High Level Transport Plan & Projects for 2010 Soccer World Cup June 2006 2010 World Cup Transport Plan Transport Demand (1)

NDOT National Estimates Supporters

Regional International International Local (non-local base) (based locally)

Local Accommodation


2010 World Cup Transport Plan Demand (2), Off-site Centres

• Affordability of tickets (Germany: €35 - €600) – participation by non-ticket holders (away from stadia) • Spreading demand over a longer time period • Numerous, smaller venues vs less, but larger venues – spreading services geographically • Cater for 15 000 to 60 000 people • Indoor venues limited, outdoor venues - cold, lighting, security at night • Location on SPTN, with Park-and-Ride facilities

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Demand (3 )

• Busiest day (at NASREC and/or Ellis Park) would be between days 12 and 15, in the group stage, game 3 • 200 000 visitors will be accommodated in on that day • International and Regional Spectators: 70% Public ; 30% Private, assumes the splits in the NDOT regional estimates, applied at local level • Local Spectators: 75% to 95 % Public, assumes successful and comprehensive park & ride • Assumed 20h00 start and build up from 18h00

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Transport supply (1)

M1 Strategic Public Transport Network (SPTN) JIA

N1 N3

Ellis Park

M2 N17 N17

M1 Inner City Distribution NASREC System (ICDS)

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Legend Stadia Broadcasting Centres Monte Casino JIA Potential Exhibition Venues Northgate Potential P & R (The Dome) Training Venues North-South SPTN Corridor

Sandton Convention Centre

Randburg Alexandra Waterfront

Wanderers JIA The Zone Westgate Caesar’s Palace Emmerentia Dam Casino Zoo Lake Marks Park Bruma Lake RAU Milpark Florida Lake Bezuidenhout Univ. Park Jhb WITS Ellis Park Newtown

Herman Nasrec Rand Stadium Wemmer Pan Immelman Germiston Stadium Orlando Lake Gold Reef Regina City Mundi

Southgate Training Venues and 2010 World Cup Transport Plan Potential Park & Ride Sites Legend 1 9 Air Transfers 3 2 9 0 Gautrain Stations 4 4

5 Metrorail Stations

Rail – Rail Transfers

Rail – Road Transfers 9 7 6 5 3 5 Gautrain 0 1 3 8 2 Metrorail 2 33 2 9 38 2 9 7 Road Malboro Station 2 Road

Zone Boundaries Sandton Station

648 Road Volumes 4


9176 Rail Volumes 5 6 5 Rosebank Expo 648 Total Road Volumes Centre Isando Rosebank Station Station Total Rail Volumes 2 9176 1 12610 0 4 10 Zone Number 27145 9 9 9 52 6 5 6 4 1 5 12610 Exhibition Centre 1

Langlaagte Station 20907

Park Station 2 3 6703 Doornfontein 5 17581 Station Germiston 8 Station 1 326 New Canada Station 27 17165 8 319 8384

Eastern Expo 1342 23011 Centre 8 5146 4 6 410 14375 10 8 3 NASREC 1



3 4

6 1 Expo Centre 4716 2-Hourly Person Flow to NASREC

62345 9 Public Transport Only 2010 World Cup Transport Plan SCENARIO 3 Legend 1 Air Transfers 4 2 5 5 Gautrain Stations 4 2 9 Metrorail Stations 3

Rail – Rail Transfers

6 6 0 2 Gautrain 3 9 7 Metrorail 2 61 1 1 3 7 89 7 Road Malboro Station 2 1 Road 9 8

Sandton Station

648 Road Volumes 1


9176 Rail Volumes 5 5 3 Rosebank Expo 648 Centre Rosebank Station Total Rail Volumes 9 9176 5 5898 9 10 Zone Number 27145 5 8 65 ELLIS 9 4 1 12610 PARK 10448 8

CBD Expo Centre 4 3226 3 Doornfontein Germiston 2 Station Station 206 5 Park Station New Canada 17165 Station 5800 3884 18723 401 45 3884 8 Eastern Expo 818 Centre 2661

3 3 14375 8 1 4 0 6 Soweto Expo Centre 2714 2-Hourly Person Flow to ELLIS PARK

62345 9 Public Transport Only 2010 World Cup Transport Plan SCENARIO E3 9 trains [5]

5 trains n [5] tow rk r 5 trains Pa o rrid [9] Co

348 buses 348 buses Pat Mbatha [348] [348] 7 buses Busway Soweto [7] Highway

Rail Pedestrians 35700 [35700]

Rand Show 23 buses [23] Proposed Baralink







Legend 2-Hourly Trips to NASREC 348 With Gautrain Public Transport Only [348] Without2010 GautrainWorld Cup Transport Plan SCENARIO 3 2500 Nasrec Planned Capacities

1100 • Rail: 20 000/hr, 8m 800 500 m walkway 2600 radius • Bus: 28 bays – 20 7300 000/hr, 10m walkway • Minibus-taxi: 100 bays – 15 000/hr, 8m walkway

1000 m radius Holding Area Public Transport 6000 Vehicles

Parking (bays) Total 201020 300 World Cup Transport Plan )

s w

e o


r r

u a

b ]

H 9


( [

1 M

4 buses 175 buses [4] [175] Charlton ut nho uide Bez

8 trains [5] Rail Pedestrians 22600 [22600]

2 trains [5]

