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10-8-1905 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-08-1905 Journal Publishing Company

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lice In the jail where he is now work AMERICAN CONVICT lug out his sentence. MUST RETURN Fi.sher's testimony today was an ex I'CAIL haustive disclosure of his alleged con LAWSON DAN PAT& COMPLETE nection with the case on trial, and his UNMASKS VILLAINS career of crime. Since coming to Kngland he has been ennvh ted three times. He (elided that he was the ac POLICYHOLDERS' MONEY IN TOWN complice of a gang working in London AGAIN ON CUTS DOWN SURRENDER LONDON and Fhadowing a rit h American wom- an, and It is learned that he wíw. di- rectly collected wlUi she re.c nt rob- bery of n pe :rl necklace from Caris-tie'- s. OR LEAVE MISSOURI Remarkable Criminal Turns Fisher said he never moved TIIETRAIL THE RECORD BY IIUBBELL iiboiu w ithout carrying wax for taking impressions of links, and while nr King's Evidence. admitting that be was connected with other big robberies, it was evident that ho knew imih about them. He said Wants Poiic) holders' Pro- King of Pacers Former Stale Insurance Superintendent Demands That he had turned king's evidence hecaus? Makes the Sheriff Turns Over lead a new Ufe. COiNSPIRUOKS AND FORGLRS h" wished to Campaign Contributions Be Made Good in Rrtdgewater asserts that Fisher i tective Committee. Mile in 1:55 v. Office to h red bv the mollee ami that the whole Armüo. DEEP IN THE TOILS of his alleged confession is a police Thirty Days or He Will Revoke plot. . - WIRES AM)' STATE GOVERNORS EXCITEMENT UNPRECEDENTED RELEASED FROM JAIL AFTER License of Company. London, Oct. 7. Charles Fisher, BRITAIN RUSSIA ASKING in American convict, now serving a THEM TO SERVE AT LEXINGTON TRACK COMPLYING WITH COURT'S ORDER ten years' sentence In England for WILL GET TOGETHER VAN DIVER ARRAIGNS HEAD OF burglary, was the principal witness for the crown at the Westminster po- Would Have Great National Commit- Amid Ideal Weather Mar- Writ tJ Conditions of Prohibition Fails to in NEW YORK LIFE FOR GROSS lice court Unlay. In a case again: Tal- I'HIPAIHXG TO XF.GOTIATF. Fifure bot Brldsew'ater. describing hlmseifas CFXTU VI. AslAX tee Take Hold of Insurance Com a. medica! specialist; Lionel Pevton , velous Horse Finishes Greatest Proceeding by Which County VIOLATION OF SACRED HcJmes. Wi!liaii Edward Shawkei; 7. Nog. parties Weed V and Elizabeth Foster, said to tve London. Oct. illations In re. and Out Performance Without Ap- Jail Loses( Star Brldgewaler's w ife, i barging them gird to their re s e live Interests in in conspiracy an I lorglug the name CeiTlrul A.--li will fhortly he resinned the Grafters. CoJ h parent Effort. Prisoner. Jefferson City, Mo., Oct, 7. Herman and Alfred Schiffer. rssei ,,r larshall Fox, an American resi I'clwe.'u the P.v'tti and U gov Stte for the firm raid: Abraham csme London, eriiicenls. These were in active prog Superintendent of Insurance Van Div dent in to a (heck tor east to obtain funds with which to Fl.-he- r said tie was born In New ress when the wtr between Japan ami Bonton, 7. X er today sent the following letter to maintain the bunk. The firm was ready York and that he had served several I'll' !: broke out and necessitated Oct. Tilomas W. Lawsoti Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 7. Ban Patch', Full ac- and complete surrender by President John A. McCall of the New to ussist, and made arrangements their postponement. pour p.irlers lias sent (overnor Folk of Missouri king three-quarte- rs isentencea in America. He broke jail The of acers. today clipped Thomas S. his Ynnk Ufe Insurance company: cordingly. Abraham left to perfect then whs principally centered on Af- the following telegram in connection Of a Hubbell of position In in Cincinnati in 1892 and escaped to secoint from ills own, the opposition to "To Mr. J. A. MoCpll, President New arrangements at Alamosa, but has not England, but was rearrested and re- ghanistan and h id re:ii lied a point w'th the movement by the governors world's record, negotiating the mile in the orders of the district of I l York Life Insurance Company: , arrived there," turned to the Culled States on an ex- promising a satisfactory understand- iiPveral Hales an olher prominent';. court; urrying with It equally full and "The recent startling disclosures in tradition warrant. T'.ie case against ing. It M hoped here that an agree-mcr.- 't ers ns lo secure rest itut inn . of funds The track was lightning fast und equally complete surrender of all regard to the management of the l'coiin Bunk Closes. '.he defendants dates to sum- may be reached defining tlif illt iicd wrongfully used by large Insur- there was no wind, and condi- property pertaining to buck the ance companies. weather the Hernallllo funds of the New York Ufe Insurance Washington, Oct. 7. The comptrol- mer 1904. Brldgevvuter. it is (barg- spheres of Hussla and (Ireat Britain tions were Ideal. Scott Hudson was county office to Ar-mij- o. of you. iherlffs Perfeeto company and particularly the testi- ler of the currency received a telegram ed, was the originator of plot. He respectively and furnishing guarantees "Will wlih other governors nnd behind lie pacemaker. A strip of the governor's appointee, the "he rouge.--- In marka mony of yourself and other officers of announcing that the Peoria National Is alleged to paid attention to a against furt'her advance on either side. st representative men cloill behind the w 'heels of the forward the end of the first of hive country, on a diopter the the company, given before the Inves- bank, Peoria. 111., has closed its doors lady, the secretary of Mr. Fox. and It is fully realized that this would be the serve policy 'holders' sulky to prevent dirt being be- rather Interesting sio-r- of sweep- Faiult.ible, thrown the tigating committee of the New York upon the order of Its directors. Na- who Is said to have installed Fisher as a long step towards improved relations oioleetlve committee of t'iie hind was flie only suggestion of a w ind ing changes made In Bernalillo coun legislature, make it my duty as super- tional Bank Examiner Bosworth has a hoarder in her house at Streatham, between thi-tw- countries. New York Life ami Mutual companies, shield. ty orilclal circles by the governor on intendent of Insurance for the state of been appointed receiver. a suburb of London. KMier, It Is said, unfettered except that it Is to take Kersey was behind Dan Patch. Til'1 the 31st of last August. Missouri to communicate to your com- Will Be Paid In Full. wax Impressions of rhe keys Petition for Moh Law. possession of the New Yr.rk Life and books offered 4 to a way on Ihe Pending of to secured on.l elt'her the trial the title the pany the views and requirements of Peoria, III.. Oct. 7. Cashier. Spring, of tul the conspirators had Houston, 7. A the Mutual and select directors result of the effort. were oflhe upon Its Fox's safe Texas. Oct. petition to There merits, Hubbell haa this department, to the end that the of the National bank, which closed its a key made from this and Fox's from a number of citizens he ided by controllers who .shall be pledged cheers when I'll 'a was hung out lor turned over the sheriff's ortlce roi full pun- and all policy holders in this state may not be doors this morning said every deposit- check . Later Fisher was arrest- II. W. Knight, of San Marcos, has been obtain full restitution and the lir.-'-t quarter. Dan l'atíh'a nose Its property to Armljo. He has purged or wrong doing, oh-l.:i- defrauded of any portion of the divi- or would be paid in full. The direc- ed connection with on of lire break- presented, to Oovernor La n hum ask- ishment and as) was almost against Hudson's coat, and himself of contempt of court in piinli'hnieivt of the for which dendo or surplus earnings that are tors decided to close the bank as a re- ing affair and sentenced to ten years. ing the stale to permit mob punish- restitution and ;the cro-w- began vainly yellinit to lu' was sent to the county Jail a week Fain U,a hie. wrong-doer- s. commit- Justly on premiums concerning the en e at- of negroes who This to move up. Hope was stimu- ago last Friday by Judge A. Ab-bo- tt. due them the that sult of the disclosures The has attracted considerable ment assault women ob- Hudson Ira .Su- tee to represent no faction and be w iy they have paid. operations of Its president. School tention .from time to time as rhe pris- The governor in his response said it lated hen 57 w is posted for the lie was released from yes-terd- public very properly perintendent Dougherty, who has been were brought up on remand. was Impossible to ligated . to no one exiept the polky half. The excitement intense afternoon 5:45 "The has been oners for him countenance tt yon became at o'clock on taught by yourself ami other officials alleged shortages. The Kccently Fisher turned king's evi- such a policy In view holders, has been decided when t'ho Hii post wa Judge Abli-olt'- order, his attor- Indicted for of his oath and represent your section in this after of great Insurance companies that the bank's deposits amounted to over a dence and ccnfessc.l to Ills srliar in state legislation, which he is bound to boiiid passed in 1:2:1 and the spectator." neys had agreed to turn over to Ar-mi- jo company constitutes robbery to an inspector of po protect. sacred duty. Kindly wire answer at began shouting '.encouragement to all property of the sheriff's offlre, funds of a mutual million dollars. the Fox my expense. Is You will n fiduciary administer- This vital. Into the. stretch the great not already in the bauds of offi- trust, held and not be members' that ed for the sole use of those named ns bound until the other pacer, still keeping bis even, seeming- cial. many are or names are submitted to you," The ly stride, the runner at hi" Judge Abbott's order of release was beneficiaries, ot whom telegram was sent yesteistay. Lawson effortless will be widows and orphans; nmt WILL HE ADOPT THE BABY? sulky begin to crawl up. Hudson in no way connected with the writ of today declined to discuss- the proposi- gave a more rein, but Kersey sat prohibition Issued Inst many thousands of people have tuken telegram out- little against him tion. 'He wild that the a statue, not urging ills charge week by Judge K. A. Majin, and seek- Insurance .in your company because of pi present pur- like lined a in sufficient for with Whip or word. Patch made no ing to prohibit l lie former from en- this very fact and the assurance that poses. He also declined to make every dollar of assets belongs to the hist supreme effort. He Just llnihed forcing ills order of eight days ago, by known Míe nadies of persons to whom mile as he had begun It. He had which Hubbell was directed to turn policy holders. That any portion of directed, al- the pro- the telegram bad been into a sweat when led over the jail and office to Ar- - the policy holders' premiums, or though said many governor vanely broken sheriffs lie that to receive the plaudits of tin mijo. The writ of prohibition' figured 5 fits on premiums, eould be diverted to as well as leading civilians were lack political purpose or other uses not i row d. lot at all in the formal action taken among those addressed. M. owner had liy his attorneys to secure contemplated when the premiums a.s soon W. Savage. Patch's Hubbell's it was his purpose, he said, publicly to llinh-i- release from custody yesterday after- were paid in, and not consistent with as possible to announce the names ot announced thanks the avowed purpose of a life insur- for his work as pacemaker. He nisi noon. Htihliell's attorneys, while hold- those who had accepted t'hc Invitation Patch on ing that Arniijo possession-- ance organization, must be considered upon protective committee. announced that Din has taken lo act rhe Wednesday would be sent against the the J. ill ami the sheriff's room by by all right thinking people as a gross As soon as rlie personnel of the com- em- record of made without a dus one. consent for their client to turn violation of u sacred .trust. It not mittee was decided, he said, organiza- Li'.Oi. as defined by the statutes. bield. The three f in;cst heats ever over all property pertaining to the of- bezzlement tion would he effected, and a definite event, fice not already by Armljo; adopted. pueud marked the 2:04 and held the "This lrurtimnt holds, therefore. plan of action lime for the total beats of 'the terms constituting a complete surren-l- r moneys your In the th.j to tliryt Hint all taken ly order ll'A'I'S lay was the. fastest on record. of chains sustain which - ((IV. JOIIXSOX BI'l pace. Haze: go from the Ireusury of Hit- New York ' ICAH.XF.ST Initial heal of The 2:04 the forniflr shrln to to I WYSOX IS IX gave the Lexington track Ihe lail, and to remain In durance vile for 3 company nml donated St. Oct. 7. Governor Johnson Pilch Ufe Insurance Paul. 1905 race record of The tiex! i week pending the attempt for, and Is In receipt of a telegram from 2:0::. to any politlón! campaign committee h'-a- t was won by In :02 nal. failure of the proeeedlllfj for habeas W. I aw sou, asking him to be Pacouda lobbyist Thomas covered the third heat In corpus. ; or to nny legislative agent or one, with other governors, of a protec- He likewise 2:0414. The .three finishes were pro The full text of Judge Abbott's order for aiding or defeating legislation 1 tive comnwtfee for policy holders, to money by nounced the most ncai iDic.iKing seen of release follows: whether audited or unaudited on the demand restitution of the year. Judge Ahhoit's Order of Helease. " the Mutual. New York Life and K(iiit-al'l- e this hooks of the company, were taken punish guilty In re Thomas S. Hubbell. companies, and lo (- - Ithout wan nut of law or morals and replied lo XFW YOIÍKFH.S ? The court having caused Thomas S. 'iflU lals. dovernor Jc.iinson be brought W. 11. your accepting his proposition. SIHlbOim FOH l. l'ATCH Hubbell to before It, without proiwr appreciation of l.iwnn. "hilders and A. H. McMillen. attnr-aey- s said concerning Ills Lexington. Ky., Oct. 7. W. M. Sav- responsibilities ns trustee of the funds iMivernor Johnson for sai. I Hubbell, being present, answer: age tonight confirmed the report that keeping;. And md it appearing to the court that Per committed to your 1 Tnoi-- Willi ns to - i ion than aid N'ew York syndicate had offered him fecto Armljo lias taken forcible pos department must Insist son in any reform of whli'h he Is the I HO. 000 Patch, which today therefore this for Dan session of the jail, prisoner and room i I he Is in earnest. record-br- o ikinp that all fund so used by you or by head, for believe paced a mile in the "copied as a sheriff's office In the 1 : 5 your order, and particularly the sum time of i . ounty court house, ami the sahl T. S. - 'iubbell under duress ami protesting or $1 18,702.50, which amount you Itcnmi-kahl- OLD HATETOR A Feat. :liat the court has no Jurisdiction to confessed to having contributed out of Florence, Colo., Oct. 7. lty one of make said order, delivers the property the funds of the company to the re- the most remarkable feats of rescue pertaining to said office of sheriff now publican national campaign commit- In the history of Colorado, lift y miners remaining under his control, to said GERMANY STILL were saved froin what peemed certain Perfecto Arniijo, nnd protest- moo 1901 further tees for the years 18fl, and death. ROD feet under ground In the ing that such action shall In no way must be replaced In the treusury of Kreinont coal mine of the Colorado iffect his rights or change his status ("' y which in any said New York Ufe Insurance coin-'pun- BURNS IN FRANCE Fuel and Iron company bad other proceedings now pending mysteriously taken fire yesterday, Im- n any of the courts or hereafter to be ' within the next thirty days. prisoning the men. One by one they commenced. "Notice Is hereby served on the were pulled to Ihe surface by the use It Is therefore ordered by the court New York Ufe Insurance company of ropes and not until f o'clock tnlF that said Tomas S, Hubbell tie, and he Ac- hereby Is discharged custody; requirement Is met or Reaction Comes After morning was the last man landed safe from that lililíes this on the surface. None of the men fell md so far an it Is within the power of Is It will he assurance given that met my 111 effects from their experience. he court so to order, that this pro-cedi- without unnecessary delay, I. as super- cord on Morocco. The damage Is estimated at $70,000. shall In no way affect his or ehauge his in any pro- intendent off Insurance for the stnte f status Twenly-Ncw- n Killed In Wreck. jecting now pending In any court or Missouri, will proceed under the pro- to be 4o ltostoff-on-lo- Hussla, Oct. ". hereafter begun relative said 8, I. 22, slut-mi- 's lflhe. vision of section revised RENEW THEIR Twenty-seve- n persons were killed and NEWSPAPERS 7th, 1905. of .Missouri to cancel or revoke ihlrty-llv- e Injured today by the wreck- October The order of the court, by which the Hie' license of the company to do bus- CAMPAIGN OF CRITICISM ing of n fast mall train which left he rails. oriner sheriff censed to .be the star iness In this slate." prisoner In the county Jail, followed an hearing In "There are( many other transaction? Wabah .Meeting Not l'oNlsmc. hour's chambers after the now in ml of the usual working Oav, when disclosed by the Investigation Oct. 7.--- A reaction hi 7. Taris, marked Toledo, Oi't. The rumor that W. 1!. Chllder and A. H. McMillen. progress, particularly the payments ol Ihe Ihe meeting (5. public sentiment has followed Wabash annual scheduled ippearlng for Hubbell, consented to large urna of money to one J. for next Tuesday Is. in be post Franco-Oernia- n accord concerning the Toledo airreiuler the sheriff' pending Hamilton without any accounting or poned, cannot be eonllrmed here. In office Hie company í Jiany leading ihe trial of the case upon Its merits. auditing on the books of 3 -- F Morocco conference. fact, the local counsel of the conipnnv And the occupancy of costly real estate newspapers are renewing their cam The effect Is to place Armljo In full deny the rumor. ontrol of the office, that time, nf the company by members of your paign of criticism against (Jermanv, until. family at a rental so low as to be leither of the claimants surrendering This Is due principally to Chancellor my of their rights for any pending or practically a gift of the property; and Von Buclow's onen jlalements favor- NEW OILEANSSTILL protection of a subsidiary future proceeding. also the ing a Bukso-Oc- i i eapproitchmeiit. half-pa- inaii It was about st five when company from the lof of many thous- The Matin reviews the circumstances ands of dollars by rhe use pf policy BELLIGERENT BRITONS IN THE FEVER'S GRIP Deputy Sheriff Fred Heyn was called of M. IJelcasse's retirement, from the n and dispatched to the county Jail holder' money, as well as Immensean" office, alleging a number com- BAY STATE DEMOCRACY foreign that ifler the prisoner. His appearance In disproportionate expense of the in con-u- e WOULD FIGHT DUEL of sensational events occurred TWFXTV-XIN- hainbers was followed almost Imme- - pany in lis mad rush for new business, M. Beleiissc 'HUFF DFATIIS AMI tlon with the change. í,, ... - ir grossest im- Ill'-POK- .mu tin- (i (or . all of which Indicate the Is represented as making a speech to XFW CASKS I FH iur' In manag- which was nyide a matter of record 4 propriety and recklessness ministry, warning them if tiny YKSTKIlDAV. - Inves- KAUIi K1MBFBI.KV A XI) Fit I FX D the hoi tly before six o'clock. The for- j ementand may call for further yielded lo the Cernían demands con- sAPWFii un)K AT C ntr sheriff returned at once to his tigation and official acimn. Uut from ia;;f.u.s EULOGIZES MR. ROOSEVELT cerning Morocco the ministry thereaf- New Orleans, Oct. ". Heport to I FAC1I lome und fireside, from which he has the facts already disclosed it evi- would always be tubject to Her- p. m.: of policy- ter New cases, ai ii separated for eight days. Later dent that the Interests the O'-t- . 7. further as- London, A sensational Boston, Mass., Oct. 7. l enera I Auditor P. J. Ashe, Adams. man dictation. The Matin 2. ii the evening his familiar face was holder of the New York Life Insur North te Total, ü.líti. s;ene I Oreat Britain conveyed occurred at the meeting of the Charles W. Bartlett, Boston, today Attorney (enera John T. Leahy, serts that Ü. ecu In the vicinity of Railroad avenue ance company, as well hs llie public Norfolk couivty today. of assurances to France of her Deaths. accepted demand a ehanwe In the council Karl was lición. Total, 410. nd Second f'treet, where he generally, Klmberley, sou of the distinguished nominated by the Massachusetts readiness to mobilize the British licet he congratulation of his friends upon management of the company. This governor The platform adopted declared for agitiesslve N'ew foil, K. -- Liberal statesman democracy for There were with a view of adopting Will, therefore. In 1st that, of that name who revision of the tariff und the free ad- I'nder treatment, 207. lis return to the open ir. department held many cabinet offices, of no any on measures If Germany utlacked Frame. of Appear". a new president and vice presiden! and member contests for of the places misión cf coal, Iron, lumber, hides, Discharged, 2.fétf. Writ I'rolilhilion the council, accused a fellow member tkk-e- In view of Hubbell's of finance committee be put In charge of the ticket. The remainder of the t wood pulp nnd other raw materials, II surrender company as soon ns mimed Sitiwell of underhand methods nominated follows: commends the "diplomatic courage UITFKX XFW OASI S the hrlffs office to Armljo. specu- the affairs of the TONTO FOrEFrLSERVE he- - and challenged Sapwell to take a train .VI. lation arise as to Just what Is to Ms board of directors may be uble to Lieutenant Governor Henry and sagacity" of President Roosevelt IN I'F.XSlCOI,A for France, whore, he said, "we can Whitney. Brookllne. In aiding to end (he war In the ; rensacola, Oct. fever sum- ome of Judge Mann's writ of prohihl- -' effect a change. re light It out under proper conditions." Secretary of State Henry B. Little, calls for state supervision of In- W CONSERVE WA1 ERS mary today Is as fnllhwr: Ion forbidding Judge Abbott lo en-'nr- "Very respectfully, challenge ILL of "W. D. VANDIVEK." The was received with Nravhurypoit. surant e companies and recommends New eases, 15. the order for the surrender laughter nml treated as a Joke by Ihe Treasurer nnd Beceiver (eneral the municipal ownership of public Total to date, 2.14. the Jail and records. It seem. In the of ipliiion of most attorney who NOT ANXIOI S other members the council. After Daniel J. Doherty, Westfieid. utilities. TO ntOTFXT UFAD F TOXTO Deaths, 1. of tha 1 meeting had closed the earl re- have followed the case, to be a writ Tt KI N FOH M.WOlt ( UKFK WHICH I I FBS (II FAT Total to date, 3. newed his challenge, and Sapwell pro- dlschaiged. 88. N. without a mission, Is likely to Oct. committee SI, It VOI Cases New York. ".The posed to fight In it room of a nearby III, It. Cases under treatment, 108. ecoine merely an incident In a some- sent to confer with Charles K. Hughes, hotel. The carl Insisted that they what exdilng proceeding. eounselforthelcglslatlve In- Washington. Oct. 7. The president examining must fight abroad and said that if Sap-we- ll The writ wn presented to Judge surance investigating committee, who refused he was a coward. TUSKEGEE TO CELEBRATE has established a new forest reserve mitchellToeTnot AblMitt yesterday at the noon hour, was nominated for mayor for the re- At this point other members of the In Arizona, which Is to be i ailed the iust after he had adjourned Ihe court publican cltv convention last night, Tonto reserve and Is Intended to pro- the noon recess. The writ was council Intervened and later the Inri, creek, lor would not discuss the result of the dent was declared closed. tect the watershed of Tonto an expectcoal landed to Judge Abbott by (leorge A. conference when they left the Hughe!' important feeder of the greut Irriga '('uwiiiaii, chief deputy in the I'nlted house this morning. Hughes said: "I Mills Kesume In Chicago. VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT tion reservoir to bo created near Phoe- tatps marshal's office. Mr. Kasemaii 1,120,-00- 0 1)11 have given no encouragement to Ihe Chicago. Oct. 7. contests nix. The reserve will contain THINKS I1CF1TII-- S WILL III: lid not act In his official capacity, but committee Bnd I am strongly convinc- were resumed In Chicago tonight, after acres and will extend north and S.VTISFAITOIUI.V AIMl'STKI) HA disinterested party. ed I ought not to accent the nomlna-- i being under the ban of the police for Washington, Oct. 7. Kmmett J. entertainment will be n scries of south, from the Mogollón plateau to IX SIMMXÜ. The court placed the writ carefully Hon." many months. Scott, secretary to Booker T. Wash- flouts that will pass In review-befor- Salt river and ens! mid west from the n his pocket and went down stairs. Five conleHs of six rounds each ington, of Tuskegee Institute and him, Illustrative of the acad- Verde valley to the White Mountain nttsburg, Oct. ".John Mitchell, He showed no disposition to allow It to Scl.lffcr SHU Missing. were carded nt the Chicago Athletic Charles W. Anderson, the negro ap- emic, mechanical and agricultural de- Indian reservation. when osked today regarding the possi- disturb Ihe orderly progress of the New York. Oct. 7. No Information club. The main event was between pointed collector of Internal revenue partment of the school und the devel- bilities of a Ft l ike next spring in the 'mslnes of the court and the writ did been of the whereabouts Honey .Mellndy of Boston. and Hick of New York last March, called today opment of the negro. The nearly 1.D00 Crowe iiels Decision. ai'lhraelte fl"lds. said: tot appear again in the records of the tías received 7. Johnny Abrnham Schiffer. the missing FiUpatrlck of Chicago, which was de- at the White House. Scott placed be- students will precede the floats, each Kan Francisco. Col., Oct. "As far ns I can Judge, everything lay's proceeding except In the form of given de- (li- banker of Alamosa. Colorado, who was clared a draw. Flt.patrlck was hog fore Secretary Ioeb the program to be wearing a stalk of sugar cane lipped Crowe, of this city, was the will work oirt harmoniously In Hu if the following motion which whs erroneously reported yesterday to be a fat. outweighing Mellndy by ot least followed ,t Tuskege on the occasion with n cotton boll, roth raised In the rision over Tommy Moran, on n foul. mid. I can see no reason why there ed early In the afternoon by counsel silk firm of f'elgram 20 pounds. Both men were considera- of the president' visit October 28. An experimental station gardens of the In the fourteenth round before the should be a grand coal strike next 'or Hubbell: member of the ' - and Meyer, whose sole niembe.r ore bly punished. Interesting feature of the president's Institution. Colma club last night. spring." ''In the matter of Thomas S, Hub- FAG ESTIVO. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL1, Sunday, October 8, 190S.

