On Cysts of the Prepuce and Raphé, with an Illustrative Case
ON CYSTS OF THE PREPUCE AND RAPHE, WITH AN ILLUSTRATIVE CASE* By GEO. HENRY EDINGTON, M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to the Central Dispensary, and Extra Surgeon to the Dispensary of the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Cysts of the prepuce receive but scant notice in the general text-books of surgery, and it is partly on this account that I now record the following case. I have been led, however, to do so also from the fact that recently cysts in this region have been engaging the minds of some writers in connection with their probable origin in a congenital abnormality. I shall first notice a case which has come under my own observation, and then refer to the literature of the subject. Willie D., aged 1 year, was brought to the Central Dispensary on 27th October, 1897, on account of his being the subject of " phimosis, accompanied by a small lump" at the distal extremity of the prepuce. This lump was first observed when he was 3 months old, and it increased in size till he reached the age of 6 months, since when no alteration in dimension had been noticed. It was stated, however, that, after ceasing to enlarge, the swelling had become harder than when first noticed. The prepuce (Fig. 1, p. 423), which was long, presented on inspection a spherical swelling on the under aspect of the free margin, with the antero-posterior vertical meridian corres- * Paper read and specimen shown at the meeting of the Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Society, 11th April, 1898.
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