15.] New York, April 13, 1889. 1'3.00 a Yeah
(Entered'at t.he Pm!t 'Oftlce of New N. y" RB Second ClaM CopYl'l�hted. 1880. hy Co.] York, Matter. Monn & ---- --------- -� -- ------'------- A WEEKlY JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS"CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. LX.-No. 11l45.15.] 1'3.00 A YEAH. ESTABLIl'HED NEW YORK, APRIL 13, 1889. WEEKLY. THE REMARKABLE GLACIERS, WATERFALLS, MOUN'rAIJlS, AND HARBORS OF AL4SKA.-[See page 229.J © 1889 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC ,Jtitntific �lUtritan. APRIL 13, 224 [ 18&). A NEW ASSISTANT COIl(JlISSIONER OF PATENTS. Emin Pasha's .apture, and as a reverse the news of a The President has appointed Mr. Robert.T. Fisher to victory of the Pasha over the Madhi's forces. What be Assistant Commissioner of Patents. Mr. Fisher at has really happened is quite unknown, and the dark the time of his promotion was a member of the Board ESTABLISHED 1845. continent is silent as to the fate of her daring explorers, of Appeals in the Patent Office, to which position he ... I I • had risen from subordinate grades of official duties, all A.rbor Day. MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. well performed. Mr. Fi!iher is a man of marked ability The State of Nebraska was the first, in 1874, to in PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT and long experience in the practical workings of the augurate a movement to designate one day in a year patent laws. His appointment to the assistant in which every one was urged to plant a tree, or do No. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. COlll missionership gives very general satisfaction among all something to encourage a general tree planting, and to who have dealings with the office.
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