charged with contempt of court. Hamoden Sydney College '. 0 Now cornea the said Thomas S. Hub-be- ll BASE DALL At Ithaca ' by his attorneys, and a writ of Cornell 24 ATTENTION! prohibition having su- NATIONAL. LEAG iwiued from the t'E. I3u knell , 0 We (iuarantcc tli Spols Will Xot preme At New York R. H. E. court dlreKed to Ira A. Abbott At Chicago "Miie Lack. We Live to Die and IVÍONTEZUMA TRUST Sec- Philadelphia J g COMPANY individually and aa judge of the Northwestern University 5 New York 4 s 3 Dye (o Uve. ond judicial dlntrlrt of aid territory Wabash 0 prohibiting the enforcement of the or- ÍUtterles Dugglefoy and Dooln; Ijiillcs ami (.cntlcincn: 1'or (lie 1m's( Taylor At Champaign ' der of violation of which aaid Hubbell and Kresnahun. t lean In;; KLBUPUERQUE, NE.W! UEX1ÜQ Second game Illinois 24 anil. unciiialcil clothes nnd was committed to jail and moves the R. H. E. College 0 Philadelphia 8 1 Northwestern d.cing tclcjilK'iic us. (mmIs cuIIchI Jor Capital and Surplus, ioo.ooaoo court to releas him from custody and f At Washington, Pa. f to restore htm to all things lost by New York 1 C 0 und tlcllverctl. ISth Tidcphoncs H.ttterles Hrady Washington und Jefferson College.. C7 reason of the enforcement of tald or- and Munson; Elli- Ohio University 0 Aiitonintic 1'liotif, 6?5 . der. ott and Itowerman. At Pittsburg At Lincoln Colorado IMione, HoI 206-- 2 rings INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS V. B. GUILDER., n. H. E. University of Nebraska 45 Ft. Pittburg 1 7 J A. MMIM,KN. Dakota C Chicago 2 1 South ,.1 O. E. Vv'. DOKSON, 9 At St. Louis F. PLATT Attorneys for Thomas 8. Hubbell." Hritterles Uefleld and Gibson; Washington University 0 1111 Xorth l irtli Street t Ftcu:i!bach Jn view of the fni-- that Hubbell is and O'Neill. Polytechnic, Terre Haute 0 At Cincinnati R. II. E. Rose .... Ciit Tills Out for Itcfcrcine restored to none of the things which At Mount Vernon, Iow- a- ' he ha lost and that he hns surren- Cincinnati 3 6 , 23 AMPLE MEANS St. 7 13 2 Cornell dered several things which he was be- Loul Lenox Tóti & Gradi, AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES lieved up to yesterdny to have retain Naileries Chech and Svhlel; Taylor I At Fayetteville, Ai k. Doler In ed, the writ does not seem to have cut and Grady. 'University of Kansas f -j game GROCERIES, any material figure In yanterday's ro- fc'econd It. H. E. Universkv of Arkansas A ritoVISION, HAT, " ceedlnga and Its future remains a Cincinnati 6 7 0 GRAIN AND FIJCIi, BANK OF COMMERCE ALBUQUERQUE, II, f,l, mystery. St. Louis 3 8 2 Don't fall to gee that large display of FbM line of Imported Wine, Lfanon It Is believed that the next step In Halteries Vow Inkle and Street; beautiful dolls at Newcomer r, next Cljarg. I'lace your orden Hubbell'a fight to retain the sheriff's Brown and Leahy. a door to postoffice. ul for this line wltli no. EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY PROPER ACCOMMODATION At Brooklyn . E. office will be In the nature of quo war- It. H. S.f.Vann.O.D. NORTH TKIRD STREET AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. ranto proceedings, to try title to the Brooklyn '. 4 13 2 EY1WICIIT SPECIALIST office. It Is probable thct this action Boston 10 14 3 Batteries Mclntyre nnd CAPITAL, $150,000.00. will begin during the week. In the Kason. President of New Mexico Hoard of If we don't do your hauling meantime Armljo is recognized as Hitter; Eraser and Needhum. The Casino Theater Optometry. sheriff of Dernnllllo county and for th Second game R. II. E. wo both loso money , Officers nnd Directora: county Brooklyn 17 SOLOMON LUNA, President. present at least, Interest In the it t SUNDAY, OCT. 8 established opticlaji In New cases will pass to the matter of the pe- Boston 7 14 1 First W. S. STKICKLER, . W. 3. JOnNSON, Del-hdnt- y, Mexico. Glasses fitted for poor sight, county Batteries Scanlon and Hitter; Vice-Preside- nt tition to enjoin the commission headache and nervous strain. Office: ALBUQUERQUE TRANSFER GO nnd Cashier. Assistant Cashier. from borrowing money with which to Tenny and Moran. WILLIAM McINTOSII. GEORGE ARNOT. of Hoorn 0, Whitingr Block. Appoint- run the court, pending the return AMERICAN LEAfrL'E. ments- made at Vann's Drug Store. G. M. BACCUS, Prop. J. C. BALDRIDGE. A. M. BLACKWELLv O. E. CROMWELL, county funds wlfhheld by Frank A. ' The Vaudeville of the At Cleveland It. H. K. Hubbell, to the settlement Cleveland 152 treasurer's office and the disposition contest. Detroit 7 12 i of the school superintendent's Batteries lternhard and Clarke, Performers' Ask your Grocer for the Mullen and Warner. PAPER COMPAÑÍES MUST A.t St. Louis First game: R. H. E. St. Louis 1 8 3 BENEFIT Empress Chicago 2 5 11 1 Tlovr BOOKS Batteries Sudhoff and Sugden, Alt-roc- k PRODUCEJIIEiR and Hart. Wf It is from old wheat, well Second game: i St. . 7 fi 3 seasoned, guaranteed to make Jl'DftE VAXDKVK.XTKU PrX'IDFS Louis HARRY NACE PA-PF- .lt Ch lingo 7 8 CASK AtiAINST .K.NKHAL Acrobat and Contortionist. the best bread and pastry. Your CONCKItX. BaiierJes liuiii.inan. Vanzandt and Speruer; Smith and Hart. grocer will supply you. er (Game eighth In St. Minn.. Ort. JudRe called at end of the & LA I1YIU) Paul. ning, mi Hccoiiiil of d.irkricsx.) r.fCll AHDSON In the frilled .States court At Washington R. H. K. Sketch Team. M. BERGEil. Wholesale Aieni l.tte this afternoon decided that tin- Washington 5 6 3 case of the Frilled Stules vs. the (ien-er- Philadelphia 4 8 4 Jew Impersonations 114 W. Copper, Auto. 'Phone 626 Batteries Hardy and Heydon; m ,f ii ii ,miá,mt' Paper company was not nppeal-nbl- e. ny.ri Waddell, Iiygert and Powers. II. G. GIBBS ALL KINDS OF FEED AT THE LOWEST MARKET This decision related to n mo- Second game R. H. E. Latí of Ilavorly Minstrels PRICES tion for a stay of a previous order of Washington .1 3 0 the court pending an appeal to the Philadelphia 3 3 I Batteries Manuel and Knoll; Myers MARIAN WHITING Fitited States supreme court. The The will rent you Safe Deposit Box for $2.50 and rowers. Orphrum and Mimic. First National Bank a court today orders that the officers of At Boston 1!. H. E. BLOWING a year and up. Call let us explain the system. the Hennepin Paper company, the Boston 7 11 4 and J t Paper company and the North- New York C 8 3 HAMILTON SISTFIt.S '!' company answer IS KOT EXACTLY IN OUR LINE, western Paper must Butteries T.innehlll, Winter unit Song und Dance Artists. questions asked before Special Kxam- - Criger; Hogg. Orth and Klelnow. BUT WE HAVE TO INDULGE IN a pm-- J Iner Taylor and that they must Second game R. H. E. SELF-PRAIS- E TO BE TRUTHFUL of the company. 12 10 5 A. WI1ISTLFK duie the books Boston ABOUT OUR BEER. WE KNOW IT New York 9 4 The Human Mocking P.!rd. &WMÑ AS DUnMroiiK New York Fire. Batteries Hughes. Dlneeii and IS GOOD AS ANY BEER WE FEEL SURE New Yoik. Oct. 7. A (ire which Armbrusler; Newton, Goodwin, Ilogi;. Wi5?' BREWED YOU WILL AGREE dr strove 1 .1. Reebers" Sons' lumber Griffith and Connor. iCURTAIN AT 8:30 WITH US WHEN YOU TRY IT WE yard at the foot of lOSth street thU TAKE EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN Of our ability to handle your morning, for a time threatened a large BALL s THE BREWING AND BOTTLING. section of old in blocks. FOOT banking business to your (led PILSENER BEER DELIVERED AT to Hie streets half clad. Cambridge We be glad The loss In $100.000. At YOU CAN SAVE YOUR HOUSE FOR $3.00 CAKE satisfaction. shall Harvard 22 PER Two city block were burned, over, TWO DOZEN $2.00 of an opportunity to talk OF v QUARTS; pillees destroyed, one University of Maine 0 fifteen buslners ' fear-crn?.e- At Chicago CASE TWO PINTS. ' tlrernan Injured and 2T.0 d Some of your money by letting PER OF DOZEN Avith ynn University of Chicago 4 2 horses In the lumber and coal yard; us furnish your Drug-Stor- e Sup- stables loose Into the streets. Iowa turned I we every- Twentv-llv- e engine coinpiriles, a fire At teca tur plies and can furnish M. Iviii-ul-f Albuquerque, N. BANK l, 1'! well-kep- NATIONAL IVIilllbl. I'm t, STATE boat and half a dozen towboats were thing usually found Jn a Southwestern Brewery & Ice Company engaged three hours In righting the Ea.'tern Illinois 0 progressive Drug Store. flames, which threatened the destruc- At Ames, Iowa . Auto. Phone 292 ASK FOR DIAMOND ICE Colo. Phone 93 tion ot a large portion of the upper Ames 39 eaM side water front. Besides th" State Normal 0 lumber yard. a block of small bulld-107l- h At Ann Arbor Ings between and lüsth streets. Michigan ?.fi The Face of a Business was swept. Case Selenitic 0 At Mliincu polls We 4 Grind . . Own Lenses M ' ' Our Triple Murder IlcveurVtl. Innesota r Dakota. TT A T TTT A irfl llTlTXTn is the Front VI 1,1,1 1., I.. u i, N. Y., Oct. 7. A triple North B. OnifIVI llj IliO A Li VV I I O 11 IV X 1 Ur I At I'll I ulnlrot. H.Briggs&Co. murder was revealed here today when Western University of Perm 11 Tor this reason we can uaraníee GOOD RESULTS. "Why bodies of Willis Mid Fred Olney ' áfÍM the Westminister ' not a smile on the were Id have found the woods half a mile At Columbus- - Proprietors Alvnrado Pharmacy t 0!Í7jJ-- 4 a jileases proscribed by u?. possible from their home at which last night 17 J XfXwH face of your business? Its the best Ohio State Ave. wan found the murdered body of Allc" Wittenberg 0 First St. and Gold way to give a good impression to all who Ingerick. ' Both brothers had been t Hanover Both 'Phones may come your way. shot. Mrs. Georgia Ingerick. mother j),,Ytsmoulh 1 fi BEBBER ! OPTICAL CO. of the murdered girl, who was found jj'0y i!!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!.'.'.'.' I .! Mf. Opticians Member Optomerty Board of lincnnsi'lous In the barn of oineyj At )j ir'r'lsbúrg ' Examiners brothers has not regained conscious- - ,m;lt, College ,...11 nesa, Is Lights are the best smiles and her death expected. Mark' c,risle 11 Electric In the underbrush where the olney A,'cin,'l'n'n'aVl RICO HOTEL Jiome Adornment were found Indicated they had been cn,.jnliau IS III N. First Street dragged a wagon. ' " from Their pockets i),.,au,' . 0 '.s not complete adequate They never cease to gjve the pleasant im- had been turned innlde out. 1 i,i,..'..'.i.',!,'t,.,', DINELLI & LENCIONI. Prop. without liKlitiiiR facilities orul the most sailn-fiict- ni It is believed the bodies of the Ol- pression that is so desirable and so valuable. ney Indiana 2' y nml economic :il method of I- brothers were carried to the 0 llumination is In wagon Kentucky ever ready woods a seen in the Iclnlty At Washington Saloon. Rettaurxnl A. Raomlni Houst of Ihelr farm yesterday (n which ere Georgetown two strangers., The police believe We have the smile thatyou want ' Gallup University . . . INCANDESCENT were Santal-Pepsi- n there other motives than robbery At Cedar Rapids Sccfi's Capsules for the crime. Lulu Ingerick was in j Drake .33 ...... Middlelown when the murders occur- A POSITIVE CURE LIGHTS red and the tragedy was discovered on 'Cole iW f V 1 I. If Al I II At Vest Point (or IntimiiiRtliin or Catarrh rd We can fit your special Mrs. In- - home with her return Just after dusk. West l'.ilnt Hi Hi.' lllmMeritmt IiiniJ Kid- Power Company gerick was separated from her hus- fio cuhb n ) l urfi designs if desired. We do the com- The Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light and . . . X '. fit, Colgate University iii band and was working as a house- 3é !te4 Vtl ijuii mi hiiu inn j tea pleto job wiring, fitting and connect- At New Haven- - i:f Wnmt rnMCtl of 4OflArrllOA ing. keeper on the Olney farm. nrni do nmtlur c( ln brother's . Ifi lrel. Yale Umx miiiliiiK. Abaolutoly Daughters of ( onfi'ilcnicy Flection. Syracuse . (I Imrmliu. Sold by ilrilKi(. At Princeton r'ilm si m, or hy mull, poit M. NASlf, San Francisco, Oct. 7. The United V.-- 1-- I,4 boiiic, J2.71. I'rtnei'li.n ..4 ifi ' Daughters SANTAL-PEPSI- 401 506 W. Railroad of the Confederacy elected .Georgetown . 0 5 N CO. Phone following 'i' LTKE fhe officers: At N 'tie Daine- - BillelonUlM, Ohio. Prasldent Miss Lizzie George, Hen- Notre I hi me 28 Auttiinutrc Telephone, So. H10. iJoloruilu 'lcleplioiie, Ao. 114 derson, Miss. Michigan Agricultural College 0 Ha Farm First Vice President Mrs. Alfred At Philadelphia rrvess If. Voorhles. Sin Francisco. English Association Second Vice President Mrs. V. A. S. All Ph ladelphia 0 S(a.nhopes FRENCH FtlRALk -- Vaught. loulslann. At Madison AH' Recording Secretary Mrs. P. Hick- Wisconsin University ?4 .JiPILLC, A. BORDERS Surreys man. Tennessee. Lawrence University 0 A (tin CtftT.ia Rintr Corresponding Secretary A hrmMnHlMmpiTml. Mr. At Philadelphia (fVtl IKOW T( FAIL S.t'l Hf 11, SUI, Busies TV. Buttey. Mississippi. Pennsvlvanla 11 l.n()iU, fir Uuliav Hl pr.i..ij CITY UNDERTAKER. (or f tmx. Will .ii4 latin au iiI4 Custodian of Crosses Mrs. 1! H. 's'warthmore 4 it flabbelt. Georgia. At Annapolis HH Mm (.ur "I '111 I IM Custodian of Flags Mrs. A. C.intrll! V OMlTEOMCDIClCO..oiT , Black or White Hearse $5.00 Kentucky. ivy i 29 IKCI.K. ALBVQVER.QVE CAR.HIAGE COMPANY Virginia Military Institute 0 i Treasurer Mr. James T. Lee V,r At Lexington. Va. Bold In Albuquerque by J. II. O'lllrllj FIHST ST. and TIJERAS ROAD. rlnia. COIINEU Washington Lee University 17 (Jo. e. and .... ft Commercial Club Suildlng. Alhuqa-rqu- New Mexico.

