Quantifying Evapotranspiration in Green Infrastructure: Agreen Roof

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Quantifying Evapotranspiration in Green Infrastructure: Agreen Roof Villanova University The Graduate School Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering QUANTIFYING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION IN GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: A GREEN ROOF CASE STUDY A Thesis In Civil and Environmental Engineering by Meghan Marie Feller Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering December 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii NOMENCLATURE ix 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 GREEN ROOFS 3 1.1.1 THE VILLANOVA GREEN ROOF 4 1.1.2 CURRENT GREEN ROOF DESIGN STANDARDS. 9 1.1.3 ROLE OF EVAPOTRANSPIRATION. 10 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 11 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 15 2.1.1 EVAPORATION 15 2.1.2 TRANSPIRATION 16 2.1.3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 16 Climatological Effects 17 Water Availability Effects 17 Actual vs. Potential Evapotranspiration 19 2.1.4 MEASURING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 20 2.2 ESTIMATING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 21 2.2.1 TEMPERATURE VS. COMBINATION METHODS 21 The Penman Equation 23 The Slatyer-McIlroy and Priestley-Taylor Equations 24 The Penman-Monteith Equation 25 Reference Evapotranspiration 26 3 RESEARCH METHODS 29 3.1 MEASURING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION - GREEN ROOF WEIGHING LYSIMETER 29 3.1.1 LOAD CELL ERROR 30 iii 3.2 PREDICTING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 33 3.2.1 CLIMATOLOGICAL AND SITE-BASED INPUTS 33 3.2.2 THE PENMAN EQUATION 35 Net Radiation (Rn) 36 Soil Heat Flux (G): 38 Psychrometric Constant (γ): 39 Slope of the Saturation Vapor Pressure Curve (Δ): 39 Drying Power of Air (Ea): 40 Latent Heat of Vaporization (λ) 41 Saturation Vapor Pressure (e°(T)) 41 Actual Vapor Pressure (ea) 42 Mean Air Density (ρa) 43 Absolute Temperature (Tkv) 43 Aerodynamic Parameters 43 3.2.3 THE SLATYER-MCILROY EQUATION 44 3.2.4 THE PENMAN-MONTEITH EQUATION 44 Specific Heat of Air (cp): 46 Aerodynamic Resistance (ra): 46 Bulk Surface Resistance (rs): 47 4 RESULTS 49 4.1 CALIBRATION ROUTINE FOR PREDICTIVE EQUATIONS 49 4.2 APPLICABILITY OF PREDICTIVE EQUATIONS ON DAYS WITHOUT RAINFALL 50 4.2.1 GRAPHICAL EVALUATION 50 4.2.2 NUMERICAL EVALUATION OF PREDICTIVE EQUATIONS 69 iv 4.3 APPLICABILITY OF PREDICTIVE EQUATIONS ON DAYS WITH AND WITHOUT RAIN 73 4.3.1 MONTHLY AVERAGES AND TOTALS 74 5 CONCLUSIONS 77 5.1 EFFECTIVENESS OF PREDICTIVE EQUATIONS IN ESTIMATING ET 77 5.2 ROLE OF ET IN THE WATER BUDGET OF A GREEN ROOF 79 5.3 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORK 80 6 REFERENCES 83 APPENDICES A – ROOFLITE ROOF MEDIA SPECIFICATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE B – SENTRAN, LLC LOAD CELL INFORMATION C – DAILY WEATHER DATA (APRIL 2009 THROUGH NOVEMBER 2009) v LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Villanova Green Roof Vegetation List .................................................................... 7 Table 2.1. Required Weather Parameters for Common ET Estimation Methods ................... 23 Table 2.2. Reflectivity Values for Broad Land Cover Classes. .............................................. 27 Table 3.1. Required Measured Weather and Site Data ........................................................... 34 Table 3.2. Green Roof Weather Station Instruments .............................................................. 35 Table 3.3. Penman Required Weather Inputs by Parameter ................................................... 36 Table 3.4. Penman-Monteith Required Weather Inputs by Parameter ................................... 45 Table 4.1. Linear Regression of the Penman and Penman-Monteith equations ..................... 69 Table 4.2. Comparison of monthly total ET measured to ET predicted ................................. 71 Table 4.4. Daily average Lysimeter, Penman, and Penman-Monteith ET. ............................ 74 Table 4.5. Penman and Penman-Monteith Total ET ............................................................... 76 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Villanova University Green Roof (May 2007). ...................................................... 4 Figure 1.2. Villanova University Green Roof Location ........................................................... 5 Figure 1.3. Typical Extensive Green Roof Cross Section ........................................................ 5 Figure 1.4. Villanova University Green Roof Planting Scheme ............................................... 7 Figure 1.5. Aerial Image of the Villanova Green Roof ............................................................ 8 Figure 1.6. Schematic of Green Roof and Current Instrumentation ......................................... 9 Figure 2.1. Soil Water Capacity .............................................................................................. 