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2569 W Victoria Drive Alpine, CA 91901 First Saturday to Honor the Immaculate Office: 619.445.2145 Heart of Mary Fax: 619.445.9682 Mass 9:00 am First Friday to Adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus Website Exposition/Adoration www.queenofangels.org 10:30 am-11:15 am (Benediction follows) Holy Sacrifice of The Mass Confessions Saturday 10:35 am-11:15 am 5:30 pm Mass 11:30 am Sunday 8:00 am & 10:30 am Confession Sat. 4:00 to 5:00 pm Daily Mass or by appointment 8:00 am: M, W, Th, F Baptism th Holy Days Mary, Queen of Angels, Pray for Us! 4 Sunday of the Month Please see The Messenger Contact Fr. Timothy Clergy Rev. Timothy Deutsch, Pastor: [email protected] Parish Office Staff Dorie Arietta, Office Manager: [email protected] Sandy Dioli, Office Assistant: [email protected] Katrina Thornton, Catechetical Ministry: [email protected] Darlene Ames, The Messenger: [email protected] Email: [email protected] The Mission of Queen of Angels Church is to: Grow in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Table of Contents Strengthen our faith by living and teaching the Gospel. Je- Church Directory Pg 1 Serve God’s People in our parish, our community, and our world. Weekly Readings Pg 2 Mass Intentions Pg 2 Church is Handicapped Accessible Announcements Pg 3-7 If you’re worried about an unplanned pregnancy, you may be experiencing a personal crisis full of concerns about your future. Pregnancy Care Clinic can assist you. www.unplannedparenthood.org, 619.442.4357 The Messenger 2 Queen of Angels Church STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT December 25, 2019 December 29, 2019 January 5, 2020 Envelopes Used 123 Envelopes Used 93 Envelopes Used 109 Envelope Collections $ 6,801.00 Envelope Collections $ 6,774.00 Envelope Collections $ 5,906.00 Plate Collections $ 1,625.75 Plate Collections $ 629.00 Plate Collections $ 661.04 TOTAL $ 8,426.75 TOTAL $ 7,403.00 TOTAL $ 6,567.04 GOSPEL READINGS & MASS INTENTIONS JANUARY 11-19, 2020 DATE TIME INTENTION Saturday, Jan 11 5:30 pm For the People Sunday, Jan 12 8:00 am June Hill Sunday: Mt 3:13-17 Sunday, Jan 12 10:30 am †Raquel deDios Monday: Mk 1:14-20 Monday, Jan 13 8:00 am †Helen Holt Tuesday: Mk 1:21-28 Tuesday, Jan 14 7:30 am Rosary Wednesday: Mk 1:29-39 Wednesday, Jan 15 8:00 am Thursday: Mk 1:40-45 Thursday, Jan 16 8:00 am Friday: Mk 2:1-12 Friday, Jan 17 8:00 am Saturday: Mk 2:13-17 Saturday, Jan 18 5:30 pm For the People Next Sunday: Jn 1:29-34 Sunday, Jan 19 8:00 am June Hill Sunday, Jan 19 10:30 am †Teri Ward Continue to Keep in Your Prayers and Hearts those on our Healing and Deployed Military Lists. Amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, It shall be granted to them by my heavenly father. Matthew 18:19 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD The Messenger Queen of Angels Church 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Special Evening Mass Please join us for Mass, hosted Martin Luther King Jr. Special Mass Please join by the Knights of Columbus on January 14, at 6:15 pm. us for Mass, on January 20, at 9:00 AM in observance Father Gil will be presiding over this special Mass. All are of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. welcomed! Knights of Columbus There will be a Council meet- ing on Tuesday, January 14, at 7:00 pm in the parish hall. All Knights are encouraged to attend. Queen of Angels Women's Auxiliary Start the New Year off by sharing a meal with ladies of our parish at our next auxiliary meeting on Wednesday, January 15, at 10 am at Janet’s Café. We will be discussing our up- coming Bingo event. Please Note: The parish office will be closed on Mon- day, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will re-open on Tuesday, January 21, at 8:30 am. Thank you. TURNING TOGETHER TOWARDS THE LORD (Part II of IV) by Father Jay Scott Newman The custom of priest and people standing together on the same side of the altar is called praying towards the East (or ad orientem). The ritual forms and liturgical texts of Catholic worship have changed and evolved many times throughout the centu- ries, and the architectural arrangements for the celebration of the sacred rites have likewise changed. Ordinarily, this process of change is slow, deliberate, and incremental, but in the 1960’s the Church experienced an intense burst of change which dramatically altered both the ritual forms of our worship and the architectural arrangements of our churches. Because there were so many changes in such a short span of time, all of the alterations were considered by many people to be essentially connected to each