3K Eh Yotuir taMor says66Yomretaardtofit"

This, Label Stands for 51

LYLY trusting thus to cover his own Years of Knowing How ASK TO SEE OUR: ings as a craftsman As a matter of fact. 99 Vv-YY- V YVWYYYYWWYVYVV V vy men out of J00 arc easv to fit. if the clothes aremacfe $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 rightly. Ours (Stein-Bloc- h) will fit you, be you lean or stout, short or tall, oft Fifty-on- e years of knowing : how have solved this problem, and are summed up .....suits in the Stein-Bloc- h label, a it oe oft Stetson Hats Paragon Trousers Learn lo Look for It

119 West Gold 122 S. Second Avenue WA CO Street

V 1 "StimUiy. r , 1905.

THE COURT HEARS MAY TRY TO PROVE Tucson, Aritona. - - ... . If ARGUMENT ON TAX LATE GRAND JURY V. E, NEAL, Albuquerque, New Mexico. he Correct Thing i My Dear Sir: NYour letter, with notice, has just reached ' 1 PAYERS' SUIT ILLEGALLY DRAWN me. I was aware from my policy, that L would be entitled to fílí a "dividend"' at this time, but I had no knowledge upon which a Fall Suit Jh to base an opinion as to the amount of the dividend. I certainly Y C I be sure to find right here. This Btore Is fff A, i1 j ,'l j7ifÍVfyyK ifI did not expect that it would be anywhere near the amount you to-ge- To Be Heard on Its Merits Claimed One Member Lives i?5 the place t the earliest points on '! V'VF R mention ($24.15 cash). This is nearly one-eigh-th of my an- KyS to wear. Every new fad can be found vf'tf.f ? Y)'f' ' f i ' V' í - - nual premium, $204.50. I am more than pleased with this aa it la established In New York. Every I ?:'1k 'Tomorrow. Within Torrance County.- 'tl'VI'Vv ' li' ft showing. I inciose herewith check for The present man, every man who feels young and f '4 l,' Í A ft $204.50. wS'tifrw'Z' ' R ' Vl-s- . v i'. J 'J VJ dividned, and subsequent ones unless otherwise instructed man who appreciates good clothes will El I :' !'CSJ 3 if ' ' ''V ' CHANGE EFFORT TO PÍ0VE SERVICE will be left to purchase additional insurance. You know we be In sympathy with our stock. V-- I1 OF VENUE WILL BE f 'I'l V í W have to protect the wife and babies, even if we have to go with- in for a moment See what the new - i'''!""' ' FAILED ' INVALID HAS ' f' SOUGHT FOR EMILIO M'CLl'RE out a vacation oursclf. has broug! t forth. Single and Double x4ííríf-f'tffiw W' ' I1 Breasted Suits pcifectly cut and perfectly l'lv Wt l I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you here soon. h I lff!fef',Í(l)M' . The attempt to hold the acts of the '''' The greater part of the time of the Very sincerely, district court was occupied yesterday late Bernalillo county grand Jury as ' " W. V. WHITMORE. with-'t- hearing of arguments on Invalid on the ground of improper ser points of law In the petition of W. B. vice of the venires as a result of the Chllders and others, tax payers of Ber- complication having nalillo county, against the Bernalillo sheriff's office WOULD TOU LIKE TO HAVE A POLICY LIKE THE ABOVE? WE county commission, seeking to enjoin fallen to the ground through the gen HAVE A FEW MORE LEFT. FOR FULL PARTICULARS WRITE the recognition of power commission from carrying out the eral the of the il purposes of a motion Authorizing n ourt to place these venires in the V. E. KEAL. Albuquerque, N. M. Wish I could call every .n;an in town to the U'Ctf fg K loan of $4.000 to defray expenses hands Sheriff Armljo ror service, it ' court of telephone and ask him to come to see my p Pff-- , is v pending the settlement of the county now understood that an attempt will Btneril Agent for New Mexico, Arizona and Western Texas. V V ujn treasurer's office scrap and the return be made to prove the acts of the Jury new Neckwear. The new fall shapes are ytfp! if ' to the .public treasury county invalid on new and Interesting of the pretty, the Bilks are new, and my neckwear L di? ' 1 funds now held by Frank A. Hubbeil grounds. ' ' department' these days is a sort r"""T and for the withholding of which Hub-be- ll There is now a report current In. the of a has been Indicted ior embezzle- court house offices to the effect that l- -- j ment. an attempt will be made to prove that 0, ..The matter came up In the after- one of the members of the grand Jury Dunlap Hats. Nettleton's Fine Shoes. 'vJ''Sx5i5'rt. , 4 noon on a motion of counsel for the resides outside the boundaries of Ber- If A complete line of fall Underwear in stock. a petitioners to introduce evidence in nalillo county and in Torrance coun- We are receiving daily large shipments of support of the petition and the after-- , ty. It Is even reported that County nootv up to 5 o'clock was taken up Surveyor Don J. Jtankln has run a line ' with the argument of law points by A. in the district in which this juror lives new, fall pack, "good things to eat." 'B. McMillen and W. B. Chllders for which it is claimed, shows him to be a M ' the petitioners, District Attorney resident of Torrance county. The line, We invite yon to call and carefully inspect our large line of If according to the report, is close IM.MÁNDELL Frank W. Clancy appearing for the commissioners. The bearing was had enough to make the question a nice A'eilMtm's SAoaf , JagerUndrrtwar persons in- Groceries. In Preserves, Relishes,-Canne- Meats, Canned before Judge Abbott in chambers and cine. Counsel for several - I ac- - Clothing Furnishings, . Albuquerque at Its conclusion It was announced dicted by the late grand jury, will Fine & that the ease would be heard on its ording to the story, attempt lo uso Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Extracts, merits this will probably this as ground to hold the acts of the week. It story ;come up tomorrow. Jury Invalid. The thus far has Gclatiites, Farinaciyus Goods, etc., we make a special effort to Should the Injunction be granted not come forward ror onieiai auenuon juoon the attended petition of the tax- and 1U exact basis is therefore matter payers speculation. buy only the best and sell at prices that compare favorably with who are parties, providing as It for e does for the return o,f the money so Albuq eerseeee iborrowed for court expenses, it will the "cheap" goods on the market. In fact, wc guarantee to uorqie "have the effect of ending the present Perfect Satisfaction term of the district court because of There are different please back.. Roof Paint .lack of funds, and of effectually tying twenty or your money IMPERVIOUS TO HEAT county jup business, unless in the cinnamon barks, and they cost OR COLD. CONTAINS NO Is a combination of contentment meantime, Hubbeil has been forced to ACID. WILL. NOT RUN, restore to the county treasury the lb. ex- We have just opened pleasure. represents from 4 to 55c This O BLISTER. and It funds now withheld by him. CRACK It Wprcch MeClure Seeks Change of Venue. plains the market, all but one NONE BETTER. SOLD BT about the nearest to It is expected that should a plea In Genuine Dill Tickles, large size, 4 for . . ..) 10c THE GALLON OR CON- absolute happiness that we mor- fil Schilling's Best 3 abatement which is expected to be particular. TRACTS MADE. tals can experlenco. A good ed by counsel for Emelio MeClure, fail Small Heinz Sweet Gherkins, per quart of effect, counsel for the negro, who is the best with the coarser pieces 25c meal will do considerable to sat- under Indictment for the murder of isfy a hunpry man but A GOOD picked-out- ; not thrown-awa- y ; Small Ileinz Sour Gherkins, ier quart 15c Borradaile&Co Nicolas Sanchez and Carlos Sena on Agenta, f 17 West Gold Avenue SMOKIO la the thing that ?uta summer, will 'ask the Rio I'uerco last less Bulk Mince Meat, 2 pounds for peace for a change of venue on the ground oh no; they go to some 25c him at with the world In tin." the place to get it, wheth- of prejudice against their client particular grinder. Bulk Potato Chips, per pound Here's county. The matter.will probably come 25c er it be a cigar, a cigarette or a up during the present week. TUGS, F. KELEHER ' ' pipe. Munlz Convicted of Assault. y Yesterday morning the jury in t hi case of the territory vs. Demetrio Mu niz, Indicted for assault to kill and as-- j THE FVEHR. Jror Salads, Cold Meats, etc., we recommend l'erndell Salad I) HUIIIOtfO! sault with a deadly weapon upon oihj Lap Dusters, Whips, Ail Antonio . returned ft vcrilkl Undertaking Company, j, Barlioria. Dressing; two sizes, 35c and 65c. Ask us for a sample bottle Oils, I of guilty ns charged In the second in J S07 Wert Railroad Avenue. Etc MAX GVSSAfROFF I dtctment, or assault wlin n neam Ooth Phone. y or Night with your next order. weapon. Sentence was reserved, Paints, Oils and Varnishes TWO DIG STORES Rcfore letting your blank book work ' Devoea 164 'Police Court News. I One Gallon Faint Oarer bo sent out of the elty, lot us quote 107 Secoud Street 115 Railroad Avenue . Yestentay morning in the city police you our prices. Wo make nil kinds of Square Fret, Two Coats. Palmetto .court George Vaneott, who 'has been special ruled and printed books. The Use Meadow Gold Butter, guaranteed to please. Taint Stops Leeks. Roof .e e.:''ee- . employed as hostler at the Indon Mlk'liucr company ut the Journal. 401 WEST RAILROAD - jl Club livery stable, was, sentenced to IF YOU TRADE WITir F. (;. of horse clippers from the barn. Kii.vrr Co.. voc ahf. OF SECURITY WAREHOUSE 7 sire :k-2- THE I2M5 i George llayman, who ato a lnrg CITTINO TIIF. FINEST OROC 1 mm Square meal lit a. local restaurant and IES AT REASOXARLE PRICES. 1 then refused to remunerate tne pro s. swdm) street. The Jaffa Grocery Company WM. FHRR AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY prletor for his trouble, was given five Wholesale and Retail Dealer In ,days below for vagrancy, b. (. imik ? ? f ? f Htorlnp. Trann ferrlnit. PlstrlliutJn?. etc. Ppcelal tornire fuclllllcs for merrlinnts and nmnn-fiu'tnrei- fi took hi a Railroad avenue restauran What part of this paper do you dfulrlnir Hpace for carload lots. Hnimrute cotiumrtnu'iitH for t urnlt,iite, plamw, U! Was fined five dollars and costs for suppose is most Interesting to the "GOOD THIJVGS TO EA T and Sail Meats StoniRO rates given upon applies) lou. Safi'st and most, warelioiiHO in southwest. the Fresh Automatic I'hoiie tils Colo. Hume, UedSil-- a blacking up the eye of a waiter in the person Is eagerly looking a Automatic riiono 211 Colo. Phono 151k 2!)2 jviurgie, to who for SAUSAGE SPECIALTY restaurant named William room or boarding Warehouse No. I, 414 416 Marquette Av., Albuquerque, N. M. the considerable detriment of Murgic f furnished place? FOR CATTLE AND IKMÍS HIGGEST facial expression. Is your ad In that part of the paper? MARKET PRICE PAID. Correspondence Solicited. I. O. Uox 2ot Offices: Orant Blots


Remnants if Eiubri)llcry liciiiniints of Silks fn-sisihi- K FOIKTKF.N-YKAK-OL- D TRAVEL- f TiifTclaM, Pi-m- i regular ER WILL BE RETURNED TO from our M'K'k of lie Sole anil Plaid, r TODAY. ar HIS PARENTS MkIi 'lass fMtl,s at ' ivk-l- short iUfCH of H'mdi at Chief McMlllln's prediction that prices. EeN6MIST V ri'guliir pritTS. Frank Hunter, who ran. away --Albuquerque's Brightest and Busiest Store- - from his home at 520 West Marquette avenue Thursday nlcht, would be caurrht, at Gallup, proved correct last nlfiht when the younj? man's arrest by the Gallup town marshal was reported here by wire. Young Hunter who made his first venture into the world No Previous Autumn Has Found "The Economist" So Well Prepared to Meet the Personal orr a Hantu Fe westbound freight train was naBbed ns he got down from his palace car and his capture reported to Albuquerque. Instructions were soil e Man-Tailor- ed to Hend the boy home at once and he Ejccttui-d- Models m Women's Victurcsquc Innovations in Autumn morniiiB- - of is expected here this Suits See Window Display. Requirements JwryPatron Millinery Av Man-tailor- dressmaker' presentation of all that Is distinctive and original in new winter NO CLUE Suits possessing tliat "something" no has YETTO . yet accomplished in her work. Elegance and simplicity, combined In modes. The Ideas for the most part are radical departures yet pos. their finish distinctive style touches giving them character. Autumn days-nr- here and this great store Is splendidly ready. The coining of sessing a charm, a distinctiveness that Is all the more attractive In its MURDER High-clas- newness. The tilted shapes, the short high , . CASNA RROADCIOTII SUTS s Suits In daik or light colors, it new season never finds "The l',4iiionilsl" it.applng. Months In advance we fronts and back effects, Exti-Pin- with artistically arranged plumes are first favorites. In value long coat styles s well as the Jaunty short jacket effects. work and plan to Insure n certainty that Hie goods shall lie here walling alike $lving, Colors i.urple, green, blue and black. Satin and taffeta lined. a special effort has been made to excell at each of these SOCIETY GIVES BENEFIT opening or season and your call. Do ir.'.l fail to frequently to ITAHAN Priced from $25.00 to $:.( the the conic prices $10.00. $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 DANCE "FOR VICTIM'S VEIA'ET SI'I'I'S four Velvet Suits, one of each color, in make acquaintance with the Interesting atlracllous dally arriving for even' V1IX)V. Just blue, brown, green and mode; three-quart- er length coat. une of our many (Icnaitmcnts. Feel perfectly ut home here and enjoy the Goods $18.75 Leather been no particular de Full sk'rt. Special at sights at leisure We are showing the largest assortment of exclusive In There have various other novelties velopments in tne uasna muruer cas, CHEVIOT SPITS Also mixtures, worsteds and Imported and Domestic Wrist Rags,, Vanity Hags and ((peril Hags in Long or coats, or tight-fittin- g; also short boxy nccordlnir to the Gallup Republican. fabrics. short semi the city. Only one bag of each style. If you purchase one of thcM? ntricprs on every clue topcoat All in light and dark shades. Full Th arc uorkinir effects. the wanted, colors Wear bags there ; will not bo another bag like It in tho city. could be unearthed, but the crime range sizes In individual model. New plaited skirts. Dress Goods for Autumn that of each Prices range from . . $2.00 to $7.t'l was committed In suc'li a mysterious Prices from $15.00 to $15.00' THE LATEST WEAVES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS WEEK. manner that practically noclue was left by It has developed the murderer. P,y most Dress floods stock ever shown by "The Econo- KJmonos, Dressing Sacqucs, Wrappers thin week that one of the little boys For Dress-u- p Occasions. far the excellent He mist" Is to be seen here this season. We have gone into the very highest das- Long Kimonos In flannelette, oriental patterns, plain border . íw thi man after the shootlnir. Is new with us but customers were nva man run. and describ nils section somewhat otir merchandise possible to procure, and, realizing the large element of critical and large sleeve, at $1.50 he aiw the continually asking fancy dresses and they are proving the ed the trun as a Mrs. C if- - for little In our city, we have given great care to tills superb collection oi. Long Kimonos In velour flannelette, new patterns, satin bind- every not to dross for din- trade na l Hnlnar as well as could be ex wisdom of our selections day. It's difficult autumn's choicest novelties. ing ami cord, at , ...;.'.,...... $2.50 peeled. She can not ve any accounl ner, a jiarty tir theater when such fine dresses can be procured us Kimonos made of flannelette, with large sailor collar and H,.a, rltitl(in man wlio shol IIROADCLOTIIS (See Window Display) We wish to Invite special at- f tim of the reasonably as here. bolt, trimmed with perslan border, at $1.00 and $1.50 present time, but it to our very excellent slock of these very popular cloths. We realized her husband at the Nun's Veiling Dresses in reseda green, French blue, cream and tention Kimonos In 'flannelette, made with yoke and border of phi In is hoped when . slie recovers inai pleated wautt broad girdle of silk; lace early that Ilroadclolh was to be the favorite cloth 'for falk and our superb she black; full and skirt; material, at ,", , 5o( ber mind 'will bo clearer and that collar; neat and stylish; ...$19.50 stock shows that wo were not afraid to buy. At $1.50, $2.00 and $1.00 per to belter than for Eiderdown Rath Holies of best quality matrial, plain and fan- will tie able remember In In we showing a full line of all the latest plain and fancy shades. W or very , Henrietta costumes navy, green, and black; made yard are cy stripes, large sailor collar, with satin binding, $5.00, $7.50, she does now. Because her Inspection of the beautiful $:l.00 genuine French and at $10.00 irniirViiPiwil circumstances, the Ital fashion; lace yoke and collar piped with dainty fold of panne wish esperlall to Invite Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, good quality materials, very ian society will Kive a benefit d.uue velvet; new circular and plaited skirts, at $25.00 Austrian cloths. serviceable colors, at $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 for Saturday night, j nere is n.i Taffeta.Silk Coutumes in all the evening shades and Mack, $2.00 Suitings $1.5(1 All f,0 to "beautiful Silk Dressing Saequos in and white, very hr Is a worthy $1.75 to Latest Tailor al the daintiestcolors doubt but that the cause Iliads full, waist inul skirt trimmed with insertion and tucks, at $30.00 styles for Tailor Cowns, Coals anil Skirls. The new elaborately trimmed In lace and accordion pleating, many of the citizens or w,n new cloths of the latest Just the ne and Crepe do .Chine costumes In nil leading shades and black; lace In vc;rvcs, and serge weaves in the new thing, upwards from , lup are extending help to the unfor gray worsteds plain or fancy Panama ..,$5.00 yokes; short sleeves, full skirts; insertion and tucks for trim- phantom plaid or shadow check effects; Coating Coverts In the new Long Silk Kimonos In all colors with largo flower designs, túnate family. silk, ut $:12.50, and $15.00 mings; lined throughout with $10.00 Rain-pro- Coverts (the best cloth on earth for tills price). Also made with yoke and borders of plain materials, upwards . ,$7.50 hello-trop- tans; from. Tiiiiii-ifiiiu Evening In broadcloth, green, e Inoiilrv. Coats white reseda u very handsome line of the latest novelty worsteds. Long Silk Kimonos In the new butterfly fan and Jap lantern , 'a well knewn traveling man who and grey, for $27.50 and up to $50.00 designs, made with new sleeve, bound in satin of plain - colorings In Venetian, color and visits the driift- trade says no nas unci. SPECIAI (mo lot of fifteen of the newest finished of per $1.00 with sash, at .'....$12.50 hard druBgl! inquire customer? the $1.50 quality. Special for this week, yard good ..b,i tnr n couirh nieillclne, Oar Topular SKirt "Department New Flannelette Wrappers of quality material, deep whether It was wanted for a child or Gaining In popularity every season. Made popular because we've flounce on skirt and finished with ruffles over shoulder nnd If a cnnu w.c the Shown this season are. Drnp braid trimming, at , '.",. .$1.00 for an adult, and lor .. bad Just what trade has asked for. almost Invariably recommend Chani-v.-i,.i..- d'Kte, Melrose, Fancy Mixtures and Chiffon Panama Skirts, as well SüeDi:."ad;w Ser4ydow Lest quality Flannelette VVrapers, made in tho effect of the ,,crt, Tiomprtv. reason JVeta two-pie- The as the Cloth Skirts, made In the prevailing mannish tailored Fall Waists house dress; very full skirl and waist, very neatly they know that there Men's Early demand. waists of a little heavier fabric than for this Is that Fall v trimmed, at $1.150 11 Hl- - styles, and comprising all the new plaited and circular styles, i. ill U.IIdCIj.n..r frnm it and tn:u- for summer, and here they are. Stylish, dressy fresh, natty. ways cures. There Is not the least Prices' range from $5.05 to $20,00 danger In It. and for roughs, Early Fall Waists In Voile Nun's Plaid Waists In Silk, the best yi Great Sale of Damaged Curtains colds croup It is unsurpassed. Foi patterns, new ntyle n, and 'Rain Women Veiling and Brllllantlne, best of styles of sleeve While we advertise 'these as damaged and slightly shop-wor- many Jay druggists. Coatsjor sale all A poor rain coat Is about as useless as a torn rubber. Get ft good and shades, $1.75 and up. and stock, $1.05. could be sold for perfect goods, Hut it is our object to close them out

