September 2006 Vulture News 55 The Asian Vulture Crisis Cameron Ellis

The Gyps vultures of South are large on the internal organs as the almost birds with relatively unknown, foraging, universal (85%) symptom in necropsied reproductive, migratory and dispersal vultures. Eliminating the possible causes patterns. Populations of Gyps vultures on of renal failure in birds the team found the were considered their culprit among the region’s recently very abundant as recently as the late introduced veterinary pharmaceuticals. 1980s and early 1990s, and among the Diclofenac is a non steroidal anti- most common raptors in the world. inflammatory (NSAID) drug administered Vulture declines were first noticed in to livestock on the Indian subcontinent. 1996 in Keoladeo National Park in Diclofenac is administered for many of central India and by the year 2000 the the same reasons that a human might take three Asian Gyps vultures were listed aspirin or ibuprofen, it masks nominal as critically endangered. Population pain and discomfort and gets us back surveys estimated that the three species on our feet. Diclofenac is widely used of Gyps vultures (Gyps bengalensis, Gyps in the region in the veterinary treatment indicus, and Gyps tenuirostris) had suffered of domestic livestock, carcasses of which declines in excess of 95%. These three are the vultures’ primary food source. species represent half of all raptors In a part of the world where livestock classified in this most precarious state of play integral roles in the livelihood of imminent global extinction. many rural people, the drug diclofenac The declines initially sparked fears translates into a healthy and efficient of a new pathogenic infectious disease. work force. At 50 cents (US dollars) per However, in 2003 and 2004, two treatment, it is also a cheap drug. Sales major scientific breakthroughs allayed of the drug in India exceeded 10 million fears of viral or bacterial threat. These doses in 2004, and it is manufactured and breakthroughs concisely outlined the distributed by more than 45 companies nature of the problem, and the steps in the region. that would be necessary to remedy The second major breakthrough in it. The first came from The Peregrine the case came from Rhys Green, at Fund’s team of biologists, who had been the Royal Society for the Protection working on the problem for nearly three of Birds. Building on the proof that years. The team, led by Rick Watson and diclofenac was the cause of renal failure Lindsay Oaks, identified renal failure, in the vultures, Dr Green designed a and the build up of uric acid crystals model to determine what percentage

43 Vulture News 55 September 2006 of carcasses found in the wild needed in place restricts use of diclofenac by to contain diclofenac to cause major government employed veterinarians species decline. His model, which in the Indian State of Gujarat. A video accounted for vulture feeding frequency, documentary, The Last Flight from All toxicity of diclofenac (birds can die of Time Productions, prompted the Prime a single exposure), and frequency of Minister of India in March 2005 to contaminated carcasses, demonstrated promise a national ban on the drug that only one contaminated carcass in within six months. Fifteen months later 250 was necessary for the observed the drug controller of India requested population crashes. Actual sampling of the ban to be implemented within three carcasses revealed that nearly one in months, and some manufacturers have ten had sufficient levels of diclofenac to responded. cause renal failure in a Gyps vulture. In the days following the summit meet Attendees of a summit meeting, meeting ERWDA, the Environmental convened in Kathmandu by The Peregrine Research and Wildlife Development Fund (TPF) and Bird Conservation Agency of the United Arab Emirates, (BCN) in February 2004 agreed came forward and offered to collect on a course of action which included members of all three species of banning veterinary use of diclofenac to endangered vulture, and fly them back remove the threat from the environment; to Abu Dhabi where they would be cared establishing three captive populations for in state of the art facilities by people of each of the three species of vulture trained in raptor care and management. for safe-keeping and to initiate a captive This generous offer represented a breeding programme; and eventually significant expenditure of resources on releasing the captive bred vultures once the part of ERWDA, but after much contaminants were removed from their vacillating, the offer was rejected by environment. Pakistani authorities. Unstated reasons Nearly three years later, data from suggest that national pride led Pakistani the Asian Vulture Population Project officials to stop relocation of the last AVPP, a Peregrine Fund initiative to remaining Pakistani Gyps vultures outside monitor the last remaining colonies of of their national borders. An ulterior the Asian Gyps vultures, show that two motive, if there is any, is not known. of the largest breeding colonies (~1400 Recognizing the slow pace of breeding pairs) have been extirpated, government action, and its limited and only about 40 breeding pairs effectiveness given the relative ease of remain at the largest known remaining acquiring and administering the drug colony of G. bengalensis. The only ban even in regions where it has been banned,

44 September 2006 Vulture News 55 The Peregrine Fund and its partners colony near Multan, Punjab, have undertaken a more grassroots suggests that vultures provided food will approach to reducing diclofenac use in reduce the distance at which they forage the field. The Peregrine Fund, together and limit their feeding to mainly the with the Bombay Natural History clean food provided and thus reducing Society is attempting to appeal to the mortality. It is a short-term strategy, but sensibilities of veterinarians and livestock important at this time to sustain enough owners, urging them through public birds in the wild until long term solutions information dissemination to curtail the can be enacted. use of diclofenac. (An English language Vultures have been widely used in example of a public information flyer is South Asia as a natural carcass disposal included in this issue) method and their loss represents not The recent approval of meloxicam as only loss of biodiversity but also loss a substitute for diclofenac is a promising of important ecological, economic, and step towards reducing contamination of human health and cultural resources. the vulture’s food sources. Meloxicam Unfortunately, while the plight of these is a NSAID with the therapeutic value vultures is obvious, their ecological of diclofenac, and not toxic to vultures. importance is high and the steps needed Drawbacks to meloxicam include its to save them are clear, the AVPP shows currently limited distribution and much that vulture populations continue to higher price. decline at a rapid rate. Political inertia Experimental provisioning by The means that the AVPP may monitor these Peregrine Fund at Toawala vulture large birds into extinction.

Cameron Ellis, The Peregrine Fund, 5668 West Flying Hawk Lane, Boise, ID 83709, USA. E-mail address: [email protected]

Asian Vulture Population Project Assist The Peregrine Fund’s Asian Vulture Population Project by submitting breeding information about vultures in South Asia (species, how many nests, how many chicks, geographical location, etc.). Visit the Asian Vulture Population Project at:

45 Vulture News 55 September 2006 Diclofenac flyer

This flyer is being distributed in South Asia by The Peregrine Fund, Bombay Natural History Society, and others. For more information visit: