Albert Hall Makes $88,000 Bequests
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' ·-· '' ~Sam'l. Ingham Sees Namesake I lnghnm sU(JI'I visors lmd their llrst Jrml1 ul Sumunl D, Inghum unci he nt Uwm 'I'ucm!.Jy, Thelngha m ews noy w. Aclanm !li'O~I'nlr.rl liH' hoard of Hllllf'l viHors with 11 m(ly uf Ingluun's porlrult. '!'he HUpcr· Ninety-Fifth Year, No. t12 4 Sections - 28 Pages vls!Jls hung Jhn pkllll'fl on the wall to till! l£•fl of llw l'nHll'llm, 'I'IJC [Jicture [:.; II JnC'ITifll'i.Ji to E:lhel AdumH, who died IPCPnlly. Lots of Birds, Wnnt ads, Puges fl, 7 und 8, She worlwd for· the <'ollnly 2li Pat l 1. yl'UJ's, most of the lime In tlw Social news, !'age •1, l',u t 1: Albert Hall Makes tn.!;Jmu·cr'll of!ll'e. 'l'lw tJ AdnmH Fewer Hunters l'ngc •J, Part 2. bwthers, Hoy und ltulph n[ Mn· Chmch news, Pui:e 7, J',u·t 2. son, Joidgar of KansaH City nnd Sports, Page 2, Pmt 3 Ilenry of Durham, NPW Ilnmp· On First ·Day. E:clllorlals, P.1go G, Part 3. shim, presented lhe county with Pnges 2, 3 nnrl '1, Putt 1 $88,000 Bequests the memorlnl. Legal notlf•p:;, Pdi(C 8, l'.tr l Pcr•fe!'l wcntlwr on Wcclnesrlay, 1; l'nge 2, Part 2, Pnr:r-s !i anrl In malong the fll!'sronlatlnn IIJC opening dny, nnrl on 'l'hurs '• 1) l',L!'l <!. noy Arl<tmH lolrl of the inll'rCHl rlny pliiH a r.norl r-rnp nf phcas· 1 Ills sihll'r tool1 in hi~lrny unrl of ·tnts, marll' almolll ldenl conrll· her work In s£•,u·dnng nut lnfor· lions fnr hun!Pt''l, Yet Lhc hunting To Church Groups mallon uhout lhc rn.ut for wll<lrn [lJ'('SSll!'e the flT'.~l 2 flllVS nf tlw Ingham <'OIInly is ll.tnwd. 11 W.tH .P.tsnn was I lw llghtesl in several Census-Takers Churches, missions, collc~cs and J•cltttives will divide the through infonnallon Mls:; Arlnrns V!'ars, reporter! Wrtlicr Mutchler, was murlc avalluhlc Lnng half-million dollar estate left by Albeit J. Hall of Mason. He receiver! Jrom tho 1ongr•essionul rnr.lutm c•onservHllnn officer. died Octobci· 11 al the age of !l2. lllli'IIIY ihul the portrait of lng- Jpy llnyner, a grcat-gmmtson of llr• attrlhutert the Jack of con Will Follow Up nJJr• of lhf' fln,f seli!Prs, enl<trgecl •·cntt•allon nf hnnlers to the mlrl In his life he used his money ~enerously lot• suppm-t of the prJilralt. wet>k npc•nlng of the bird season. chlll'chcs and colleges. In his death he conllnued 1hat sup Al·r·nrrilllf~ lo Hoy Adams, Sam If t ltc good weal her holds, he Questionnaires pm·t. City Takes Action w•l n. lnglmmwus al'lillarlelphm 'nlrl, the shotgun army will lll<c· p I!J!'I' manUf<ll'flll'!'l' Who Hf'l Vf'ri ly be out In force Saturday and Consus·talwrB for the country- IIi::; wife, Minnie Ingalls Ilnll, will get $50,00[) in cash, all Ill c•nngt r• ,s and who lwc,nne sec· ')unrlny wide farm census will he count· household fumishings, the Forcing Pit Owner if'lat,V nl liH• lif',lSUIY at the b.!· Hunters fonnrl mow Ingham lng more than noses when t!Jcy I family cm· and the residue gtnlllltg o( President Andrew ',tnrl pD:,ted thl•: yco~r limn prcvi· visit farms during Lite next few To Up Fence ,l,H'J\:,on's fitst IPim. It w.ts ;lur- •,usly. The late fall with crops wecl1s. Neat•ly ;,oo questions wlii after O t h c 1' bequests are Put 1111' lhat pctJml WIH'n HPI!icis Taxpayers Face ,fill slanrhng !' some fm m bo aslwd fm m familtes. Questions made. City coundlmcn Monrlay night Sll'llllWol Into tlJr• [Clllloty of I "rs io post their lanrls, they saul. deal /With Iamliy life, cmps, Chur f'!JC!l, C'nlicgcs nnrl ntlwrs ,ta~:gert the Mason Gravel Cn. pit M11 lug,Jit and sf'\ up county gov Most, though, rlid their posting to FOUR lllJNDIUGD TONS OF ,qUESTIONS from Wash west of South Bm Ill'S sltPel as ,1 PI'llllll'nls. C,dhoun, V,m Duren, buildmg construction and stock who wlli share ln the Jlatl for- Increased Levy pmt eel fences and hvcs loci•, they ington are in the mail this week destined for every farm home hnzrud to public hc,Jitll and :;,Iff'· l~alon, B.ttTy, C'.tss, Livingston, William Couch, Mason farmer ' tunc arc: stated. in the United States. Each farm family will receive nearly- ty. In a