e A. In quickly nt prkes on they cost, Is IIa-- you seen the modern eooklnn one or none ut all. Our offering has to do with the better sort. Waists of Nun's Veiling and Poplin, Plaid Waists Mohair material, based what which way below their wonder at the Albuquerque Hardware great number of styles, including the Km pire, Piccadilly and Tourist plain and fancy trimming, all the fancy shirred yoke, large sleeve with actual value, and we will sell them ut one-ha- lt tho regular prices. day week Tills sale begins Monday will lust they gone. Co.s store. Come In any this effects, coming in u halt dozen different cloths. Smart, dashing popular fall shades, $2.73 and up. deep cuff, $2.05. and until are nil You styles, and you'll be glad to be seen In one 'most and day. cannot appreciate this offering without seeing the goods. They con- niTTtrin nircvt Prices start at $10.00 and end at $25.00 See the New Women's Shirt, ery new mid stylish, for $1.50 sist of Nottingham, Irish Point nnd Pi uwIh Net Curtains.. ' Wirt-i- l doslrliiff TRAIN HOOK COV-flK- H go to MltclieiiiT'M, nl the .ItMinuil .Niuil.iy, 8, 1 Kt 1.. tH'tbcr 105,

(EH UBICO L'.EAT IIMET by lhe A Hot Proposition RA -- -I Ct:jjll)ii(prii!e jjiijoniliigjournal Second R'v ANDRES ROMERO, Prop. riddled--! Dlin o ú Published by the Soios nil Fresh and Salt Meats Is always S"o 13Í not agreeable. DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING COMPANY GAME SEASOJT. But one of our Heaters COLUMN West Cold Avenue, Albuqncrqne is about the hottest propositions you can get, t. A. MACPHERSON, Tresldent. W. S. BURKE, Editor. From Eldorado. Iowa, comes the tit and H. U. HE NINO, City Editor. story of Henry hhafer, who though REAL ESTATE there is nothing more agreeable than one of our but 20 years old, has been struck by Easy Chairs, a Superior Heater and a Good Book. Entered as second-clas- s matter at the poutoffice at Albuquerque, N. At., lightning, wounded, maimed and left NEW TEI.EPnONE 4S. fir under act of congress of March 3, 1879. for dead In a mine explosion, fell MONTTV TO I4)AN ON CKX1 HEAL We have them from $2.50 to (25.00. Call and bridge breakiug USTATK SECURITY AT IAUW through a trestle RATES OF INTEREST. MERCHANT'S Inspect our line the most complete in the city. THE MORMXG JOURNAL IS THE LK.UMNG REPUBLICAN' PAPER three riba, shot and blown twenty-liv- e RUNT. Promptness BU-CA- FOR Give us a trial. is our motto. OP XMV MKXKT), fcl THE PRINCIPLES OF THE REPl N feet by the premature explosion of a Fine house in Highlands. 6 rooms , : m t .' PARTY A THE TIMH AXI THE METHODS OF THE REPUBLICAN cannon, losing one eye, nis leein ana modern, furnished. Price very IX fingers, a ton I'AHTV WHEN THEY AKE RIGHT. two crushed under of cheap to the right family. Fine clav breaking both legs, fell fifty feet 'Get the Habit" is target ciiwiaUon than any other papor lu N-- Mexico. The only paer down a cliff. In an Eldorado etone m lodging house, furnished; In New Meíh-- IsMied every day In the year. juarrv and was thrown by a horse and $55.00 Is the place to go for a dragged fifty feet along a barbed wire houce, S. Broadway: $14.00. on The Morning Journal ha a higher circulation rating than 1m accorded fence. The story goes to reíale luat 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping; Coed Dinner orShort Order any daily Mexico." The Sh.ifer is still hopeful and happy. May $16.00, D. to any other paprr in Albuquerque or other la New has never been furnished; J. EMMONS Directory. be that'a because iie house, modern, (Successor to The Futrelle Furniture Company) if, American Newspaper sheriff of Bernalillo county, or mana- $35.00. ger a fair. 1118 South Amo; $18.00 216 Second TEH.MS OK St BSCRUTION', of territorial house, South Street . Corner Second Street and Coal Avenue A month. - SUPERIOR Daily, by mall, one year In advance ...... $5.00 The Kansas City Journal cuttingly house, Cromwell ave; $3.00 P. Steffen, Prop.. Both Telephones. West End of Viaduct Daily, by carrier, one month .00 observes that every, dispatch seen In month. UR TIGHT. .Dally, by mail, one month , 50 the 'press with an Omaha date line has TOR SALE. been an amount of a capture of Pat House and lot, good location with ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO 'rowe and that otherwise people shade and city water, Highlands; e$ees;asee3-e- s would not know there is such a town. $900. eeeseee brick house, corner Marquette Call for M'XD.W MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1 905. Baron Von Sternberg hurled a glass avenue, and North 5th street; ? Sampi a of w ater at his opponent in the Austr'- - $3,200. HYGIENIQUE an diet. In g It would house modern, "West Coal ave- have been a stein of beer. In the Ken nue, near corner of Fourth street. tucky legislature but we will desist, Six-roo- m frame in one ef the best Facial Creme and Skin Dar-gái- n: Food sub.. locations on Broadway at a A full set of teeth $8.06 modern for...... What Others Say Gold Crowns COO VIOLET The cantlon of an editorial dn the Ranch. 10 acres alfalfa, fruit fine gamb- land, etc., $1.200. A good business Fillings, upwards from 1.0 2 Almanac addressed to Santa Fe chance. os. jar 25c; 4 oz. jury50c a gang, lers says, "To thJ Tiger Stop Growl- Brick house in fine loactlon. near the Teeth extracted without pain. J9 UCH to our suriri..' and rwet the able attorneys of the and the Is certainly easy pay- ing Lie Low." That a railroad shops: cash or B. F. OOPP, D.D.S. Mill abler attorneys of the evening Citizen do not approve of our deMcate bid for business. ments; a good chance to buy a property on Installment Room 12, N. T. Armijo Bull opinion, In to our desire to nice the dim WtlUamT'Drxté Co 1 Judicial and therefore order show It to little plan. Mavbe hasn't occurred the restaurant; one of best aei otninmliite these esteemed gentlemen we yield a large part of goveitior In that quiet siiot in the rest- - Hotel and the locations In the city: 80 rooms; this 11 -- a get 111 ww m m. A l our space this morning to opinions upon the sheriff question expressed by the ul east, that he might a writ of is a money maker: price $800. Albuquerque Foundry mm Ifm.m Ifx l ary prohibition to prevent the president Fine nine-roo- m houss; modern, South Fanta Fe New Mexican and the La Vegas Optic two Journals which from appointing his successor. Broadwav; $4,000. totally disinterested in the matter, and therefore view it from an unprejudiced Five-roo- m brick, two lets, on South and Machine Works The Potsvllle Pestilence says that Broadway: very cheao. m R. IIAI.L, standpoint. new Five-roo- frame, two lots, on John P. Proprietor James Kastnvore is cutling a set and Castings, Coal at age 68. The street. $1.300. Iron Brass Ore, Tilo New Mexican gets light at the true inwardness of the situation when if teeth the of Pesti house, South Edith and Lumber Cars, Pulleys, neglects to w neiuer or noi Orate WHEN YOU BUILD ft nays: lence siaie street; fine location; $1.900. Bars, Babbitt Metal, Columns James is a dentist. street, The beef trust Is In the same fix that some legal limbs of the law, find house on North Second and Iron Fronts for, Build- you want to get into a residence removed county officials, are in, In Bernalillo county. All these have recently It has been suggested that we might in good repair; $1,550. ings, Repairs on Mining and r-- 1 district where you will feel sure twenty acre in onb-- to be aide to do what they like. l"gal or illegal, good or mow Congressman Tawney and his Three hundred and ranch. Milling Machinery la our Specialty business houses will learned that inspection party the spot hay alfalfa, crafted fruit trees. that not be to or of the commonwealth, they must have the statehood FOUNDRY creeping out your way and spoil- tad, the benerll detriment where the records of the sheriff's of- - good buildings, etc. CHOICE; In Bernalillo county for some years, to the misfortune of the people Small poultry farm, close In. with or East Side Railroad Track. Albuquerque ing your home site, and you want roiiru. ice were kept. poultry; easy terms. find to the disgi i' f the territory, they had something of the kind, but without some assurance that factories, Seven-roo- m frame, three lots N. Third this condition of affair his changed absolutely for the belter. It In spite of the calumny heaped up- - st.. $2.700. W. L; CO. BUltDJNG smoke stacks, saloons and other Seven-roo- m TRIMBLL is absolutely true that Assorlate Justice Ira A. Abbott, presiding judge of the m John I). KocKeiener, wno can ueuy brick house in Highlands. things too numerous to mention that when he removes bis wig there is South Arno st. $1.850. be your second judicial district court Is still administering the affairs of the court three-quarte- rs will not encroaching on not a 'hair's breadth between him and Four acres of land of FLED AUB TRANSFER falrn-s- K. and dispatch. Some of the members of the legal poxtofflce. (JÍIRJ LOTS castle moat with neatiesK leaven? a mile from with lota of . STAJBljlCH . profession In the Duke city do not know what to nutke of this, but facts are fruit trees and house thereon. YOU, CAX HAVID Six-roo- m - brick house. S. CUM Reason- MPry strong ami tle v therefore must believe. It seems to have been edito- of the twl- - Third tt Flrrt Tnrnonti at l'uz.le: If the $3,000: reasonable terms protections immuni- policy several persons connected with the (ase from the very first, Ight excuse requires two columns to able Rates, all these and the of IÍUSINKSS CHANCES. ties Highlands any by Inuendo, false inclinations and ui.true reports, to create prejudice against xnress a line, how many columns Good ranches near the city for sale tew Pkmui Wo. IIS. Old Phone. BJo. t in the without - prices. Come court and court officials in this matter; this polic y, however, will be of would he require to express a convic- at reasonable manner of doubt. in and the Fire Insurance. Houses for Rent. 0u talk it over with ua. no avail and the law will take its course as H ought to." lon. Rents Collected. Taxes Paid, nnd property THE ENGLEWOOD In order to get a prop-- r understanding of the Las Vegas Optic's remarks Tom, we've got you out oí entire eliuree taken of for Childers residents and BIRS. J. BOCUDEN, Prop. i necessary to copy Judge opinion setting forth the ail. on the subjeet It i Mann's (Mournfully) "William. Turn E. H. DVNBAR . CO- - 204 ground upon which he his writ of prohibition, as follows: ou've got me out of a job. Auto. Phone W. P. METeHLF applleation for of prohibition In my judgment cannot call Into Corner Oold Avenue and Third Street. Corner Second Street and Copper Ave. Real Estate and Insurance. Surety Bonds. Accident and This vrit broke nil life. validity of governor's act in removing Itubbell, or attempting It is said Bill Tail's train Albuaueraue. New Mexico. 521 Notary Tubllc. 821 Gold question the the ecord.s gettink him to Washington Gold Avenue. Avenue Armijo to ofllce of sheriff. to do so, or the title of either Hubbell or the .Vow they must have some powerful Those questions in my judgment, can only he settled by proceeding in the ocomotives on that road. nature of quo warranto, and th granting of this writ is not Intended In any manner to touch upon tln-m- The sole question at Issue is; did Judge Abbott President McCall says life Insurance Two Is or exee.-- his jurisdiction in ordering the clerk of the, non never resign they die. There Good for Athletes act without Jurisdiction they court to place the profess of the court in Armijo's hands for service and ill me more alternative sometimes ire fired. ,, PLUMBING AND HEATING CO ordering Hubbell to turn over to Armijo the jail ami prisoners and parapher Beautiful The California Limited Log i nalia of the office 7 Th" first part of this question 1 would answer in California ought to he marked Book: ! STANDAR B necitive; the loisin.-s- of the court has to proceed and it wo-il- be imperativ: dainlv will! a floating buoy so that 412 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE that Its should be si rv d with due spe.-d- . Armijo's commission aioi I'acilic steamers will stop butting into Solomon, of Frisco, Insisted 1 6 Room Houses pialitii aliens, fails whiib vyr. presente, to the court, were prima facia Unit we go rant on the Santa Fe, to ill hiving the processes placed in bis hands for enough justify the court The Almanac is "beefing" about tin so we embarked on the Limited, service; in doing so Ins act was administrative and not Judicial, and fu!l - ? joint statehood "organs." The Alma- So we to - here are about enter by tb- to say th" business of "hoss-tlddl- i: Justified condition. It would ridiculous that i Is only a kind of a ? te at Oblenlo at our journey's end, Plumbing:, Heating Jiis court must await the pleasure of the rival claimants to litigate their difference and establish the title to the office. gathering of the officers of the and we wish to1 nny that the San. Upon the record b'fore me, however, mude by the supplemental affidavit Mutual Ufe would be a good old fash- - 811 S; Edith Street ta Fe Is the best equipped over- 5 Iron Pipe. Fittings and Brass Goods of the applicant, the order of the Judge of Hie district court med family reunion. land route; we have traveled ? Engines Pumps. Garden Hose din-Iri- Gasoline and him to over to Perfect- ) fr of Bernalillo county to Hubbell commanding turn Tomas, (mu.-dng- Now can some them all. The Fred Harvey i Armijo the jail and prisoners, rooms, books, etc., I am of the opinion thai me tell me jusl what for I spent that service cannot be surpassed 6aBrsMaa4Bias1-rsll0IBa- l no cause pending before w i;i One: Sold such net was Judicial and lxdng made exparte, with eek in : for quality, quantity and service, parties, was extra Judicium. htm, between the nnd the Santa Fe equipment and The record not show that the court had jurisdiction cither of '.he Folk has called the life insurance dos embezzlers. Tes, they arc is to commended or of matter, and I have, therefore, is:u'd the primary .residents crew service be Our Yard is the Right One person the subject ill of that. Before Plastered writ, modified as indicated herein, returnable to this court, at the next term, We thank the train crew nnd ta be passed upon by the court at a full meeting." The juke is on Tom. the dining aervlce crew for for LiJMBKIt, LATH, SHINGLES, ete., Upon this editor of the Optic comments as follows: their kind attentions. Sincerely the Education In China. First Come when you call at J. BALD REDO ITS himsi-if- . Misdirected yours, Marlon Hart and Jack a Judge Mann, in the opinion above, appears to argue ably against well stocked lumber yard. He In China they have no public school eorm'u'e,(Tvo Healthy Athletes) carries lie declares in one breath that it would be ridiculous to say that the business ystem of any sort. Each village pro- a big stock of Windows, Doors, Faints, of the court must await the pleasure of the rival claimants for office and then, files itself with a school. Teachers Served Chicago, 111. Oils, Brushes, Cement, Building Paper, of fact that the business of the court was entirely dependent spring up spontaneously who hvve'if- - First on unmindful the , ii upon securing possession of the jail and records, he serenly goes fin to say thai icient learning, ana me people mrv SANTA FE IS THE WAY to gain possession was extra judicium. Something like tiity them, much as the school directors oi the proceeding uu oui prisoners were wwalting to be tried; their very names could not be learned ountry school districts in the Other One en And now comes a judge who says on n try. because the records had li withheld. There are, however, no school hous- - J. C. that the Bernalillo county tourl had no authority to command the sheriff and no school directors. An emp Baldride lirplaied to turn over the Jail and records to the sheriff who had been ty room in a dwelling nouse, or puonc 405 S. First Street recognized to serve processes, though tic prWoners were locked up in jaii Vmilding Is used for school purposes, re- Air is (Hid the former sheriff refused to give up the keys. ind the price which the icacncr L. B. Putney michty poor sene, and law is supposed to b vives Is fixed by the patrons of tht-hoo-l. Home! If that's good law. It's ten fami- Got A Established 1878 reason. It seems to the average layman iis well Generally eight or founded upon the dictates of is represented in one n case doctrine of ex necessitate lies are all that a lawyer, that if ever there was where the school. Wholesale Grocer was aniillcable. it was here, and there are precedents for the identical action Education Is not compulsory. ine FEED, FLOUR AND GRAIN taken by Judge Abbott. narents do not need to send their The Denver & Rio Grande Svstem However, the discussion of the question, while Interesting to many, Is hildren unless they choose to. The Porterfield Company igsot for Mitchell Wtpns profitable, us It seems likely that Judge Mann's decision will fact, however, that only tnose no not particularly education THE ACENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. not change the conditions In Bernalillo county. The statute expressly Says have a certain amount of 110 West Gold ALBUQUERQUE, V. M. merely the judge against whom the order ire eligible to hold office in imua that a writ of prohibition restrains a general desire for education. he d ided upon by the reates Both Phones. Notary Public operates from any further action until the matter (,m If the same amount of effort were Shortest and Quickest line from Santa Fe to Denver, Colorado Bprin(t lUprenie court. expended in teaching modern science? we do a loan business RAILROAD TIME TABLE Paeblo, Cripple 'Creek, Canon City, Salida, Leadvllle, Glenwood fop-goin- g Remember It will strike the intelligent render that the argument by the in China ai, is now expenucu in n:au.-in- Sllverton, TeUarfA, Colorado, and language, Sprints, Grand lUnction, Durando, an4 Optic Is unanswerable, and hoists Judge Mann with hh own petard. the Chinese classics sil wm, the Chinese people would be the best points people In the world. The instructed NEW TRAIN SERVICE A PROVIDENCE clergyman predict h'und ty bull lights at the shor Chinese scholar studies hard und long, 1 . ofter u Is all over he has mastered freaorts of Nn rragansett liny in the near future, if the invasion of the Puritan of Banta Fe and Alamosa, Colo, wnsro eonuectlen la made only a poi-tlo- of the Intricacies thai I . Co. Jas Betwn Sunday by the "continental .Sunday" continues. When it comes to a chol most difficult language in uiu m. N. Peach with, standard ffu&f trains for all pelnts east, and affords passsncers between bull flghU and the Puritan Sunday, the average American will take to the Chinese language. tas advantags ef steppini-trer- s at Denrer, Calorado Springs er Fuabl Confucius, who was the great au- vi woods. everything that ESTATE 0 the thority in China for I REAL Effective 4, 190G. sl June & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD COMPANY intellectual, held that a natural THE DENVER is precede ICflMtbound. Arrive. Depart. Publishing company, whose editors object to Lyilia K. Pink- - in any subject should No 2 Carry on their standard gauge trains Standard Pullman and Tourist THE Curtis to teach It. A scholar Dealers Atlantlo Ex. 7:55 am 8:30 a m .ny attempt 4 Chi Dining Cars and Cars, and! the jspular rents te all ham's medicine being sold lu her name because she Is dead, got called flown not be told too much, but it Llm... 11:59 pm Tue & Frl Sleepers, Chair should hint, " " recently by the Leavenworth Post for using Pe n franklin's picture to sell the should be trained to act upon a Office: ZOQ'A W. Gold Avenue 12:09 am pelnts In Colorado, find out much for him.self. Ac- Wednea. & Satur. Saturday Evening Puid. Everybody knows Ben Is dead. ind Auto. Phone 335 cording to Confucius, the principal No 8 Chi & K 0 For Illustrated advertising mattter and farther particulars apply or of the teacher Is to hold before Express" aim education; .... 6:45pm 7:45pm address, K. HOOPER, THIS Methodist hurch l;ei ps Its preachers on (he move. And it's only the student the benefits of West Bound-- No reach the facilities Arrive Depart G. P. A T. JL, Desver, Colo., say t. place within his 1 Los An. Ex.. 7:80 pm 8:15 fair to those Fame preachers to that they keep everything else on the obtaining It. the necessary books pin A. S. BARKEY, Traveling Passenger Agt, Santa Fe, N. M. for leaving the No i Calif Llm ..10:40amMo&Thu move. They arc a staunch c rew Jnd a brae one; not rainbow i liaseis, but ind opportunities, but of digging it Rankin & Co. - 10:60 Los Ang'des Times. scholar the chief work am liteeple raisers of the first class. out for himself. FIRK INSURANCE No 7 San Francis- spite of this Confucian doctrine co Fast Mall 10:45 p m 11:10 p m In degenerated REAL KSTATE .school work in China has LOANS South Bound t Depart into a sort of perfunctory affair, and No 27 teeeeeeeeeeee e, Automatic Phone 451 11:80 pm the teaching is mostly in ....i everything by rote, and ROOM 10, N. T. AKMI.IO nriT,IIXG (Connects with eastern trains.) .OO teaching Arrive From " A Pointer education consists solely of commit- South No 22 $25 memory exact words of the 7:30am $25 e ting to the wisdom of Confu- (Connecting with No. 2 eastbound gang not Looks. While tha IIE attorney for the county have asked the Morning Joiirn cius constitutes the chief source of 1 1 All trains dally, except No. 2 and 4. yet method of teach- nxy 1 or nny asi;,uiee in me great worn iney nave in hand. On the Information, bis rixy No. carries through chair, stand- ing and philosophy of learning are to- contrary, they went to be disposed t regard us as persona inm grata ard and tourist sleeping cars to Los tally Ignored. Exchange. Angeles. In our Nevertheless, accordance with established rule of rendering good Trixy Hose No. 7 Í To My Riot lor. We sell the fomous for carries through chair, stand- a Cal vil we it our duty to remind them of pre,edent they hav iforíiia for feel which Intelligent IMotter! boys, and kItIh. There is no other ard and tourist sleeping cars for San evidently overlooked, nnd which would undoubtedly be fif muih value to th' tn On earth there Is not tr Howe ns good for wear. The price Is Francisco. Second Class Colonists Rates More friendly, admiring, and likable ni', per pair. Other kind 10c anl l."x II. S. LUTZ, Jn thilr busln t. Aint. n , wight! the pair. Try a pair and bo convinced. SANTA ITÍCICNTItAL ItAILltOÁD-I- Only a few days ago, a Judge In Odorado Issued an order which was of public's refusal Spite llosfon School .Shoes for loys and Effect Dec. 26, 1904. obnoxious to certain partieM, who thereupon gathered a mob and took th To risk a perusal. Kirls, the kind that will stand hard iSouthbound September 15th to October 31st You with rare pleasure so Northbound upon passage, absorb ' No. 1 STATIONS. Judge by force from a railway train which he had taken and much that I write! knocks. No. t Tlmes-Penrnwa- Hoys, Ode, $1.00, $1.2.", carrying him to a spot previously agreed upon, gave h1m the option of rescind New Orleans t. For $1.40, 1:00 pm Lv..Kinta Fe..Arj 4:30 pm und up to $2.00. 1:20 pm ... Donaciana ... 4:10 pm obnoxious order or being hanged by the ip-c- to the limb of a tree Stop overs allowed in California. Jng hit Plenty of Work. For Girls, $1.15, $1.10 and up to 1:45 pm ...Vega Blanca... 3:45 pm JIo rescinded without further argument. "TIiIh smoke nulsnnre In ChlefiRo l $2.00. 2:20 pm ... .Kennedy .... 3:10 pm HZTT5 For particulars call on any agent the 2:45 pm pm point of thli observation Is In the nppllcation ni"t. Romethinir terrible," remarked Underwear for Coys and Girls, 15c Clark 2:45 The man who wan catchlnif cinders on his 3:10 pm Stanley 1:55 pm of the Santa Fe. to 35 a jfiirment. 4:05 pm Moriarty 1:20 pm i e cuff. 50c, ...... WE seem to be stuck for two apologies. The editor of the Citicen sa Muni null me," replied the stran-ce- r. Union Suits for Girls, 40c to 4:30 pm .... Mcintosh .... 12:45 pin mum soot 6:46 pm e wronged Mm in saying that hi prolix dissertation on the dual personality 'l would like to Fee it rain .... Kstnncla .... 12:20 pm fvf and cinder." 6:20 pm .... Wlliiard .... 11:16 am W J BLACK, Q. P. A., Topeka, Kans. e now pi a New Mexico Judge was written by a certain lawyer. And the lawyer "You mut be crazy. What business THE CASH BUYERS' UNION 6:50 pm . . .. Progress .. . . 10:46 am H. 6. LUTZ, AgL, Albuquerque, N. M. you 7:20 pm . 10:25 am to says we have libelled him In charging him with the authorship 4re In?" Automatic Fbone 892. ..; .Blanca 4. I. .i1aM.ii.iinrti r-- feferred "I run a iteam laundry, sir. Have 8:10 pm Ar.. Torrance ,.Lv 8:40 am sfulT," Trouble appears to be accumulating. Wm. Prep. 122 N. Second Sf f that a card?" Chicago News. Doldi, Read down Read up livvvvvvv f4,,í'ee..tte''e-.e- a&mg&Jít' sor jjh ,4..:. n A 9 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE - i BETWEEN . e I t nai téCOND THIRD STREETS iniwiB i ; v. ; til ur TÜ71T TTT) TPtitvtttm ' ti-- JLL JLL T 1 4amiA JLk r Smiiiii-- I V .X les 7 'V 15foe (Glob tor iooiiriE k ri October 15, nd Cohtiniing for Thirteen Peys

