Talaromyces Pernambucoensis Fungal Planet Description Sheets 467

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Talaromyces Pernambucoensis Fungal Planet Description Sheets 467 466 Persoonia – Volume 42, 2019 Talaromyces pernambucoensis Fungal Planet description sheets 467 Fungal Planet 949 – 19 July 2019 Talaromyces pernambucoensis R. Cruz, C. Santos, Houbraken, R.N. Barbosa, Souza-Motta, sp. nov. Etymology. pernambucoensis, refers to the Brazilian State of Pernam- strong, mycelium greyish green, colony texture velutinous to buco (Brazil), which is the geographical location of the ex-type strain of this slightly floccose, exudate reddish to brown, soluble pigments species. absent, reverse brown to dark brown. Classification — Trichocomaceae, Eurotiales, Eurotiomy­ Typus. BRAZIL, Pernambuco, Parque Nacional do Catimbau - Buíque, cetes. S08°04'25" W37°15'52", isolated from soil, Aug. 2009. R. Cruz (holotype URM 93054, culture ex-type = URM 6894, ITS, β-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) On MEA: Stipes hyaline, smooth, (30–)50–130(–140) × 2.5– and RNA polymerase second largest subunit (RPB2) sequences GenBank 3(–3.5) μm; conidiophores symmetrical biverticillate; metulae LR535947, LR535945, LR535946 and LR535948, MycoBank MB830189). generally in numbers of five, measuring (8–)10–15 × (2–)2.5– 3(–3.5) μm; phialides acerose, (8–)10–21 × (2–)2.5–3(–3.5) Notes — Talaromyces pernambucoensis was isolated from μm; conidia globose occasionally subglobose, rough-walled to soil in a Brazilian dry forest (Caatinga). Various other spe- spinose, en masse green, 2.5–3 μm diam including ornamenta- cies are reported from this soil that seems to contain a high tion. Ascomata not observed. Talaromyces, Penicillium and Aspergillus diversity (Cruz et al. Culture characteristics — MEA 25 °C, 7 d, in darkness: 2013, Barbosa et al. 2016). ITS, BenA, RPB2 and CaM are Colonies 32–35 mm diam, plane, raised at centre, conidia commonly used to study the phylogenetic relationships within en masse blue to dark green, sporulation strong, mycelium Talaromyces (Yilmaz et al. 2014, Chen et al. 2016, Barbosa et white to yellow, colony texture floccose, exudate absent, al. 2018). The phylogenetic relationship of T. pernambucoensis soluble pigments absent, reverse orange. CYA 25 °C, 7 d, in with other members of section Trachyspermi is difficult to deter- darkness: Colonies 17–25 mm diam, flat, conidia en masse in mine using single-gene phylogenies. Based on the combined shades of green to blue, sporulation strong, mycelium greyish dataset, consisting of ITS, BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences, green, colony texture velutinous to slightly floccose, exudate T. pernambucoensis belongs to the same clade as T. aerius reddish to brown, soluble pigments absent, reverse brown to and T. solicola. Talaromyces pernambucoensis can be distin- dark brown. OA 25 °C, 7 d, in darkness: Colonies 30–32 mm guished from T. aerius and T. solicola by its ability to grow on diam low, plane, colony texture velutinous; margins low, entire; CYA incubated at 37 °C (15–20 mm vs no growth). mycelium yellowish white and white; sporulation moderate at centre; exudates absent, soluble pigments absent, reverse light yellow to white. No growth on CYAS and CREA. MEA 15 °C, 1 Talaromyces heiheensis 29 7 d, in darkness: Colonies 20–25 mm diam, plane, raised at 09 Talaromyces erythromellis CB 0 centre, conidia en masse green, sporulation strong, mycelium Talaromyces rubrifaciens CCC 1 white to yellow, colony texture floccose, exudate absent, soluble 19 Talaromyces albobiverticillius CB 10 pigments absent, reverse orange. CYA 15 °C, 7 d, in darkness: Talaromyces aerius CB 1011 Colonies 12–18 mm diam, flat, conidia en masse green, sporu- 0999 lation strong, mycelium greyish green, colony texture velutinous 09992 Talaromyces solicola CB 1 to slightly floccose, exudate reddish to brown, soluble pigments Talaromyces pernambucoensis URM 6894 1 absent, reverse brown to dark brown. MEA 37 °C, 7 d, in dark- Talaromyces amyrossmaniae NFCCI 1919 ness: Colonies 25–30 mm diam, plane, raised at centre, conidia 00 Talaromyces convolutus CB 100 en masse green, sporulation strong, mycelium white to yellow, Talaromyces austrocalifornicus CB 9 colony texture floccose, exudate absent, soluble pigments Talaromyces diversus CB 20 absent, reverse orange. CYA 37 °C, 7 d, in darkness: Colonies Talaromyces assiutensis CB 1 15–20 mm diam, flat, conidia en masse green, sporulation 3X Talaromyces trachyspermus CB 1 Talaromyces systylus BFCult 19 090 Talaromyces ucrainicus CB 12 Talaromyces atroroseus CB 12 9 Talaromyces minioluteus CB 2 9 Talaromyces minnesotensis CB 121 Talaromyces udagawae CB 92 Talaromyces brasiliensis 1 Talaromyces purpurogenus CB 2 00 Phylogeny based on the combined ITS, BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequence dataset for species classified in Talaromyces sect. Trachyspermi conducted in MrBayes on XSEDE and RAxML-HPC BlackBox in the CIPRES science gateway. Bayesian posterior probability and RAxML bootstrap support values Colour illustrations. Catimbau National Park. Colony on MEA and CYA are indicated at the nodes. The new species is indicated in bold. Talaromyces after 7 d at 25 °C; conidiophores and conidia. Scale bar = 10 µm. purpurogenus CBS 286.36 was chosen as outgroup. Roberta Cruz, Renan N. Barbosa & Cristina M. Souza-Motta, Departamento de Micologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected] Cledir Santos, Departamento de Ciencias Químicas y Recursos Naturales, BIOREN-UFRO, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile; e-mail: [email protected] Jos Houbraken, Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, P.O. Box 85167, 3508 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands; e-mail: [email protected] © 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute.
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