Puts You in Charge Inn.Y.Raid Town Man W Ith K Illing
THURSDAY, ^EPTEMBER 22, 1966 F A C E TWESTk iianclr^^ti^r Eii^nittg Ifierali:: A veitige Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Xktd^ Fair and co(4 toRlglit, IMV la million dollar Interest charge September 17,1966 ■ Five,members of the Man Cub Pack 143 will have its attached to the package. 40s; mostly sunny and eon* chester 4H Homemakers Club first meeting of the year to "Recent public statements by tlnued eool tomorrow, Mgli la About Town will give demonstrations tomor morrow al 7:15 p.m. at Nathan Need Not Question the Democratic leadtfrdhlp that 14,663 mid 60bl The Women* Guild of Trini row n't the Eastern States Ex Hale'School.' All cubs and boys ‘the elected party will receive a Mancheeter—^A City of i'Ulage Charm ty Oovenent Church will meet position, Springfield, Mass. They wishing to be cubs should attend bonanza,’ following the revalu tomorrow *t 8 p.m. at the ard Miss Marjorie Peila, Miss this registration meeting ac In Vote; DellaFera ation program of Manchester's church. Gueet speaker will be (dasslfled Advert|sing on Page $01 PRICE SEVEN CENT! Janet Ackerman,^, Miss Sylvia companied by at least one par 'GOP Town Chairman Fr-ancis DellaFera said today property, and that the ‘Denao- yOL. LXXXV, NO. 301 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGESr-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1966 Mrs. John R. MoElraevy. She Peila, m Iss Carol Pelia and ent, ^ will on ‘'What Manches Miss Susan Nelkon. that the issue in the proposed $2.5 million Capital Im- “ "f * ,,'"“ '^‘2 ter is Doing for its Mentally Friendship Lodge of Masons provements Bond Issue - s »'’''her .^ o v e m e ^ Retarded Children." Hostesses will have a Grinder Sale are or are not needed.
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