Relevant Details

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Relevant Details RESEARCH TEACHER RESOURCE #5 Relevant details selecting the information or facts that are significant or useful for a specific research question and purpose STRATEGY Objectives: • Learn to distinguish important from unimportant details, based on a research question and purpose; • Appreciate the need to select relevant details thoughtfully. Use the following activities to systematically introduce this research strategy. Introduce ➤ Invite students to watch the Paris Crew Historica Moments video available at https://www.historica- the strategy This video features the Canadian rowing team that brought international sports fame to Canada by becoming unlikely world champions when they defeated European crews in the 1867 Paris Exposition regatta. ➤ After viewing the video, twice if necessary, ask students to identify its purpose. Suggestions may include: to inspire national pride, provide historic information about rowing in Canada, encourage belief in unlikely heroes, or offer a glimpse of Canadian sports heroes. ➤ After watching the video again, ask students to identify the important information conveyed in the video. Remind students to look for visual and oral information, including narration and character dialogue. Record student ideas. ➤ Discuss the challenges of producing such a video—one that is less than a minute long, highly engaging, and yet provides sufficient context and information that the event is understandable to a wide audience. ➤ Provide students with a copy of The Paris Crew (Activity Sheet #5A). Invite students to review the sheet and highlight information that did not 7KH3DULV The Paris Cr ÀUVW &UHZ NQRZQ ZDVWKH ACTIVITY SHEET #5A WKUHH DV ÀUVW ÀVKHUPHQDQGDOLJKWKRXVHNHHSHUIURP1HZ%UXQVZLFN³IRUPHGWKHWKH6DLQW URZLQJ ew appear in the video. With elementary students, WKHLUÀ -RKQ WHDP UVWUDFHLQ,QWKH\EHFDPHKRPHWRZQKHURHVE\ZLQQ)RXU WREULQJ 5REHUW LQWHUQDWLRQDO )XOWRQ ,Q 6DPXHO UHFRJQLWLRQ review the information as a class. Discuss with IRU &DQDGD +XWWRQ WKH6DLQW ZDV *HRU WR&DQDGD -RKQSURYLGHGWKHWKH\QHHGHGIRUWKHWULS0DULWLPHUVK-RKQ DQHZ JH )RXU QDWLRQ 3ULFH 7KHFUHZ WRFRPSHWH &RQIHGHUDWLRQ DQG(OLMDK ZDV URZLQJWHDPDQGZRQ5RVV³ students how the creator of the video may have :KHQ LQ(XURSH KDG LQJWKHSURYLQFLDOWLWOH WKH6DLQW WKH MXVWEHFRPH SDSHUFRPPHQWHG´ZLWKWKHLU-RKQ 1HZ )RXU %UXQVZLFN DUHDOLW\ SLQNFDSVWKH\ZHUHLQVWULNLQJFRQWUDVWWRWKHLUQHDWFRPSHWLDUULYHG