CREATIVITY STUDIES ISSN 2345-0479 / eISSN 2345-0487 2014 Volume 7(2): 118–134 10.3846/23450479.2014.944595 DUAL-UNITY OR DICHOTOMY? ANDROGYNY AND SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER BIPARTITION1 Anna M. KŁONKOWSKA University of Gdansk, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ul. Bażyńskiego 4; 80-952 Gdansk; Poland E-mail:
[email protected] Received 09 July 2014; accepted 09 July 2014 The paper concerns mythology, rites, philosophical tradition and other intel- lectual inspirations, which have influenced the Western culture’s approach to the male-female dualism in social categories and the culture’s attitude towards the phenomenon of androgyny. This male-female bipartite category and the oc- currence of transgressing it, or not fitting it, is analysed in relation to divergent philosophical and sociological theories, like the thought of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michael Foucault, Judith Butler, etc. The purpose of the paper is to expose – and search for the reason for – Western culture’s ambivalent attitude towards androgyny: perceived either as something odd and stigmatized for not matching the traditional dichotomy in cultural categories, or a perfect dual-unity integrat- ing the two polar opposites in one being. Keywords: androgyny, culture, dichotomy, gender, sex, structure, transgenderism. Androgyn and the division of sexes According to Plato: “The original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman and the union of the two, of which the name survives but nothing else. Once it was a dis- tinct kind, with a bodily shape and name of its own, constituted by the union of the male and the female: but now only the word ‘androgynous’ is preserved, and that as a term of reproach” (Plato 1953: 521).