Legend 2-Hourly Trips to ELLIS PARK 348 With Gautrain Public Transport Only [348] Without Gautrain 2010 World Cup Transport Plan SCENARIO E3 LEGEND Gordon 79 B in P10 Vehicle Exclusion Zone Charlton Public Transport Vehicles Only

B e r t Strategic Public Transport Corridor ra m s (SPTN)

F u SPTN Route Closed During Events t r l l e e t r m h e i g i S r 381 T Other Public Transport Routes ew y v o i zr S it F TAXI HOLDING Permanent Public Transport Facilities SPTN ROUTE Beit EXTENSION AREA

n i r Temporary Public Transport Facilities

E t l












w 11 B

x r N e



H POTENTIAL Pedestrian Corridors

h B

45 B S SPTN ROUTE EXT. (Closed for Events) SPTN Pedestrian Bridges urrey Terminal C On-street loading / off-loading

Doornfontein b i a Railway Line Station t

S Er ro t r u o Stations h 72 B n D e a id 30 T w zu e e Ellis Park B Number of Buses or Taxis Holding Station 72 B 50 B 30 T TEMPORARY PUBLIC t Doornfontein Taxi / u TRANSPORT HUB o Bus Terminus rh G o o o u V s



sioner Commis Ellis Park Summary of Public Transport Plan 2010 World Cup Transport Plan FIFA Family

2010 World Cup Transport Plan FIFA Family Transport Bottleneck Key Locations & Routes


Bottleneck N1 Bottleneck 33 km FIFA HQ & Hotels

M1 N-S Flagship 24 km 1. Hotels to Soccer City 29 km Bottleneck 2. Airports to Soccer City

3. Hotels to Airports Interchange

4. Hotels to Tshwane Bottleneck

Soccer City, Media Centre

2010 World Cup Transport Plan FIFA Family Transport Key Locations and Routes

Ellis Park


FIFA HQ & Hotels

1. Hotels to Match Bottleneck

2. Airports to Match Ellis Park


2010 World Cup Transport Plan FIFA Family Transport Key Locations & Routes E-W SPTN & Lanseria Link MEDIA – Public Transport


Media Bus to Training Venues, etc

N-S Flagship Media 1. Hotels to Media Centre & Stadia Accomm Airport & Media Accomm. 2. Airports to Media Centre & Stadia Ellis Park

3. Hotels to Airports Interchange

Media Bus to Media Centre Training Venues, etc & Soccer City

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Current 2010 Transport Legacy Initiatives

• Strategic Public Transport Network (SPTN) • Inner City Distribution System (ICDS) • International Transit & Shopping Centre (ITSC) • Travel Demand Management (TDM) • Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) • Commuter Rail Extensions • N 17 Freeway Link • Public transport operational plans • Metered taxi upgrading

2010 World Cup Transport Plan

Midrand / Halfway House Te mb is a Co smo City Kya Sand Sunninghill Greater Ivory Park

Woodmead Northgate Ri vonia Laser Park Randb urg Sa ndton Strijdom Pa rk Wy nberg Alexan dra SPTN showing Cresta JI A Westg ate Co nstant ia Roseb ank Basi n Hi ghlands North

Roodepoor t Flagship routes RAU Pa rk town Bruma/ East gate Hi ghgate The CBD Jep pesto wn New Ca nada Ci ty Deep Mlamlankunzi Jabulani Southcrest Haddon Regina Baragwanath Southga te Mundi Eldorado Park/ Devland Pa norama



Strat egic Pu blic Transport N etwork Freeway System Rail Ne twork Proposed Gautrain Route Flagship Project Routes

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Inner City Distribution System (ICDS)

2010 World Cup Transport Plan International Transit & Shopping Centre (ITSC)

is the focus of SADC road-based public transport in Southern Africa • Greater area (Park City) is the terminal point for buses and taxis from as far north as the Democratic Republic of Congo • Currently split bus and taxi facilities • With 2010 in mind, the plan is to create a high quality International Transit & Shopping Centre modelled on an airport terminal

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Travel Demand Management (TDM)

Variable working hours & Ridesharing ªSurveys undertaken ªPilots in Sunninghill, and elsewhere ªTDM Rideshare desk ªTDM computerised matching software system

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

A number of ITS initiatives are currently in the process of implementation ªSANRAL Pilot Project on N1 ªJRA Traffic signal upgrading ªCCTV systems in CBD and elsewhere ªCity Safety Strategy ª2010 Transportation,JMPD & EMS control centre

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Commuter Rail Extension & Service Changes

NASREC/Baralink/Nancefield commuter rail extension ªBasic planning

NASREC/Park Station/Ellis Park ª Premium service linking to Gautrain at Park station

2010 World Cup Transport Plan N17 Freeway link


2010 World Cup Transport Plan Public transport operational plans

• Private transport operational plans already developed for NASREC and Ellis Park • Public transport operational plans being developed for NASREC, Ellis Park and 8 training venues • Emphasis being placed on incrementally implementing park-and-ride services • Target of 70% public transport and 30% private transport for 2010

2010 World Cup Transport Plan Metered taxi upgrading

• A new innovative model is being pursued for upgrading the metered taxi fleet • Accreditation of an “incubator” group of metered operators via • Vehicle upgrading wrt meters, radios, roof signs etc • Topographical and customer service training for drivers

2010 World Cup Transport Plan