JRYHUQPHQW:KHQ determined which details were relevant. NJPRUHWKDQRQHRIWKH(XURSHDQFRPSHWLWRUVDQGZDVGHVFULELQ3DULV WKHFKDQFH Á WKH\ LJKO\YDOXHGWKHVSRUWRIURZLQJDQG JUHHQµ HVKFRORXUHGMHUVH\VGDUNFORWKWURXVHUVOHDWKHUEUDFHVDQGZHUH WKHSHRSOH FDPH 7KH UHJDUGHG RI6DLQW &DQDGLDQWHDPURZHGZLWKRXWDFR[VZDLQ³WKHSHUVRQLQFKDU(QJOLVK DV FULWLFL]HG ´FRXQWU\ WKHLU EXPSNLQVµ %XW URZLQJ WRUVµ ➤ ZKHQ VW\OH 7KHLUKRPHPDGHERDWZHLJKHG2QH Based on the discussion, introduce the -RKQ WKH1HZ DQG QHZV )RXU %UXQVZLFN FRPSHWLWR HGDVD´&KLQHVHSX]]OHSDLQWHGEULJKW IXOO GHIHDWHG UV PLQXWH 3DULV· FUHZ ZHUH LQ DKHDG V WRRN VXUSULVHG ZKLFK RI *HVOLQJ WRWKH JHRIGLUHFWLQJWKHURZHUV following criteria for selecting relevant WKH WKH\ WKH &UHZ ZDWHU ZKHQ ZRUOG GHIHDWHG (QJOLVK LQ WKH\ WHDP LQDFORVH FRPSHWLWLR VDZ VWXFN )ROORZLQJ IDPRXV WR UDFH WKH FUHZV ZLQ QWKH WKHLU WKH 7KHQH[W VFRIÀ DPD]LQJ IURP ZRUOG GD\ QJ details: 7KH YLFWRU\ 2[IRUG FKDPSLRQ WKH\ VWRSSHG HQWLUH DQG VKLS FURVVHG 7KH ZRUOG WKH &DPEULGJH WLWOH7KHLU 6DLQW WRSRLQW FUHZ WKHÀ RXW KRZHYHU ZDV PDGH QLVK &DQDGLDQV,QWKH3DULV&UHZWRRNRQWKDW QLFNQD XQOLNHO\ OLQHD WKH GLGQRW PHG VSRUWV LQDVL[PLOHUDFHFRQÀ8QLWHG DFFHSW WKH KHDGOLQHVYLFWRU\ 6WDWHV WKHLU 3DULV • important to the research topic or GLG WLWOH &UHZ DURXQG QRWHQWHU DVZRUOG DQDPH UPLQJWKH3DULV&UHZ· WKH WKDW 7KHPHPEHUV FRPSHWLWL FKDPSLRQV VSHFW $PHULFD· RQ 7KH WR RIWKH VEHVWFUHZEXW $PHULFDQV question: details that are key to un- LQVWLOOLQJQDWLRQDOSULGHDQGFRQQHFWLQJSHRSOHIURPFRDVWWRFWKHQHZ URZLQJ VVWDWXVDVZRUOGURZLQJFKDPSLRQVFRXOG FRXQWU\ WHDP WKH FHUWDLQO\ ZHUH ZHUH :DUGEURWKHUVDQGEHDWWKHPKDYH TXLFN RI&DQDGD &DQDGLDQ EHDWHQ )URP 7KHLU WKH YLFWRU\ KHURHV7KH\ derstanding the topic or question UDFH XQWLO ORVW ZKHQ KHOSHG EURXJKW )DPHDQGLQWRWKH1HZ%UXQVZLFN6SRUWV+DOORI)DPHLQGXHWR IRUP LQWHUQDWLRQDO DÁRRGHG WKH\ WKHFROOHFWLYH ERDW GLVEDQGHG RDVW IDPH ,Q LGHQWLW\ DQG you are hoping to address; WKH3DULV RI UH WKH3DULV &UHZ &DQDGLDQV &UHZ UHPDLQ ZDVLQGXFWHGHGXQGHIHDWHG LQWR&DQDGD· H[FHSW IRU • contributes significantly to the re- V6SRUWV RQH +DOO RI 5HIHUHQFHV search purpose: details that help KWWSZZZ KWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRUFVKRIFDDFFHVVLEOHKPBSURÀ Tools for Thought 2009–10:6 JZLNL3DULVB&UHZ to meet the particular purpose OHSKS"L for researching the topic or question. 