19 Figure 3.1. Villanova Weighing Lysimeter ............................................................................ 30 Figure 3.2. Diurnal Variation of Weighing Lysimeter Output ............................................... 31 Figure 3.3. Weighing Lysimeter Error .................................................................................... 33 Figure 3.4. Villanova Green Roof Weather Station. ............................................................... 35 Figure 4.1. April 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ........................... 51 Figure 4.2. April 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ................................ 52 Figure 4.3. April 2009. "C” Measured versus Penman estimated ET .................................... 53 Figure 4.4. April 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET .................... 54 Figure 4.5. May 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ............................ 55 Figure 4.6. May 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ................................. 55 Figure 4.7. May 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET ...................................... 56 Figure 4.8. May 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET ..................... 56 Figure 4.9. June 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ............................ 57 Figure 4.10. June 2009. “B” P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ............................... 57 Figure 4.11. June 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET .................................... 58 vii Figure 4.12. June 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET ................... 58 Figure 4.13. July 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ........................... 59 Figure 4.14. July 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ................................ 59 Figure 4.15. July 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET .................................... 60 Figure 4.16. July 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET .................... 60 Figure 4.17. August 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ...................... 61 Figure 4.18. August 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ........................... 61 Figure 4.19. August 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET ............................... 62 Figure 4.20. August 2009."D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET ................ 62 Figure 4.21. September 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ................. 63 Figure 4.22. September 2009."B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ...................... 63 Figure 4.23. September 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET .......................... 64 Figure 4.24. September 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET .......... 64 Figure 4.25. October 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ..................... 65 Figure 4.26. October 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ......................... 65 Figure 4.27. October 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET .............................. 66 Figure 4.28. October 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET .............. 66 Figure 4.29. November 2009. "A" A comparison of measured and estimated ET ................. 67 Figure 4.30. November 2009. "B" P and P-M estimated versus Lysimeter ET ..................... 67 Figure 4.31. November 2009. "C" Measured versus Penman estimated ET .......................... 68 Figure 4.32. November 2009. "D" Measured versus Penman-Monteith estimated ET .......... 68 Figure 4.33. Monthly estimates of lysimeter, Penman and Penman-Monteith ET ................. 72 Figure 4.34. Comparison of Penman and calibrated Penman-Monteith daily ET .................. 75 viii NOMENCLATURE d zero plane displacement height [m] dr inverse relative distance between the Earth and the Sun [dimensionless] e°(T) saturation vapor pressure [kPa] ea actual vapor pressure [kPa] es mean saturation vapor pressure [kPa] es – ea vapor pressure deficit [kPa] h vegetation height [m] k von Karman’s constant, 0.41 [dimensionless] -1 ra aerodynamic resistance [s m ] -1 uz wind speed at height “z” meters [m s ] z elevation above mean sea level [m] zh height of humidity measurements [m] zm height of wind measurements [m] zoh roughness length governing heat and vapor transfer [m] zom roughness length governing momentum transfer [m] -3 -1 -1 Cp specific heat at constant pressure, 1.013 x 10 [MJ kg °C ] -2 -1 Gsc solar constant, 0.0820 [MJ m min ] J integer between 1 and 365 corresponding to day of the year [dimensionless] P atmospheric pressure [kPa] R specific gas constant, 0.287 [kJ kg-1 K-1] -2 -1 Ra extraterrestrial radiation [MJ m day ] -2 -1 Rnl net outgoing longwave radiation [MJ m day ] ix
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