THtmSDAY, JULY 23, 1938 TORRANCE HERALD. Torrance. California

LEADERS IN SOFTBALL LEAGUE RACE Let Us Pay YOMI* Gas and Light Bill TWO PITCHERS INJURED GREAT GIRLS' BALL TEAMS Thousands of 'housewives realize that through intel­ ligent purchasing the family budget jsan be easily bal­ anced . . . perhaps to come out with extra dollars. Plfll HEREJU_NJAY NIGHT Through our consistent cut rate prices combined with NIGJT JJK GflMES unsurpassed quality merchandise we can save the work TRIM housewives enough to pay their gas and light bills. conif Luvano Gets An Eyeful of Lime: Stanovich Is Smacked In San Pedro Contenders for National Championship Honors Mark the Nose; Score Boy Goes Haywire Will Meet Max Factors of All we a trial. give and Closes Game In Sixth - - Hollywood . Try Us Today! wond" Slate; Old Man 'Jinx had ;iis .eye on the City Short Ball Two of Southern California's greatest softhall teams, so ro the'San Pedro nine, leaders of the Loyola Stadium league The I.eaein' games lam Friday night and almost succeeded in IniK'iiiR up the pastime. It was a tough night on pitchers, race, and the Max Factor team, headed by the great Loin rccon the first such the C Uvo of th".hurlers being retired from the game. Even the Terry, comes to Torrance Sunday evening, game scheduled here. Ciame will be called at '& o'clock 100 Hcorelxuml boy got compMHy ups*?t and robbed the Millers with Bill Evans umpiring. *~ :10.3. and National Supply boys of* - - - 200 their final inning. Boasting a string: of victories land, Luviino Gets Eyeful j over tho past throe* weeks, the 400 To start the- fun, Luvano.' REVOLVER CLUB San Pedro team is now be!n^ Afric! pitching for Arnold & -Pullman j Averages to July 20 hailed as possible champions of She Fools 'Em Free Delivery! 800 in the first game, raced after a! tho Venice boulevard field and as such will represent Los An- 1:51.6 bunt laid down by Coast along j - Avg. 1216 El Pratio the first base lino. Luvano and j Strings grlos in the National tourna­ Eckersley ...... 7 271.00 Coast collided mid both men ment to bo played in St. Louis, Open Every Day e Hours 7 A. M. | Freeman ...... 9 257.88 WE CASH were knocked down. Luvano 255.66 Because tho San Podro team of the Week, in­ to 9 P. M. daily, skidded on his face and ripped the PAYROLL ; DeBra ...... 7 255.20 has a double bill slated with cluding Sundays, Saturday 7 A. M, tho skin oft his cheek. Ho in San Podro lino and left | Bcn"0" ...... 7 252.14 Ventura team for your conveni­ CHECKS plowed up tho baso and Sunday to 10 P. M. tho game to doctor up his eyes | Anderle ...... 7 250.59 Saturday evening ence. game of the ser­ which were filled with tho pow-j March ------j» 250.00 afternoon, third ies was scheduled in Torrance. dcred lime used to mark the j Cal1 ------° 243.75 [Specials: Frl. aetd Sat.a ,i . Ashton ...... 4 239.75 Several members of the toam ' - ,. , T .Wood ...... : 4 237.75 reside in Lomita and Sunday's Dawson relieved Luvano, and | Travio]j 7 . 234.71 tilt will give them an opportun­ was unable to hold tho Sandy & | Palder 229.25 ity of playing close to home. ' Scotty boys who smacked him Boynton ...... 5 225.40 Hei*e are the San Pedro girls who. are giving the Recently organized, but al­ for only four hits but turned Stroh ...... 7 216.88 Loyola Stadium fans something to cheer for in their ready hailed as potential cham­ them 'into runs, and won, 4-3. Haslam ...... 2 209.50 pions, tho Max Factor outfit, Moser pitching for the haber-! """ .. great race for the championship, and the right to. 3 209.00 with Lois Torry, platinum blonde All Meat Quality dashers was nicked for seven Schumacher represent in the national touranment at hurler on the firing lino, has (Why Pay More? New Stewart ...... 3 207.'66 Factor team here Guaranteed smacks but bore down in the Speheger ...... 6 201.50 St. Louis, They meet- the Max dumped some of the best girl Process Made Tender pinches. Dolton ,...... :...... 8 189.12 Sunday night. teams during the past two Wieners, Coneys, Salami The second game between Mil­ Skinned Hants Colburn ...... 5 188.00 weeks and only last week gave The Ham you can cut Liver Sausage, Bologna ler Furniturp and the National the- Santa Barbara squad a Supply was a bob-tailed affair, with a spoon. scorckeeper could get out of the Bob Lewellen Says: double licking in a week-end due to the error of the score- series. board boy. The kid got excited stands to report the error to the 11 Miss Terry is one of the two 29 New Process Made Tender when Stanovich, Tooly hurler, umpire, the players had left tho Pete Zamperini Made Sacrifice ever to hurl a no tho nose in the girl pitchers PICNIC got smacked in field and the crowd had filed She , accom-1 SOILING BEEF inning and had to quit the hit no run game. j third To Help Brother Make Team sea-t Lean, Meaty...... HAMS...... [.-game. The scorer lost_count of out of the grandstand. plishcd this feat early this the innings and hung up an ox- Stanovich was pitching ' a son and - has -missed it - by th'eJ tra pair of ciphers, so that when | great game for the Toolies until One of the greatest and noblest sacrifices of the narrowest of margins on several] GENUINE BABY BEEF has never been-in print. Well here other occasions. . I Guaranteed Government Branded ho came .to tho he was injured. In tho first llth innings had actually San Pedro, boasting the heavi­ Round Steak, Ib...... 23c Hound Sleal: Ground, only six allowed only it is. boon played. three innings ho Torrance is the proud city, for-many reasons; one is est hitters in the entire South­ ib...... :...... n Hurt one hit and no.runs and struck land, has been among tho lead­ Sirloin or T-Bonc Cube Steaks...... 0 for 25c Stanovich the fact that it is the home of the two greatest brother 25c Before Jack Modesitt, official out sovqn Millers. In the Toolics' long distance .runners in the* ~ ers in-the Loyola stadium race Steak, Ib...... Fresh Ground half of tho third, Stanovich at since its inception and now soem Rib Steaks, each ...... lOc Hamburgar...... 3 Ibn. 25c world; the home of the youngest j in the Frosno Relays, whore headed for a fourth;quarter title. Swiss Steak, Ib...... 17c i ib...... :...... iflc bat tried to .duck one of Barn- Olympic distance runner. Well Pete was awarded two watches Since a recent invasion of hart's shoots which was going the City of Torrance never knew for first places. Phoenix, Ariz., the team ' has Eastern Corn Fed Government Graded wild and stopped the ball with how close it came to having Pete graduated from Compton won seven games in eight starts. HATS his nose. TWO local boys on the greatest as captain of the cross-country Despite the double bill "in San PORK ROASTS, ib...... S6V2c team, President of the Student Watson Stars American Olympic team in his- Pedro, they hold hopes of vic­ Grain Fed Pork NEW tb"ry. Body, and President of his tory over tho strong L. A. team. Guaranteed Eastern The nose was practically fraternity. Ho also graduatcc writer firmly believes Grandstand seats for this PORK CHOPS, Ib...... 24c Smart and This with high scholastic honors, and ruined for the evening, that if Pete Zamperini had made game are now on sale at the LOIS TERRY Stannie gave way to Pagan, who the trip to New York, he would '^eived a scholarship to the Star Department Store. Star Hurler for Max Factor PORK STEAKS, Ib...... the 5000- University of Southern Califor went along very nicely excepl have taken a place in GENUINE GOVERNMENT GRADED BRANDED session in the fifth meter or 10,000 meter runs. But ma' Turnmg down other for one bad and one when the Millers climbed aboard after being informed that all.! sch°ols °" the .coast, foreign tfarhs of SPRING LAMB for five solid hits and six runs athletes had to pay their own ln ttlc cast' fast Forecast SHOTS (Don't Confuse This With Yearling Lamb or Mutton. to tie the score. George (Moose) expenses to the finals, Pete de­ Ran A 4:19 Mile-This Vear SPORT We Carry Spring Lamb Exclusively) Now remember, this great ath (Continued From Page 4-B) Watson was the hero of the cided that it would be hard Stiff Competition LEG OF LAMB, Ib...... ,...... 2iy2c inning. George laid the willow enough to raise money for his lete's best high school mile was 5:19; his best college 'mile 4:19 RIB CHOPS, III...... '«)c I LAMB STEW. H)...... 