1 The Globe Store will, prove to every 3th purchaser that the so-call- ed unlucky. 13 is the lucky 13, even if the sale does begin on an unlucky Friday. Beginning Friday, October J3, at 8 o'clock, and continuing for J3 days, evry 13th purchase will go to the buyer absolutely free, no matter what the article may be or what the amount may be. Nothing in our large "stock is reserved everything goes into this J 3 sale. You ask: "Why does The Globe Store make this offer; of so large a percentage of sales free?" For two reasons first, to teach the people of Albuquerque the way to The Globe

Store; second, to convince careful buyers that they can get reliable goods at our regular prices as cheap as they can purchase odds and ends at so-call- ed "forced" or "special" sales at other stores. Therefore, we offer every 13th purchase to the lucky purchaser free. This sale will be conducted honestly in every particular. FIRST: The clerks will have no means of knowing the number of any sale, hence no favoritism can be' shown; every purchaser will have a "square deal." SECOND: No matter what the article --nuy b or what the amount is on the 13th ticket, the person making the purchase will be given the goods and the money returned. THIRD: No "special sale" goods will be shipped in for this sale. Every article will come from our regular stock of Reliable Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishings and Shoes and will be sold at our regular prices. An absolute guarantee goes with every side: Goods as represented, the purchaser satisfied, or purchase money refunded. The goods offered to the people of Albuquerque during this sale are absolutely new, fresh, up-to-da- te in style, and the very best money can buy at the price named not a cheap nor shoddy article in the store. FOURTH: One price to all no matter what the age or financial standing of the customer may be. In other words, the usual Globe Store "square deal" will be given everyone.

In The Globe Store Stock Will Be Found In The Globe Store Stock Will Be THE STORE OF RELIABILITY Found H Reliable Dress Goods Reliable Ladies Furnishings I Reliable Corsets Reliable White Goods ' we showing m In this department are thu We wish to call especial mention to this We carry the well known and popular Beautiful fabrics for Infants' outfits, in Silks, Kolieuncs, Mohairs, c latest effects department, for we honestly believe we are C. it. Corsets, In all styles and colors. ladles' shirt waists, and lingerie. It Is not Serges, Henriettas, Tweeds, Suitings anil H offering uncqualed values at our regular O Prices ran:;o from 50c to $3.50. necessary to enumerate cither goods or ; Worsteds, at prices ranging from 20 rents prices these goods cannot be duplicated in j prices In this department we r 3 These goods are sold under a positive have the to $3.00 yard. Albuquerque for 10 to 35 per cent. m goods to !! K auar.ililc". sell and the. prices are selling Our lines of whitest ami blacks are par- Corset Covers, 05c to 10c. Ll o them. ticularly strolls, ami an; the best valuta Muslin Drawers, per pair, 75c to 25c. o ,ni ever offered in Albuquerque. Night Holies, each, $2.25 to 50c. S3 Chemises, each, $1.25 to 25c.' u m White Skirts $1.75 to 50c. O . .Petticoats, $3.50 to $1.00. r Reliable Nolkns Ladies Hose, 75c to 15c. h IVeli&ble Domestics Hose, 50c to 10c. Space forbids any lengthy mention of Children's in tills department will bo found Mus- 1 1 our Notions, but our stock Is in nowise d In knit goods for ladies and children w "11 lins, Sheetings, IVtilms, Covert Cloths, flut- Reliable Linings 1m if H the other dvpearlmeiits. carry the well known MKNTOIt ('ntiifon - ing Flannels, Miderdow ns, Shirtings, All-Wo- ol ma In Ladies' Neckwear we are showing To complete the dress goods department I'lMlerwear union and two-nlee- e suits. tic Flannels, Tickings, etc. we carry a Linings, in 50c to $1.50 per or garment.. most exclusive and beautiful line In th full line of all colors Prices suit a Ainiavnaa jo bhois 3hx Prices, quality for quality, lie low thorn None better made. city. and fabrics, at prices ranging from 5 cciita asked elsewhere, to 10 rents ct yiml. Ask to see tin: new Moiro Viiour, a beautiful material suitable for drop skirls and underskirts, us well as for linings. AMO ÑD AND SHOES Reliable New Laces and This is the banner department of THE GLOBE STOFvE. Experts at the St. Louis Exposition placed their Embroideries stamp of approval on DIAMOND BRAND SHOES, over all competitors, by awarding them the Grand It Is Impossible, by words, to describe Prize for excellence. We place our approval on Diamond Brand Shoes by guaranteeing every pair to give goods to prospective buyers come Reliable Prints, Percales, these to satisfactory wear, or money refunded. What more can be asked? We have, without question, the largest see ttiem, and you will understand. For and Ginghams stock of' Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Shoes in the city, and are prepared to suit every taste and pocket beauty and quality, and fineness, thi In this department we carry book. You can buy shoes most any place, but for the best shoes you must come to THE GLOBE STORE (LOBF, stuck In not equaled In the city. no other Albuquerque house can buy them from the makers: Prints at 5c, fle and 8'aC per yard. Percales, 81t- to 25c per yard. Children's Shoes, per pair é $1.50 to 25e Ginghams, 7c to 25c per yard. Misses' Shoes, pec-pai- r $2. 50 Ut 75c Boys' Shoes, per pair $:M)0 to $1.00 all standard --brands and new us to styles. Ladies' Shoes, per pair $7.00 to $1.25 Men's Shoes, per pair $7.00 to $1.25 Reliable Ladies Kid Gloves We offer to the ladles of Albuquerque a i kid glove at $1.00 per pnlr, that cannot be duplicated for less than $1.25 o ll.DO at stores. grades Reliable Woolen Blankets Gentlemen's Reliable Furnishings other Other of sunorlor values. and Comforts This is another department in which THE GLOBE STORE shines. A few of our specialties are: Coat Everybody knows woid is higher than a Shirts, Union Underwear, Corliss-Coo- n Collars, Fine Hosiery and Elegant Neckties. A few prices will convince: cat's' back, and Ulankets are a little bit both dress and negligee, each $2.50 to i0c higher; the same condition obtain con- Shirts, Reliable Household Linens Union Underwear, per suit .$3.50 to $1.50 cerning wool-fille- d Comforts. However, Underwear, per garment $3.00 to 35c This department contains values that goods bought early escaped some thi) of Quarter-sizc- d Collars, 2 for 25c are money savers every Item. rises, and we uble to to 25c are offer exertional Neckties, all styles, each $1.00 Towels, each, $1.00 to tk: , bargains In Ulankets Hats, guaranteed, all styles,1 each $0.00 to $2.00 and Comforts: Table Nankins, jer don.. $5.00 to l)5 Wool-fille- d Comforts, each, $1.50 to $. We also have a full line of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, Hosiery, and cheaper Hats, and can supply the Table Damask, per yard, $2.00 to' 20c. Wool Ulankets, per pair, $3.50 to (18.00. wants of all customers. Styles the latest, quality the highest your money back if, not satisfied. & x White l!ed Spreads, each, $5.00 to $1.00.

REMEMBER? This "13 Sale" begins Friday morning, October 13, at 8 o'clock, and continues for 13 days. That there may be no 1 misunderstanding: Each sale consists of all articles bought at one time not each article, unless only one is wanted and the J 3th sale will go to the lucky purchaser absolutely free no strings tied to it whatever. LOOK FOR THE BIG GLOBE SIGN PI On W. Railroad Ave. the Entrance to the Lucky Thirteen Store is Right Under It if Í Sunday, 8. 1905.


