Eugène Ionesco Through the 20Th Century
Cultural and Linguistic Communication HETEROTOPIAS DISTURB: EUGÈNE IONESCO THROUGH THE 20TH CENTURY María Ángeles GRANDE ROSALES1 1. Prof., PhD, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Dept. of General Linguistics and Literary Theory, University of Granada, Spain Corresponding author: Not only in the theatre, but there also, the 20th Rhinoceros (1959), A Stroll in the Air (1962), Exit century was the century of the disappearance of the King (1962), Hunger and Thirst (1966), Jack, or space and of time transfigured by massacre. The Submission (1970), Macbett (1972), Ce Scientific progress did not produce moral Formidable Bordel (1973), The Man with the Luggage progress. Hiroshima, Auschwitz, Nazism, the (1975), or Journey Among the Dead (1980), also the totalitarianisms, Vietnam present themselves as novel The Hermit (1973), the autobiographical the incontrovertible historical evidence. In the diaries Fragments of a Journal (1967) and Present words of Angelica Liddell: Past, Past Present (1968), and various collections El tiempo ya no ubica las acciones humanas of essays, aesthetic reflections, newspaper sino la descomposición. Un minuto no es articles, marginal notes etc. Born to a Rumanian tiempo, es espacio, espacio desmoronado. father and French mother, he moved to Paris Sería como decir este avión tarda en llegar aged one and lived in France until 1922, when he tres hospitales bombardeados. Sería como was reclaimed by his father and returned to decir un minuto son tres campos de Rumania, where he would continue his exterminio. La definición de sufrimiento secondary and higher education. Later he usurpa la definición del espacio y del tiempo achieved the post of cultural attaché of the (…) La realidad destruida hace que se recurra Rumanian delegation of Vichy, definitively a la metáfora como generadora de realidades establishing himself in France, where he nuevas.
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