40 Cars Spaghetti Hamburg Sandwiches Dangled Thei- While the Belplsea Vlo- Lessened Noticeably
IBtiniitriibt lEvntino %m dli \ SATORDAT, lU LT .Vi' inucLw amovtjaeioih SVnir members ot tbs Isither I KraHi « l M m , ISM laague of the Emanuel Lutheran Building lot for aale ABOUT TOWN church leave this week-end to spend WATKINS BROS. SUN UFE ASSURANCE a week’s vacation at the New Eng PENTLAND 5d4fc frnMtafe, sidewalk, gna, CO. OP CANADA 5 , 8 6 8 THE FLORIST DfOOBPOBATED water, aewer, « Strlokland St. and Idta. Fred Atwood and land Conference Luther League DDNOAN A. OOOPi-ib f, ot North Adanu, Hass., are Bible School and Recreation Camp TONIGHT 17 Oak Street ROBERT K. ANDERSON Fred H. Norton •7 Laneneter R<muI ftwy their vacation .with Hr. at lake WInnepesaukee, N. H. They Fmieral DIreetor IM Bbtai St., Bbacbeator, Oran. Blaaehester u n b MANCHESTER — A (TTY OF VILLAGE (HARM Mrs. Thomas Coni an of Bond are: Hiss Edith Johnson of New For a Real Good Time In a Real Cool Place, BDBNirrrs o r and Hr. and Hrs. Edwin street. Hiss OUdys Johnson of Cot Bird Seed-Oravel Funeral servlee in home he of Henry street tage street Arthur Johnson of Bong Restorer ypL. LV„ NO. 242. : ra Page to.) Laurel street and Ernest Berggren Come To the SILVER G R IL L - Mrd Teeth and Grit like surroundings. BIAN(»IESTKR, COI^,, MONDAY. JULY IS, 19SS. (TWELVE PAGES) of Laurel street A Urge number Seng T m r 'An audit ot the boOks of the 142 EAST CENTER ST.' IW a a en ot the Uoose wlU be held to- of Leaguers are spending the week F eaturing.
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