A rAt'Ult can have 119 better friends ' THIS CITY TONIGHT than those to . whom Us want ad columns have been of réar 'servlce-- Thls paper wants your friendship on PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. that blala. , , To ate Sentiment on WANTED. Instructor of short Ioveslif Mrs. Solomon Luna, of Los Lunas, la Messrs. Herbert Raynolds, Fred New floney hand for evenings. State terms. Ad- a man, K. Alger. Hoy to Loan dress P. O. box 467. visiting Albuquerque friends for lew Sam Plckard, J. A-tie- . On Pianos, Organs, oil days. HerUog Charles Railroad SSL Third S- - Furniture, Horse Statehood. Stamm, Leon and Wagons and ether Chattels; also 01 WANTED Girl to assist In eookiuit White. and housework. 315 South Third st. M. (laughter salaries and warehouse receipts, at Mrs. MansbHch and of BENT'S NO. 1 N. Albuquerque low a 110.00 and as high as 200.01 cures dandruff, fall Trinidad, Colo., are visiting Mrs. II. The Woman' club of ing 1) Loans are quickly made, and strtctlj hair; kills head lice. . insects. Jaffa. held an enjoyable meeting Friday. private. j.ic. At FnarmaCy. F01MEI DELEGATE .EODEY TO -- - Business matters were attended to, fol Time: One month to ont Aivaracto Master McGuffey a very year given. Goods to remain In yout WANTED Position an l.nnUU Herbert rave lowing wjiich a pleasant social af This Store Will Be Closed possession. reasonable onf MEET IN birthday party to his friends on Thurs- - ternoon was passed by Our rates are or office man. Address Frank Mc PARTY LAS VEGAS the members Call see us borrowing. ' lay afternoon. of the organisation. The meeting was All Day Monday 1 and before Kay, LosLuiiag,N. M, 1 18 -- Steamship tickets te and from al -- - held in the club parlors. In the Com parts WANTED. More hoardpra at I'aiu Miss Nell M. Wetter has returned building. of the world. de Oro. Home cooking. manage- mercial club THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO -New Congressman Min-tnewt- from a two weeks' vacation spent at ment. J. A. Tawney. of Rooms 8 and 4. Grant Bide. if republican whip In the the Grand Canyon. Mrs. Harry F. corner of WANTED. Help Oro, house -- - Ie, PRIVATE OFFICES. at Casa de tf of representatives one lead- Twelfth street an-- Marquete avenue, OPEN EVENINOS. and of the ' WANTED. To buy young Mr. and Mrs. Charles left Thursday after- A jhTS3ytJRnli-on- d calve er In the liist congress of the senti- Mansard entertulned at whist Great Variety of Avenn. suckling or Highest ment In favor yesterday for nn extended visit with noon. Present were: Mrs. J. E. Saint, weaned. price of Joint statehood for FOR BAL- I- paid, f C. care Journah New Mexico und Arizona, will proba- relatives In Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. F. H. Letter, Mrs. J. T. Mc- tf -- - bly arrive In Albuquerque tonight In Laughlin, Mrs. W. T. WaHon. Mrs. W. KOH SALE. Jersey cow. Stevens-Himo- MALE IIFXP WANTiJl the course of hl trip through the two Mrs. Mabel e has gone Stiickler, Mrs. B. L. Medler, Mrs. W. 907 North First street. ol4 to Chicago for the winter, where rhe Putney. Mrs. MAXAG ER WANTED. Everv" sec territories win p. m. Murhy H. Springer, Mrs. R. E. W'omen9s Ftilt SALE. A nice bay mare; also will continue XV. tion, to appoint agents, new Scien- of Arlioru.. who 1m conducting her musical studies. K. Dame, Mrs. F. A. Millingtnn, a saddle pony. W. H. McMilllon, Teal -- - Suit tific Game, replacing the tour. A Mrs. H. S. Itodey, Mrs. Ivan Grunsfeld, forbidden slot number of fellow mem- estate dealer, 211 W. fío Id Ave. 0 - bers house Mrs. L. P.. Putney has returned from Mrs. J. H. Wroth, Mrs. Neu?tadt, nrachlies, evades law everywhere, of the and personal friend six-roo- i six weeks' visit with friends In W. Mrs. S. Mrs. FOK SALE Furniture of m pluyed with nickels, made in three of Mr. Tuwnry In the party and It Mrs. E. Dobson, Luni, In Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Chicago. M. O. N looking through our new fall line you will be house good repair; cheap If sold at styles two styles resemble cosh regis ia "hoped that a may of a day or two W. H. Greer, Mrs. Chadbourne, once; may Mrs. M. Canvpbell. Mrs. It. L. Hunt, leaving town. 309 North 2nd ters; sold on credit or rented; sam- be arranged In Albuquerque. Miss Hettle J. particularly impressed street. ples managers The plan Goldstein has returned Mrs. XV. 1). Lee and Miss Florence with the great variety ofi o!3 loaned free. We have a of the party, however, lire to the city after spending the summer lightly constructed game weighing known dellnitely U coimid-erc- d Owen. FOR' KALE One drlvine hnrn, lot. and is home in Gladstone, Michigan, styles in the long coated first twelve pounds to on percent- probable plan is it her suits. At the elance frentle; 1 set ingle harness; 1 rubber-tire- d operate a that the to spend -- - age. United States orders whipped the greater jxirt of the time in Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dleckmann gave all look alike,. road wagon; 2 paddles nnd bri- Mrs. V. Peltier and daughter. Mrs. But on close inspection everyone is dles. Inquire A, from nearest United States factory or izona. A. gone a delightful party tosonie thirty youn of B. McMillen, '119 Marie Gruber, have to Kansas on South at. warehouse without custom duty. In Former Delegate It. s. Rodey recelv. City, Mo., where they will reside per neonle at their beautiful home tailored different. Walter tf "d a telegram street night, at which ternational Game' Oo., Cor- yesterdtiy from Mr. manently. South Third last FOR SALE Or will trade for driv respondent 135, Toronto, Canada. Tawney, dated Fort Madison. Iowa, hearts was the chief amusement. It This Week We ing horse finest saddle pony In the and Inviting Mr. liodey to meet him Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iilbo and Mrs. was a heart party from beginning to For Offer Excellent Values city; broken to buggy, weight 900 WANTED. Laborers, lirht work. a. 1 CaU 43, Barnett building, m. or 12. and the party in Katon today ut Marrls of San Francisco, were (lie ml. hearts olaving a large part in the pounds; call Sunday, 504 South Wnl-e- r. o'clock. It will be impossible for Mr. tuests of Mr. and Mrs. David Rlttncr ttisteful decorations and In 4he several 08 WANTED Some first class carpen-ter- s. Rodey to to Baton in time for the on Sunday. very clever stunts for the amusement FOR SALK Mari with hreH Apply to J. W. McQuade. meeting there, but he will meet the -- - of the guests. The dining room, where 3 party In was espe month's colt, or colt separately. 321 7 Las and It Is prolmbli Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Ios An refreshments were served, South Walter street. o!) BAKERIES. that a number Is being dono through all-wo- ol All-wo- of other prominent ieles. visiting hrr brothers. Mr. cially attractive, Women's Cheviot Suits ol Cheviot Suits with BREAD, PIES AND CAKES De- Albuquerque men will arrange to gc Frank Strong and Mr. Harry Strong out in pink, with the popular "ose the FOR SALE. Fifty laying hens and any made in the manlshv style with half-fittin- g 200 livered to part of the city, wed- with him this morning. In any event. ind their families. basket" occupying the center of the short 30 inch coat, pullets. Also poultry netting, ding 4 -- cakes a specialty; satisfaction Mr. Kodey -- won long 8 inch coats, wide etc. 1112 South Hlprh St. 08 expects to nave the - table. In rhe games Miss Ohllders skirts witlT the umbrella rlalted skirts. guaranteed. S. N. Balling, Pioneer party ov-- r A large party young winning very remain here for of people first prize, Mr. Charles bite and plaited In ull the season's A jaunty suit In ev- FOR SALE A tine violin and Bakery. 207 Sonthjrrgt street. Monday - a at at leant. Falling in that an the first dance of the winter sea- the gentleman's trophy. best colors. . ery respect solid gold watch chain by effort will be made to show them such n. given at the Commercial club on all colors. Fred J. Yohn. 302 South Second st. PROFESSIONAL. hospitality Altoona, - possible during the Wednesday evening. Mls Gertie Hendhelm, of FOR SALE Gentle, saddle pony- liere. The party will get to Iis Vexa Pa., arrived in the city last night from also drives. 018 North 6th st. o9 PHYSICIANS. ear4y ,ni afternoon and in Albuc-uer-qu- Mr. and Mm. A. H. Henderson en I as Vegas, w here she Was been visit- m 6- - DR. C. H. CONNER. , tonight. tertained at dinner Friday night. ing friends and will be the guest of FOR SALE. house, room house, two houses, Osteopathic, , ,, The visit of Mr. Tawney Just at tliif Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ad- - Mrs. Louis Ilfeld here lor several each ( monthly rent, 865.00; will sell all for Physician and Surgeon. time luis a mgnltiranre which can im imk and Mr. anl Mrs. David A. days. Women's Mnhlsh Tailored Chev- Women's Cheviot made, AH hardly be Bittner. Suits up Í3.800.00. F. D., Journal. oil diseases successfully treated. overlooked. He is riot onlv iot Suits with the long 54 Inch in Ofllce, the Bldg. a- pronounced advocate of state- fhe newest long coated style FOR SALE. Cheap, second hand Barnett Joint self-trimm- Hours: 8 to 12 a. m., and 2 te 4 p. m. hood, If Mrs. Samuel Ncustadt. of 416 West coats, in the new- with CO inch Coats, tight copper one 1,000-gallo- n the territories nr( to be lUhcrcio Worship Cod.iV fitting still, wine xsom teiepnones. nd one f the republiran Gold avenue, entertained a few little est effects Skirts are made af- backs with welded seams, cask, one 600-gall- wine cask, twelve eoplo Wednesday In self DR. J. H. WROTH." .leaders of the hou' but a personal afternoon honor Highland Methodist ( hinrli. J. M. ter the newest modeM all and 500-eaIl- wine casks, wine nnmti friend of Speaker Cannon, if her son Alfred, who celebrated his pas- velvet trimmed skirts the Physician and Surgeon. with whom Sollie. pastor. Preaching by the colors. newest hose, canning machines, arane crush lie has clover personal relations than third birthday. tor 11 a. m. and nt 7:30 p. m.; cut. Aipuqiierque, N. M. -- at ers. Apply to the John Becker com any other member of the house. - 9:45 a. nr.; Junior DR. J. E. BRON.ION. Mr, ami Mrs. Goodrich, of Chicago, Suncfay school at pany, Belén, N. M. Speaker Cannon and Mr. Tawney were 3 p. Senior league, at Homeopathic. tre guests son, Good league, at in.; both advocates of the Joint statehood of their Alfred p. welcomed. Physician and Surgeon. '1 hey her present 6:30 m. Strangers bill In the lust congress, and from hi? rich. came to at the Presbyterian Church. Pleaching at FOR RENT. Koom 17, Whiting blocfc. wedding of Ml.'s May McDonald and , latest utterances, th speaker has not 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m., conducted by $20.00 Suits for $17.50 FOR RENT. Furnished room:-- DR. W. G. SHADRACH. changed his well known attitude. Mr. Mr. Unfits Goodrich. Rev. Robinson; Christian Endeavor, Manlsh Tailored this pilco you steam heated. 303 West Railroad Practice Limited. Tawney Is now in un-dr- m. WOM-EX'- have your the territories Mrs. George at 6:45 p. m.; Sabbath school, :45 a. avenue. if Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. the personal guidance ()f Mr. Mur- Brooks entertained to all made of Cheviot AT of jilx different mod- linner the first part of A cordial Invitation is extended FOR KENT. 4 and Oculist and Aurlst for Santa Fe coast phy, who is against the Jointure, and the week Col. and other materials with long 58 els, houses. lines. H. A. Jastro, Col. and Mrs. W. 11. these services. all are the newest and It on- W. H. McMilllon, real estate dealer, Office, 813 Railroad av. it Is well within reason that the rumor 9 Greer, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hist Methodist F.plsopal Church. .Inch coats, trimmed handsome- ly remains a question 211 West Cold. o9 Hours to 12 a. m.; 1.30 to 5 p. m. Khould be accepted as true that the Chadbouriic a. m.: morning as to ind Alfred Grunsfeld. Sunday school, 9:45 ly with fancy strolling, etc. what Two PROFESSIONAL NURSE. lonrressmnn has been brought to rhe service, 11 a. m.; Epworfh League, kind of trimming and the Foil RENT. lui'iiished rooms southwest to be converted to the op- p. evening service. all colors. cut of the garment. modern, suitable for man and wife; MISS RUTH E. MILLETTE. position to the jointure. n. A. Porterfield and Mrs. W 6:30 in.; most desirable location in. Highlands. Whatever the I. Hyde entertained Iowa at llapllst Church. Sunday school, at Swedish Massage, Manual Movements, truth of this rumor, the congressman'!' the club at 21N Hont.h Ami). tf Photophorla, HydrletlO' the latter's home at 20S North lid it h 9:50 a. m.; preac hing by the pastor and Treat- reception will be cordial throughouT p. .vs.; mus-i- i FOK RENT. ments, such as Vapor - Areot Friday evening. This was the: 11 n. m. and 7:30 special Three furnished Baths, Salt New- Mexico and rhe of Iti-b- le IOC result his first social meeting of the season. at the morning service. At 3 p. m. rooms for housekeeping. South Glow, Fomentations, Hot and Cold to w be awaited with keen Study class conducted by Pmf. Broadway. " o the Spine, and Cold Mitten Friction, interest. ' given The engagement is announced of Tight; Young People's meeting at New, Arrivals in Waists FOR KENT. Two sunny' rooms at Room 40, Barnett building, by Miss Mii-- Clara Iconise Siint, daughter of 6:45 11. in. furnished for liirht housekeeping. Ruth E. Millette, graduate - 'Welcomed nurse VARSITY PLAYS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Saint to Mr. 'IVinnle- Albeit. Special services Were Yesterday Large closet and pantry, $14. 623 S. from Battle Creek Sanitarium. FIRST Inrry CuhmcII .Mitchner. The wed will be held at Temple Albert this Walter street. ol0 tomorrow, DKNTTS. ling will oc cur In the near future. evening at 7:45 and all day Woolen and Washable Waists FOK KENT New nicely furnished UK, J. E. KRAFT. -- - I esinning 10 a. m., the occasion be . " FOOTBALL OF SEASON at front room . llwht nnd Burs-eon- A young en Music has Electric bath Dentsl number of people were Ing the Day of Atonement. no cick wanted. 02 North 3rd st. tf Rooms 15 and ; Grant Block, over tertained Thursday evening hy Miss heen bv Prof. Krebs. The Mannish Waisis White Washable rhA (In Ma Tr,,U T)m iaa4. by fiAMi: WITH HOYS MtOM Ivy Skinner, nt the home of her pa following services will be delivered FOK KENT. Furnished rooms, Both phones. MENAIL 310 even- for Women Waists good location, In SCHOOL IN Til; OF rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Skinner, Rabbi Jacob II. Kaplan. This ,., board connection E. J. ALGER, D. D. S. 124 Kls lohn street, the occasion being Mlsi ing , "What Sins Does God Forgive?" ly South Edith. oil Offices: 5 for they are made well-dress- Ari.iljo block, opposite Gol- TO 5. -- Self-K- Are still popular with all klnner s sixth . birthday. Mnndav evening, 'Through I'U'K KrJiV r. Furnished rooms, den Rule. Offloe hours: 8:30 a. m. to ,i gentleman's women The first game amlnAUnn to God." Monday after- like flnannel because of thler gentlemen preferred; bath. 6 Li 12:30 p. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Auto- local football ol marriage Miss Mav McDon Is season on The of noon, "True Peice." The public 'Made of soft Scotch flan- cleanliness and Immaculate South Arno. oil matic telephone 432. Appointments ine kmk place yesterday ald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. shirt the Indian school grounds when ch welcomed. -- FOK KENT. Furnished rooms with made hy mall. y McDonald, to Mr. Rufus Broad I'nlvc-rsll- of New Mexico ami Goodrich Conurcgiitlonal Church. On nel with (Imhroldercd figures bath. 616 ' eleven was celebrated Thursday evening In way J. W Wer'e showing North Second street. 0I8 DR. Lw-E-. ERVIN . the aggregation from the Meuaul at the end of the viaduct, the presence of a few Intimate friends. Morning service ut col-la- rs THERE are people reading our For school closed Parrón, pa;;tor. nnd equipped with soft roll fi Dentist the wniml half with Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich will be at home Tenney, of San styles at $2.50 Rent column today who Auto 691. the score of ,1 to 5. The game Hhowed 11 o'cloc k. Rev. H. H. would make Phone 15 pre-Be- nt 21 after November at '1331 Hohmin Francisco, secretary of the American with WSidsor Ties they 4 desirable tenants for that vacant house Rooms and 22 Barnett Building. a most startling need erf practice on l,os stylcs at $3.00 was street, Angeles. board In California, will preach the of yours. There will be tomorrow both sides, but an Interesting ex an entirely new. 5 A'm)KNEV(H hibition nevertheless, sermon. Dr. Tenney Is a strong speak idea' styles at $3.50 too; and Is time enough for you lp to the end Mrs. John T. McLaughlin, of West by large aU there HUYAN 01 er and should be heard a 3 Attorney the lirst half neither side scored. Marquette avenue, is enjoying a quartet. Sun styles at , $1.50 to get your ad In this column tomor at Law. The I'niverslty team has pome good vllt Hence. Anthem by a Office in First Nattional Bank bulld- - from her s'ster, Mrs. J. M. Campbell C. E-- , row. It Bhould have been In today. this year diligent cl.iv school nt 10 a. m.: Y. P. S. 2 styles at $5.00 N. M material and with ind son, Mr. I'Mward Holmes Sickles. '6:30, topic, "The Christian's Trial? $3.75, Each FOK RENT Furnished rooms coaching should be aide to a at and . , ARtfiirrjEvih. make of Chicago. The latter Is a musician and Triumnhs:" evening service at board in private family. 415 North " good season's record. The line-u- p t give F. W. SPENCER, if rare talent and will a plant 7: HO. The nastor will speak on "The Second street. tf as follows: Gibson, center; Ross. In F.lks' on V. O. WALLINGFORD recital ballroom Wednes Secret of Walking With God." Music FOK RENT Well right guard; Hfuld, right tackle; day evening under the auspices of St. you to established stand Architects. bv chorus choir. We Invite Moon-Keleh- er Crawford. Captain and left tackle; s guild. for lady masseur. Stu Rooms 46 Hugh John worship w ith us. Lace and Swiss dio, and 47, Barnett Building. liryan. right end; Mavo, left Curtains tf The program Is as follows: St. l',ilscnpal Church. Ser ' Both 'Phones. nl; Allen, right half; Smith, left half; 1. John's FOR Large overture "1'oet ami Peasant",.. vices todav as follows. Holy com RENT. furnished llancy, quarter, and Inumhy, full 2. Soprano Solo "A Portrait".... Sunday school, room. 214 South Walter street. o2 Ml SICAIi. liack. hnilth, Mayo and Claiicv urac munion at 7:30 a. m.: C. Chamlnade at 10 a. m.; morning prayer and ser- FOR Ri:NT. Two rooms furnished ROSA FUTRELLE GIDEON- - played thu game for the Var 11 f fled Hob I Miss Ada Campfield. 11 111.; evening prayer and Washable It Ruffled net for light housekeeping. No Invalids. sity, Smith and Mayo doing excep- mon at a. Teacher of Piano. 3. Hondo Caprice lost) ..Mendelssohn sermon at 7:30 p. m. All seats free. Swiss Curtains, 3 yds long, Curtains, 3 yds long, fine and 401 North 6 til street. tf Bldg, tionally good work. lM ward Holmes Sickles. CommeniaJCluh Albuqiijrjrue. Homero, captain and center A. G. Harrison, rector. per pair sheer, per pair FOR RENT Pleasant furnished for the 4. Hiss Solo "The Refractory Christian Church. Meets In the rooms, healthy location. 516 Menaul team, full back Uouzales. and Monk" East STANLEY B. WELD, Aitaysr and Cheml.t half back Garcia were strong Commercial Club building, .service! Coal aye. tf the trio P.dward Holmes Sickles. morning and evening. Dr. George 1.50 this 58c 'SpdasAnatiibaW,Uli'H : among the Prcibyterians. Jay Mltc l- 5. ia) Gypsy Hondo Hadyn FOR KENT. Rooma and board. Ui4.$1.00;iiyiwi)"?Sc Gould will lecture at the evening ser- 315 Cci0peri 7.Sc. low fof'cheislf! írla,Wrke (m iner umpired the game, with Profcssoi f b) Koncio South 3rd street. tf ain d'Amour vice on "Tho Divinity of the Christian prktt, 4ttciintnnd mple i.kf. mi)i mnhil j m Angelí of the n( -- I'nlverslty acting a Van Westerhout Scriptures.' Wnshnhle Ruffled Rtillod Rohhict FOR RENT. Two rooms for light At.iY Cn. hut n.fmA.I..nnJ.,r.n.t-,Mr.- It ...I timekeeper. Is 1 Fornipflydiii.'irl'mpilcwotk The latter coaching 6. "Playing Tag" Margsteiu Curtains, 3 yd long, housekeeping. 203 S. 2nd street, tf ih Dciv'rr. HitKiilii(e-;e-fce- t the team this year. Swiss Curtains, 3 yds long, new fine and in Wen. Control tni Wmiifrc Votk. Milt Leonard Miller, (the Fa- , hi:hi:iit.ry. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, ordfVrpcí'iví rirnirpi aiiencio-v- mous Whistler. not designs, per pair 8hccr. I'n'' W;U.Tetftriiri Cod hath, electric lights; terms reasonable. icy wwi riri 'i;oi.OHSUO not I H 7. "List Hope" Gottschalk ItalchiCKS Due to a Living .Minute i24 south Second street. 07 Ivl ward 2-2- JL. Holmes Sickles. Germ. S In University notes 8. "Son of Am Many 1he present 8SC"' FOR RENT Apartments Park the Desert I" people, even unto View I'Mward Holmes Sickles. day of grace, consider baldness due K Terrace, eight rooms each, mod MIss.May Til-to- n, llasteldine of the normal !. (a) Reverle Sickles hereditary influence. "uriled Bohlnct ern equipment throughout, H. H. A. FLEISCHER clas.4 of I9M, was a visitor Friday. room 19, (b) Nevada Gh Twostep Nothing Is further from the truth Wnshnhle Rmfflcd Curíalos, 3 yds long, fine Grant Block. tf Raal Estate President Tight spent Thursday and Sickles by onslaught ol and and Loans. Italducss is caused the Swiss Curtains, 3 yds long, BOftj new Friday in geological Investigation Kdward Holmes Sickles. a organism which secretes It U(,8gngi wor(h ,3 00 Engine For Sale. Fire Insurance, 100 minute pair about miles west on the Santa' Fe. 10. Tenor Solo "You" ..A. G. Hobyn self beneath the scalp and attacks tin Ier for Enlarging our power plant we offer Mr. live Is out of school for a time Mr. James Hetherlngton. roots of the hair causing It to lose It: for sale one 8x12 30 h. p. 285 revolu Surety Bonds. on of 1 cut-o- account Illness. He Is missed 11. Polonaise )p. 11 ...... Moskowskl life and fall out. - tion Buckeye automatic lf on- - 1114 Sooth Second Street from the football ranks. Kdward Holmes Sickles. organism cannot be got rid of 1.25 2.50 . glne for $250; can be seen In opera Automatic an This 'Phone 328. For account of the rooiball game except bit the free and perseverlns tion at our mill at Belen. It Is an ex- FOR RALE. Saturday between the "varsity" Miss Mr. Hoy Mc and Mabel Fitch and use of Newbro s Herplcide. cellent machine. The John Boeder $2,050 two-stor- y, frame Menaul school Ht the In- I Government Donald, whose wedding will take piare No matter how badly the scalp ompany. dwelling, bath and dian school, see another column of "arly In November, were iho guests of electric lights, on affected the Dandruff surely disap corner. New, a bargain. this paper. honor last Tuesday night at a dinnm' , 11. E. No. 5947. pears and hair health is restored when $1,850 cottage, Professor Cruni. by special request, given by their friends at the Ztiger Herplcide Is applied. Notice for I'lihlicatlon. brick on occupied the assembly hour Friday cafe. Miss Fitch left Friday night for "Destroy theicausn you remove th( Department of the interior, land of- Highlands, close In. morning, reading Tennyson's due se- Pittsburg, Kansas, where the wedding effect." BJlfeldglCo fice at Santa Fe, N. M September 25, $1,600 New frams cottage, lection, '"Queen Guinevere." Ills will occur. Those present were Mr. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c 1905, Notice is hereby given that the well built, near shops; easy pay- rendering was much appre- ind Mrs. Knss Merrltt, Mr. and Mrs. In for sample to The Herpltidt following named settler has filed no- ments. ciated and the applause stamis brought forth A. It. McGaffey. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Co.. Detroit. Mich. H. H. Iirlggs & Co. tice of his Intention to make final $3,300 brick, suita- an encore which was a tragic Spanish Matson, Mr. Mrs. Al Mr. proof In support his claim, story. and Frost, special agents. of and that ble for roomiug or boarding bouse, ind Mrs. Felix lister. Mr. and Mrs. caid proof will be made before on Highlands. The first rhetorical exerc ises of the Strong, Mrs. Mabel Stevens-H- the probate clerk at Albuquerque, Frank i Inspect your library and select tin $2,900 season occuired on Thursday. Hugh moe, Misses l.lzzle Wllley, Hettle Wil- - In repair, takt N. M.. on November 4, 1905, via; Juan New brick dwelling, Hryan volumrs iktiI of then well give the first number entitled ley, Anita Thomas, Mabel Hunt, Jean-nett- o to Mltchncr's where they can tx Homero, for the S. W. quarter, See. 4, built, bath, electrlo lights- barn, them Made . "Go It Alone." This poem showed that Walton, Lou Hazelditie and muele good as new at a nominal post. Communication Easy T. 8 N., R. 6 E. He names the follow In Highlands. In the past, those who accomplished ing witnesses to provo his continuous $2.800 frame, bath, electrlo n, mm at some times found it neces- residence upon and cultivation of said lights, trees, shrubbery, lot 75x142, sary to "go It alone." Mr. Ilryan ha land, viz.: Filomeno Mora, of Eseo-bos- a, a pleasing .presence on the rostrum, Hotween the Great Southwest and Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, N. M.; Juan Antonio Alderete, Fourth ward. e $3,500 cottage, ele- and gave suit-tid- expression to of Peralta, N. M.; Prudencio Maldona-ct- i, frame the and all points North and East by tht gant residence, W. Tijeras ave. thought. Miss Elizabeth Brown of Escuhosa, N. M.:- Jose Mal-donad- o, $1,800 showed herself much at of Escabosa, N. M. frame, , near shops. ensi Without Health 11,200 4 -- room frame cottage; new: In thl laughable "Telephone Ro El Qi Southwestern System MANUEL R. OTERO. Register. North Eighth st; easy terms. mance." iihe has a good speaking You nrt hndly handicapped In life's race. Success Paso $1,400 5 -- room frame cottage; bath! voice and used It to advantage, one Is almost impossible. Why not build up unci large shade trees; Fourth ward. of the new speakers was Glllet Cor strengthen the entire system by using the Hitters? $1.250 frame cottage; bath: nlsli. who made his first appearance 4 Gross, electric lights: close In. olUMACH It Is backed by over 50 years of cures and can Rock Island System $3,000 story, on the . nlversity platform. He re two modern surely bo depended on in your cuse brick dwelling; bath: gas: electrlo clte'd with considerable vim and ex St llehts: hnrn. pression. though disturbed somewhat Kelly Co $3,200 brick cottage: modern Shortest, Quickest, therefore the est. The Only way with two e by flight nervousness. He gives prom- Hostetter's wen Dutit; lar-r- cenar: gooa barn; ise of developing In speaking. "The through trains dally, carrying Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Obser OCLEXUE KERCXMTS trees and lawn: fine location. West Supposed Speech of John Adams" was Tijeras road. delivered hy Frank Ilcmtrlght Stomach Bitters vatlon Dining Cars, Chair Cars and Tor any trip, any where, Wool, Hides and Pelts a Kpeclaltj $2.700 frame dwelling wHh Though this ia a heavy speech and the any Albuquerque and I .us Vegas modern conveniences: well built. 8. Is the medicine n coded by cvrrjr sick man anil time TAKE THE SOUTHWESTERN. n iiu bu t speaker was somewhat hampered by woman nnd the sooner it Is obtained the sooner $2,800 frame cottage, mod embarrassment, he did well. He has a Hi I your Stomach, Liver, Kidney or Bowel ailments ern conveniences, trees and shrub mornory a big voice, . bery. good and capable - will disappear. Start totl'ir. It always cures corner lot 60x142.' of accomplishing good results before A B, $2.800 brick cottage: large an audience. "Trouble In the Amen DYSPEPSIA, IMHGKSTIOV. lOOIt RUPPE bam room, soutn Arno st. F, $8,100 Corner" was appropriately interpreted APPI-IIT- Bi:i,CIIIN(i. CHAMPS. Nice residence In Highlands, 7 Hrlson, very HKAHACHE, SKA. COLDS AXU GARNETT KING V. R. STILES rooms: modem conveniences; cellar. by Miss Janet who has a N.U THE ham. lawn: lot 7lTlf,0. pleasing voice and graceful presence. MAI .Alt! A, 1 WSlJt AN1 Mil'h- - Oeneral Aeent, Gen. Tasa, Agent $1.000 frame cottage; trees Notwithstanding some effort In the PRESCRIPTION shrubbery; shops. telepathic Don't accept anything but llotatt'ttcr's If you value and near audience at communication your our DRUGGIST $900 new adobe; with stone lo breiik her delivery by laughter, she health. Genuine has Private Stamp EL PASO. TEXAS. foundation ana shingle roof; trees, held herself to the ch'inglng thought over neck. nenr shoos. of the selection with success. Moiict to I Minn on flood Real Ea'ate 203 West Rnllrond Ave. at f mw 1wales 01 intrreat.

