SHIPPING NEWS from ALL PARTS of the WORLD and to Importer (Br), Befora Reported Disabled
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SHIPPING NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD and TO Importer (Br), befora reported disabled. U foi Montevideo and Buenos Aires (to sail Oar flaid Valparaiso; Attn**, Boca*. ' -recent inefficiencies of the Port of the Metropolitan District, and what¬ gTEAMM?IPf«, EXrritSIONH being towed to Esquimau, where shs expect* 10th). ^. iWXrrlo. New York, but every business Iuuil.. ever huccub» was to b« achieved de¬ to »rrtv« Tuesday. ROTTERDAM. Sept 7.Arrived, etr Or- Managua (Nlo). MuafUlds;M»n»»BltJo^rArtaamm^.asnai in and should th« united effort* of *11 SHIPPING NEWS. dunte Mend (Sp), Port Arthur. MODERN PORT MADE should be concerned sup¬ pended upon t.#rj a flailed 6th, etr Lackawanna Bride*. New str port the plans under way to reorganize concerned. It wiu big problem NOTICE TO MARINERS. Orleans. (B£a!led'lSth, a»rfi«M.8ou^ the port. to he handled pier<mea!. Local factions (CONTINUED PROM PRECEDING PAGE.) Cape Bemana Light, Haytl.The master of SANTIAGO, Sept 8.Sailed, etr Oarrillo, "It is needless to point out that New and local pciUrCe had to y Into *tr Tuegue (Nor) reporu that Cap* Sim*i,» New York. TEN TIMES OLD SIZE York is the gateway of the nation the background, Just us the jealousies let 10 It 30 Ion SHANGHAI, Sept 7.Arrived, atr Malta Steal Ranger 213 HW Haunraa 9th. light. In approximately N, Maru Peneacola. SS.t; <&sv..Ar.: through which passes half the com¬ and rivalries of the various irui. parta- . 69 08 38 W, uu not burning on the night of (Jap), NordstlertKu <Dw), fiwlftarrow 96 N Juplttr 9th. Aug 23, 1921. Arrived l)th. etr West Nlvaria, Portland, O, NORFOLK. V*. BeptTB,li^1r^"riv,rfl(^A« v»d. «t«i.trs ajAl- merce of the entire country. It is tion Interests had to t>e subordinated fiwiftatar 120 8 Block bland 10th. SHIELDS, Sept 10.Arrived, atr Aatur sufrlctent that you know it is yoi:r port, to th« general good. It wat. a case of Tekoa 330 E by N Hattera* 9th. (8w), Baltimore. Texa* 387 Hatteraa Landmark.Coco Almlrante Bar.The New York Commercial Secre¬ that every dollar and every hour saved .one for all, and all for one.' 8 9th. Car. 81ERIIA LEONE, Sept 4.Arrived, atr Blue andtr Kjslland CNet* ' 8oraer" Trlnldadlan 20 N T^mpleo 9th. master of etr Metapan report* under date New sat London. In carrying on its great commercial ac¬ "The second step toward t-uccess was of that Pillar Tree, la ap- Triangle, York. (Br), Wellington TorN#^ when th- Turrlalbu .159 S Ainbro.<a Oth. Aug 28, 1921, SINGAPORE, Sept ».Sailed, atr Kablnsa Sailed 8th. str American * Dutch). - taries Hear of Plans for tivities will bo Just so much personal taken but a short time pa:;t Vancollte 220 8 1-lat terua 8th. proximately lat 9 15 46 N, Ion 82 14 80 W. la (Br), Beaton. York (has also boat reported for Beau treaty between the two States was W C Tcagle 230 NB Tampiio »th. no longer vlalble, having either been blown 10-Arrlved, atr gain. the Chamber . i SOUTHAMPTON. Sept Traffic Here. signed In the great hall of W L Steed US XE Jupiter 