald offers many unique ser- served as the medium place long, long ago, when he was ' for the bett~rment of Bar-Mltzvah. Mother Cohen ob"\ vices to its readers and adver- our community. HO 5592 serves the day of Sabbath relig­ iously by making it a day of shop­ tisers I ping and movie going. The house 161" ELMWOOD ... AVENUE 1s devoid of any slgi of Jewish. ness. Neither by symbol nor bf printed word ls that fact appal'ent I will drop half its staff. Add Ut1es ;: Urgently Needed . that stay in the eyes: "Wit,hout · Apartment or flat. Young YPBA to Install Halos" by Bess White Cochran ... 00 responsible couple. Will do own Bogart made that sensl~le state­ : decorating if necessary. ~ll New-Officers ment after Chi fans blUntly con­ ,... : · GAspee 1674 or DE>.:ter 9022. A combined installation of gen­ vinced him he had made a terrible eral· -0Uicers for 19 4 8 and celebra­ boner. John Garfield is convinced, N.------------------; tion of the establishment of the too. Danny Kaye's "Mitty" film ~ -_ Entertainment Jewish State in Palestine will be (which started fine) is flopping ~ We Have Choice J,istings of: held by the Young Progressive hard because of that coast-to­ .z . ·• Dance Orchestras Beneficial Association on Tuesday ~ e Singers and ·nancers coast flight to help commy card­ ~ e Instrumentalists evening, January 6 at 8 o'clock at carriers. The latter "used·' the ><" · e Comedians and MC's the Sons of Abraham Synagogue, H'wood doaps. ~ e Magicians and Novelty Acts corner of Prairie and, Potters av~­ I nues. -, -- iii Benjamin Premack Things that keep me awake ~ Rabbi Abraham Chill ~ill be all night: Prof. George Ga.­ i:i Epterprises-, Inc. guest of honor and the entertain­ mow at Cooper union the ~ ENTRRTAINMENT BUREAU merit program ~ill incllfde music I other night stated: "The sun ~ 885 Westminster St. for dancing and a floor show by r.-i Office: JAckson 4815 will burn ont in 10 billion :i:: members of the Boston Band. Re­ freshments will be served. years." Offi'cers who will be installed • The Jewish during the evening are Charles The Late ,vatch: At Joe _and Adelberg, president; Fred ;Jur­ Nino's a visiting H'wood celeb mann, vice-president; George told bossman Guiseppe the "sec­ Convalescent Honigblum, treasurer; Peter Yos­ ret" recipe for Movietown's over­ inoff, financial · secretary; Jacob swanky Caesar salad. Joe replied: Honigbltlm, recording secretary; "My mother mred to serve it to Honie of R. I. :Max Weiner, Inside Guard; Joseph us In Genoa. Only she didn't call URGES YOU TO JOIN ITS , Gold, First Trustee; · S a m s !> n it Caesar salad-she called if left­ RANJ_rS IN ._SPONSORING Frank, Second Trustee, and Mor­ overs." .
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