Societatea Comerciala

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Societatea Comerciala 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT INDIVIDUALS FINANCIAL STATEMENS SEMESTER I 2017 According to Annex 31 of NSC Regulation no. 1/2006 Report date:16.08.2017 Name of the company: S.C. NATURA QUATTUOR ENERGIA HOLDINGS SA Social offices: Bucharest, 5-7, Dimitrie Pompei St., District 2 Phone/fax number: 021 539 46 00 / 021 310 06 05 Sole Registration Code with Trade Registry: RO 2695737 Trade Registry Number: J40/3315/2009 Subscribed and paid up share capital: 3,605,948.40 lei Regulated market on which the securities issued are traded: BSE Market 1. Economic and financial statement The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Law 82/1991 republished and the Order no.2844/2016. The financial statements have not been reviewed by an independent auditor. 1.1. The comparative economic and financial statement analysis a) Balance sheet items: assets which represent at least 10% of the total assets; cash and equivalents; reinvested profits; total current assets; liabilities status; total current liabilities: % out of total Balance sheet summary 01.01.2017 30.06.2017 assets 30.06.2017 Total assets 13.571.738 12.508.425 Fixed assets 11.750.950 10.511.756 84% Current assets 1.820.788 1.996.669 16% Total liabilities 9.992.807 10.378.386 83% Shareholders’ equity 3.578.931 2.130.039 17% b) profit of loss account: net sales; gross revenues; cost and expenses representing at least 20% of net sales or gross revenues; risk and other expenses provisions; reference to any sale or closing of an activity sector performed in the last 6 months or is about to be performed in the following 6 months, dividends declared and paid: Profit and loss account 30.06.2016 30.06.2017 summary Turnover 16.785 18.289 Other operating revenues 17.237 0 Expenses related to raw 14.688 29.254 1 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] materials and consumables Payroll expenses 550.729 594.734 Value adjustments of fixed 32.215 90.762 assets Third party expenses 308.378 573.754 Other operating expenses 22.251 15.643 c) cash flow: all the changes occured to the cash balance related to operating, investing and financing activities, the cash at the beginning and at the end of the period are presented in the below cash flow table: STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Financial year Elements 30.06.2016 30.06.2017 A 2 2 Cash-flows from operating activities : Net profit / (loss) for the period : (1.023.067) (1.448.891) Adjustments for: Depreciation of tangible assets 28.171 90.696 Amortisation of intangible assets 346 66 Net changes in provisions Interest expenses 213.235 258.431 Interest income (103.141) (100.098) Unrealized foreign exchange (gains)/losses, net (16.071) 9.844 Operating profit before working capital changes (900.527) (1.189.952) Changes in trade and other receivables 2.596.783 (109.205) Changes in payables and other liabilities 427.848 (323.464) Prepaid expenses decreases (6.378) (5.063) Tax on profit paid - - Net cash from/(used in) operating activities 2.111.726 (1.627.685) Cash flows from investing activities : Purchases of tangible assets (633.257) (7.563) Purchases of intangible assets - - Loans (granted)/reimbursed (942.969) 1.379.992 Proceeds from sale of financial assets - - Purchases of shares - (171.097) Interest received 45.112 46.345 Net cash from/(used in) investing activities (1.531.114) 1.247.677 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from borrowings 2.008.325 5.451.647 Repayments of borrowings (2.456.261) (4.674.705) Dividends paid Interest paid (135.881) (335.321) Net cash from/(used in) financing activities (583.818) 441.621 Net increase/(decrease) of cash and equivalents 2.794 61.614 2 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] Cash and equivalents at the beginning of the year 26.737 54.877 Cash and equivalents at the end of the year 29.530 116.491 The financial statements have not been audited as at 30.06.2017. 2. Elements of perspective on the company's activity a. 2.1. Presentation and analysis of trends, items, events or uncertainty factors that affect or could affect the liquidity of the company compared to the same period of previous year. The company does not face the elements, events or uncertainty factors that may affect the liquidity of the company. 2.2. Presentation and analysis of the effects of current or anticipated capital expenditure on the financial status of the company compared to the same period last year No current capital expenses that can affect the financial position of the company have been performed. 2.3. Presentation and analysis of events, transactions, economic changes that significantly affect revenues from the core activity. There were no events, transactions or economic changes that could significantly affect the revenues from the main activity. 3. Changes that affect the capital and the administration of the company There were no events, transactions or economic changes that could significantly affect the capital and the administration of the company. The subscribed and paid share capital amounts to 3.605.848,40 RON. The share capital structure as at 30.06.2017: Shareholders Numar actiuni Procent (%) Green SouthEast Europe Investments 8.680.715 24.07% Framecell Limited 4.226.758 11.72% Legal persons 12.288.055 34.08% Physical persons 10.863.956 30.13% Total 36.059.484 100% 3 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] 3.1. Description of the cases in which the company could not respect its financial obligations during semester I 2017 During the analyzed period (semesterl I 2017) the company was not in the impossibility of not being able to respect its financial obligations. 3.2. Decription of any changes regarding the rights of the securities issues by the company holders All the shareholders of the company SC NATURA QUATTUOR ENERGIA HOLDING SA. benefited of the same rights. 4. Significant transactions In the case of share issuers, information regarding the major transactions concluded by the issuer with the persons acting together or in which these persons have been involved during the relevant period. There were not such cases. President of the Board of Directors Tsamis Georgios 4 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] INTERIM INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 30.06.2017 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As at 30.06.2017 01-Ian-17 30-Iun-17 ASSETS Tangible assets 2,645,155 2,562,022 Real estate properties - - Intangible assets 121 55 Loans receivables 7,456,339 6,300,344 Financial assets 1,571,559 1,571,559 Deffered tax assets 77,776 77,776 Total fixed assets 11,750,950 10,511,756 Inventories - - Loans receivables - - Trade and other receivables 1,742,193 1,851,398 Prepayments 23,718 28,781 Cash and cash equivalents 54,877 116,490 Total current assets 1,820,788 1,996,669 Total assets 13,571,738 12,508,425 Share capital 4,910,395 4,910,395 Share premiums 4,064,177 4,064,177 Reevaluation rezerves 1,555,744 1,555,744 Legal reserves 24,479 24,479 Other reserves 14,459 14,459 Retained earnings / (Accumulated losses) (4,538,647) (6,990,323) Result for the year (2,451,676) (1,448,891) Total shareholders equity 3,578,931 2,130,039 Loans and borrowings 5,369,120 6,302,470 Bonds 2,724,660 2,732,340 Deffered tax liabilities - - Total non-current liabilities 8,093,780 9,034,810 Trade and other payables 886,413 613,011 Loans and borrowings 740,148 621,271 Bonds 272,466 109,294 Total current liabilities 1,899,027 1,343,576 Total liabilities 9,992,807 10,378,386 Total shareholders Equity and Liabilities 13,571,738 12,508,425 ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND EQUITY STATEMENT As at 30.06.2017 Sold an curent la: No. Element name 01.01.2017 30.06.2017 Row Audited Unaudited A B 1 2 A. NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1. Development expenses (ct. 203-2803-2903) 1 0 0 5 5-7 Dimitrie Pompei Blvd, 5th Floor Part B, District 2, Bucharest Tel: (+40) 21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 J40/3315/2009, CUI RO 2695737 Share capital: 3.605.948,40 RON Email: [email protected] 2. Concessions, patents, licenses, trademarks, rights and similar assets and other intangible assets (acc. 205+208-2805- 2 121 55 2808-2905-2906-2908) 3. Commercial estate (ct.
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