9th. down or fallen from decay. Olympic (Br). New York via Cherbourg. "sallVd ®U>. sirs 8an»a Rosalia. T»kobam»: Handling All (or One." Walter Jennings 118 N Jupiter 9th. flPEZIA, Bept 9.Arrived, atr Virginia "On* (or All. of Commerce of the .State of New York, Wtllingioo (tug) 80 N Chariw-ton 9th. WASHINGTON. DO. lent 10-Troplcal (lial). Galveston. ST "The In thl3 scheme of Im¬ and then duly ratified by the Federal /rrcrican Waet Totarit 78 8W Hatteraa 9th atorm, eouth of Kaytl. In approxi¬ ST atr £2JrA\ ficat step Government, the Port of Now William Green 22 N Shoal central, JOHN, NB, Sept 8-Arrived, Olyn- Ssgg Special Detpateh to Tarn raw toik llmuut. provement was taken four yearn ago whereby Hetzel 9th. mately lat IS and Ion 7t. moving wyt- den, Maoorla. senr Neva (Br), Perth Amboy. York authority wae brought into b».lng. Passenger northweatward. Dangeroue for veeeala In ST MICHAELS, Sept ft.Arrived, atr Chea¬ JamsstowNi N. Y., Sept. 10^.The when thl Legislatures of New Jersey Venice central Caribbean Bea nest M hour* and In ter Valley, New York (or Smyrna. YHailed1»thh)San Juan; 10th. and New York, by concurrent action "This new entity is unique. It Is a PASSED CITY ISLAND. weetern Caribbean Sea Sunday. I Bailed atr from Lisbon Cristobal. Cristobal Ruahlne Port of New York will be able to ac¬ is fr^e from 9th, Roma (Fr), established the Port and Harbor Devel¬ 'body politic,' yet'It poll- When you arc coin? to * for New York via Provldsnoe; New England Glsnbridge (Br), Newport Nawa.^Br) Alaxanucr commodate ten times Its present Im¬ Commission with Its staff of tics. It has the right to own and travel by Bound South. (from Hartlepool), Boston. opment tfcie tali book ;our p.image in t CABLE REPORTS. STOCKHOLM, Sep* 6.Arrived, sti Carls- *8® /o^t^Newton. Boston; Everett, mense amount of traffic when Its Im¬ experts to make a study of the prob¬ operate property, yet it will largely that aaii under the Str North Land, Boston for New York. schr L Baltimore. a secure its results the intelligent di¬ American flag. holm (Sw), New York. do; vSubS Hamlin. and are finished. lem and formulate comprehensive by ure faei sa Tuga Spartan, with 3 barge* (at 0:10 AM); PASSENGER STEAMERS ABRIYED. SYDNEY. NSW. Bept 9-Arrfved, str Wal- PORTLAND. O. Bept ft.Arrived, strs Uma provement development for development. Such ac¬ rection of the efforts of all public and Th«>>' and luxurious, Hohendauqua, with S. runa Maru Shlnbu Maru programme lo nil of tlic v (Br), San Francisco. (Jap), Japan; (JaP). a.ld Major Ellhu C. Church, Jr.. trans¬ tion was because over a hun¬ private agencies to the accomplishment pnrlN orld. These shipa EMPRESS OF ASIA (Br), at Hong Kong TABLE BAY. Sept ft.Arrived, atr Alatern necessary we the of at see Bound East. 9th. strs portation engineer of the Port of New dred different municipalities and terri¬ of the desired efficiencies and econo- syir.hipl perfect comi'ort at (Sw), Port Arthur. aAVrlvjrrh°- Vancouver (Br). Ola.- "-America's of 8tr Sarah ffeenu, New York for Mtmtrllle, EMPRESS OF FRANCE (Br), Liverpool TAMPICO, Seel 7.SaUed, atr Frederick R »ow Ac West Kadaf, Shanghai. *c. to the secretaries of tory of two States are embraced in mies." Idea -p.