legal notice tlwy de Ingh.un anrt llt,lJH'h all !Dol( thch Duel: s1Hlotlng has Improved ancl hnplemcnt dealer, is gu!rtlng J\Tuson lln!Jtlsl t•hnrch, $1\0,000. questions, out of which about will apply 'to any cl<Ired tlwt unless the !1-acrc are.1 no~m!'s frnm co~btnct members 01 with llw heavy rains which have 500 100 tho census in Ingham county. liP l\luson i'm'lhykt·lnn church, On County .Tax Is completely endosf'd by a fcncf' uthPI' mc•n lloldmg high govern· ft!INI farm ponds. particular farm. In the picture, Ile1·bert M. Ames of Detroit, has already picked several worn· $!!,000. by November Hi, the city will rln mPnl po:,llions. assistant field supe1·visor for the department of comme1·ce, en to help in the woric. ;\lusnn 1\ll•lhndlst t•hm·£•h, $1,000. IngiJ.Jm taxpayers will hnve to The season on pheasants anrl pay about a quarter-million more the worl< and nHHesH costs to I he !loy Artruns told of the !Pm· 'lf1tnrrels runs tn November 10, briefs J. William Couch of Mason on the questiotls he and his Quest ionna!res-, p r! n t c d in Washington, were due to arrive !Huson Church of !he NJaZJLI'!'II!', in county l~x titan lasl ycnr. company. pc•stous tum•s of Ja<'i<'.on's arl qtousc to November Hl, raccoon staff of workers will ask when they travel county roads 15 Sl,OOO. While the r,tle Is towet·, hecause Tile Moml<.y night 11< Iton w,Js mnnstralum .tnrl how lit!' entire In December 31 nnrl rabbits to by rna !I at I ng Itam f nrm Iwm1•s beginning this week. the county adopt crt 1!1G:l sf ato the tcsulL of nc<~rly 2 yco~rs of l'ahlllf'l 111 the mirtdiP of the prl's· .r,muary 31 The ducll season ends Lhls wee!<. Workers will begin lluptisl Chlldr!•n's Home, Rnynl prodding by Barnes slJ cf'l anrl trlent's lll'Sl term tcstgrwd as a Nnvcmher 21. picidng up the census shP.ets On!{, $5,000. equal!zcct valuation ftgLtres, the South strcr.!l rP~tdonls In ho~vc .1 result ol J1•urlmg over social Shooting hours on small game (ll'obably the llrst of next week, SlJII't' l:onummw~ullh, Alhlou, levy Is up $252,300 over last ycnr·. fence crcr·tPrl around tlw p1t Br•· tf'cognltirm dcnJPd Gcm•t'<tl John ~rc from G a m to 7 p, m On according to Couch. $10,000. The total levy for 1fl;,•t 1s $2,· sides the Mdson G!.JVl'l Co., pits F;.tlrl!l's Wile, c,!1\Pd Pol house rlucl<s anrl geese the homs nre Supervisors Set Salaries The 1951 census of ngricullurr• I!illsda!e U!liltlst colleg11, $1i,IJOO. 015,900. The lmdgct for next yem· me owned by the erty anrl the l'c•ggy bPc,Juse lwr· father oper· from a half hour before sunrise ts the 1Gth to be held In the I11s· Easi<'J'II Unptist 1'ht•ologlcul t•alls tor $2,1G3,900, with $1•18,000 Ferris Co. ,dong property fadng ,Jtcd <1 Wo~slltnglon tavern. lo sunset. tory of the country The flt sl l'il'mlnary, l'hlladc•lJlhln, $3,000. coming from fees ami other rev Barnes street. The F'err ts Co. Samuel D Ingham never .saw 1'wo lll!'ll Art• Jnjur11d was c?nducled. in 18,10. The ccn.' IIIITJI!st Old l'enple'" ' Jlomc, enue. For 1951 the county r.tlsccl erected ils fence more t h,tn n the county named ,tiler him, Roy Sherllf Willard P. Barnes re Under Classification Plan sus wrll yield mformalion on tlw l\luywnnrl, Illlnnis, $5,000. $1,763,G05 by taxes. On hand In • year ago. The city fence Wds Adams s.Jirl. 'I'hP r ,thmet mem porter! 2 hunting accidents. number and size of farms fan NriJ'tlll't'll Ula]lllst Convention, the 1951 budget, s,Jvcd through completed lnst spring. ber rltd aclo10wlcdgc the honor, Warrl Kelly, Lansing lawyer, is Salaries whlclt had been ex- have his men trainer! hy Michl· pectocf to develop mto a healed g'an stale police, the sheriff saJd. acre or more of Janel ts con- N. 1'., $1>,000. the years, was $272,1itl3 for the Declaring' thnl " Jcnw is no Itt•, tellers chsclose. also 111 Sparrow hosptl,ll with a shot "· rrJnrccl a farm), 'lCrcage an(! county hosplt,Jl adrttlion. stronger than 1ts weatwst linl<, had a locomol ivc type named afl· gun pellet m hrs tung, 2 In his issue on lhe board of supervtsors Met•tt ratsC's will only be mmlc ,, ~ ' ' Mt·s.