T..M . - - - . Sunday," October k. 1905. THE ALBUQUERQUE MO'RNING JOURNALS PAGE SEVKX.

KIDNAPS HIS Y7 CHILD AT LOCAL TUT TIT "0) 1 1 1 i it SANTAJESTATION mow FOR i ii Albuquerque is destined to be to New Mexico what Los Angeles is to Southern California Another opportunity to MAKE BIG MONEY EASY Archoeleta Decamps With Eight Year Old Daughter.

MIS. ARCHUELETA CREATES hoic& Fifty Fool Lots SCENE IN ROOM 300X WAITING HIGHLANDS--S100- , The strained marital relations of EASTERN ADDITION, $150, $200 PER, LOT Juan Archuellta, of Barelas, and Mrs. Maria Archuellta, his wife, lately of Madrid, and now of Gallup, formed the basis for a lively and somewhat Dead Easy ay menU Only $10 Dotem, balance $1.00 Ter Wee ft dramatic scene nt the Santa Fe sta- ? tion last night while the No. 1 passen- ger train from the east was waiting at th station. - "A chance to double your money in six months. Perfect abstract of title with every deed Mrs. Maria Archuellta, who with her four small children has been living at Madrid, was in the train on her way to Oaliu;i, where she has relations. While the train stopped here, Mrs. Archuel- lta got down from the day icoach to talk to her brother and some friends, leaving three of the four small chil- URE'TY. dren asleep In car. engag- COMPANY the While INVESTMENT ed In conversation Mrs. Archuelll:i H. GREER, D. forgot the strained family relations W. President SOLOMON LUNA, Vice President M. W. FLOURNOY, Secretary K. B. SELLERS, Manager before mentioned, forgot the unpro- 3 tected children and everything else, but her conversation. Suddenly some- thing attracted her attention to the seníl-me- nt RICO HOUSE the money market. Speculative 28c, sold between 28 V and 2SVHÍ coach and rushing to the door she ar- wan .brought to the cunelimion c and closed at 28 '4c W 7 rived Just In time to see the eldest of that a stiff money market wiis likely to Chicago Livestock. eight-year-o- her children, her ld CHANGES HANDS continue for te immedlutt- - future and Chicago, Oct. 7. Cattle receipts, ELKS' THEATRE daughter, disappear through one ol there was soiling of stocks In conse- 8.000: market, stead v. Reeves. J3.40 .the windows Into the waiting arms of quence. Closing: and 6.30; cows, J 1.25 Si 4.40; .heifers, tiason a man. In an Instant Mrs. Archuellta Amalgamated Copper ...... 85 S2.1Qf(V 4.90; good to " prime steers, and apparently VAI.VAM K PROPERTY ON XORT1I ' knewthe truth the Hugjr v 141 $5.40fii6.35; Blockers and feeders, MONDAY and Jap-a-la- truth', was sufficiently FIRST STREET Pl'ROH.VSEl) IVY, . OCT. 10 Wall c painful, for she Anaconda 117 & 2.204.75. . TUESDAY 9 & Paper and Bet up a cry that could be heard in CHARLES MELIXI. A'l hliwin S9 receipts, 2,500; market. the nearby foothills and that brought do preferred 104,4 strong.thel Natives, $3.10iii;5.00; west a crowd of anxious men and women to The three-stor- y brick building on Now Jersey Central 210 erns. $3.10(íir.00; yearlings, Jl.'JIHi1 see who had -been run over by the N'orth First street, used for some time Chesapeake nhlo ftfl 5.60; Iambs, $5.75 tft! 7.85. First Class WorR Guaranteed Prices Reasonable jratn. - as combined store building and hotel St. Paul, preferred 1X0 Kansus City Llvcstin U. Meanwhile the man made oft up the .inn known as ine Klco nouse, was liig Four 99 Kansas City, 7. cuttle re West platform with the child and disap- - sold yesterday through the Porterfleld Colorado & Southern, 1st pfd.. 62Vj ceipts, 1,500; market, unchanged. htm IJ8 Second Street. pcurru kiuic uiry one cuuiu gei u con- company, real estate dealers, to do second preferred 43',fc Sheep receipts, 300; market nomi- UTO- A ' nected statement out of the distracted Charles Mellni, of the wholesale liquor Erie 4 9V6 nally steady and unchanged. mother. firm of Mellni and Rakln. The consid- Manhattan -- 165 ',4 Don't fail to see our large new stork Wool. of i After the man and child had disap- eration Is private, but it Is understood Metropolitan .. 126 Hides anil peared Mrs. Archuelita calmed iherself the property brought a good round Missouri Pacine 104 New York, Oct. 7. Hides, quiet; sufficiently to announce that her eldest price. The property 'Is well located, New York Central . . 149 wool, firm. Domes-ti-c fleece, 35 fit 39c had been kidnapped by a faithless hus- anil the building Is a substantial one. HI. Louis & Sin Francisco, sec- St. liouls Wool. Carriages band and cruel father. She'Tiald that What disposition will be made of it by ond preferred C9'4 St. Louis, Oct. 7. Wool market, her husband had left her nine month the new owner Is not known. Southern Pncinc 69 steady; unchanged. before and come to Hve In Barelas Union Pacific 131 monda-y- that so far as she knew be had no Insomnia and Indigestión Cured. I'nited State Steel 37 "d $23.00 Sei-on- Clans $25.00. Colon Buggies knowledge of her passage through Al- "Las year I haü a very severe attack do preferred 104 Mf ist Rates to Cnllfoniln. mm j . Union 93 V LrJ ain.uesenea buquerque, but that she was quite sure of Indigestion. I could not sleep at Western Commencing September 16th and he was the man who had made off night and suffered most excruciating United States Komis dally thereafter until October 31, the Bride with her child. pains for three hours after each meal. Refunding 2's, registered 103 'j Santa Fe will sell tickets to all points Spring Wagons Then the woman began sobbing I was troubled this way for about do coupon 103 '4 In California at a rate of 125.00, one hysterically, broken by loud and ap- three months when I used Chamber- Refunding 3's, registered 103 Vj way only; stopovers allowed. Qall on parently angry cries which while hav- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and do coupon 1 04 Vi any agent of the Santa Fe. BaJn and Old Hickory Farm relief," says New 4's, reglntered 1 3 4 V H. S. LLTZ, Agent, mm Waois ing litle effect on the situation served received Immediate John TUESDAY do coupon 134 Vm to demonstrate the strength of her Dlxon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. Albuquerque, N. M, LIGHT AND HfcAVY HAR.NESS lungi) and draw a crowd. An Inkling For sale by all druggists. Old 4's. registered 104 of the situation dawned on a thought- do coupon 104 Colonist Rates to tlio Northwest, A Man From ful brakemmi who. unloaded the rest Chicago ll n I'd of Trade. Commencing SepUmber 15th and l'.est Hue of Stock Saddles ever sbown in the west. Everybody and baggage jus! Chicago, Oct. 7. At the opening dally thereafter until October Slst, Mexico of the children the to welcome to go through our lloor ns the tru'ln was pulling out for the iM'cemher wheat was off H H the Santa Fe.wlll sell tickets to Join- large three repository west. is no fear the gtrl c o.t 84 lit' TiiC to 85c. Sold off to ings. Butte. Helena and Missoula at There that Wall Street. ft!' (a will come to harm, as the mother say 84 85Vi,c, and cloned steady a rate of $33.95: Spokane and Walla ner wen, mm. Xew York, Oct. 7. The weekly with December off Vniviv. Walla, $36.45; Portland, Seattle and ine tamer win ireai uui a warning of corn opened unchanged Archuelltii declined to be comforted. bank itatemont offered December Tacoma, $38.95. For nnrtlculars call 7, yester- 4 4 w Vi c Sonta on Sale Saturday, October nt Rho went one stage of hysterical itnall reliance to be placed on it 444e- s"ld between and on any agent of tl Santa Fe. & from 4 4 4 CO. I Hook J. money '.4 c. KORBER day's in call, closed ut Ag-n- t, Slalson's Store. '"sobbing Into. another until the station late decline the 4c and H. SUTXTZ. on u opened unchanged " Hiorn was packed to the aoors wun rate as a reflection the situation December oats at Albuquerque, N. M. PRICES 2ro, Sflis 7.V nml $1.00 Corner Flrsr Street and Copper Avenue. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW KEXIC0 the, interested crowd. The station mas- - i Irlul oitlmlni hnr hut she didn't Understand what he was talking about and shouted In his face in very excel- lent Spanish that she wanted her babyi Agent Lutz tried It, Ben Wil- liams tried It. a few kind hearted wo- men tried It, but without success, anil s not until her brother, who also lives In Barelas, appeared and assured nor that he would see that her daughter- -was returned to her that the be- reaved mother consented to be led to a seat and quieted. She continued her Oallup last night on the MAJJESTIC Journey to BAKING late train accompanied by her three remaining babies. No word has been received from Archuellta and his view of the case could not be obtained. Reiiclitmr Ble Figures. The merchants' piano contest which DEMONSTRATION has been running for some months In getting Into large tlgures anu wit uiintit .u'ho have a big. lead are rapidly nearlng the fifty thou- sand mark. The contest closes on the Sth of December. The standing last nltrht van n follows: HOW i 5, s 31 GOING . i ON Misohs ...... Knights f Columbus ..32.181 - i T k.ii.' íínilít of t. John's Epls- We copal church J.'J heartily invite our friends to call at our store any day during this week where we are ttnivBt-iit- of New Mexico l.&ft.i ho nit 1,00 demonstrating the superior qualities of the church '24 KíiternaTionalM ERDIC1 Load Avenue Methodist church 16 Mili Fraternal Order of Eagles 15 Coming Men of America 141 ' Afbuduerque Business College. . 105 Benevolent and Protective Order Mew 7f. ajestic alieahle and of Elks Synagogue. Temple Jewish 40 St. Joseph's Sanitarium ' I he la caused by a dlsor harcoal ron Ganges dered condition of the stomach and If ain s .storr. ..iniriv Vnrl hv Chamber The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel ranpe as formerly turned con- eh and liver Tablets. For sale out by the Majestic people has been alt druggists. sidered tin oufrhout the entire country and far ahead of any other range made. But with the NEW CHARCOAL IRON BODY in place of Steel making it double its value, and the fact that it is the only range in ex- ' 'CRANBERRIES, CELERY, ETC. istence made of Malleable and AT MALOY'8. Charcoal Iron, you can readily see that if quality is considered, the Majestic leads by a big margin. WK WANT YOU TO CALL at our store THIS WEEK,, and let us eiplain this new feature: For picture framing go to Newcom- - CHARCOAL IRON BODIES; let us explain why it is the best material for range bodies, and incidentally, why it is tft, next door to pumomce. not used on other ranges. We want you to call if you intend to buy or not, as the information gained will serve you UliltewaHh Your CliUiUen House in the future. . With Hwhn'n Eureka White lime Keepl out lice. If-H- v Thm im best of KanM Cltf ltel nil i HANDSOME SOUVENIR FREE nnd mutton at mll Kielnwort's, I Pi jMA Nortk llUrd atmnt. As long is they last we propose to give each prospective customer a neat souvenir, something that ha9 not been , Railroad Men. offered befure. If you intend to buy, call early and get one of these souvenirs. Get your train book cover from Mltchner'i, at the Journal office. - HOT Don't cu your Fountain Pen. COFFEE AND BISCUITS FREE take It to Newcomer for wpjrt repali-In- . Come any day during tins week and have buttered hot biscuits and hot r.oilee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in three minutea while you wait. . Oat a handsome set of ware worth It.GO free. See the Albuquerque Hard- ware Co.'i advertlnement In thla papei WARE-FR- lor partlcularH. HANDSOME SET OF EE FRKRTI COT fTOWKRS With every range sold during this demonstration we will give absolutely FREE one set of Majestic ware worth I ' i IVES. Til FLORIST. every cent' of 17. DO. This ware is on exhibition at our store. Everything useful, ornamental and durable. Come If Ioo need m carpenter, telephone in and see it and yoa will agree with us that it cannot be bought for a cent less than $7.50, and it is cheap at llMaelden. tf that.