7'/2 c on a nice pitch for a four-base brother, let alone enough for (Continued From Page 4-B) but if I get left behind, it jus,t LOIN CHOPS. Ib...... S.M; | LAMB Shoulders, ll>.....15'/2 c swat which- cleaned the bases both of them. He gave up his In other words, Pcto in four 54 feet 2 ]/6 inches. Record made means they are that good . . . and scored four runs. Chambers opportunity to make, the trip years of hard work, training in 1936. Eastern Sugar Cured by the piece and faith in his coaches, his Here's to another 5000 - meter and Swayne Johnson also scored to Louis, beqause he knew that Unitod States athletes have before the inning was over. the "Torrance Tornado" was a style and ability has lowerec run, a 15 minutes of torture Fancy Sliced Bacon, Ei>.. .. . The Toolies came back in their cinch to make the team; his his own mile -time exactly ONE bettered foreign marks in eight chamber. It's a terrible race and Whole or Half, lb...... '...... -...... :.27«/2c half of the sixth, which every chances were a gamble. MINUTE; or one fourth mile of the events this year. Cor­ I don't like it a bit ... We both time. He has lowerec body thought was the seventh Deckard in East running nelius Johnson and Dave Albrit- had tho same sprint, it lasted BEEF ROASTS Beut his half from a 2:03 and scored two-runs on Rowe's ton's leaps of 6 feet lO-'S inches about 110 yards ... I found a (From Baby Beef Chucks) Scotty homer Pete made the trip to Ohio, race to a 1:55. Both of these single and Van Pelt's N.C.A.A.U. moot in little box Brownie camera, that Fancy Cuts, Ib...... O'/jc I Center Cuts, Ib. ..IC'/jC 1307 the game was over the and the two latter times arc plenty gooc in tho high jump far outclass Thinking tho Trojan team, takes swell pictures; am sending Choice Cuts, Ib...... >...... 12 y,o Shortening, Ib. .. El Prado field with onlj , with in any man's race. the best record made by the for­ boys left the second in the mile run tho one Perry Hinds loaned me in the sixth inning. taking, Pete is considered one of tho Jessc two out against Ohio, in 4:19. In the eign contingent, and homo with Bill Gill ... I am best distance runners to ever Owens' broad jumping puts the take picture of evorj Chicago 'meet, Pete beat Dock- His mile going to wear a Trojan uniform. German boys in the shade. In thfng in Germany . . . Bright ard, of Indiana, a boy who later running rates with Cliff Hal- GROCERIES took third in the 5000-meter the' other events, the dashes had a lot of trouble with his TORRANCE HERALD stead and Francis Benovidez hurdles, 800 meter and 1500 feet. They wore cooked and finals against Louis and Don as tho greatest milers to ever BULK Crescent Brand Lash. Pete says that he knows meter runs the marks are blistered before the race, and to attend the track close as to make it impossible look at them, I still can't see VINEGAR Saflad Dressing he can beat Deckard in tho long school. Peto won 12 varsity let­ race. to forecast results. how he ran on them. He sure is First Quality 4 jgc ters while attending Torrance Zamperini's record of I Relish Spread The City of Torrance certain­ Louie the swellest follow I ever met, Guaranteed;%al. JL ^ high; four in track; four in bas­ 14:55 in the 5000 meter run is sure was hurt when he failed to Special; 7CC ly "muffed" a good bet, in not ketball and four in baseball. He Please bring your o\vn Coupon -the sending Pete Zamperini east 18.2 seconds slower than make the team . . . After the Container' Quart.. won four varsity letters at Comp­ time of the great Finnish runner race I was down to 129 pounds, for the Olympic finals. Who ton Junior College; two in GOOD FOR ..... ft/ Torrance would Lehtinen, but the Finn's mark When I left Los Angeles I tip­ Breakfast Food for Youngsters-»-Lge. Pkg. knows, maybe cross-country and two in track Sure 1OC have two boys in Europe today, was made a year ago, and ped the scales at 145. ... WHEATIES...... While attending the University to press dispatches tho will bo glad to be on the boat on Regular $1.50 Seat instead of one. won lording of Southern California, he best time made by the Finns where I can breathe some fresh Broken Slices Wo. 2'/2 can in track, the or for 50c on regular $1.00 seat, or for 25c on Fair In High School two varsity letters is 14:52 made by G___ air . . . The people in New QUALITY BRAND 'PINEAPPLE...... :...... only athlete of Tor­ this year regular 50c seat Pete graduated from Torrance first and who is Paavo York treated me swell after the AI win a varsity let- nar Hoeckert, No. 2 can . 4% high school tour years ago. rance to ever first place, race,- introducing me to Major at the Trojan institution. Nurmi's choice for SWEET JUNE PEAS...... Ml for the time of his graduation, hp tor If Bowes, and many actors, taking at the World-Famous miler, and Dreams Came True and 14:53.8, made by Askola. was considered a fair the Finns can me to dinner, and showing me Del Monte No. 2 can ' % - miler. His best Poto^ Zamperini, has dreamed this is the best good half boy a good time in general . . . Will TOMATO JUICE...... J for time 'for tho mile run, up to of the time that his brother, do this year the Torrance chance of you please have the people in the time of entering Compton Louis would be on tho United stands an excellent CARNATION taking first, since ho plans to Torrance write, anything, as a CANNING PILGRIMAGE PLAY Junior College, was ,5 minutes, States Olympic toam; ho has letter from home, looks .plenty ALPINE tang on to the Finns during 19 seconds; tho 880-yard dash, worked and coached, pleaded good to me. Send all mail to PET SUPPLIES "Life of the Christ" 2 minutes, 3 secorids, just fair and trained his brother for four the early rounds and try to CKIJTO ...... 18e with his trc- me in care of tho United States Tall for a high school runner, al­ years, to become the greatest wear them down iloz,...... 19c finish. Olympic Track Team, Olympic Cans...... JAR COVKKS, though they were the Torrance and youngest 5000-meter champ­ nondous kick at the I'AKAFFJNIS WAX ...fli/iO Since Louie's groat perform­ Village, , Germany." Small records. Pete entered school in ion of America. Part of his LIDS ...... 9« PILGRIMAGE THEATRE, ance In New York, when he was Cans .rAH Compton, and rapidly improved, dreams are true, and he hopes RUBBEUS ...... 5c Highland at Cahuenga, Hollywood awarded a tie with , Olympic Teum Arrives In JAR under the, coaching of Hcrschall to hi've the rest fulfilled next Berlin, ticrimiHy, Tomorrow Smith. In his last yoar at tho month. ;he kid has gained confidence BREAD and realizes that he is on a par The United States Olympic PIES Compton school, Pete .set a n.ow While Louis attended the local and officials, ar­ FRESH DAILY Bernie with the best in the world at squad, athletes FRESH DAILY California Junior College record school, Pole and Coach rives in Berlin, Germany, Friday, to a distance running which will help Bmrimi, Cherry, Apple Torrance Night oniy n the 880-yard dash and the Donahue, coached Louis July 24, after a very pleasant Loaf...... nile run, Ho also was respon-1 new world high schobl record, ilm considerably in his battle Kneiipple, Cwounut, I.onion, Louis with the foreign element in journey. The first land to touch iy2-lb. Loaf.. .8c Host mi Crcum, etc. siblo for the school making For tho past six months from Now York, FRIDAY, JULY 24 lived with Pete on the Tro- August. after sailing « 4 C several relay records, especially has last week was Plymouth, Eng­ Choice Spanish Reg. 15c SPECIAL ...... * " To -buy ticket at reduced rate present coupop at Watch Dog On Payroll land, giving everyone on board*a SWEET ONIONS Mitchell Ticket Office at the Dolley Drug Co., 1225 chance to mail letters home. CUCUMBERS TOLEDO. '(U.P.) The payroll Tho athletes will go into strict 1C Los El Prado, or at the Chamber of Commerce, before training for the opening of the for Pickling at Pil7 of the Toledo art museum car­ 19' Noon July 24, thereafter present coupon Games, Saturday, August 1. The MILK, 1'ustcurlzed Lug...... grimage Theatre, night of July 24. ies the name of a watchman SOFT BALL who has a special cook. He is difference in time between Ber­ Quurt ...... lin and Torrance is nine hours, 01,KO Silver Nut M. danger, a huge German police Soda or Grulmin Wilson Cortldud, U>. SUNDAY NIGHT, JULY 26, 8 P. dog, who stands guard at night. so if you wish to listen in on the games, you will have to CRACKERS 81' Our Blond COFFEE an campus, and with the aid arise plenty early in the morn­ Full Mb. box...... All I'uriioHii Grind..... 12 SAN PEDRO vs. MAX FACTOR if Dean Cromwell, Pete has de- ing. This Coupon good for any number of tickets at eloped his brother to number Greatest Girl Players Seen on Any Field me man on the American Olym- STANDING OF THE TEAMS ONE-HALF the Regular Box Office Prices Boys' Summer league lie 5000-meter team. The hopes POTATO MACARONI « iff Good on July 24, Only . * MUNICIPAL BALL PARK >f a first place in the Berlin W L Pet lb.15c [umes, for the Uflited States, Reds ...... 5 1 .8a SALAD. SALAD Ib. *!> Giants ...... 4 2 .60' re riding on this young run- ROAST ROAST Admission: 2$c and if he Cubs .333 XT, Louis Zamperini; BEEF...... Ib. 35C1 PORK...... Ib. 35C Tickets On Sale^Now at does win; a lion's share of the Cards .107 of the teams are STAR DEPARTMENT STORE victory will go to his older Captains POTATO CHIPS, rother, who stayed at home, so Dario Chayez, Orvllle Smith, Try Our Delicious jouls could make the trip. Louis Briganti and Junior Rich- BAKED HAM Truly a great sacrifice1. unison. "^