44 © The Critical Thinking Consortium ➤ Review with students the following clues that can help identify important information: • prominent location—important information is often located in the title, first and/ or last paragraph, headings, topic sentences, and summary; Tools for Thought 2009–10:6 42 © The Critical Thinking Consortium TEACHER RESOURCE #5 • use of repetition—important points are often made several times; • interesting facts—information that stands out as being particularly interesting because it is unusual, exaggerated, bigger than life, surprising, or unexpected. ➤ Suggest to students that research can be conducted for a variety of purposes. For example, students might research an assigned topic to argue a point, defend a position against criticism, create a broad overview, or provide a light-hearted perspective. Discuss with students how to determine the extent to which details contribute to the research purpose. Examine the information conveyed in the Paris Crew video and identify how the information contributes to the video’s purpose. Practise the strategy ➤ Use one of the following activities to practise the strategy: Option #1: Explain to students that the 1988 Olympic Winter Games held in Calgary included several unique and colourful competitors. One ,Q0LFKDHO(GZDUGVZDVWKH was a Jamaican bobsled team that had never seen DQXQOLNHO\DWKOHWH+HZRUHWKLFNJODVVHVWKDWIRJJHGXSZKHQEddie the Eagle QRÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW ACTIVITY SHEET #5B ÀUVWDQGRQO\SHUVRQWRFRPSHWHIRU%ULWDLQLQ2O\PSLFVNLMXPS (GGLHZDVERUQLQDQGVWDUWHGGRZQKLOOVNLLQJZKHQKHZDV snow before competing in Calgary. Another VNLWHDP,QKHPRYHGWR1HZ VNLMXPSLQJ KHVNLHGKHZDVSRXQGVRYHUZHLJKWDQGKHKDG VRFNV PLJKW was the participation of Michael Edwards, WRPDNH EH VQRZ WKH DFKHDSHU <RUNWRFRPSHWHLQ1RUWK ERUURZHG VSRUW LQJ(GGLHZDV ERRWV WRGR À (GGLH ,QKHDOPRVWPDGHWKH%ULWLVKGRZQKLOO ,Q W:KHQ SUDFWLVHG $PHULFD who became known as Eddie the Eagle, Brit- ZDVWKHRQO\DSSOLFDQWIURP%ULWDLQ(GGLHZDVDEOHWRFRPSHWH(GGLH KHZHQW UHSUHVHQWHG EDFN XVLQJ :KHQKHUDQRXWRIPRQH\ WR ERUURZHG %ULWDLQ (QJODQG HTXLSPHQW (GGLH LQWKH KHSUDFWLVHG ain’s first and only ski jumper. Eddie became ZDV ZRUOG +HKDG (GGLHWKRXJKW FORVHVW DQRYHOW\ VNLMXPSLQJ E\MXPSLQJ WR FRPSHWLWRU ZHDU VRDULQJ0DQ\UHIHUUHGWRKLPDVLQHSW)LQHIRUPZDVQRW(GGLHDWWKH FKDP RYHU VL[SDLUV 2O\PSLFV SLRQVKLSV EXVVHV RI +LVQLFNQDPH ZLWKRXW +LV LQWKH2O\PSLFDQG the 1998 Olympics’ “most-loved” loser, and ´WKH ODFN ZDV %XWWKH (DJOHµ RIVNLOO UDQNHG IDQV ZDV ZDV ÀIW\À DGPLUHGKLVFRXUDJHKLVVHQVHRIDGYHQWXUHKLVVHQVHRIKXPRXORYHG DQ REYLU RXV :LQWHU*DPHVIWK (GGLH LURQLF +H %HFDXVH 7KRXVDQGV UHIHUHQFH SODFHG KH he received more interview requests than (GGLH WR ODVW RIIDQV · KLV LQDOO WKRXJKW FKDQWHG VÀUVWFRQFHUQ+HMXVWZDQWHGWRODQGVDIHO\MXPSLQJ KLVHYHQWV 6LPSO\JRLQJWRWKH2O\PSLF*DPHVDWDOOZDVDJROGPHGDOIRU(KH VW\OH H[HPSOLÀ KLVQDPH +H IDU 5HVHDU DV ZDV EHKLQG HGWKH KHODXQFKHG QRW KLV any other athlete at the games. Provide (GGLH FKWRSLFTXHVWLRQ2O\PSLF Rating details JUDFHIXO EHFDPH VSLULW³D RUKLVVSLULWZKLFKOHGKLPWRIROORZKLVGUHDPKLPVHOI RU LQJ+RZHYHU WKH IURP ACTIVITY SHEET #5C PRVW WUXHDPDWHXU WKHVNL DQG 5HVHDUQRW IDPRXV MXPS PRFNHG HYHU\RQHFKSXUSRVH DWKOHWH VSRUWVPDQ 3HUKDSV students with a copy of Eddie the Eagle ZHUH WKH FKDQJHG 2O\PSLFV ZDV RIWKH GGLH FRPSHWLQJ WKH\ 7KLVEHFDPHNQRZQDVWKH´(GGLHWKH(DJOH5XOHµ(GGLH·WKULOOHG $WKOHWHV 6KRUWO\ ZLWK 2O\PSLF EHFD KDG DIWHU (GGLH XVH WR WKH :LQWHU KHORYHG (Activity Sheet #5B) and Rating details ÀQLVK 6NLRIÀ *DPHV KLV ,QVSLWH LQWKH 2O\PSLFV FLDOV DQG VSRUW RI WRS VDLG FUHDWHG VSHHFK LWV KDOIDW HQGHG KLV GLVDSSURYDO 'HWDLOV LQWHUQDWLRQDO WKH SHUIRUPDQFHDORW DQHDJOHµDWWKH UXOHV RILQWHUHVW FORVLQJ RI(GGLH FRPSHWLWLRQVFRQWUROOLQJ ZDV (Activity Sheet #5C). Assign students FHUHPRQLHV V2O\PSLFGD\VZHUHRYHU QRW LQVNL WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO ZKR JRRG MXPS LQRUGHU TXDOLÀ IRU (GGLH· ´SHRSOH HG WKHVSRUW VIDPH VHW 2O\PSLF WRFRPSHWH IRU 7RQLJKW QHZ WKH EURXJKW JRDOV &RPPLWWHH LQWKH JDPHV individually or in pairs one of the fol- 6KRZ KLP FUHDWH ,PSRUWDQWWRWKHWRSLFTXHVWLRQ5DWLQJWKHGHWDLOV 2O\PSLFV LQJFDPSDLJQVEHFDPH JUHDW G SUHVLGHQW D VXFFHVV QHZ WRWDNH FRKRVWHGVSRQVRU ZRUOG UHIHUUHG SDUW IRU +HKDG QRWYHU\LPSRUWDQWUHFRUGV FURVV&DQDGDUHOD\OHDGLQJXSWRWKH2O\PSLFLQWKH D%%& (DJOH DKXJH DQG WRKLP lowing research tasks: WZHQWLHWK $LUOLQHV &RQWULEXWHVWRWKHU RQH NLQGO\ 6WHYH&RRJDQZDVPDGHDERXWKLVOLIHUDGLR ´QRQYLFW KDV LQ DQQLYHUVDU\VKRZ ZURWH RU\µ HYHQ KLV DQG DERRN SDUDGH ÁRZQ RI HDUQHG UHFRUGHGVOLJKWFRQWULEXWLRQ HVHDU OLNH WKH DODZ LQKLV FKSXUSRVH JDPHV GHJUHH DVRQJ KRPH YDOXDEOH 5HIHUHQFHV DQG LQ WRZQ ZDV ,PSRUWDQWWRWKHWRSLFTXHVWLRQ,Q)HEUXDU\ )LQQLVK DSSHDUHG • Was the 1990 “Eddie the Eagle :LQWHU*DPHVDVNHG SDUWLFLSDWHG KWWSDUFKLYHVFEFFDVSRUWVRO\PSLFVWRSLFV WRVHUYH RQ DV (GGLH SRZHUIXOFRQWULEXWLRQ7KH KWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRU ,QDQRWYHU\LPSRUWDQWDWRUFKEHDUHU UHWXUQHGLQDGYHUWLV À KWWSZZZ &RQWULEXWHVWRWKHUOPFDOOHG LQ:
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