FINK GIMXTOUIKH. COI IlTiXH S MAJfSTiC HANM BOX.O IN AtU'0i.THl ASOVC COUNTHICS! Gome in day, TitKvrMicT.': vm- - any you are welcome whether you intend to buy or not C1.S A tOMBl NATION 1IAP.I 'IX) P.KAT. P. J. PltATT CO., 214 H. SIXtJND STRKKT.- -

! Read Albuquerque Hardware Co.'b advertlnement In thla paper and you will not wonder why they have auch crowra every day. Albuqpui rqu w CD (Co Crd f ThankH. de-it- re i, Mrs. John A. Conley and family re 321-32- to xpreK their moot nhicere Krat-Itui- le 3 klml-ttPMi-- Railroixd to their many frleiKla for n Avenue eirteniled during their recent caul bereavement. face EKarr. THE "ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Sunday, tMolcr 8, 1003.

r I vi : : : : : :-- : .;. :- : E WANT our store to be th one which always comes to your : We I mind first when you want nomethtng Just a little nicer and Arc ShoUttng Jfetv Fail Styles w :IN- bettor than you can get anywhere else. - Not alway the chcapeM, but always the best, and always as cheap as ' the best can be sold for. We have Just increased our Diamond Stock j OF TH-E- by several thousand dollars worth, and now offer by far the finest line Carpets, Rugs ever shown In Albuquerque. Call and see these beautiful goods. Cash or easy payments. We are surely Headquarters for wedding presents. FIXE WATCH WOItK A SPECIALTY. Art Squares First Natidhal Ban! . . FOX Aeto Mejctco's Leading Jeiveler Matting Linoleum Curtains, LOCAL ITEMS Of INTEREST merit in the service on the branch and Portieres ixnd one that will lie greatly appreciated l.y Albuquerque, New Mexico Oi- - people of the Slowing southern Draperies THE WEATHER town. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, AUGUST 25, 1905 For the twenty-fou- r hours ending at Some Sensible Advice. Also a complete line of h o'rlork yesterday afternoon. It may be a piece of superfluous BLANKETS PILLOWS Maximum temperature, M; mini- advice to urge people ut this season mum, 44. of the year to lay in a supply of Cham- COMFORTERS Forecast. berí. tin's Cough Remedy. It Is almosl Washington, CM. 7. Mexico I81""6 10 "e needed before winter I (0VPr. an 1 Arixun-.i- Fair Sunday; Monday and much more prompt and ai- - Oar Trices Are the Lcbttest partly cloudy, probahly rain aml I cuiry results tire onialnea wnen cooler. I taken as soon as a cold Is contracted and before It has become settled in RESOURCES LIABILITIES A. F!. McOaffey returned yesterday the system, which can only "tie done ALBERT FABER morning from a trip to Thore.tu. by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy Is so widely known so al- .Mr. and Mis. W. K. Hughes, of New and nnd Tilfim - . - 285,030.2 together good that no one should hes- i GRANT BUILDING. 305 RAILROAD AVENUE : Loans nml DiMoounts $1,191,220.2 C,.ltal York, are guests at the Alvarado. itate buying In 200,000.00 about it preference to e IJomK Stin ks Heal Kstntc 6:t,222.6i) nirulutloil Attorney John II. Stingle Is serious- any other. It Is for sale by all . ly ill at his home on South Third eeeeeeee Ilnitklng House mid Furniture 38,000.00 Heposlts 2,470,928 21 street. j t 1 nilctl States ltonilH..T$ .12:1,000 00 Levi A. If iighe-s- . the well known' The Majestic Mfg. Co. of St. Louis. Wool buyer, came down front S uit I l"e Mo., have a man at the Albimuernue Oish and I Ixclmiige. . . 1,310,015 ,r.0 1,CG.1.01S 50 last night. Hardware Co.'s store this week show- 4i II. K. Myers, liveryman of I",t len was ing the M ijiashc Kange In actual op- TOTAL .$2,95.-,.-i8.- TOTAL $2,955,958.49 eration, baking I In the city yesterd ty on hi w ly to I. as and serving biscuits to I Vegas on business. the large crowds. WELCOME! W. II. Creer. W. r. I lame and I. II. If you ecxl a carpenter, telephone tarn Payne left 1 ut nisht for Kngle, where m they will hunt for a few days. Uessclden. tf Jenrge K. NVIu-- and non William í a left night Kngle, SUtATOfiA HIPS AX1 PICALIL last for where tiny I I AT MAMiY'K. Vajr your " We welcome you to DEPOSITORY OF THE A T. & S. F. RAILWAY Will put In a few days hun:lng. Fait SYSTEfl W. L. Cockman. of Tampa. Florida, Mrs. Helen R. lioblnson. of Chicago, our Furniture Store. his arrived In the city with his futility will open a studio for oil minting at and will remain here for the winter, the "Cresent." r,0 West Tijeras ave- Shoes üoday wmmmmmmon J. W. Chasten and family of Tampa. nue. November 1st. ? Come and inspect the Florida, have ci ine to Alliiiiieriiie to enjoy the New Mexico climate during ISOWr LAMP, I it) AST line of house- - ItMlK.- largest the winter months. IIOtlK.M ): pu l 11,1,1, Sl.- And buy them from us. You are MELIl&EAKIN brought In on - FOP- T. I. Hums k:i No. iiim(iix i'ii:. Di.r.M- sure to the style, the best 5 the west !? - CEJVTUPIES I fret latent furnishings S from the west -t niKlil suffering Ill's IIOJ KI,. sr.sii in With a badlv cut foot. He was WHOLESALE tiiken ipiallty, a perfect fit ami the lowest has been recognized as the highest clan of to the Santa Fe I'ai tie hospital. VJ'.AI,. HOCK The Miniature IINsril) SI.T. price. Liquor H Cigar Dealers Mrs. (ieorge W. Johnston, of this cii: i;i:i;nr siuxw. wiikat portraiture. Our Carbon Miniatures are dainty and last city, yesterd ty rci elved the sail new:' MAV. 'iith lid i; Pitom ( i; co.. Eiclunlv Amenta for Jorever. As a gift nothing could be 'more acceptable. cf tin- - death of her father which oc-- t titií S. I IIÍM SI' I! I! FT. o Tellowstoiie and O. F. . Whlskle. lined yesterday In I.os Angeles. We hack this statement vith our MoetfAp Cliandon Wlilte seal Uliani-IiHCii- e. Our introductory prices are very reasonable. iiv i, 1 I St. Iiotilu A. B. C. Bohemian I,. It. I.a Inlere. of (irmd Kapids. cn ti:st tin: i:ov.i. offer of money refunded It noT sat- Furniture Sclilltj Milwaukee Buttled Piti.pHi;i i - and Jos. Mil higan, a brother of .). I.. I.a I i i re, fi d roí: ufas, t Ki;.s. AMOt'YI' Kill Beers, and Owners and Distributers the local ar i)it"i t. arrived in the i ity !' isfied with your purchase. or Club Whiskey. S3L pi i t - the Alvarado VEJVJSfIJtGTOJ HKUHJV last night to remain here dining the i: i:nt. i.. w. i:c. tun s. si I Rugs Write ror our llluntrated Catalru ' M). t.( v. n t r. nd Price Lint Tho1oráphtc VorlraiU Automutlc Telephone. 19. tr. I!. S. Ives, for.ncily of New York Mits. Pit t i!ixi (p.ovxi. Men's Colt Shoes, nleurooniH Knuth First Street. i Patent $..V, I lit Cily, who has In Sm orro county, (ii.i.(;i: op misk. niiKi, Tapistrys MII'tU KKO' F - - MFW MKTtrn for the last three years for the benefit i:t.LM)). voi i: riri in: vi S 1.(10. of his health, was in the Ity yester- i'iwo. in ((iiiii;ni i) nv si i: The Si. dimple day on his way .it to remain perma- M'TIM It SI I I. IV . SIK dOIIN Men's Vii i Kid Shoes, $2.00, I Ranges timo nently. ST I 1 silt WII.IIXM (I SINS. Club Rooms Harry punier, who pitched a few ;i:t sot .Sii.tin, :!.:(). and in editii sii:i:irr. nerved. A (rood plact games fur the A llnnim-- i que Crowns ? Choice Liatiors ÍO - Linoleum weary W STRONG'S SONS t yens a;ul who since mi i.. p.i:i s , Men's Itox Calf Shoes. $2.01, to while awny the hours. ire" alio has i:ps carnes, Keno pitched in the American association Is nipi i:i i. i í.í; food win, m m: All the popular and FUNERAL DIRECTORS again In the cily and will probably xtii. it ih;s i,v. i,i;k ii.i.í: every Monday, Thursday and Satúrela; r main hel e permanent ly. I'Kodi i: ., lioi' s. i iKsr st. i Lowest Prices for Cash nights. Lidies' I'atelit Kid Shoes. SÜ.ÓO u MONUMENTS Kiaft, I). 11. runs. Forn st B Ir. Ir. AVOIIII.i: H' P.I.ST K - BARNETT, Prop. Black 201 211 North Second Straat and r.eorse 1. Mill will leave Clt and S 1.0(1. JOS. Whlta and Hara Paiker ;,7..iiiii i, I I I.. of the Week for a hunt- us. i:. w. í 120 WEST RAILROAD AVENtTE. th" llrst put (il'Dssois.S. S; nil t ing nuil fishing tiip in the .Mogollón o. Liulies' Vicl Kid Shoes, S2.Ó0, t 'I a! Q3XS mount ill". hey will be joined A EH ESI I PPKV by more si OF hi:d-- I $:!.0ll and s:?.."t. Magdalena time hunters. I A S I! Al l IMOCi; CANDY AT o.W. Sirong's Sons The. funeral of liltle Sam Akin, the four-year-o- I. Shoes, ld foii of Mrs, Mary Akcis. fidies' IioiiKula " died as of a eomplli.i-tb- 201 No. Second St. who the result CI! Wltl P.KIES. i:li:hy. etc.. S2.(M and $2.2.". of trouble?, w is held yi'U'iliiv AT M ALOY S. ? m morning t Hie Iiiim o ul it" Coneep-tl.i- n 9 church and was largely attended. Preserve Your Lnwn. Jack Itl'-'iue- for miii.' time In tli" Kill the worms with Halm's Eureka ciinta Fe ihops here, who has I, lime. toves visiting Albtiiiiei(iie friends for WORLD IS FULL OF ODD AND CURIOUS t ovs day, I'' It la-- i night for A'jua For Fountain Pen, largert, mo THE may still who have Calientes, M o. wh-i- e he Is foreinm complete stock in the west, go to so there be those of the Mexiian Central's repair y'lops. not used the Morning Journal classified ad columns. s, inhiing expert, Iir. F. A. Join the Xo matter liow large or how small returued yesterd iy morning a Í g. the book required, we can make it for A NIX'KSSITY Is Rood trip to mined near I.ordsnui Prof yni anil guarantee lU'KMXti rp-i.- a willsfaclnn. Tlic coal during this month. Don't delay Jones has leen requeued Mili liiicr company. J.E.BELL mining paper before the American until you are obliged to have it you on 'notice, Livor v. Feed and Sale Mining congress whiih meets next A- rushed to ten minutes I'HI SH SI'PPI.Y OP HEAD-IIA'- s have just on the floor the hand month In Ml Paso. but insure careful delivery of the E put IIMOKE CAN DY AT by ordering ..STABLES.. S ltl cleanest and best coal s II. Melville Teni.i y. of m I'.tu-sc- Uev. N11W. we you isn't Hoarding a SHielaltj V is. o. try of th" American If can't suit it Fram secret in town Saddle Horses line of stoves ever brought to for California, arrived somest mission board k i; ci:eam at waltox's. 1H W. Avenue, . . Albniiiiernue III Albuquerque last night and Is a AMKKICAX IU.OC1C G ALT UP Ster y will S guest lit the Alvarado, Mr. Teiiiu TV.n't fall to read arefully the 1.1'MP and CKRIUU.OS lU'l'CMIN-iil'- to the city. v Call and make your "selection for deMver the sermon In the Congreg bllquei qqe Hardw.ili adVertlse- - IA'MI", $.'...',0 per ton. i huía h tills morning. meiit in this paper. FACTORY AVODO, J3.00 load. A. E. WALTER p.. d The t idies' auxiliary of the MUX WOOD, 2.00 load. later delivery. Catalogue and prices mailed on Men will held a meeting In the SltXTO; CHIPS AND PICALIL- - lnuranc; Knights of Pythias hall at HO oYIim k II AT MA I JOY'S. KINDUNU COKK CORD WOOD Fire tills afternoon In order that the ladies application. who could not attend Thur.ay even- The A lbuqiierque Hardware Co. are & part In the givimr free a handsome set of ware IIAHN CO. OHtoc In J. Í1. Bltlrl.tir-- ' IhiuI ing may be i resent to tike Bath business to be trans.n ted. well worth JT.'.u. S.e advertisement Phn. yr1 4m plion linpoitint In thiit paper. t4 Siipi"v!-in- F.nglneer J. V. Key was eslerday the P.elen LOWEST In the (ilv from PRICES THE on Take your luniks and niagiiy.lncH in cut-- ( rr. Me b ft later for Will. ml Mitel liter's and have them neatly The "Rhinocerous end of the cut-of- f via Ken- the other Tore thick-skinne- hound be they daniugctl or In too di to be easily nedy, lie says the woi k of plating tlest roj ed. Hie big girders In p..sillón on lie sevt n convinced. So is the average busi- bridges In Abo canyon will begin next Pi l you get a souvenir at the Albu- ness man. It takes more than low wet k. querque Hardware Co.'s store thb ' 'A prices to convince an intelligent meeting of the audlling week? See In this A third their advertisement person they are (,'oinp to Ret a commit'! ee o' the Fair association wi' paper. that F. held I '' t 1,1 ""' "fib e of P. Rood enduring plumbing job for MrCaiini. at which W. II. liner, pres-den- t yoc cx cijotiie yoi i: i AMI' their money. Wo always try to to an- i x w w i MA- - of the late fair append n il si.mi ,i;k. i: (piolo low prices, but behind it we swer reqiie-t- s for Inform Hlon from II lt AM. W. liAII.POAD AVE. oir The committee his cnti show a reputation for always Whitney Company r'.e committee. rot yet re. n In I the cud of Its work Cheas'st l)lslnfc'tant KlvliiR each. customer n nquare deal. but will piobablv lie ready to report Is H.ihn's Kun-k- lime. Effective and Wholesale and Retail Hardware: before the end of the present week. safe. o John Mimln". son of II. Q. Mauri-n- II3.M5-II- 7 South 401-40- 3 North after-noon-- - First Street First Street did at 3 o't lo. k yesterday citot euif.s! (,i:o i:itn! ;i:o- h' home at I"L' F.ast Copper ( l.ltll S. THE FINEST MNE OV J. L: Hell Co. nvenue. after a severe Illness with ty- (.((! It I IS IN THE CITY. AT I'. i. phoid fever. Mr. Maurino m is .l PHA'IT t).'S. SI I S. SECON D ST. 122 W. Stiver A-de- . The Tromvf Tlumhers mMiii!iyuuuw the stone contrae-lor- . bv oveitoti, FEE'S AT and was a young man who hail CANDIES WALTON'S. serviced many friends. The fumril Highland Kindergarten, afternoons will 'occur at the home nt 2 o'clotk - to be in Public Library building: special rate-t- t'ds iiP- nun. Ibe Interment puplU living near. cemetery. Santa ' Sime the trip of 'icinral Manager Yoii are cordially Invited to attend Everything Men and Boys Wear Hurley party over the south .and any Come an! freight oir exhibit lav this week. II I aiilioiim ed that an extra m l have a cup of coffee and hot bis. train will be nut on th- - Silver City nit. If you Intend to buy or not. A I increasing traffic br iiM h to handle the htlquel'que Hardware Co. JMBERi The New Fall The New Fall Shoes and that a straight passenger train Suits w ill be run for the act onmiudatlon t PIE'S HOT DRINKS AT WAL- - Sash, Doors, Gless, Cement Perfact Fitting HANAN DOUGLAS SMITH TI s Is a great Improve- - TON'S. traveler. DECIDEDLY STYLISH Shoea of Evary Grade, AT EVERY PRICE and iu:x ruxTKOTi: 1:001 i.v;. Hundred of Patterna Dozens of New Style There isn't ll doubt but that we sell

or -- money refunded." This quoted by us E?-- DIAMONDS AIBVQVERQVE LUMBER CO year by good. Túr?xyear always holds Hanan Dovelas Smith good prices' When bought right are a Investment. Our are UKillT. First Street Zl Ma.rquette Avenue, Albuquerq ie, New Mexico Sutts to 30 5.50 3 50 2.50 We Invite you to call and examine the beautiful diamond goods w $10 ar offering. Also Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, etc., Mall orders receive prompt attention. i..,..,...... t The New Fall Hats New Fall Furnishing Goods LEADING JEWELER TKSER KNOX STETSON SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY Avcnug r t . é trt r f EVERETT Railroad Embracing iho Cream of Eastern Styles Handkerchiefs and Ties Here ir endless variety, hats of every i tee dtscriptionin all new correct soft Strenuous efforts have been inade to a 1 a make-thi- s ntA nn urip iiunrn rmin mv and stiff shapes. , department of our store One tviu uivanuE tunrAiii Hats range in price from Xi lihulk X thoroughly complete, in it you will find to-dat- e. X Sa.K and Doors Painl and Gla.x 2.00 to 6.50 everything new and just up .. Contraciora' Naterl&ls e THIRD G MARAUFTTF. n.. vi. e SIMON STERN, The Railroad Ave. Clothier
