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[email protected] Editor-in-Chiel: Betty Jo Turner Crealive Direclor: Allen Lane Chief Photographer: Leonard Turner Photography: Bill Warner, Hal Crocker Technical Editor: Allan Ca d\,,,ell Technical Editor Emeritus: Roger Chane,r Senior Editor: Joe Rusz Contributing t-l Editors: Bruce Anderson, Linda il Goodman. Bob Gutjahr, Caryl Hatch, prescott Kelly, t- Patricia Ktistes, Bill 0ursler, Robert C. Rassa t- European Editor: Michael Cotton ) About Membership or Change ol Addless Culrenl members: Contact pCA te the National Office, P. 0. Box 5900, Springfietd, VA, 22150, 703/451-9000, www.pca,org. New members: Contact I Carolyn Ewbank. 805/496-521 3. membershipchair @pca,org or the PCA National Oifice. p. 0 Box 5900, Springfield. VA, 22150, 703/451-9000. r/r/y/.pca.org Advertising: Rates and mechanical specifications available at www.pca.org or by contacting the editor at
[email protected], 404-37 8-9923. Poascsr ParuoRnun, TBEFFEN and PCA CLUB RActNG are trademarks regis- tered in the U.S. Patent office.. Dr, lng. h.c. F. porsche AG is theix- clusive owner of the registered trademarks PORSCHE. the pORSCHE CREST, CARRERA and TARGA and their use requires permission from Porsche AG, Unauthorized use oI these marks is a violation of U.S.