SJSU Will Release Iranian Information
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PIN by Mark Robert Henry University Police officers who will take part in the foot The foot patrol will also check identifications of persons who appear to be loitering in the campus area, he Police start University and San Jose City Police are joining forces patrols, James said. said. to put foot patrols on campus-area streets in response to University and San Jose City Police decided to start The recent debates between American and Iranian student and community concern over crime, University the patrols after SJSU President Gail Fullerton en- students on campus have nothing to do with the decision to Police Lt. Larry James said iesterday. couraged them to develop a program to meet the concerns foot patrols of community residents and students about their safety in start the patrols, University Chief of Police, Earnest The purpose of the foot patrols is to create better the campus area, James said. Quinton said yesterday. communication between campus community residents Quinton termed the debates "a lot of healthy yelling" and police. It is not directly in response to recent homicide The patrols will operate seven days a week during the and said he did not foresee serious problems between near campus and assault cases near the campus, James said. evening and night-time hours in hopes of "bringing the Iranian or American students on campus. Days off have been temporarily cancelled for officers closer to the community," James said. The patrols will continue indefinitely, James said. Spartan Daily Volume 73, Number 53 Serving San Jose State University since 1934 Friday, November 16, 1979 Reflection of San Jose SJSU will release Iranian information by Morgan Hampton Bruce Richardson, California State "I don't think it's the right thing A list of names and addresses of University and Colleges legal to do," he said. "If it's the university 280 SJSU Iranian students will be counsel. policy not to give out other students' released to the Immigration and In a legal opinion received by records, the policy should cover us Naturalization Service, according to the university, Richardson and legal too." Ernest Lopez, SJSU community counsel Mayer Chapman advised Kamalaldin Tagharobi, an relations director. SJSU officials that student records Iranian graduate in physical The university will not, can be released to INS as long as education, said he was not con- however, grant the INS request to written consent of the student is cerned that his name was released, was a negative interview Iranian students on obtained. but he thought "it campus. Any student who applies for a action." is Lopez said it wouldn't be in the student visa automatically gives He said the United States, if it saving the lives of best interests of the university to consent to release his or her records concerned with should send the shah allow the interviews. to the INS when they sign an INS the 65 hostages, look for students "Interrogating, fingerprinting "Certificate of Eligibility" F-1 form. back, rather than and the taking of photographs is not All students who apply for student to deport. is illegal in the an activity that should take place on visas to attend U.S. schools must "The Shah he said. "I'm not the university campus," Lopez said. complete an F-1 form. United States," back?" No personal student records, Iranian student interviewed on illegal, why send me a computer such as specific courses a student campus Thursday disapprove Hossein Vahaji, said the has taken or enrolled in, grades or releasing their names, but no one science graduate student, names is not marital status will be released, interviewed believed the release INS request for a list of inappropriate according to Jack Tuthill, associate would adversely affect them. an unusual, or director, records, said. An Iranian student who wished request. anytime," he However, any information the to be identified only as "Shahrian" "They can do it INS needs to know to determine the said he believes it was unfair that said. "This is not something special - legal status of a visa student must Iranian students should be denied foreign students have to report legally be released, according to privacy rights other students enjoy. anyway." Iranian checks refused by Morgan Hampton installments, is available to all foreign students. SJSU SJSU will not accept tuition checks backed by the non-resident tuition for out-of-state and foreign students is Iranian government or drawn on any of the country's $787.50 for 15 units or more, per semester. banks, according to Ernie Lopez, SJSU community Several students interviewed on campus Thursday relations director. said the outlook is bleak for them to remain at SJSU if Lopez said "no unauthorized extensions" for tuition they cannot get money from home. payments will be made. An Iranian student who wished to be identified only as Most Iranian students at SJSU depend on money from "Shahrian" said he needs the money from Iran to stay in home to support school expenses, according to Phillip school. He said he would have to drop out next semester if Persky, international student adviser. he couldn't cash checks from home. He said most Iranian students are not yet aware of the "I don't have any other way," he said. "I can't work." freeze on Iranian funds but some have already come to his Kamulaldin Tagharobi, a graduate student, said he office with their concerns. has not choice but to return to Iran if funds remain frozen. California's three largest banks have reportedly Tagharobi said Carter's order to freeze Iranian assets refused to cash checks drawn on Iranian banks, in is the "toughest, rudest action" the U.S. government response to President Carter's ordered freeze on Iran's could take. money holdings. Bank of America will cash checks drawn on Iranian "It is the rule of the jungle," he said, "instead of funds, for $500 or less, if the check is dated prior to Nov. human beings. 14, according to bank spokesman Jim Bidegary. "It is not acceptable international law," he said. Bidegary said Thursday, although the bank will ac- Hossein Vahaji, a graduate student in computer cept checks dated prior to Nov. 14, it will not cash them science, said he has no way to pay tuition if his checks are curtailed. in _ until they are verified by the banks on which they are photo by Sharon Hall drawn. A Khomeini supporter, Vahaji said he would go home The changing patterns of old San Jose are revealed by a reflection in the window of the new look -- Many Iranian students use a deferred payment plan if funds remain frozen, because a degree "is not worth that much." The Crocker Bank Building on First Street. to pay registration fees, Persky said. He said the plan, which divides payments into three "My faith is more important," he said. streets stay one-way S.J. Home Economics Dept. defended by Scott Mace traffic on the two streets. ditional traffic into the area in future by Laura Weaker education and skills provided and offers a comparable course is San The San Jose City Planning "You'll still have the connection years. Students, faculty and home obtained with a degree in the area of Francisco State University. Commission Wednesday recom- with the 280 freeway," pouring cars Planning commission members economists turned out Wednesday at home economics," said Robyn Wilk, "We don't know if we could mended that 10th and 11th streets, and trucks into the neighborhood, he were worried about setting a an open hearing to save the Home home economist and alumnus of the accommodate new students," said which pass near SJSU, remain one- said. He added that the city's master precedent for future neighborhood Economics Department, which is department. Jean Freedman, home economics way streets. plan calls for closing First and groups around the city to try to keep facing possible termination because "I think termination of the professor at San Francisco State. Neighborhood residents and two Second streets to through traffic in traffic out of their neighborhoods. of declining enrollment. department would be detrimental to "San Jose is the only feasible SJSU students could not convince future years, which would reroute "Nobody wants to have traffic in The hearing, held before the the entire community," home location from the East Bay, Santa : the commission that 10th and llth such traffic to streets outside of the front of his house," said Planning curriculum committee of the School economics senior Nora McDonald Clara County and Alameda County, streets should be converted to two- downtown area, such as 10th and Commission Chairman Jim Beall. of Applied Arts and Sciences, is part said. Colleen Carr, professor of home way streets to enhance the neigh- 11th streets. He stressed later that he sup- of a review ordered last year by the Most speakers expressed a need economics at Ohlone College, said. borhood and promote a student He also said development of ported the change to two-way California State University and for the department at SJSU because Carr is also a graduate of home community east of SJSU. property on lath and 11th streets is because of factors other than just Colleges Chancellor's Office. of its pertinent location in the South economics at SJSU. Joan Corsiglia, member and "not complete" and will pour ad- traffic management. "I see critical need for the Bay. The nearest university that continued on back page past president of the Campus Community Association (CCA), said the current six lanes of one-way traffic "make the neighborhood turns 'Moonie' as member dangerous for children and the A.S.