other, but that is not the case. A good example is the use of Latin in the liturgical texts promulgated after the Second Vatican Council. Many people falsely believe that because Vatican II permitted the use of the vernacular languages in worship, the Council banished Latin from the modern Roman Rite. In fact, however, the same Council which permitted the use of the vernacular also insisted that all Catholics should be able to say and sing their parts of the new Mass in Latin. Celebrating the modern Roman Missal in Latin, therefore, is not in any way a rejection of the Second Vatican Council; rather, the regular use of Latin in modern worship is precisely what the Council Fathers called for. A similar confusion exists with respect to the location of the altar and the place of the priest at the altar. From Christian antiquity, most churches had only one altar, and it was freestanding, meaning that the priest could walk completely around it during the celebration of the liturgy. This custom was retained in the Christian East by Orthodox and Catho- lics alike, but in the West the altar was gradually pushed back from the center of the sanctuary to the rear wall, in large measure to allow it to merge architecturally with the tabernacle. This change was later accompanied by adding addi- tional altars to most churches, eventually yielding the custom of having three altars in each church. Even before the Second Vatican Council, though, pastors and theologians began to argue for a return to our own tradition of having but one altar in each church and insisting that it once again be freestanding. This was, in part, the fruit of the Liturgical Movement of the 19th and 20th centuries which reminded the Church, among other things, that the altar is the preemi- nent symbol of Christ in the liturgy. Accordingly, throughout the Western Church the old “high altars” found at the rear of the sanctuary were abandoned, changed, or replaced to allow the ancient and renewed custom of a freestanding altar. But just as this was happening, a novelty was introduced and attached to the newly detached altar: the cus- tom of the priest and people facing each other across the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer, an innovation about which the Second Vatican Council said not one word. So, there is no essential connection between the liturgy of Vatican II, the freestanding altar, and the priest facing the people at the altar. In fact, even now the rubrics in the modern Roman Missal are written with the assumption that the priest and people are together facing liturgical East during the Mass. See more at: smcgvl.org/worship/facing-east-to-pray The Messenger 4 Queen of Angels Church ANNOUNCEMENTS 2020 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR CONCERNED CATHOLICS by George Weigel January 1, 2020, denvercatholic.org . As 2020 opens . more hard news is coming. So let’s get some of that out of the way, preemptively, before con- sidering some resolutions that might help us all deal with the year ahead in faith, hope, and charity. Financial scandals in the Vatican will intensify. It’s been clear for some months now that the dam of secrecy, masking irresponsibility (and worse), is cracking. So expect more disturbing revelations about corrupt self-dealing, misuse of charitable funds, stupid investments, and general incompetence behind the Leonine Wall. Vatican diplomacy will continue to disappoint. And the disappointed will include all who care about the human rights the Church proclaims in its social doctrine. Over the past six years, Holy See diplomacy has failed in Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Burma, Cuba, China, and Venezuela. 2020 seems unlikely to see a more robust Vatican defense of human rights. But it will likely witness more extreme Vatican positions on climate change and migrants; as it’s done in the past, that absolutism will help shrink the space for devising reasonable approaches to these issues. A report on the career of Theodore McCarrick will be issued by the Holy See. The report will please no one. Amid the cacophony that will follow its release, it will be important to remember three salient truths about this tawdry business: Psychopaths fool people; McCarrick was a psychopath; and McCarrick fooled many people for decades, including wise and holy people, wealthy donors who fell for his “Going My Way act,” and his former friends on the port side of U.S. and world Catholicism. Aggressive and politically motivated state attorneys general will continue to issue reports on historic sexual abuse cas- es. The response from cowed Church leaders will be tepid, at best.