Marketing Fragment 6 X 10.T65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03856-0 - Anglo-Saxon England 30 Edited by Michael Lapidge, Malcolm Godden and Simon Keynes Index More information Index to volumes 26–30 Volume numbers in italic precede page numbers Aa, river, 28.212 Adoratio crucis, liturgy on Good Friday, 26.23 Aachen, 27.129; Capitula of (A.D. 818/819), Adoro te domine Iesu Christe in cruce ascendentem, Good 30.182n; council of (A.D. 816), 27.107n, 248n Friday devotional prayer, 26.123–4 Aalst, family of, 28.215n, 216 Advent, 26.57; 27.252; liturgica for, 28.153n, 160, 171, Aaron, island of: see Saint-Malo 173 Abbo of Fleury, 28.108n; 30.221; literary style of, Æbba, abbess: see Eafe 27.28; Passio S. Eadmundi, 28.71n; 29.254n; Aed, St, 29.112, 117 Quaestiones grammaticales, 27.17 Ælberht of York, magister of Alcuin, 27.12 Abbo of Saint-Germain, Bella Parisiacae urbis, 29.141, Ælfflæd, queen of Edward the Elder, 29.119; 30.55n; 143n and the Cuthbert embroideries, 26.138 Abingdon (Berks.), abbey, 30.166; connections with Ælfgifu, abbess of Nunnaminster (Winchester), Canterbury, 28.107n; connections with France, 28.316; 29.277 28.106–7; manuscripts, 27.141, 143n, 150, 151, Ælfheah, St, bishop of Winchester, archbishop of 153n, 167, 168, 276; 28.89n, 106, 109; 29.86, 88 Canterbury, 28.186; 30.139; murder of, 27.211n; Abraham, biblical figure, 28.122n, 124, 125, 127, 128, relics of, 30.167 130, 131, 139 Ælfhelm, (lost) account of St Æthelthryth, 29.252n Acca, bishop of Hexham, 26.43 Ælfric Bata, 28.181 accents, and other markings for pauses, in AS manu- Ælfric, abbot of
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