-nfort. Ct (at t>:10 AM). 10th. Boston. flailed 8th »tr Jaiapa, United Kingdom. York Authority, Schr Favonlan (Br), New York for Mlra- FKELERIK VIII (Dan), at Sth. Kellogg, PORT strs York of com¬ nvorn . LAFAYETTE at HavreCopenhagen10th. TEMPLEBREEDT. Bept 10-Arrivad. atr ARTHUR. TeS, "Sept ¦sixty New chambers -frticm mjc: 1. (Fr), Peeksklll, New Orleans. Gulfmaid, Philadelphia; Brilliant,l^ArrK.dPr KXri R.MIOXS and TOITRV Schr Harry A McClennan (Br), New York OLYMPIC (BO, at Southampton 10th, str Flume * merce meeting here to-day. 8TIMIIHHIW. KXCT'nSIONS ami TOUKS. «TK.\M«HirS, for Halifax. PANNON1A at Trieste 8th. TOULON, Sept 2.Sailed, (Ital), To Europe PRBTORIAN(Br), Philadelphia. jSrtw« 10*. strs Dordogn. t*r>. Burt; The port problem, especially In its njwwtl.. and i.ondon Bchr Mabel E Gunn (Br). New York for (Br), at Oiasgow 8th. TRIESTE, Bept ..Arrived, atr Panmwti of business r«ul(.gnc Sherbrooke. TAORM1NA (Ital), at Oenoa 6th. (Br), New York. ^SaiiwJ ^h? su°japan relation to the cost doing Frim New York bchr trancls Ooodnow, New Yorll for a VAUBAN (Br), at ftia Janeiro 9th. Arrived 8d, str' Winston-Salem. Baltimore. PORT TAMPA, Fla. SeptArrow^Tamplco.10.Arrived, In the State of New York, waa one of Old >oi Ui Mat* port In Maine. WAIRUNA (Br), at Sydney, NSW. Mh. the chief considered. A motion 20 for Sailed 2d, str Argentina (Ital), New York. topics Sew. Bchr Frances J Elkin (Br). Jersey City PASSENGER STXAMERS SAILED. TOTKXHUN Sept 3.Arrived, atr Kaioroo MPHII^DBLPHIA, Pa. Sept 10.Arrived, str picture illustrating the report of th« Centeuulul Mat* St John. (Br), New York. Now York, Nsw Jersey and Harbor Oct. 11.Nov 15 Schr Lizzie D Small, Perth Amboy for Rio VANCOUVER, BC, Sept ft.Arrived, str 8hA%rt5?d Mth^StS Bayway. Helslngfors; the Panhandle MnC Bangor. AVARJS (Bras), (ram Janeiro 10th for Canadian Winner (Br), Sydney, NSW. Korsfjord (Nor), Guantanamo; Pontla. Sund Development Commission, which Oct. 2".Nov 2«-&ec- 57 Scar Freddie Eaton, Port Reading for Ca¬ Now York. vail via Brest; do via 6a. Port Authority succeeded, waa shown and VICTORIA, BC, Sept 0.Sailed, atr Arizona Margua, . fefMnen Dnnzlg in I.* Mo. BALTIC (Br), from Liverpool 10th for New Sailed 0th, str Port Ar.hur. of met¬ .Schr Port York. Maru (Jap), Orient. Rochester. for the first time outside the From Xfn Tor* Hebecca O Whllldln, Reading CAMERONIA (Br), (rem Glasgow 10th for YOKOHAMA, S»pt 7.Arrived, stra Amazon Ba«.- ropolitan district. Major Church said: Fotomae for (JttlaU. New York. Maru (Jap), Savannah; Seattle Maru (Jap), W^e^. 24 Schr Storm Petrel, Port Reading for Mc- New Orloans. l "One of the most serious economic Bept. 22.Nov. :>.Dec. Me. CARONIA (Br), from Liverpool 8th for that can be asalnst Hud*on Kinley, York. charnes brought Oct. is.r ><.<.. .1 Tui;» Hovere, with 4 barge* (at 10 AM); New Hailed is that as a nation Clara H KATORI MARU (Jap), from Hong Kong 9th *CS«*wn, the United States Fr'ncr** Miitolka Bulley, light (at 11:30 AM); Doane, oK"Jw'KSl.SKsr-Luckenbach, Los wo often and under- n 2; with 2.