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11/10/2020 PRESS RELEASE

christian greetings from Bishop stuart University, we hope you are att in good heatth and staying safe.


Foltowing the ctosure of atl schools and Higher Institutions of Learning in prevention of the spread of coVlD-19 Pandemic, the President atlowed reporting of att final year students pursuing Heatth retated courses and later announced that schoots with candidate ctasses and atI finatist students in Tertiary Institutions and Universities to be re-opened effective 15th october 2020. the re-opening roadmap is as fottows.

(a) Students under , , counseiling and reported on 28th September,2O2O

The students reported on 28th septembe r 2o2o and went through mandatory on COVID-19 training SOps before they embarked on ctasses.

(b) Re-opening of Face-to-face tecturers for alt finalists semester lt Academic Year 2019t202O The University witt open for resumption of Face-to-Face tectures.for att finatists under Regular, weekend, Recess programmes and Postgraduate on 15th october 2020 in order to comptete the Academic activities of semester 2 Ay 2o1g/2020.

2'0 Accreditation of Bishop stuart University for open Distance and (oDeL) e-Learning

National counciI for Higher (NcHE) approved and permitted Bishop stuart programmes on open, ,ri[:r:'_.1^:fii"_11 _ul_1:uo.uric. Disrance and elearning 2020' This witt start with a mandatory ontine orientation on CoVID-19 Sops on 26th october 2020 and effective ontine teaching wit[ commence on 2nd Novem ber 2020.

3.0 Pre-Entry exams for Bachelor of Applicants Bishop stuart University under the Facutty of successfutty conducted the first pre- entry examination for Bachetor of Laws Academic year 2020/2021from 2gth september to 30th september 2020 as was permitted by the District covtD-1g taskforce chairperson/RDC District. out of 116 candidates who participated in the pre-entry exams, 81 passed and they are informed to come and pick their admission letters starting on Tuesday 13tn October 2OZO. We are tooking forward to conducting another set of Pre-entry examination very soon since we are stitt receiving apptications.

4'0 eLearning Programmes and FAR Center with Trinity Western University (TwU) Canada

Bishop Stuart University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with TWU and both Universities have ontine teaching and learning systems.

Bishop Stuart University has atso estabtished a Facititated Academic Resource (FAR) tearning centre to house and support the learning community of TWU at BSU. A special computer laboratory specificatty to enabte the elearning has been estabtished' NCHE visited us to assess the FAR Centre for accreditation and we are waiting for the response. The facitity witt atso be used to support open, Distance and eLearning model (ODeL).

5'0 Higher Education Students' Financing Board third (3) deadline extension for Degree & Diploma

At Bishop stuart University, students access Government loans through the Higher Education students'Financing Board (HESFB). Ptease Note that the fixed deadtine for accessing loans for Bachetors Degree is 15th october 2020 and for Diptoma is 31st October 2020.

6'0 Students please note that the following Standard operating procedures already put place in by the Ministry of Hearth shalt be observed and folrowed

i. Mandatory wearing of face mask at att times ii. washing of hands regutarty and/ or sanitizing hands lil Sociat/physicat distancing of 2 metres in ctassrooms and everywhere at Campus Examination date for Nursing, public Heatth, counsetting and psychotogy

programmes Academic Year 2019/2020 witl start on 09th November 2020 and end on 22nd November 2020.

ii) Examinations for att finatists students Academic Year 2019/ZOZO witt begin on 16th November 2020 and end on 28th November 2020.

iii ) Examination date for atl continuing students (ontine) witt be communicated in due course. iv) Effective teaching is to take one month and examinations witl run for two weeks.



Cc: VC, US